Rules & Regulations

  1. The Border Terrier Agility League is open to Border Terriers Only.

  2. All dogs must be purebred, but they don’t have to have a KC Pedigree (as we appreciate that some Borders which have been rescued may not have papers). No Crossbred Border Terriers allowed.

  3. All heights of Border Terrier (Small/Medium) will compete in the league against each other in their respective categories i.e. Starters, Novice etc.

  4. The categories are as follows: Starters, Novice and Senior. These categories will be reviewed in January ’07 in line with the proposed KC changes re: classification.

  5. From the above categories there will also be trophies awarded for Best Veteran and Best rescue.

  6. The league will run from 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2006.

  7. Points can be gained from KC Open Shows, KC Limited Shows and KC Capped Shows.

  8. Inter-Club Matches, Winter Leagues, Pay on the Day, Team, Pairs or Brace classes will not count towards the league.

  9. Points from the following Special classes will count towards points for the League: Helter Skelter, Take your own line, Snooker, Time fault & out, Beat the clock, Gamblers, Power & speed.

  10. In all categories points for more than one dog cannot be added together.

  11. Points can still be gained if the dog is run by another handler.

  12. Points will be awarded as follows: For AGILITY classes - 1st place 30 points to 20th place 11 points. Unplaced clear round =6 points. For JUMPING / SPECIAL classes - 1st place = 25 points to 20th place = 6 Points. Unplaced clear round = 3 points.

  13. Points will only be awarded for places if a rosette is actually awarded.

  14. It is the owners’ responsibility to send in their points via e-mail or post.

  15. Points must be claimed within one calendar month of the show taking place.

  16. In the event of a draw the highest overall placing in the year will win.

  17. Final results at the end of the year must be received by the end of January 2007.

  18. The entry fee is £2.50 per dog; this is to cover admin costs and trophies. Cheques payable to Mrs J.K. Strawbridge.

  19. Trophies will be perpetual, but it is hoped that a small keepsake trophy will be awarded to the winners as well.

  20. Perpetual trophies must be returned to Jan Strawbridge by the end of November, so that they may be engraved ready for the next recipient.

 It is hoped that the presentation of trophies will take place at a Championship show, but this is still under negotiation, if this fails to materialise they will be posted to the winners in early 2007. Address to send points/ registration form: Mrs J. Strawbridge, 1 Le Borowe, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hants, GU52 6ZA.

E-mail: Please mark emails BTAL points.

Download points form here


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