T'was the ....

Night Before Christmas - The Eurasier Version

Stacey Watkins

T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The Eurasiers were nestled all snug in my bed,
While visions of Greenies danced in their heads.
Satchel curled beside me, Django stretched out,
Tapi's legs twitching .. dreaming, no doubt.

When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
We all sprung from bed to see what was the matter.
Flying downstairs, the 4-legged's went,
The 2 legged followed, face grim with intent.

Out the window we peered, noses to glass,
At an embarrassed Santa, fallen flat on his a**,
Presents were scattered all over the street,
A posse of raccoons danced at his feet.

The reindeer were shrieking in abject horror,
The would not deliver them before tomorrow,
The scene lit up brighty by Rudolph's nose,
How could the neighbours continue to doze?

'Now, Satchel! now, Tapi! now, Django my boy!
Get Ollie! Get Nicholas! Get Indy! Get Joy!
Get Taylor!, Get Jaxson!, Get Bambam, Get Barney!
To fix this, we need a Eurasier army! '

The Eurasiers arrived with tails held high,
Surveying the scene, against a brightly lit sky.
Raccoons stared them down, thumbing their noses
One arm on their hip, striking haughty poses.

Ollie yelled, 'what's all this jive?
Dianne, don't you know, we have little prey drive!
What can we do here, we are not equipped,
These critters are vicious, the scales they are tipped!'

Then Indy, the rescue, had a brilliant thought,
'Raccoons do eat garbage, more often than not.
'Go to the porches, tip over the bins,
Scoop out the contents, empty the tins'.

'Thow down some food, then grab up a gift.
Put it back in the sled .. you get my drift!
When all of the presents are back in the sled,
I daresay you all can go back to your bed.'

While plugging his nose, Satchel held up old fish,
'I am positive Rocky will find this 'delish'!'
'Eureka!', the cry came from  porches away,
Jaxson had found an entire soufflé!

The food it was tossed, the gifts they were grabbed,
Thrown back in the sleigh, while the reindeer all gabbed,
When it was all over, Django said with a sigh
'Get Rocky Raccoon, I've always hated that guy'!

 But Nicholas, the elder, had other thoughts.
'It's Christmas time, Django, no knickers in knots!'
'We'll let them all go .. go back to their families'
'As for me, I'll go back to the Hamley's'.

The Eurasiers all nodded, in unanimous thought,
On another day, yes, Rocky will be caught.
Santa smiled at the Eurasiers in obvious delight,
Thanks pals, Merry Christmas, and to all a good night!










 T'was the Day Before Christmas 

Author unknown

'Tis the day before Christmas, and all through the house
The puppies are squeaking an old rubber mouse.
The wreath which had merrily hung on the door
Is scattered in pieces all over the floor.

The stockings that hung in a neat little row,
Now boast a hole in each one of the toes.
The tree was subjected to bright-eyed whims,
And now, although splendid, it's missing some limbs.

I catch them and hold them, be good I insist.
They lick me, then run off to see what they've missed.
And now as I watch them, the thought comes to me,
That theirs is the spirit that Christmas should be.

Should Children and Puppies yet show us the way,
And teach us the joy that should come with this day?
Could they bring the message that's written above,
And tell us that, most of all, Christmas is love! '





From Martha Costello who says
Please read and pass this on to all your dog clubs.  I think it is very important, especially at this time of year, for all of us whether we do agility or any other dog sport. Thanks. (12/12/00)

 T'was the Night Before Christmas Sheltie-Style

by Elizabeth (Liz) Hildreth

T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except two cats and a mouse.

The Shelties were all clung to my bed not a care,
I couldn't squeeze in with all the legs, tails, and hair.

My 'children' were nestled, all snug in MY bed
While visions of tablescraps danced in each head.

Tried as I might, I could not find a gap,
So I went down to the couch for my long winter's nap.

Then up from my bedroom there arose such a pitter-patter,
My dogs all jumped onto me, as if something was the matter.

They'd seen I was missing and came in a flash -
Down the stairs and through the hall with a dash.

They were soon on my chest, licking my face and so,
I could not get up from this enthusiastic hello.

Then one of my wandering tri's did appear
With her favorite toy, a squeaky reindeer.

At an agility match, she was graceful and quick,
And in just a few moments, she'd done the trick.

Fast as I could, I had ran by her side,
Shouting the name of each obstacle as a guide.

'Here dogwalk! Here over! Here tunnel and over!
Come seesaw! Come chute! Come over and over!'

 'To the top of the a-frame, to the table and down!
Come over! Come over! No, not there, you clown!'

Over each hurdle, she leaped oh so high,
Over each obstacle, it seemed that she'd fly.

So, on top of the mantle hangs a ribbon of blue.
With pictures of my Shelties, and Mum and Dad too. J

Just then, was a crinkling, I heard in the room
Then prancing and pawing and then came a boom!

I turned my head, and was looking around,
I noticed the Christmas tree had fallen to the ground.

They all looked so innocent, like children so carefree.
But that did not change the fact that they'd knocked down my tree!

I picked up the tree. Its branches all out of whack.
I looked over my shoulder to keep an eye on my pack.

Their eyes - how they twinkled! Their noses - how shiny!
Their ears at attention! Their hair smelled all piney!

Their happy little tails wagged to and fro.
I didn't have the heart to throw them out in the snow.

A stick from the tree was held tight in one's teeth.
The garland encircled them all just beneath. S

So, I picked up the place, no unkind words here.
Shook my head and laughed, and wished for a beer.

The tree was so wilted and bent, quite a strange sight.
I headed upstairs to, again, retire for the night.

As I entered my room and I twisted my head,
I saw that there was now a gift on my bed.

I heard not a sound, not a bark or a cry.
I picked up my present and what's next is not a lie.

On top of the package it said 'To Mom, From those
Who knock down Christmas trees and have a wet nose.'

I sprang to my feet, to my team gave a whistle,
To me they all flew, like I had just took out the 'Bissell.'

And I was heard to exclaim, out of joy and delight,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!














The Day After Christmas?

Author unknown







T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
With no thought of the dog filling their head.
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Knew he was cold, but didn't care about that.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Figuring the dog was free of his chain and into the trash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But Santa Claus - with eyes full of tears.

He unchained the dog, once so lively and quick,
Last years Christmas present, now painfully thin and sick..
More rapid than eagles he called the dog's name.
And the dog ran to him, despite all his pain;

'Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
Let's find this dog a home where he'll be loved by all'

I knew in an instant there would be no gifts this year,
For Santa Claus had made one thing quite clear,
The gift of a dog is not just for the season,
We had gotten the pup for all the wrong reasons.

In our haste to think of the kids a gift,
There was one important thing that we missed.
A dog should be family, and cared for the same.
You don't give a gift, then put it on a chain.

And I heard him exclaim as he rode out of sight,
'You weren't given a gift! You were given a life!'

I wrote the poem because...
I was sitting at home reading my agility lists and there had been a couple sort of depressing versions of T'was the Night Before Christmas on referring to 'Christmas puppies.' While those sorts of poems have their place, I really wanted to write something happy and about agility and Shelties. It was quite easy to come up with the beginning as very often my bed is so covered with Shelties that I cannot find a 'gap.' The rest of it just sort of came to me.

 Christmas Season

from Sally Hildt







T'was the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung
By the chimney with care,
And two Springer Spaniels
Wondered when he'd be there.

With antlers and a scarf,
They dressed in their finest
Sat up at attention
Waiting for his highness.

The cookies were eaten,
The milk glass licked clean,
Soon Retty and Tucker
Became quite serene.

They slid to their bellies,
The fire died down,
The waiting was gruesome
They both started to frown

Santa did not show
On that rainy night full of fright.
What the dogs did not know:
It was Halloween night!

Sally had them dressed.
Halloween was the reason.
Buck did not explain,
So they mistook the season

So they will dress up again,
At the end of the year.
We all wish you well,
And a Happy New Year!


 The 12 days of Christmas in an Agility Household

To be sung, chanted or mouthed to that old familiar tune




One the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

  • some money for an entry fee

  • 2 brand new tunnels

  • 3 jumps with wings

  • 4 Barjo tailguards

  • 5 private lessons

  • 6 slip leads a'slipping

  • 7 sticks of tripe

  • 8 weeks of classes

  • 9 tuggies tugging

  • 10 new course designs

  • 11 clear rounds

  • 12 months of Agilitynet

There is a bit of a story behind this poem. We have traditionally sent a Christmas card with a poem as the message, for probably six or eight years now. They have gotten more and more dog-oriented as we become more and more engrossed in agility.

Last year's card was all-dog and our family and friends commented on the theme. This year I had to continue the theme, adding agility. Again, we have received a myriad of comments from our non-dog/non-agility friends.

Here is last year's poem, though I don't think it is as interesting without the photos (front of the card had the dogs sitting at attention in front of the fireplace and stockings, with antlers and red scarves, full of hope. Inside, the same dogs are in front of the fireplace and stockings, on their bellies with their heads on their feet, looking forlorn. The antlers have slipped to the side and the scarf drags.)

  Agility Christmas Carol

by Nancy Trunzo

Up on the dogwalk doggie paws
On the down side I say 'pause'
Off side weaves 'oh good boy'
In through the tunnel with lots of joy

Go! Go !Go! How this course flows
Go! Go! Go! How this course flows
Over the a frame nails click, click, click
Down through the contacts oh so swift




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