Celebrating more than 20 years of
Country Fair has played host to Agility for more than 21 years, many of them as
a Kennel Club licensed Show. The Country Fair continues to be one of the UK’s
premier outdoor attractions with more than 100,000 visitors annually coming to
see all that is best with the British Countryside.
Agility history was made in 1995 when Chatsworth hosted the final of the Land
Rover Jump & Drive, a unique competition never seen in Agility since. A test of
both the handler’s driving skills and a dog's speed. With the accuracy of the
handler who had to drive a cone course in a 110 Defender Land Rover before
running their dog many took part. Trophies still adorn winner's cabinets.
Incidentally, the judge with John Wykes in the picture was Roberts Andrews, one
of the first people in agility to have KC specification equipment for hire which
he supplied from a trailer.
following year we ran the first KC Show for Large dogs. The ring was just in
front of the wonderful Chatsworth House, providing a backdrop like no other
Agility show. With hundreds of shopping stands offering everything from handmade goods, vintage cars and, of course, your doggy supplies Chatsworth became a
firm favourite amongst many of the Agility community.
This was the year that the
Chatsworth Main Ring flooded. Luckily that was after the large crowds had been
entertained the large crowds with a Sunday Jump & Drive Final. Sadly it was also
the day that Prince Diana died. It was an eventful day all round.
Agility 'pitch' has become an ever more popular country fair attraction with the
development of a picnic and food court area around the ring where people enjoy
watching Agility with an amusing commentary. After more than 21 years and four
different Chatsworth organisers, the Show now rests in the hands of Sarah Green
who commented 'Agility is wonderful.'
Being situated in front of the house and at the confluence of major footfall
across the site, Chatsworth has developed what can only be described as a
special atmosphere, with 1000’s watching the ring through the day as the
crowd enjoy the efforts of the partnerships however well the dogs have done.
2008 Chatsworth Country Fair became a three day event, giving us the opportunity
to welcome Small and Medium sized dogs - or as then known as Mini / Midi dogs -
strut their stuff. Now with a full day devoted to competitions for Small and
Medium dogs and a few classes for the lower graded Large dog, Chatsworth Friday
provides the perfect showcase to those of less stature whilst Chatsworth
Saturday keeps its tradition offering competition for Large dogs.
were pleased to welcome Show President Alan Titchmarsh in 2010 along with one of
the Red Sock community who help steward the event and a representative from our
sponsor for the Chatsworth Challenge! Luckily they didn’t disappoint or
embarrass themselves too much; the crowds loved it and Alan Titchmarsh taking
first place so worked out well all round.
2013 Chatsworth welcomed Skinner’s Pet Foods as principle sponsor and hosted the
final of the Skinner’s Sevens Pairs competition, won by Shirley & Pete Wells
winning £777 of prize money with the day proving hugely popular with the
William Delamore from Skinner's said, 'This Agility competition was
our first foray into the Agility world for our brand and Skinner's is delighted
to continue to sponsor Agility events throughout the year.'
again Skinner’s Pet Food will be sponsoring the Chatsworth Agility Arena in 2016
including sponsoring 3 classes each day which ensures everyone will get the
chance to win some Skinner’s goodies. On Saturday Skinner’s continue their
support of Agility with the Chatsworth Grand Prix for Large dogs.
is special and this year one of the UK's finest outdoor displays The Red Arrows
along with other major attractions like the Musical Ride of the Household
Cavalry and so much more adds to the Agility atmosphere.
Graded classes on both days for all sizes of dogs, why not try something a
little bit different from your normal Agility routine. Chatsworth offers you
something that no other Agility show can. There is something for everyone on a
fantastic day out not only for you with your dogs but the whole family.
About CSA
Country Shows Agility
offers feature ring shows at large public events. With
commentary for the Agility community and viewing public to enjoy along with a
range of classes for all sizes of dogs each venue is a unique experience. Each
competitor gets a complimentary ticket to each event and with car parking close
to the ring at all of our events, these shows are great to bring the family to
as well as enjoying competing with the dog. Run in a relaxed manner with
traditional processing of paper entries and hand written tickets at the ring we
promise to remember your dogs name by the end of the weekend!
For more information,
contact: CSA,
2 Medley Grove, Leamington Spa, Warks CV31 2GA. Tel. 01926 315335 Email: