
Focus, fun and fascination of hoopers for Moby, the Staff. About Hooperholics UK
When Angela Lucas tried to explain Hoopers to a non-dog owner, the response was 'Oh, sounds like croquet with dogs.' When you take away the fact that we don’t roll the dogs into a ball and hit them with flamingos, they're not far off. Angela - or shall we say 'Queen of Hearts' -  explains why she likes the new dog sport which is taking the agility community by storm.
Flyball & Agility
Flyball... You have to whisper it.  It's a dirty word to some agility folk. They say it’s noisy, it’s dangerous and the dogs are out of control. But, what if we told you that flyball has more in common with agility than you think and could even help your agility dog?  Beth Rachlis, who does both at a high level, says that Flyball has changed, and is more technical than ever. With good basic foundations, she thinks that dogs can do both and pick up the other sport more easily than those who haven't trained in either discipline. The foundation and ground skills needed are similar, just applied differently.
Introduction to Hoopers
There’s a hot new dog-sport hitting our shores, you might have come across Hoopers already and seen just how much fun it is for both dogs and handlers. Recently Sarah Hamblin from Canine Hoopers UK (CHUK) shared some insight into how the sport of Canine Hoopers was formed in the UK and why it is becoming one of the fastest growing dog sports today.
Training Tips for Hooperholics
By now most of the agility community will have heard of a comparatively new sport called Hoopers. Recently Hooperholics UK founder and lead instructor Angela Lucas took a look back her early efforts, and she really had a laugh. Compared to how she now approaches training and handles her dog, she thought that she looked like a banshee! Her words, not ours. And that was only four years ago!


Trick Training
This year saw Nicola Smith unfortunately in a familiar position, having to be on agility break due to injury. Her typical crazy collie Kiah (Ki) has no fear - or respect - for her physical wellbeing and is hell-bent on turning her owner prematurely grey! Unsurprisingly, restricted exercise doesn’t suit her high drive collie so Nicola always has a challenge on hand to make sure that Kiah is as tired as possible on her enforced agility breaks and this gives her a push to be extra creative in her training!


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