Giving back...

Valgray’s Border Collie and Animal Rescue started in 1978 and has, over the years, become respected as one of the most successful rescue charities which caters for the very unique nature of the Border Collie and its close relatives. You just have to look around the Agility circuit to see just how many dogs with a Valgray’s name are competing with their new found families.  As a thank you it was decided over the years to give something back to the new owners of the Valgray’s Rescue Dogs and so the Valgray’s Dog of the Year was born and is now a very coveted award to be won.

Valgrays Dog of the Year 2014

With special thanks to Mid Downs Dog Agility Club for allowing us to present our awards at their Easter Celebration Show.



Dog's Name


Large Grade 1

Sandra Ross

Mollyforross of Valgrays


Large Grade 3

Steve Hoddinott

Ripster Meister of Valgray


Large Grade 4

Rosie Pointer

Little Miss Magic of Valgray


Large Grade 5

Chris & Keely Foster

Magic Jimmy of Valgrays J


Large Grade 6

Sarah Shaw

Jedeyes of Valgrays


Medium G1 & Jnr

Emma Yellen

The Maisienator of Valgrays J


Medium G3

Rachael Brander

Valgrays Magic Zilla


Medium G6

Philippa Verstraete

Wot The Dickens of Valgrays


Small Grade 3

Nicky Deak`

Betty Bouncer of Valgrays






Valgrays Dog of the Year 2012 Results

The presentation to the 2012 winner of Valgrays Dog of the Year - Ann Young with Jack Be Nimble of Valgrays with a huge 1184 points, took place at Wallingford Agility Club Show at Newbury Show Ground on Saturday , 20 April 2013, by kind permission of the Wallingford's Committee and went. Well done to everyone. 

Grade Handler Dog's name Points
Dog of the Year (Large G3-4) Ann Young Jack Be Nimble 1184
Small Grade 1-3 Nicky Deakin Betty Bouncer of Valgrays  
Medium Grade 1-3 Rachel Brander Valgrays Magic Zilla  
Medium Grade 4-7 Philippa Verstraete Wot the Dickens of Valgrays  
Large Grade 1-2 Wendy Nixon Valgrays Chocolate Swirl  
Large Grade 5-7 Sarah Shaw Jedeyes of Valgrays  
Junior Handler Keely Foster Magic Jimmy of Valgrays  
Veteran/Allsorts Sarah Crouch Final Fantasy of Valgrays 999

Remember if you want to be part of Valgrays Dog if the Year, you must send your points into the DARL League. Huge thanks go to Karen Fuller for putting the points all together.

Valgrays Dog of the Year Final  2011 Results

Valgrays Dog of the Year will be held at the Darl Final on the Sunday - 10th June 2012. Many thanks to Karen in getting the points together. If you are among the winners and cannot make this show please let Valgrays know.

Well done to the following Winners:

2011 Winners





Small G1-3

Lin Bergan

Valgrays Spare a Penny


Small G4-7



Medium G1-3

Lesley Wells

Merry Go Round of Valgrays


Medium G4-7

Philippa Verstraete

Wot the Dickens of Valgrays AW/B


Large G1-2

Kate White

Artic Megastar of Valgrays


Large G3-4

Marian O'Neill

Tear Drop of Valgrays AW/S


Large G5-7

Sharon Brooke

Make Erwish of Valgrays



Thomas Shaw

Jedeyes of Valgrays

14 points (only contender)

All Sorts

Sarah Crouch

Final Fantasy of Valgrays AW/G



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