A smelly solution...

I love my master
Thus I perfume myself with
This long-rotten squirrel.
Dog Haiku

When Carlos Cordiero's dog Maggie got sprayed big time, he was glad that he remembered one particular discussion on the AGILE email list about how to get rid of the smell. Poor Maggie. Her white chest was all yellow from the spray, and she smelled like burned rubber. Carlos used this recipe and says it worked a treat. Since then he's had more than 80 requests for the recipe, so here it is.

Detox Formula


  • 4 C. hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/4 C. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. dish soap


  • Rub into a dry dog
  • Allow to sit for 2-3 minutes.
  • Shampoo out

That's it, although at the time it happened I only had about one cup of hydrogen peroxide, and I did not take the time to measure anything. I just poured approximate amounts into a container and went to work.

My team-mates (some of whom have had skunk problems too) said that she smelled fine. If I stick my nose in her chest (I know this sounds funny) where she got sprayed, I could still detect a little odour, so I gave her another bath. I don't know exactly why it works but it does. Maybe someone out there with some chemical engineering knowledge can explain it.

Needles to say I have gone out and bought a few big bottles of hydrogen peroxide to keep on hand - just in case. Very cheap and better to be safe than sorry.

Tail End

I already had this formula so it was good to get it affirmed. I particularly appreciate the comment on throwing it out after use because it could be dangerous if decomposed. I used all my peroxide up with the first bath and wanted to do a second for residual scent (not too bad but just to be sure) and the drug stores were closed. I considered using it again some hours later, but was hesitant because I wasn't sure - so thanks to the person who wrote that.

Question: Once you've taken care of the dog, any ideas for the house it ran through?
Elaine McCarthy
email address: mmccarthy@taconic.net

I agree! This skunk recipe really does work, but... peroxide does have some 'bleaching' effects on some fur. My all black GSD had lovely highlights in her coat for over a month after using this. I thought it looked really neat, but for someone who cares what their dog looks like...
Ben Philbert (USA)

Still it's way better than the black and pink dog I ended up with after the tomato juice treatment I tried.
Sandra Katzen (USA)

Variation on a Theme

April Almeida (USA)

I got this recipe out of a New Hampshire newspaper and it really does work, and works really well, with ingredients people normally have in their homes. Heaven knows I've had occasion to use it! A chemist named Paul Krebaum came up with it.

  • 1 qt. 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/4 C. baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • 1 tsp. liquid soap
  1. Thoroughly bathe the animal, working the soapy solution well into the fur.
  2. Follow the bath with a tap water rinse.

From Ann Roberts
I have tried many, many different products to remove the smell of fox pooh but this is the best yet. A shampoo made by Hop-it which makes your dogs smell great for ages. It's made from completely natural ingredients and repels fleas - I haven't seen any on mine at all this year.

Maria Johnston (Dolly Clothes Peg - Starter of the Year) is the 'witch doctor,' and she's spent a lot of time perfecting and testing the recipe (Hinckley DTC have the best smelling dogs in the land) and it's really efficient. It costs about five pounds for a huge bottle full and lasts ages. She makes all sorts of other potions too for sprains and strains.

Her email address is Clothespeg@talk21.com

From Melanie Behrens
This recipe works really well, but please do not store it for later use. It will decompose and can be dangerous. Make it fresh each time although I hope that skunk episodes aren't that common for anyone!

Now that we have the remedy out of the way. Does anyone know how to keep Skunks out of your backyards? Carlos Cordeiro

Gary & Sherry Wargo reply:-
We've had good luck using mothballs to keep critters out of our training building. To prevent kids or dogs from noticing them at all, you just bury them a few inches in the ground. We used a broomstick to poke holes (our ground is soft). Three or four mothballs to a hole, holes spaced about a foot apart all around the perimeter of the building (or yard). We couldn't smell them at all, but apparently the critters can! If your ground is hard, I would think a bulb planter would work in place of the broomstick.

Someone told me about using Mothballs in little bags spread out around the yard. But, I don't want to do that with the dog and the kids walking around out there. Carlos Cordeiro

A skunk is a North American mammal of the weasel family. The common skunk (Mephitis mephitis) has a long, arched back, short legs, a bushy tail and black fur with white streaks on the back. In self-defence, it discharges a foul-smelling fluid.
The Hutchinson Paperback Encyclopedia

In the UK we don't have domestic skunks so we don't have exactly the same problem, but we do have foxes and lots of lovely horse manure on our bridle paths and walkways. If you have a tried and true remedy for pongy dogs that you would like to share, email Agilitynet

Original cartoons: Kim Blundell who says that baby wipes are particularly good for cleaning up your dog after it has rolled in fox muck. And she should know as her GSD loves to roll in it.


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