The voice of American agility post-11/09
Horrified, trembling and shaking myself,
To everyone directly or indirectly involved , my most sincere thoughts and best wishes.
Guy Blancke (in CA)
American Kennel Club (AKC)
about Weekend Events
Due to the tragic events occurring on Tuesday, September 11, 2001,
the American Kennel Club recommends that individual dog clubs with shows scheduled for this
weekend should proceed with their best judgment. Clubs must consider all circumstances and the
best interests of their members and exhibitors as they decide whether to hold or to cancel
their event.
At this time no events have been canceled. Should any
club decide to cancel their event it will be posted here as soon as the AKC is notified.
- Judges that are unable to travel to scheduled shows
should contact the show giving club as soon as possible. Event Plans staff in North Carolina
is fully staffed to assist any club to help find local judges.
- Judges unable to travel to a scheduled assignment may
be replaced under the emergency situation policy.
- The closing date for entries due at 12 noon today has
been extended until 12 noon Friday, September 14th.
- The New York office of the AKC will remain closed
Wednesday and will likely be open Thursday.
The American Kennel Club sends its thoughts and prayers
for everyone with friends and family members involved in the tragedies in New York, Washington,
D.C., and Pennsylvania.
For more information, see
Footnote: Pamela Manaton at AKC today and she
said none of the 22 agility trials were being cancelled this weekend.
States Dog Agility Association, Inc. (USDAA)
Grand Prix 2001 Update
Like so many others on Tuesday, the USDAA office was disrupted by news of the terrorist attacks
in New York and Washington. USDAA wishes to express its heartfelt concern for all
individuals who have been affected by this terrible tragedy.
Amidst numerous telephone calls and emails, plans are
coming together for the 2001 Grand Prix World Event. Overseas travellers have been contacting
the office to express their support and to reaffirm that they will be in San Diego and ready to
compete. USDAA officials wish everyone safe travels and much success in this year's event.
For more information, see
Ground Zero

From Jerry & the Mini
Movers from Ohio
There may be many pets in the shelters after this tragedy. I do not
know for sure, but it is something to think about. If you can help these innocent victims,
please do. I am setting here in Ohio with a very heavy heart. God Bless America!
From Ernestine Bayer
Friends: We have witnessed a devastating effect on our nation. Please let us
consider all our pet friends.
Please forward this list of emergency rescue location to
- Manhattan Center for Animal Care & Control
24 hour hotline: 212-722 3620
Tel. 212 876 7700
Animal Placement: 212-876 4120/4121
- Bide-a-Wee
410 East 38th Street, New York
Tel. 212-532 4455
- Hearts & Homes for Homeless Dogs
4810 Surf Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11224
Rescue dogs available: 718-372 2794
Contact: Mel & Roseanne -
- Fund for Animals
Have-a-Heart Clinic
355 West 52 Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues), NYC
Tel. 212-977 6877
- Brooklyn Center for Animal Care & Control
2336 Linden Boulevard, Brooklyn, New York
Tel. 718-272 7200
- Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
253 Wythe Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel. 718-486 7489
National Disaster Search Dog
Foundation is asking for donations. They have sent teams to the disaster sight. Spread the word
and help in any way you can.

Emails from America
From Judy Sage
The Kennel Club of Niagara Falls is really
a class act. This weekend at their agility trial, the trial secretary announced a portion of
the club's proceeds are being donated to support search and rescue dogs working in NYC and the
What a gracious way to show support for those brave folks
in NYC. Before the trial began both days, the US and Canadian national anthems were played.
There were more than a few damp eyes as we remembered and honored those who perished.
God Bless America. (18/09/01)
From Mike Gooch
It is our human-ness that leads us to love and keep and train dogs.
But we have other facets, just as human, which lead us to
care about one another just as much. How can we deny each other that? How can we act as if it
didn't happen or act as if it doesn't matter?"
While we each have tremendous grief in our hearts
regarding the insanity which has taken place, and the grieving process is 'personal' to each of
us, the fact of the matter is 'our safety and security have been violated.'
The longer we allow our lives to be altered by the
actions of a few lunatics, the longer 'they' own our lives, and our attitudes.
The freedom to move about my country to trials is
something I've taken for granted. The safety of my family (dog included) and myself, is
something I'm cognizant of and try my best to optimize. For these things, my life has been
changed forever. Let me be clear here, the terrorist has won the attention and sadness of each
one of us humans. The longer we allow them to control us, the longer the enemy has won.
When we're out on the course, the world could be crashing
down, and we wouldn't know it. When we're running the course, we don't think about our
problems, we focus on one another, if only for a few seconds. This, to me, is the ultimate in
sanity, and unselfishness, and like my attitude, is within my control.
The 'stuff' outside (i.e. world peace) is something
that I pray for, but have no global power to control. God Bless the Victims, their families,
our hearts, and those we care for - dog's included.
Peace out.
From Claudia A. Costa...
Let me tell you what it is like here at ground zero. I work in Newark and my law firm used to
have an office on the 79th floor of the World Trade Center. I live right across the river
(Jersey side) and saw it live.
In Newark, where my other office is, we have had the sick
aftermath of bomb threat after bomb threat. My office is connected to Penn Station and legal
centers and by the fed buildings and courthouse. Buildings have been evacuated repeatedly due
to bomb threats.
As a result, here is what Newark looks like - we have
bomb squads and dogs outside our office. Yesterday to prevent you from going to the airport,
there were state troopers with shotguns and we have security checks on our highways.
I checked with my airline for California. They are still
not flying out of Newark. Carry-on will be extremely limited if permitted at all. My JRT
travels in the cabin. I cannot bear to put her thru the anxiety of five hours in the cabin,
plus the additional hours that she will be on hold since no gate checking is permitted.
In a nutshell, travel out of the NYC area is going to be
very difficult on heightened alert. Traveling with a dog will be even harder than it already
is. So for many of us, we consider ourselves not able to fly because putting our dog and
ourselves thru that stress is not an option.
If the rest of America is like Newark, you are in for
VERY tight security. As it gets closer to the Nationals, more and more east coast folks are
telling me they are not going. It is just too stressful an ordeal for the dogs and people.
Good luck to those who are able to drive out to
California and go on despite this tragedy. (14/09/01)
More from Claudia A. Costa...
I am in shock right now that USDAA is holding the
Grand Prix. A friend of mine with Jack Russells has her father and husband down at the rescue
site. They both are NYC firemen. She is not about to leave to go to the Grand Prix.
Many people here lost love ones and friends. The World
Trade Center employed so many people. NYC is getting back to its old self, slowly but surely.
We are, however, experiencing heightened security. We have security checks today at the tunnels
and bridges and no flights are leaving the NYC airports. So far, the transport of dogs does not
look likely.
I hear that many Europeans were lost in this tragedy as
well. My heart goes out to everyone. Yesterday, I saw a dog collapse on TV during the rescue.
The dust got to him. The EPA director said that people must wear masks in the area of the
collapse or after several days of inhaling the stuff, they could experience health problems.
Nothing is protecting those poor dogs from inhaling the dust. It was all too tragic a site.
NYC is different. Everyone has come together and helping
one another. It is amazing how you feel the compassion amongst one another. The outpouring of
help is also remarkable. And, that will help NYC get back to its self once again.