Due to
cost of living and finding a suitable central venue for a final, organiser Faye
Nemeth has decided to make the Walking Pace League will be free to enter. Phase
Purple will continue to sponsor the competition. Agility Plaza will keep
track of points. Rosettes and prizes will be sent once show organisers have
confirmed results.
to be held up and down the UK. All placings/ clear rounds will count towards a
League will run until 20th December 2023. Winners will be announced In early
January 2024 and the new league will begin January 31st 2024
handlers will compete over the same course which will be set as a 1-3 agility
class as per KC rules.
will be split into four categories, specifically:-
handlers who agree to walk around the course at no more than a moderate
handlers who have medical issues that affect their mobility
Wheeled handlers for handlers who require a set of wheels to enable them to
do agility
handlers for handlers who wish to test their skills with wheels
Rules & regs
Handlers must not move faster than walking pace.
Those walking must keep one foot in contact with the ground at all times.
Wheeled handlers must have their chairs set to walking pace and must not
exceed 5mph.
using walking aids need to keep either crutch/stick/mobility aid or a foot
in contact with the ground at all times.
don't need to be a member of any organisation in order to enter the heats or
to qualify for the leagues, heats open to independent and KC shows.
first year of the league will be combined 1-7 but split between heights,
depending on popularity in the future there may also be a grade split.
said, 'It would be fantastic get a few more shows involved with this special
class so if you are a show seretary, please contact me to get your show/shows on
the list. If you are a competitor encourage your local shows to include it on
their schedule.