Rules and regulations1. The Poodle Agility League will run from 1 January to 31 December 2. All dogs must be purebred Poodles and registered with the Kennel Club (Breed or Working Register) 3. Registration must be on official Poodle Agility League registration forms and should be sent to Sue Reeves (address below) or via the online registration form on www.agilitynet.com or www.thepoodletrainingclub.co.uk 4. Handlers may register more than one dog. 5. There will be three categories – Mini, Midi, Standard 6. Each category will be divided into Starter, Novice and Senior 7. Points will be awarded for wins/places at open/championship shows as follows:
Any placings below 20th score two points for Agility and 1 point for Jumping. All unplaced clear rounds in Agility will be awarded two points. All unplaced clear rounds in Jumping will be awarded 1 point. Placings at Limited Shows should be submitted to be used as a decider in the event of a tie. 8. Points may be claimed by email or post and must be submitted no later than ONE MONTH after the date of the show 9. All points submitted by post should be sent to Sue Reeves, 80 Dale Drive, Hayes, Middx UB4 8AU or points may be claimed using the online points claim form |
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