Go the Poodles...Go The Poodle Training Club Agility League, sponsored by Wild Wash, is a fun agility league for purebred Poodles of all sizes. While the League open only to Club members, membership fees are only £3 per year, the same price as a single class at a show and you get a lot of enjoyment for your money.The PTC League is up and running. It doesn't matter if you do one agility show a year or 50, please feel free join in so we can celebrate the success of our Poodles. Trophies and rosettes are up for grabs and the lucky winners will win some lovely shampoo from our kind sponsors Wildwash. To give everyone a fair chance, we have 12 categories - Small, Med, Large - in G1-3, G4-5 and G6-7. The League is only open to Poodle Training Club members. The PTC is a fantastic, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to creating events specifically for Poodle including seminars, shows and training days. This year, for instance, there will be two Poodle Shows 30 Jun 2016 - Poodle Training Club Unaffiliated Charity Agility Show as part of Lune Valley’s 25th Anniversary Celebrations and 02 Oct 2016 - Annual PTC Agility show, Annua memberrship is only £3 for a whole year and includes access to all PTC events and also to the League. More information can be found on the PTC website: www.poodletrainingclub.weebly.com Full information can be found on the League website: http://slterry1.wix.com/ptcagilityleague Rules & Regs
Points Allocation
CategoriesThe League will be divided by Grade as follows
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