Oldies but goodies...

The Veterans League, set up in January 2013, is open to BC/WSD breeds over nine years old and ABC breeds over seven years old. The League consists of two categories: 1) Full‐height/ Semi‐Retired placings and clear rounds from standard KC classes. Special Veteran / Any‐size classes will also be counted. 2) Veteran / Anysize Only Placings and clear rounds from special Veteran/any‐size classes only will be counted. Dogs may only be entered into one category, and will remain in this category for the year.

Sad News for the 2014 League

Sadly due to work commitments, James Amor is unable to run the Veteran's League this year. Fingers crossed for next year.

2013 results

Congratulations to the 2013 winners:

  • BC/WSD Veterans - Jenny Willis with Key

  • ABC Veterans - Mark Gorman with Poppy

  • BC/WSD Full Height / Semi-Retired - Meg Neilson with Rannock

  • ABC Full Height / Semi-Retired - Debbie Cookson with Bert

Your awards will be sent out to you asap.

The full list of all the results are below.

Thank you to everyone that took part in the League, helping make it a great success.

Full-Height/Semi-Retired League
27 December 2013

Place Handler Dog's name Breed Category Points
1 Debbie Cookson Bert Cross ABC Standard 799
2 Meg Neilson Rannoch Border Collie BC/WSD Standard 345
3 Judith Trickett Storm NSDTR ABC Standard 293
4 Becky Peel Elin Welsh Springer Spaniel ABC Standard 198
5 Carol Holdsworth Bhaskar Cross ABC Standard 189
6 Ashleigh Orrell Riley German Spitz ABC Standard 149
7 Claire Thorpe Bella Labrador ABC Standard 140
8 Susan Holden Sam Labrador ABC Standard 133
9 Beryl Brander Simon Retriever X ABC Standard 132
10 Mary McKie Todd Cross ABC Standard 99
11 Beryl Brander Harvey Cross ABC Standard 93
12 Carrie Ellwood Hazel Cross ABC Standard 80
13 Jan Thomas Meg Cross ABC Standard 72
14 Carol Holdsworth Fosse Lab X Collie BC/WSD Standard 70
15 Karen Stubbs Sadie Malinois X ABC Standard 41
15 Liz Mitchell Dooby Staffordshire Bull Terrier ABC Standard 41
16 Pat Kidd Tad WSD BC/WSD Standard 19
17 Liz Mitchell Flash  Border Collie X BC/WSD Standard 6
18 Ashley Warner Kye Collie X ABC Standard 3
  Bev Dale Jazz Zee Bee WSD BC/WSD Standard 0
  Bev Dale One for the Boys Cross ABC Standard 0
  Diane Graves Clay Border Collie BC/WSD Standard 0
  Lesley Griggs Holly WS BC/WSD Standard 0
  Sue Roberts Roo WSD BC/WSD Standard 0
  Terry Lawer Rum Border Collie BC/WSD Standard 0

Veterans/Anysize League Table
27 December 2013

Place Handler Dog's name Breed Category Points
1 Jenny Willis Key WSD BC/WSD Vet 503
2 Jenny Willis Checka Border Collie BC/WSD Vet 443
3 Mark Gorman Poppy Labrador X ABC Vet 287
4 Ann Button Ben WSD BC/WSD Vet 203
5 Sarah Bell Buddie WSD BC/WSD Vet 184
6 Shelley Christmas Rossi WSD BC/WSD Vet 138
7 Georgina Davis Kim Border Collie BC/WSD Vet 136
8 Martin Hillson Pip Cross ABC Vet 135
9 Simon Thurlbeck Tyler Cross BC/WSD Vet 124
10 Nikki Turner Jazz BC/Lab X BC/WSD Vet 47
11 Nickie Holden Casca Beardie ABC Vet 40
12 Claire Thrift Abbey Border Collie BC/WSD Vet 38
13 Sharon Wild George Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla BC/WSD Vet 37
14 Yvonne Goode Bess WSD BC/WSD Vet 36
15 Michael Burbridge Cass Collie X BC/WSD Vet 19
16 Bev Dale Diva WSD BC/WSD Vet 18
16 Myra Tubb Trim WSD BC/WSD Vet 18
17 Nina Lacey Finn WSD BC/WSD Vet 15
18 Anita Bray Alie Labrador X ABC Vet 14
18 Gill Smith Jay Cross ABC Vet 14
19 Sue Roberts Slate WSD BC/WSD Vet 13
17 Judith Trickett Pepper NSDTR ABC Vet 9
20 Andrea Roberts Skye Terv x Rough Collie ABC Vet 8
21 Heather Hillson Holly Cross ABC Vet 5
22 Sandy Mitchell Dizzy GSD ABC Vet 1
  Alison Tollick Corbie Labrador ABC Vet 0
  Brendan Dolan Kai GSD ABC Vet 0
  Heather Gibson Fergus NSDTR ABC Vet 0
  Jeanette Tandy Buddy Border Terrier ABC Vet 0
  Jordan Winsor Rupert Working Cocker ABC Vet 0
  Linda Thorpe Ash Staffordshire Bull Terrier ABC Vet 0
  Mary Shaw Inca WSD BC/WSD Vet 0
  Maureen Reynolds Gyp WSD BC/WSD Vet 0
  Pauline Whitworth Glen BC/WSD BC/WSD Vet 0

Half Year Results 2013
June 2013

Full-Height/Semi-Retired League

Place Handler Dog's name Breed Category Points
1 Debbie Cookson Bert Cross ABC Standard 340
2 Meg Neilson Rannoch Border Collie BC/WSD Standard 167
3 Ashleigh Orrell Riley German Spitz ABC Standard 149
4 Claire Thorpe Bella Labrador ABC Standard 128
5 Carrie Ellwood Hazel Cross ABC Standard 80
6 Becky Peel Elin Welsh Springer Spaniel ABC Standard 70
7 Carol Holdsworth Bhaskar Cross ABC Standard 64
8 Mary McKie Todd Cross ABC Standard 48
9 Beryl Brander Simon Retriever X ABC Standard 45
10 Liz Mitchell Dooby Staffordshire Bull Terrier ABC Standard 41
11 Karen Stubbs Sadie Malinois X ABC Standard 40
12 Beryl Brander Harvey Cross ABC Standard 36
13 Sue Holden Sam Labrador ABC Standard 35
14 Judith Trickett Storm NSDTR ABC Standard 31
15 Carol Holdsworth Fosse Lab X Collie BC/WSD Standard 24
16 Pat Kidd Tad WSD BC/WSD Standard 19
17 Jan Thomas Meg Cross ABC Standard 18
18 Liz Mitchell Flash  Border Collie X BC/WSD Standard 6
19 Ashley Warner Kye Collie X ABC Standard 3
  Bev Dale Jazz Zee Bee WSD BC/WSD Standard 0
  Bev Dale One for the Boys Cross ABC Standard 0
  Diane Graves Clay Border Collie BC/WSD Standard 0
  Lesley Griggs Holly WS BC/WSD Standard 0
  Terry Lawer Rum Border Collie BC/WSD Standard 0

Veterans / Anysize League
June 2013

Place Handler Dog's name Breed Category Points
1 Jenny Willis Key WSD BC/WSD Vet 223
2 Jenny Willis Checka Border Collie BC/WSD Vet 223
3 Ann Button Ben WSD BC/WSD Vet 75
4 Georgina Davis Kim Border Collie BC/WSD Vet 66
5 Sarah Bell Buddie WSD BC/WSD Vet 65
6 Shelley Christmas Rossi WSD BC/WSD Vet 60
7 Simon Thurlbeck Tyler Cross BC/WSD Vet 45
8 Claire Thrift Abbey Border Collie BC/WSD Vet 38
9 Yvonne Goode Bess WSD BC/WSD Vet 36
10 Sharon Wild George Hungarian Wirehaired Vizla BC/WSD Vet 21
11 Nikki Turner Jazz BC/Lab X BC/WSD Vet 20
12 Bev Dale Diva WSD BC/WSD Vet 18
12 Myra Tubb Trim WSD BC/WSD Vet 18
13 Michael Burbridge Cass Collie X BC/WSD Vet 16
14 Martin Hillson Pip Cross ABC Vet 12
15 Anita Bray Alie Labrador X ABC Vet 9
15 Mark Gorman Poppy Labrador X ABC Vet 9
16 Gill Smith Jay Cross ABC Vet 8
16 Nickie Holden Casca Beardie ABC Vet 8
17 Judith Trickett Pepper NSDTR ABC Vet 6
18 Heather Hillson Holly Cross ABC Vet 5
19 Andrea Roberts Skye Terv x Rough Collie ABC Vet 4
20 Nina Lacey Finn WSD BC/WSD Vet 4
21 Sandy Mitchell Dizzy GSD ABC Vet 1
  Alison Tollick Corbie Labrador ABC Vet 0
  Brendan Dolan Kai GSD ABC Vet 0
  Heather Gibson Fergus NSDTR ABC Vet 0
  Jeanette Tandy Buddy Border Terrier ABC Vet 0
  Jordan Winsor Rupert Working Cocker ABC Vet 0
  Linda Thorpe Ash Staffordshire Bull Terrier ABC Vet 0
  Mary Shaw Inca WSD BC/WSD Vet 0
  Maureen Reynolds Gyp WSD BC/WSD Vet 0
  Pauline Whitworth Glen BC/WSD BC/WSD Vet 0
  Sue Roberts Slate WSD BC/WSD Vet 0


Great news! As a result of the great response we've had, we've been able to push ahead with our plans, and the league is now open for business!

The Veteran's League (VL) will run from 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2013. Only points from shows held during this period will count towards the end of year results.

The entry fee is £3 per dog.

The Administrator is James Amor.

To register your dog(s), just visit the website and follow the link to Join the League. Once we've received your entry and payment, you'll be sent a Membership Number and a Membership Code, which you'll need in order to enter your points. From then on it's up to you...and your dog!

There is also a Veterans League Facebook group. Please join in the banter!

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Best of luck with your 2013 season.

Rules & Regulations 2013

Claiming Points
1. Points may only be claimed for results obtained at Kennel Club licensed Championship, Premier, Open or Limited shows. Points can only be claimed if placings are presented by the show, otherwise clear round points must be claimed. For special classes where no placings are awarded, only clear round points may be claimed

2. Standard KC Classes:

Placing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Clear
Points 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1

3. Special KC Classes (Veteran & Anysize):

Placing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clear
Points 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1

4. You cannot claim points for pay on the day classes, teams, pairs, trios or matches. If you are lucky enough to compete in Champ, you can claim points for the Champ qualifying rounds, but not the final.

5. The League is concerned with the dog’s achievements. Therefore you can still claim points even if run by a different handler.

6. It is the handler’s responsibility to claim their points (via the Veterans League Website)

7. Points must be claimed within one month of the show date (or before January 7 2014 for shows held during December 2013).

As a minimum, an award will be given for the winner of each category.

Hopefully, we will be able to present 'Best ABC' and 'Best WSD/BC' for each category, but this is subject to attracting sufficient entrants. More awards will be given if we receive an overwhelming number of entrants!

All members are expected to be honest about their results. In the event of a dispute, the League Administrator's decision is final.


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