News and results...
Rescue Agility Scotland End of Year Round Up2013 was a year of ups and downs for Rescue Agility Scotland. One of the founders, Kerstin McDonagh, was undergoing medical treatment for much of the year, and it fell to Dawn Greer go keep the League going, something she did with both skill and dedication. Alastair Baillie also lent a hand. Without their hard work, Rescue Agility Scotland could easily have fallen by the wayside. Instead, not only did they manage to organise the second RAS League presentation in May, but also the first-ever rescue dog final in Scotland. When the league tables closed on 31 January 2014, it was evident that many dog and handlers had enjoyed an extremely successful year and that, in some cases, it had been a race to the finish. Without further ado, here are the winners:
The third presentation of League awards will, as usual, take place on Sunday, May 4 at the Woodside DAC. This will be followed by a final at the Clyde Valley DAC's show in August, to which dogs that have achieved 100 points or more in the previous year will be invited. Rescue Agility Scotland would like to welcome everyone to attend both events to show their support for and appreciation of rescue dogs in agility and the handlers who work so hard to bring out the best in them. Rescue Agility Scotland would like to thank its members, Weslo Canine (https://www.facebook.com/weslok9) , Woodside DAC and Clyde Valley DAC for their continued support. We would also like to show our appreciation for the new sponsor of the Rescue Agility Scotland finals, Longfield Agility Solutions (www.longfieldagilitysolutions.co.uk) Rescue Agility Scotland welcomes all rescued and rehomed dogs and their owners/handlers. The membership fee is £3 for the first dog and £2 for each subsequent dog belonging to the same handler. All monies are ploughed back into the league and final, which are run for the purpose of promoting rescue dogs in agility and recognising the hard work and dedication of their owners and handlers. For more information, league rules and details of to become a member, please visit the Rescue Agility Scotland website, rescueagilityscotland.webs.com or email rescueagilityscotland@gmail.com. Day-to-day information is also posted on the Rescue Agility Scotland Facebook page. Meet the 2013 WinnersThe achievements of Scottish rescue dogs in agility in general certainly proves that 'rescue' doesn’t mean 'second-best!'
Overall Large Dog Owned & handled by Euan Paterson I rescued Sweep when he was 18 months old from a farm in Kincraig. He was no use as a working sheep dog so his owners decided to rehome him. When I first got Sweep, he was very nervous and terrified of everything, but starting agility really helped to build his confidence and bring him out of his shell. Sweep progressed from grade 1 to grade 6 in only 10 months, and will be representing Scotland at the World Agility Open Championships in Italy in May, as a member of Agility Team Scotland.
Overall Medium Dog Molly has been with us for around ten years and has competed in agility for nine of those years. She came to us following a desperate plea from a friend who worked at a local vet as Molly was no longer wanted at her current home. Despite looking for a home for Molly, no one wanted to take her due to her being highly excitable. To say it was easy to bring some calmness to Molly's life is an understatement as it took almost a year. To achieve this Molly had to be exercised constantly to tire her out. We took up agility almost immediately which she took to instantly. The only problem was she got so excited that she would bite your had so hard that on one occasion I had no feeling in it for the rest of the day. But providing Molly with ground rules, care and understanding, and treating her no differently to our other four dogs led her to figure out where her boundaries lay. Molly has gone on to be very successful in Agility, competing at Crufts, winning a CC and this year she has won the Scottish Agility League Medium category for the 3rd year in a row. Whether we do good or not, she always comes out of the ring believing she has pleased me and has had lots of fun. She is one in a million. Molly is now one of the main calming influences in our household and looks after the younger dogs. What a turnaround! Achievements:
Overall Small Dog Charlie is a rescued Jack Russell Terrier from a broken home. I got him en-route to the RSPCA, aged between 6-12 months. He was fat (full of worms) not house-trained or, in fact trained in any way, not inoculated. He had been running loose and had no knowledge of dog food but he knew all about crisps. For agility training a tennis ball became the 'must have' reward and he quickly learned to do anything to get it. Jumping into my arms after each run has always got him his ball quicker and it became part of a fun routine - though not so good when he is muddy! Charlie is a tiny dog with a massive personality, full of love and mischief and I am so lucky that he is mine. This is the third time he has topped the Rescue Agility Scotland Small-dog league table, and he also helped bring home the Bronze medal for Scotland in the team event at the first-ever World Agility Open Championships.
Large G1-2 Best Gundog & Best ABC
Weslo Where'd
He Go (Wisp) Wisp came to me through Northern Springer Spaniel Rescue( NESSR) even though he's a Working Cocker and not a Springer at all! He'd had a pretty bad start in life. Having failed as a gundog, he was taken to the vet to be PTS before, thankfully, finding himself in rescue. His rescue profile said he needed an active home and would suit agility. I'd never even heard of agility but thought 'Why not give it a try?' And so our story began. Wisp is eight years old and has been with me for four years. We have been competing for the last two years. Despite being diagnosed with Addisons disease in May 2013, he has gone on to surpass any expectations I may have had. I worried that he wouldn't cope with agility after his diagnosis but the wee man proved me wrong. He absolutely loves agility. He must be one of the smallest 'Large' dogs out there, but he tries his heart out and still likes to give the collies a run for their money. He competes in Grade 4 and is consistently placed in the top 3. Wisp is a character and likes to do things in his own way and absolutely everything is on his terms. His KC name is ‘Weslo Where’d He Go’ because if you take your eye off him for a nanosecond you are left wondering 'where’d he go?'
Large Grade 5-7 Skye came from Bandeath Stray Dog Shelter at approximately six months old in 2009. We don't know any history, but we assume she was there for the usual reasons collies end up in rescues. She was very friendly but also very active and had no training. It became evident that I was going to have to find something to do that would tire her mentally as well as physically. I had never heard of dog agility but someone put me in touch with a local trainer and quite quickly it became obvious that this was Skye's 'thing.' Turns out I enjoyed it, too, and together we have never looked back. I consider myself very lucky to have a dog like Skye. She always puts in maximum effort at training or competition and has great enthusiasm for any form of interaction. She isn't perfect but neither am Ii so I can live with her eccentricities if she can live with mine. The fact I have been able to give a rescue dog a full life is an extra bonus for me. I hope we have many more years competing together. League & Final InfoAs of 2013, Rescue Agility Scotland will be running both an Annual League and a Final as two separate events. The Rescue Agility Scotland Administration Team will decide, from one year to the next, how many dogs from each size category will be invited to the Final. The League has three perpetual trophies:
Points are awarded for places and clear runs achieved at agility competitions during the League year, and it is the responsibility of handlers/owners to claim these points on the Rescue Agility Scotland website. At the end of the League year, the three perpetual trophies will be presented to the highest-scoring partnership in each size category. The winners will keep the trophies for a year, and a plaque carrying the names of the winner will be added to each trophy.
All trophies and awards for the Annual League will be presented to the winners at the at Woodside Spring Show on Sunday, 5 May 2013.
Rule changes and new
registration fees We have also made a few changes to the rules for 2013, including that all payments must be made within 14 days of registering online. Please read the updated rules as there are some significant changes. The latest day-to-day news can always be found on the Rescue Agility Scotland Facebook page. The 2013 rules can be found below and are available on our website. 2012 League ResultsRAS are delighted to congratulate its League winners for 2012. Firstly, can we say thank you all so much for your continued support of RAS. Without you all we could not continue to run the League and now also the Final. Whether you receive a Trophy or not we really feel that each and every one of you deserve congratulations for taking on a rescue dog in the first place. The Presentation to the winners will take place on Sunday, 5 May 2013, during the lunch break at Woodside Spring Show. Thank you to Woodside DAC for allowing us to do our presentation at their show. The 2012 Winners
First Grand Final Announced
The format of the Final will be a single run over an agility course set by our honourable Judge Ms Helen Glass and will be judged in accordance with current Kennel Club rules. All dogs, regardless of grade, will be running the same course with the categories for awards divided into Small 1-4 combined, Small 5-7 combined, Medium 1-4 combined, Medium 5-7 combined, Large 1-4 combined and Large 5-7 combined. We will also have a 'Special Partnership' prize kindly sponsored by Islay Dog Rescue and chosen by our judge nd will be presented to a dog/handler partnership which our judge feels has an extra special bond. We are really very excited about this event - we feel it is a big step forward for the promotion of agility dogs and a fantastic way to showcase to Scottish agility just what a rescue dog can do. We hope you will all be as excited as we are and join us in making our very first Final a wonderful and memorable event. There will be keepsake trophies for 1st place, and rosettes for the top 10% in each size category.
Registration for the
2013 Rescue Agility Scotland League
2011 The first year of Rescue Agility Scotland has come to an end. It has provided a lot of information on the rescue agility scene in Scotland which can be used this to make some changes and to set up an internet-based points submission and registration fee payment system for the convenience of our members.
The final date for submitting points for the 2011 RAS League was 29 February. After this date, the results will be compiled and the winners announced. The first awards presentation will be held at Woodside Championships show on 5-6 May.
For more information on this, please join us on Facebook or visit the Rescue Agility Scotland website. Here you can also find out more about how to nominate someone for the Extra Mile Trophy, the new ABC trophy, rule changes and new registration fees. If you have any questions, you can also contact us on rescueagilityscotland@gmail.com. |
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