As American as apple pie and a-frameTania Chadwick, an unabashed American agility enthusiast, surfed in from San Jose, California where she lives with her husband and two Golden Retrievers, Murphy and Marley, both of whom are competing in Agility. Here's how it works on the Other Side of the Pond.
For a sample of a show premium, please visit The Bay Team site. (See Agilitynet Links) Travel I live in San Jose, near San Francisco in California and I concentrate on competing in my home state. There is plenty of agility to do here, but many of my colleagues do travel to Oregon, Washington, and Arizona on a regular basis for competitions. All three organisations had their national events on the eastern part of the country for 1998, Ohio, Georgia, and Massachusetts, so travel was tough on the competitors from California. Some drove across the country but most went by plane. In my case, of the last seven shows I attended, some were at close as 40 minutes and others were as long as seven hours, my average drive time is approximately three and a half hours . Six of those seven shows required a two-night stay at a hotel. I usually leave some time on Friday to arrive at the show site and set up and get a good nights sleep before a trial. In my case I place different importance on each organisauion, so I won't travel long distances for every show. I will travel up to seven hours for a USDAA show, two-three hours for a NADAC show and no more than two hours for an AKC show. Costs USDAA trials, for instance, offer five basic classes per weekend:
USDAA trials may also offer other special classes for fun or for qualification for various national competitions, which may cost $18-$50/£10.28-29.14 per dog depending on the class or the tournament. NADAC trials usually offer four classes per day, eight for the weekend:
Sometimes a club will offer a special price for all classes. The approximate cost is $50-$60/£29.14-34.28 per dog for a NADAC weekend. AKC trials offer only two classes per day:-
The AKC has a new class, in limited number, called an International class, which is open to dogs in the Excellent level. The format is similar to a FCI World Championships-type of run and may cost $18-$20/£10.28-11.42 per dog. That's about $56/£32 per dog for an AKC weekend. Awards/Titles Most clubs offer a ribbon or rosette for a qualifying score and a placement ribbon or rosette first through fourth, some clubs go to sixth place. A small prize is also given for a first place at USDAA and NADAC shows and sometimes in AKC. Only the USDAA has a class that has a cash prize. It's called a Steeplechase, where the top dogs move from round one to the final round to compete for cash prizes (See section under Nationals Events for more information). USDAA also offers an award for those dogs and handlers that consistently place, called the Agility Top Ten. They are scored by getting points for each place they earned. More dogs at a trial afford more Top Ten points. At the national championships those Top Ten teams in each class (Standard, Jumpers, Snooker, and Gamblers) are recognised for their achievements.
Certificates for titles are given by each organisation and are printed on nice paper with the dogs name, owner/handlers name, and title achieved. They are very suitable for framing. They come by mail, and there can be a long wait for these certificates, sometimes as much as six months depending on the backlog.
USDAA offers three National events, the Grand Prix of Dog Agility, the Steeplechase and the Dog Agility Masters Tournament. For the Grand Prix, USDAA authorises various clubs around the country to hold a Grand Prix Regional class. It is a class that is 20-22 obstacles in length and is judged under Master's rules. All dogs regardless of their level may run the Grand Prix and with ten (10) or fewer faults qualify for the National Grand Prix of Agility event. Teams that win their respective height at the Grand Prix Regionals will receive a travel compensation to attend the national event. The Steeplechase is an event where competitors can win prize money. It's a jumpers style course with an A-frame and a set of weave poles. At the regional level, there are two rounds and the top dogs advance to the final round where the slate is wiped clean and the scoring starts fresh. It's scored time plus faults. A cash prize is awarded to the winner of each height and it can range from a couple dollars to a couple hundred dollars. A qualification at a regional event is required to advance to the National event. At the National Steeplechase, the prize money could be as high as $4,000/£2,285, which is split by the winners of the four height divisions. Finally, the Dog Agility Masters (DAM) Tournament, is a three dog/handler team competing all five classes and are scored cumulatively. DAM teams must place in the top 75% of a regional events to qualify to participate at the DAM Nationals.
NADAC Nationals qualification consists of earning 50% of the total points available over two shows. A clean standard run is worth 10 points, five or fewer faults is worth five points, a clean gamblers and jumpers are both worth 10 points. AKC Nationals qualification consists of four clean runs at the Excellent level. The AKC also broadcast their Nationals on the Animal Planet network as well. Start & Finish Times
Some clubs that host AKC shows will offer agility, obedience, conformation and other classes all at one show if the club members are so inclined to plan such a large event. Training/Seminars I also try to train at home a couple times a week, but we are limited with space and the amount of equipment. I currently have three jumps, one tire, and set of weave poles, all hand made. There are a number of places to purchase equipment but a nice A-frame runs about $300/£171.42. I hope to have an A-frame (home-built) and a used tunnel by the end of the year. My trainers do offer private lessons and rental of their agility field for additional practice. So I can't really have any excuses! I hope you have enjoyed this brief look in agility in the United States. Good luck!
Tania's younger dog, three-year old Marley, has really excelled and after just one year, is competing at the Masters level. In January of this year, Tania and Marley qualified for the USDAA's Grand Prix of Agility National competition. While they will not be making the long plane flight to Cleveland, Ohio for the competition, they will be enjoying competing this year and striving for their Master Agility Dog title. Here is a link to her site. She claims 'it's just something I play around with to keep my skills updated for web stuff I do at work. You can visit Tania on http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2481/agility.htm All Agility photos credited to Bill Newcomb and the group photo to Tim Chadwick. Editor's note: US$ prices are converted at the going rate of £1.75. Information provided on 13 April 1999 by National Westminster Bank.1998 USDAA Grand Prix of Dog Agility National Champions @ United States Dog Agility Association, Inc. All rights reserved. |
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