For dogs who hunt or retrieve
2016 The Gundog Agility League is now into its 11th year and we are hoping for more years to come our basis has always been to promote Gundog breeds and their crosses competing in agility and we hope that we still continue to do that. The League is open to any gundog breed as per the Kennel Club breed list, but we are not asking that the gundog needs to have an actual pedigree papers as we know many come via rescue centers, We also have a Gundog X league where all we ask is that the dog is part gundog breed. The League is open to all heights including dogs competing at standard height & can compete in KC shows, UKA or other unaffiliated shows. Our points systems works via on-line claims accessed via our web site www.gundog-agility.co.uk but we also accept postal claims as well, we also have an active Face Book page. 2016 membership is now open at £5 for the first dog & £1 per additional dog details are available on our website www.gundog-agility.co.uk or contact us via email: enquirey@gundog-agility.co.uk 2015 RESULTS Congratulations to the winners. Gundog Agility League Winners 2015
Gundog Agility League Points 2015
2014 RESULTS The 2014 UKA Gun Dog League final results have been published. Congratulations to the four winners
Large Grade 1
Large Grade 2
Large Grade 3 & 4
Large Grade 5, 6 & 7
Small & Medium G1-3
Small & Medium G4 & 5
Small & Medium G6 & 7
Veteran Dog
A prizegiving will take place on at lunch time of the Saturday of the UKA Grand Finals for the Top 8 Maxi dogs, the Top 3 Standard dogs, the Top 4 Midi dogs and Top 3 Toy dogs. We hope you can all attend. Well done to all that entered the 2014 league, Entries are now being taken for 2015. http://www.ukagility.com/Downloads/Gundogleague011014.pdf News, Statistics & Results Looking back over 2013, The Gundog Agility League had a very active year with new members joining the long-established League for Gundogs and their crosses. The idea for 2013-2014 is to reach more Gundog owners to offer them a variety of different ways to join together via a range of smaller Gundog Agility Leagues for handlers who may not compete at many, if any, Kennel Club shows, due height restrictions. UKA Standard, for instance, is a height that many of the heavier framed Gundogs find more comfortable. These smaller Show Series Leagues are to offer a way of an incentive to become more competitive in a more local way. To date we are running two Shows Leagues with:
Further to this idea, Gundog Agility have teamed up with UK Agility to provide an annual Gundog League for UKA members. The League will run throughout the year at all UKA shows, offering a range of heights including Standard. We hope this Leaguee will help fill the gap of Handlers who do not do KC shows. So far the take up on this League has been very encouraging with 76 handlers active on the League tables. We would like to extend the Smaller League into Scotland so if anyone is interested in helping put together a Show Series League, then please contact us. The final 2013 results can be seen below. Basic Stats for the 2013 League
League Winners
Best Grade 3 & 4 Small & Medium Award
Sue & Kim Taylor Best English Springer Spaniel (and Runner up) Award 2013
English Springer Spaniel League Table 2013
The Gundog League is planning to hold its annual show on 9 February 2014. The schedule will be available soon. Current League Tables The Gundog League is just over have way through its current 2013 League season. It has been very active with a current membership of 150 dogs of which 124 have submitted points so far towards the Annual League awards that run from 1 January 1 to 31 December 2013. The height split of member's dogs is:
Current League Leaders
Gundog Breed Stats There are a wide range of Gundog breeds competing in KC, UKA and other Independent Agility groups. There has been a noticeable breed swing this year with the rise in Working Cockers now competing in agility - they mostly tend to be Medium height dogs as Small Cockers are still in the minority.
New Additional Gundog Show Leagues The Gundog Agility League is pleased to announce that with the association of three Independent agility groups it will introduce and sponsor three new Leagues. Independent Winter Show Leagues
3. UK Agility – www.ukagility.com
Scotland Gundog Agility = www.gundog-agility.co.uk The League is here to help promote Gundogs in agility to join our full League please visit our web site for details. Your dogs does not need to have full pedigree papers but be a known Gundog breed of the Kennel Club breed list. Gundog crosses are welcome too. We hold training days and an annual agility show.
2012 League Winners Awards Ceremony The Annual Awards Agility Show was held on 3 February to present the 2012 winners with their awards and rosettes. It also provided an opportunity for many League members to meet up and compete in their agility competition. The show is also open to non Gundogs but provides separate awards for Gun dogs and non-Gundogs ABGs. A total of 79 gundogs entered the show this year covering a wide range of breeds and seven heights.
2012 League Winners The results for the 2012 Gundog Agility League including the new award donated by Sue & Kim Taylor for the Overall Best Springer Spaniel & Runner up for 2012, are listed below. Full results are available to view on the Gundog agility web site at: www.gundog-agility.co.uk The League would like to give a big thank you to its 2012 Sponsors Tony Wild Camping & CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds for providing our trophies and rosettes. The awards presentation will take place on Sunday, 3 February at the Gundog Agility Annual Awards Show at: Kingswood Equestrian Centre, Near Albrighton, Staffordshire. WV7 3AH. After the show, any uncollected Awards and Rosettes will be posted. Membership is now due for 2013. New members are welcome. Gundog Agility League Winners 2012
End of Year Points The Gundog Agility League 2012 Awards closes on the 31st December 2012. All points need to be added to the league tables by 5th January 2013. No points for 2012 will be accepted after this date. The Awards presentation is taking place at the Gundog Agility Show on the 3rd February 2013 at Kingswood Equestrian Centre, Albrighton. Show entries limit has not been reached so the closing date for the Gundog Agility Show being held on the 3rd February at Kingswood Equestrian Centre, Albrighton is being extended to Friday. 25 January 2013. Rules 1. The League accepts point claims from Independent Organisations and UKA & KC 2. Our height measuring system for your dog is taken from either Kennel Club or UKA 3. The League has a Veterans award and this year it has been changed to: a. Seven years for Large / Standard b. Eight years for Small & Medium 4. The League has a League for Gundog Crosses 5. Your gun dog does not have to be Kennel Club registered 6. The League holds an Annual Awards agility show There are a range of awards within the League please check out our web site for full details www.gundog-agility.co.uk New Special Awards for 2012 Sue and Kim Taylor are pleased to announce to Gundog League Members that they will be providing an overall Best English Springer Spaniel and runner up, trophy/rosette for the 2012 season and, initially, the following four years. This sponsored trophy and special rosette will be presented at the Annual Gundog show. This is in memory of all their Spaniels, now passed over the rainbow bridge, who provided much fun and laughter during their lifetimes. Sue & Kim are also sponsoring a special Gundog Award trophy/rosette and runner up at Dogs in Need for the Overall Best Gundog at this show. Points will be calculated for those dogs winning a Best Gundog in Class rosette in all individual classes across all grades/heights. The table will be posted each evening in the Results Cabin. It is the handler's responsibility to advise Pads/Scoreboard of Gundog eligibility in all classes. This is in recognition of the exceptional perseverance and patience required by all those who compete with their Gundogs and in memory of their first agility Spaniel, who gave them the agility bug, Jasper. From now on you will be able to claim additional points for special Gundog Awards offered by shows as long as it is detailed on the show schedule.
Published May 2012 Agility Training Days Announced The League has organised three agility training days for Gun Dogs with two top trainers - Nicola Garrett and Ian Dobison, that will be geared towards Gun Dogs that are near competing or are competing in agility. It will be open to all heights and will be offered in the first instance to Gundog League members and their Gun Dogs or Gun Dog Crosses. If places are not filled then they will be offered to non-members. The training days have been split across different venues to enable more Gundog League members to get the chance of meeting up with other League members. The training days are being held at two summer shows with the kind permission of Jackie Kenny from Dog Vegas and Rachel Rogers from Touch Agility Group (TAG). Lydia Critchlow from Dig It Dogs, has also supported the League with the use of their venue. These training days will be non-profit making and discount is being given to members. Non-members will pay full price.
information Dates and venue:
Times & Trainer:
Monday, 20 August - Nicola Garrett
Sunday, 28 October
- Nicola Garrett
Cost: Published May 2012 Sponsorship Secured CSJ have offered and are delighted to sponsor the Gundog League for 2012/2013. They are also kindly sponsoring the League rosettes and providing CSJ food for the winners, which, no doubt will be much appreciated since so many agility Gundogs are already fed on CSJ food.
Karen & Aljeana wish to thank Ceri from CSJ very much for this sponsorship. 2011 News and Results... About the League The Gundog Agility League is open to all KC acknowledged pedigree gun dog breeds with or without a formal set of pedigree paper so rescue gun dogs are more than welcome to join the full section of the league. We started last year a league for gundog crosses such as Sprockers. The aim of the League has been to promote Gundogs doing agility. We have our own logo that can be added to clothing of your choice and we also have a range of clothing available via either Waggitts or Agilitywear. We run at least one agility show a year which many of our members attend to support the annual awards presentation. The League has it's own web site www.gundog-agility.co.uk Details can be found on how to join and what league tables are available. Points can be gained from KC or Independent shows and we use the dog height measurement scales from KC and UKA with some choice of cross over between the two. As we are not an actual training club, we have used our shows to get together and have found that the response and atmosphere is always fantastic. We are looking into the possibility of holding some training days over the winter of 2012, using some well known top trainers again as a get together but also to promote Gundogs in agility. We are non-profit making and at the moment only have sponsorship from Tony Wild Camping so any further ideas on sponsorship would be great. Below are the League Winner results for 2011 . The presentations for the League will take place at the Annual Awards Agility show on the 26 February 2012.
2011 League Winners
Gundog League Breeds Entered
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