A new life for the LLHO...The Intermediate Agility League is a league for dogs competing in Intermediate/Standard height at KC/UKA shows in the UK. Previously called Large Lower Height Option League (LLHO) was started by Emily Fothergill from Stardom Agility in support of not only her own lower height dogs but everyone else who wanted to showcase their dogs achievements in 4th Height. The admin was taken over by Edita Uherkovichová in 2017.The 4th Height Supporters were the first group to put a proposal for height change in 2008 have changed the history of Agility in the UK as it came to fruition this year (2020) with 4th official height. Hence the new name for Large LHO League is now Intermediate Agility League. Registrations are taken whole year. The League is open to any breed of the dog as long as officially measured into intermediate KC height or standard height at UKA. It is split into seven Grades. In addition, it offers extra awards in the following categories for which dogs may be eligible while running at their measured height:
The League offers various awards at the end of the year. Rosettes are awarded to 20% minimum in all grades and top 3 in extra categories. Sponsors include: 4th Height Jumping Group, Norton Rosettes, Stardom Agility, Skinners Dog Food (top 3 in each grade), Fresco Dog UK (Top 3 ABC’s), Handmade by FiFi (Top 3 Veterans and the Top points winner) The Happy Go Lucky Dog Company (voucher for every category and top grades) StreamZ Collars (collar for each grade winner), Glenndarcy (Top ABC) and Edita (Top 3 Gundogs). Once you register on the website, you will receive an activation email which you need to confirm. Be aware, the activation email may go into your spam. If you haven't received the email please contact Janice. Once payment is confirmed your account is activated and you can start submitting points. Fees: £7 per year for your first dog and £1 per year any subsequent dogs Contact: Edita Email: info@intermediateleague.co.uk Website: www.intermediateleague.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/178821485937657 |
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