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Ten things to do if worse comes to
worst... again
2001, foot-'n'-mouth led to the slaughter of more than six million animals and is estimated to
have cost the UK as much as £4bn. Many clubs closed down for the duration and shows were
cancelled everywhere. Better safe than sorry. It was a sad sad time. Out of every
tragedy, however, comes some humour and that goes for the agility world as well.
Though written in a time of tragedy. we think this advice works any time your
clubs is not training whether it be over the school holidays or when your
training venue is being renovated.
Your Club is NOT Training
From Agility Avid
Get the bitch spayed.
Have that knee operation.
Tackle and overcome the six dogs pulling on their leads
Transform the garden to a dog friendly area and eradicate
the mud patches.
Have that longed for baby/pup.
Have a mad passionate affair with anyone – they haven’t
got to fit in with agility at the moment!
Knit some nice little cushion covers for the caravan.
Crochet a table-cloth to go in the window of the
Sort the photographs, get copies and enlargements done,
mount, or use for Christmas/birthday cards.
Be early and get your Christmas shopping done now.
If Your Club is NOT Training from
Your Dog’s Point of View
From Agility Avid's dogs
- Decide wallpaper
needs replacing and be helpful in removing it.

Use three-piece suite as wall of death.
Who can jump between one piece of furniture and another.
Use dining room table as competition table and look very
surprised when told to get off.
Find out who's the fastest dog up and down stairs.
Persuade those who have the front door key to subscribe to
Animal Planet and then keep charging the TV set when items of interest are on!
Create greyhound running track round garden – make it
slippery and muddy for more fun and helps wind up the humans too!
Create figure of eight track in garden – helps with
balance and if you feign deafness, humans cannot catch you either!
Have a pack meeting and decide where, on the lead walk,
you are all going to try and change the course of the walk and all head as one to the woods!
– Needs good timing and teamwork, best give the lead holder a false sense of security by
walking perfectly, then whoooosh – all charge together!
Learn lots of new tricks – especially hide and seek with
human’s belongings. Keeps them fit trying to find them.
finally write something for Agilitynet. Go on. You don't have anything else to do! Email your
suggestions to
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