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What the best dressed agility handler used to
Sue Ashby did this delightful cartoon of a typical agility couple
in the mid-1980s. It appeared in the Agility Voice Newsletter (April 1985). What
a far cry from the designer track suits, running shorts and trainers of today! And if you're
wondering about their dog, it's asleep thus avoiding panic!.
Mr & Mrs Agility
From top to bottom
Her |
Him |
- Sun brolly (if hot)
- Sun top
- Springboard to help small dogs over springs (or
automatic clapper for Mary Ray)
- Wellies (if wet)
- Earplugs so not to hear elimination whistle
- Oxygen mask for long courses
- Tight trousers to distract the judge
- Torch to help dog in tunnel
- Glucose for energy for long courses
- Sou-Wester (if wet)
- Sun glasses (if bright)
- Compass to find way round the course
- Spare safety pins for ring numbers
- Bucket and shovel for accidents (or seaside
agility weekends)
- Shoe lace untied (excuse for falling over)
Reprinted with kind permission of John Gilbert from the April
1985 edition of the Agility Voice Newsletter. Many thanks to Bill McLaughlin for lending
agilitynet his wonderful collection of Agility Voices.
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