Dog Training Myths...Busted!There are a lot of myths lingering around about dogs and dog training. Ruth Turner, an instructor at Dig It Dogs, is here to help sort out fact from fiction by looking into some of the myths surrounding dog training and dog sports. She wrote this article for the Dig It Dogs web site to educate people about the myths that are still commonly heard regarding dog behaviour and dog training methods.
Dogs are genetic descendants from the wolf and do share the majority of their DNA. However, the wolves that dogs were domesticated from have long been extinct and the wolves of today are a lot more human-wary. New studies suggest that dogs descended from a range of different Canidae species and not one specific wolf species. Furthermore previous comparison studies on dogs and wolves were scientifically flawed and today we can firmly prove that it is inappropriate to compare a dog with a wolf.
Dominance is defined as 'a relationship between individual animals that is established to determine who has priority access to resources such as food, resting spots and mates.' Dominance is, therefore, not appropriate in the human to dog relationships as there is no competition for resource as each individual has ample amounts of resource. We feed our dogs, we provide them with a bed and we do not compete with them for a mate. Dominance is also out of place in human-dog relationships as we cannot communicate effectively with a dog as another dog can. Furthermore, most unruly behaviours from dogs do not occur because they are trying to gain higher rank, but because these behaviour have previously been rewards, knowingly or not. As well as all of this, the 'dominance theory' is from the study on wolves, and we have already learnt that we should not treat our dogs as wolves.
This is your decision. If you have a kind and positive relationship with your dog, then allowing a dog to sleep in your bed should not create behaviour problems.
We'll let Dr. John Bradshaw’s study answer this one. 'Dogs were allowed to win tug-of-war games played with a person, over and over again;. Understandably, this made the dog more keen to play with people than when they were forced to lose every time, but there were no signs indicating that any dog became 'dominant' as a result.'
See answer to previous myth!
Yet another myth which comes from the dominance theory. Since we have now discovered that dominance theory does not apply to dogs, neither does this myth. In real life, isn't it better to eat either before or after your dog, depending on what's convenient for you? You have the opposable thumbs and make the decisions. After all is said and done, you have control of all the food resources, so you're in charge.
the author... When she joined Dig It, she set up the blog and, together the Dig It Instructors, wrote a variety of articles, ranging from reports of agility shows to educational snippets. Some of the most common questions they've heard from clients are based on outdated understanding of dog behaviour. First published 9 July 2014 |
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