Watch out youngsters, the Seniors are coming...

Click on the image to join or add points.

Agility has been built on the idea that 'agility is fun' but we think it should be changed to 'agility is fun for all.' That's regardless of breed, size or age. The wonderful thing about agility is that it is not just for the youngsters and the fleet of foot. If you can steer your dog around the course, then you have a chance for a place or clear round rosette. We want to recognise those handlers who are no longer young and fleet of foot, and that's why we've started the Senior Agility League (SAL). After all is said and done, age is just a number!

Some handlers and dogs have reached special milestones which is why we created the SAL Hall of Fame in 2017. Nominations for outstanding achievement and / or longevity are welcome. Email with details.

Since 1979, when the sport of Agility was introduced at Crufts, it has grown and grown to be the most popular dog activity in the UK. Once addicted, agility people don't seem to retire. They get another dog. They take a joint supplement. If they can't run faster, they learn to run smarter. It's not uncommon now for handlers to still be competing in their 60s+.

And that's why we set up the Senior Agility League to celebrate age and mature handling. So if you are 55 years old or over, you are eligible to join the Senior Agility League (SAL) There is no annual membership fee or need to show your birth certificate. To register just go to or if you just want to know what it's all about, go to the League home page

If you have any questions whatsoever, email the League administrator Ellen Rocco.

SAL 2021 is now open for registration. It is not necessary to re-register if you are or have been a member. Just start adding your points and watch them grow.

Senior Agility Hall of Fame 2019

Anyone who is or has been a member of the Senior League can nominate a person and/or dog for the SAL Hall of Fame. Here is some of the reaction to the new 2020 inductees.


Jean Tuck
What a grand surprise when we got back from a long weekend with the family! Not only the delightful plate and lovely rosette for the Platinum league for Zac, who managed to collect enough agility points despite being busy last year with Obedience and Obreedience.  But also for that absolutely enormous rosette for dear Scott for the Hall of Fame!

Brought a bit of a tear to the eye that did.  He went off his legs last March and we thought he wouldn’t see Easter, however hydrotherapy gave him his legs back and now, despite a couple of fits, he looks likely to reach his fifteenth birthday which is just a month off now.  

I hope folks looking at his HoF entry might remember seeing him on the many Crufts videos over the years.

Barry Parker

Karen Parker
A big thank you to the Senior Agility League for adding my wonderful Dad, Barry Parker into the Hall of Fame with his special JRT, Gem and presenting them with this incredible rosette. Way to go Dad. (22nd February 2020)

Quercus Lewy Robur 
Well deserved a total gentleman and an awesome agility competitor. (23rd February 2020)

Rachel Fensome
We love Barry! Nobody deserves this more - a true agility legend and wonderful gent. (23rd February 2020)

Debbie Culley
Sorry for the late post as only just seen this - amazing photo . No one deserves this accolade more - well done Barry you are awsome. (26th February 2020)


Very well done to all the winners of the 2019 Senior Agility League and to everyone who participated. It was a good year for the Over 55s especially in light of the larger courses and the increased distances between the obstacle.

Special congratulations go to a surprised Jenny Hastie with Nessa Ainmhithe Girl who told us, 'Wow! Haven't we had an amazing 2019! Nessa came to us in 2012 from Ainmhithe Animal Rescue at five months old, having spent her early weeks in poor conditions. Initially we were only fostering, but after turned families turned her down as even then it was apparent that she would be a small Collie, we decided to keep her as she fitted in so well with our family.

Only 10 months before, I had first started agility with another rescue Collie and had loved it so much that I started foundations with Nessa immediately. The three of us learnt together through the years with the girls moving up the grades within weeks of each other.

Nessa is a complete natural. In 2019 she has had 53 KC wins and was awarded the title of Agility Club Agility Dog of the Year. She had won the Large Grade 7 league and had the most points overall. She also won the SupaDarl Rescue League Large Grade 6-7 League and the Large Lower Height (now Intermediate) League overall. Because she ran at LHO, having won up to Grade 7 at full height, we haven't entered qualifiers or Champ. At home, she is one of seven rescue dogs and a very much loved member of the family. She is totally ball obsessed.

For those people who like stats, here are a few.

  • Number of dogs registered: 406
  • Combined points for the top three handlers / dogs in each age division: Gold (15,116), Platinum (14852), Diamond (14,580) and Ruby (13410) 
  • Total number of points for all divisions: 57,958
  • 73% of the divisional winners have Agility Warrants.
  • Three people got 2 x 1st places with different dogs: Linda Jesson (Ruby) Dave Walker (Diamond) and Irene Haddock (Diamond)

Other comments included:

Pat Kidd said, 'Thanks for rosette received today for 2nd place in Diamond League. This means a lot to me as my dog turned nine years in July so he is veteran, too. Amazingly last season was his best ever!

Jan Linch said her rosette and trophy had arrived today, 'What a lovely surprise! I love the specially designed plate! It's very unique! I'm very proud of my little Pomme de Fleur!'

From Jean Tuck, we received this message. What a grand surprise when we got back from a long weekend with the family! Not only the delightful plate and lovely rosette for the Platinum league for Zac, who managed to collect enough agility points despite being busy last year with Obedience and Obreedience, but also for that absolutely enormous rosette for dear Scott for the Hall of Fame!  Brought a bit of a tear to the eye that did. He went off his legs last March and we thought he wouldn't see Easter. However, hydrotherapy gave him his legs back and now. Despite a couple of fits, he looks likely to reach his 15th birthday which is just a month off now. I hope folks looking at his HoF entry might remember seeing him on the many Crufts videos over the years.'

Thank you to Norton Rosettes for the amazing rosettes, Kelvin Beard for the delightful original trophies and John Ward for all his help with the League Tables.

New this year is that we have added another height division to the League - Intermediate.

Trophy by Kelvin G. Brand Pottery

Overall & Division Winners





Overall Winner

Jenny Hastie Nessa Ainmhithe Girl AW/D 3322


Jane Penninck Kizzi of Crackerhouse 2568


Jan Linch Pomme de Fleur AW/G 1943


Jenny Hastie Nessa Ainmhithe Girl AW/D 3322


Freda Wallace Meisterwerk Tika AW/D 3113
Allsorts Kath McHugh The Spy Who Loved Me 928

Trophies by Kelvin G. Brand Pottery

Top Three in Each Category


Gold (55-59)

  1. Ann Bide with Dexter Littleman AW/B - 1617 points
  2. Kate Carden with Lady Taya AW/S -1431 points
  3. Margaret Pennington with Diggate Teddy Boy AW/G - 1409 points

 Gold (55 – 59)

  1. Linda Seaton with Our Boy Zeus AW/P - 1405 points
  2. Drew Ramsay with Andralor Dazzler at Ansabak AW/D - 1254 points
  3. Heidi Rumble with Remedyclose Buckaro AW/S - 1314 points

1st -Kizzi of Crackerhouse

2nd - Dans Defender

Gold (55-59)

  1. Jane Penninck with Kizzi of Crackerhouse - 2568 points
  2. Shona Broome with Dans Defender AW/S - 2090 points
  3. Mandy Davenport with And Then There Were Three - 2028 points


Ruby (60-64)

  1. Jan Linch with Pomme de Fleur AW/G -1943 points
  2. Juliet Dearbergh with Mayandream Itzan Owl AW/S- 1842 points
  3. Antonia de Bearn with Lizzie of Letchmore AW/S - 1418 points

1st -Teddy of Willow World

Ruby (60-64)

  1. Linda Jesson with Teddy of Willow World (sbt CAP CSC3 OAC) - 1150 points
  2. Gill Cowie with I Should Be So Lucky AW/S - 1106 points
  3. Val Kidd with Bruich Laddie AW/P - 1081 points

3rd - Willow World AW/B

Ruby (60-64)

  1. Jackie Potter with Cornerstones Super Spud - 1812 points
  2. Jennifer Costello with Idonea Icknieldway AW/S- 1647 points
  3. Linda Jesson with Jimbo of Willow World AW/B - 1411 points


Platinum (65-69)

  1. Vivien Spranger with Tearsran Tango Visions AW/P - 1677 points
  2. Jennifer Walker with Abbie Hopebeyondthestars - 1574 points
  3. Linda Hailstone with Mae in The Mist AW/B - 1476 points

1st - Tooralie's Masquerade at Craygill AW/P

Platinum (65-69)

  1. Jean Tuck with Tooralie's Masquerade at Craygill AW/P - 1420 points
  2. Sandra Yates with Our Jubilee Queen AW/P - 1388 points
  3. Jackie Cheshire with Bertie Bumble Sticks AW/S - 902 points

Platinum (65-69)

  1. Jenny Hastie with Nessa Ainmhithe Girl AW/D - 3322 points
  2. Ken Whittington with Tri Againben - 1870 points
  3. Aileen Watson with Serenskye Dream Rockett - 1223 points


Diamond (70+)

  1. Dave Walker with Josie Hopebeyondthestars - 2044 points
  2. Dave Walker with Echo Hopebeyongthestars - 1403 points
  3. Beryl Brander with Hettsolina Valentina - 1332 points

Diamond (70+)

  1. Freda Wallace with Meisterwerk Tika AW/D - 3113 points
  2. David Spranger with Tearsran Tango Bachelor Boy AW/D - 2165 points
  3. Julia Morter with Meisterwerk Little Elle AW/G – 1595

1st - Not Another Redfire (Thor) and 3rd -  Redfire Storm AW/S

Diamond (70+)

  1. Irene Haddock with Not Another Redfire - 1161 points
  2. Pat Kidd with Level Seven of Valgrays AW/G - 891 points
  3. Irene Haddock with Redfire Storm AW/S - 876 points


The Spy Who Loved Me

My beautiful Herbie was injured and had a plate in his hock so competed for only part of last season. Thankfully he is now fully recovered, receiving physio and hope to let him do a bit of jumping but that depends on his recovery so to receive this award was amazing.


  1. Kath McHugh with The Spy Who Loved Me - 928 points

 Top Ten Handlers
By total points

  1. Jenny Hastie with Nessa Ainmhithe Girl AW/D - 3322 points

  2. Freda Wallace with Meisterwerk Tika AW/D - 3113 points

  3. Jane Penninck with Kizzi of Crackerhouse - 2568 points

  4. David Spranger with Tearsran Tango Bachelor Boy AW/D - 2165 points

  5. Shona Broome with Dans Defender - 2090 points

  6. Dave Walker with Josie Hopebeyondthestars (Sheltie) - 2044 points

  7. Mandy Davenport with And Then There Were Three - 2028 points

  8. Jan Linch with Pomme de Fleur AW/G - 1943 points

  9. Eleanor McMahon with Spot The Birdie Twitcher Tor AW/S - 1886 points

  10. Ken Whittington with Tri Againben - 1870 points

Senior Agility League Rules

Please note that by submitting your application for the Senior Agility League, you are agreeing to the rules below.

1. The Senior Agility League (The League) is open to handlers aged 55 years and over on 1st January in the current year.

2. Dogs entered in The League must be registered with the Kennel Club.

3. The League will run from 1st January to 21st December in each year. It will re-open on 23rd December. Points from shows between 22nd December and 31st December can be carried forward to the next year.

4. The League is organised in four main categories based upon the age of the handler on 1st January with three sub-categories in each according to size (Large, Medium & Small).

  • Gold:- 55 -59 years

  • Ruby: 60 -64 years

  • Platinum: 65 - 69 years

  • Diamond: 70+ years

5. Points can be claimed from places and clear rounds from open classes at all shows but not pairs, teams, qualifiers, club matches, leagues, fun days or simulated/training in the ring shows etc.

7. When claiming points, the show, day (optional), class and place must be stated. The administrator reserves the right to assess if the show is eligible under the above guidelines.

8. Placed points can only be claimed if a placed rosette is presented by the show. Otherwise, clear round points only can be claimed. Clear round points can be claimed even if clear round rosettes are not given by the show but must be within the course time.

  9. Placed points can be claimed for all Standard 'singles' classes including Championship qualifying rounds (but not the Final or Semi-Final) as well as Helter Skelter, Gamblers, Snooker, Steeplechase and other 'special' classes. Points may also be claimed for UKA Masters Combined result but not the individual rounds. Points cannot be claimed for Pairs or Teams.

  10. The Dog will remain in the category/level it starts in on 1st January for the duration of that year. If a dog transfers to 'Allsorts' during the year, please contact the administrator.

  11. The Handler/Owner must update registration each year.

  12. The Handler/Owner is responsible for changing the categories if required, when starting the year.

  13. It is the Handler/Owner's responsibility to send their points via post or submit points on-line.

  14. There is no time limit to claim points, although we would ask that you try to do so on a monthly basis.

  15. Final results for the year must be received by 21st December of the current year. The winners will be announced on Agilitynet and Agilitynet Facebook.

  16. Points claimed for the combination of dog and handler cannot be claimed when run by another handler, even if registered with The League.

  17. If the Handler/Owner wins out / moves up a level at any time during the year, they can change the grade. It is the handle who counts, not the dog

   18. Allsorts dogs are welcome to join The League. Only points from special classes such as Anysize, Allsorts and Veterans can be claimed. Allsorts points cannot be used in the 'main' League. If a dog moves to Allsorts mid-year, points cannot be transferred from Standard classes. If no places are awarded by the show for the class, clear round points can be claimed.

  19. It is not necessary to re-register each year if the Handler participated in the League the previous year.

Points Table

  •  1st place = 22

  •  2nd place = 21

  •  3rd place = 20

  •  4th place = 19

  •  5th place = 18

  •  6th place = 17

  •  7th place = 16

  •  8th place = 15

  •  9th place = 14

  • 10th place = 13

  • 11th place = 12

  • 12th place = 11

  • 13th place = 10

  • 14th place =  9

  • 15th place = 8

  • 16th place = 7

  • 17th place = 6

  • 18th place = 5

  • 19th place = 4

  • 20th place = 3

  • Clear round* = 2

* Clear rounds must be in time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. During this difficult Coronavirus time when most shows have been cancelled, can I add points from online and video shows?

        A. We've a had a good think about it and decided that points earned on these shows should not be included. We have decided to merge 2020 and 2021 points so all is not lost.

Q, How soon should I add my points?

A. As soon as possible so that everyone can see how you are doing in The League, though officially you have until The League closes on 21 December to add your points

Q. Some unaffiliated shows allow dogs to run at their own level rather than the level of the handler. For example, when dogs are KC Grade 3 but are allowed to run in 'Elementary' under a different organisation. Can you claim these points?

A. Yes

Q. I have won out. Do I need to change my Grade?

A. You can if you want. Your dog remains in the category it started in January of the current year for the duration of the year. It is the age of the handler that matters.

Q. What system should I use to calculate points from a KC Limited show?

A. The points are the same as a KC Open show, Unaffiliated shows have different points values. Click here to see Points Table.

Q. Why does my dog have to be registered with the Kennel Club?

A. The League needs set a criteria to work with such as levels, heights, recognised breeds etc.

Q. Do wins / places have to be clear rounds to count or can faults be involved?

A. A place is a place. Claim it.

Q. When I try to register or add in points, I keep getting sent back to the Login screen. What do I do.

A. Click here for help. It's all about cookies - and not the eatable kind.

Q. As a resident in N Ireland, I frequently compete in the Republic of Ireland under Irish KC rules and regs. Do wins under IKC rules count and if so, in which category -- KC or unaffiliated?

 A. As the Two Kennel Clubs have similar standards - rules and regs, your points would count as KC.

Thank you to John Ward and the DARL Rescue League for their help with the League Tables.