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Giving dogs a second chance

Congratulations to all the Supadarl winners 2009.
- Large Grade 1 - Diana Connor with A Jilly Tilly
- Large Grade 2 & Starter Crossbreed - Rebecca Kerry with Bailey Boo
- Large Grade 3 - Peter Richardson with Go Chi
- Large Grade 4 & Novice Crossbreed - Kerstin Mcdonagh with Minvenn Frosty
- Large Grade 5 - Julie Chapman with Gemini Jigsaw
- Large Grade 6-7 & Valgrays Award - Sarah Crouch with Final Fantasy of Valgray
- Medium Grades 1/2 - Kerry Aldridge with My Millie on Air
- Medium Grade 3 - Yvonne Goode with Backstreet Berti Bassett
- Medium Grades 4-5 - Gabi Powell with Spider Pie
- Medium Grade 6-7 - Gary Cummings with Monkey Madness No Worries
- Small Grades 1-2 - Suzanne Phillips with Keane The Pocket Rocket
- Small Grade 3 & Agilitynet Award - Linda Cummings with Golden Wunda Spud Noworries
- Small Grade 4-5 - Kelly Lockwood with Princessa De La Nieve
- Small Grade 6-7 - Wendy Fassam with Just Cruising
- Junior - Daniel Burton with Dana's True Spirit
- Large ABC - Nicky Holden with Kenwood Casca
- Gundog Award - Anna Burton with Dana's Tiger Lily
- Wiccaweys Award - Bob Scott with Wiccaweys Lottery
- Large Elementary Crossbreed - Jo Harris with Tarka Goody Twoshoes
- Senior Crossbreed - Bridgitte Wyre with Bright Future
- Allsorts - Bob Scott with Obsidian Omnivore
Registration for the 2010 league is now open
SupaDarl News End of Year News
2009 Supadog Agility Rescue League (SARL) will close at midday on Monday, 21 December 2009. Any
points after this date can be carried over from this date to the 2010 League.
Photo Star
If you would like to submit a
photograph of your 'star dog' to be included on the web site banner, please send a good quality
photograph in .jpg format to
The Supadog Award 2009
This takes over from Defa’s Award and
is for the most improved rescue dog. This award is not based on points or placings. In
fact, the winner may not have even had a clear round yet! It is to acknowledge a special dog
which has overcome whatever difficulties it's had in the past. Just tell the story as it
happened and email it to
darleague@tiscali.co.uk. The award is a trophy and goodie bag, the dog's story and photo's
will go on the SARL website. Goodie bags are also sent to the runner up dogs.
Finals news
RVA will once again be hosting the
SupaDarl Finals. The 2010 the event will be held in July 2010 at The Just
Dogs Live Show in conjunction with the RVA three day KC Open Agility show at The East of
England Showground.
The Finals will be held on
Saturday, 10 July 2010 and will be kindly judged by Lynne Shore. Invitations to The Supadarl
Finals are based on the end of year League and are as follows:-
Large Grade 1
Large Grade 2
Large Grade 3
Large Grade 4
Large Grade 5-6
Top 20
Top 20
Top 25
Top 12
Top 17 |
Medium Grades 1-2
Medium Grade 3
Medium Grade 4-5
Medium Grade 6-7
Top 7
Top 7
Top 5
Top 10 |
Small Grade 1-2
Small Grade 3
Small Grade 4-5
Small Grade 6-7
Top 5
Top 10
Top 7
Top 7 |
will sent out via email in January 2010.
Administrator Karen Fuller said, 'I would like to take this opportunity for your continued
support throughout the year, and to wish all members and their dogs a very Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year.'

2009 Supa DARL Finals
year the Supadog Agility Rescue League (SARL) final was once again held on the Friday of the
RVA KC Open Agility show at Peterborough which is held within the East of England show. The
Finals are open to all heights/categories of dogs and the top dogs from each category from our
end of year league results are invited to attend.
The judge
this year was Marc Saunders who set some brilliant courses for our finalists. The competition
format was a warm up jumping round in the morning followed by the Agility Final in the
afternoon. We were once again blessed by the weather and the ring was also viewed by the
general public who were very enthusiastic spectators, added support from friends and family
once again created a great atmosphere around the ring. Renee Patience provided the commentary
and reading out some of the stories it is incredible how some of these dogs compete, such a
credit to the owners. The finals really are special a collection of 'second-hand dogs' who were
definitely enjoying life and agility.
Thank you
I would like to say a big thank-you to everyone who made the
finals such a success, our judge Marc and a very small team, who do a very big job; Renee,
Lynne, Nickie, and Jackie. Thank-you to our sponsors Burgess, our hosts RVA, and the extra help
provided by the RVA club. Yyou all helped make the finals run so smoothly. More photos and full
results can be found on the website. This event really captures the spirit of the Rescue League
and, if you are interested in joining, then please visit our website - www.supadarl.co.uk
Winners 2009
Large Grade 1 - Harriet Anthony with Saffron Ruby Rose
Large Grade 2 - Jayne Pettit with Wiccaweys Dancing Brave
Large Grade 3-4 - Rachael Frost with Toby One Konobi
Large Grade 5-7 - Leah Gardner with Chaffords Herbal Illusion
Medium Grade 1-3 - Sandra Goodwin with Mazie's Little Irish Lass
Medium Grade 4-7 - Gary Cummings with Ag.Ch. Monkey Madness No Worries
Small Grade 1-3 - Kelly Lockwood with Princessa de la Nieve
Small Grade 4-7 - Martine Wates with Moby
An amazing 2008!
With the
continued support of Burgess, the 2008 league has been able to present over 50 awards.
Congratulations to all the award winners and also to all members who have had their own
personal achievements this year.
The 2008 Supadarl Winners
Large Dogs
- Large G1 - Judi Brown with Tehanu My Best Buddy (X)
- Large G2 - Sharon Footitt with Little Bezler (X)
- Large G3 - Sara Lloyd with Me And My Monkey (X)
- Large G4 - Nikki Collins with Hotshot Harlequin A.W.S (WSD)
- Large G5 - Bob Scott with Wiccaweys Lottery (WSD) with Wicceweys Award
- Large G6-7 - Ian Dobison Ag Ch Call Me Mr 'T' (WSD)
Medium Dogs
- Medium G 1-2 - Rebecca Fowler with Zak Attak J (X)
- Medium G3 - Anna Burton with Dana's Tiger Lily (WC Spaniel)
- Med G4/5 - Roger Brown with Tehanu Kimmy A.W.B (X) with Agilitynet 'Rescue Me' Award
- Med G6/7 - Gary Cummings with Monkey Madness No Worries (Patt Terrier)
Small Dogs
- Small G1-2 - Suzanne Phillips with Keane The Pocket Rocket A.W.B (JR)
- Small G3 - Janet Lockwood with Princessa De La Nieve (unknown)
- Small G4-5 - Daniel Burton with Jolly Jumping Bean J (Terrier)
- Small G6-7 - Wendy Fassam with Just Cruising (JRX)
All the other award winners can be found at
After a
successful Finals held at The East of England show in June 2008, RVA have once again agreed to
host the 2009 Finals. The qualifiers will be informed shortly by email and the website will be
updated in January. I am pleased to confirm that Marc Saunders has very kindly agreed to
Judge for us.
As the
league continues to grow, I hope that the 2009 league will be even more successful.
Administrator Karen Fuller said, 'The more people that join us, the bigger the awareness of
secondhand dogs competing in agility. It is difficult for me to remember that just 3 years ago
the league started with some good intentions and no idea where it would take me, as I continue
to learn I do hope you will continue to help promote the successes you have with your dogs, so
please renew your membership for 2009. We can't do it without you!'
registration is now open.
Happy New
DARL End of Year Reminder
have until 22 December to add points to the 2008 Supadarl League. The final places will also
count towards invitations to our Finals which will be held at RVA on Friday, 19 June 2009.
for all your support which has allowed the league to grow. This year a record 54 trophies are
being awarded, so I hope you will join us again next year and continue to promote 'Rescue
will open for the 2009 league in the first week in January 2009, and we will be adding a
Valgrays section to the 2009 league.
Christmas & Happy New Year.
Nominate Your Dog forDefa's Award
Award, kindly sponsored by Patch Guipago, is for the most improved rescue dog.
This award
is not based on points or placings. In fact, the winner may not have even had a clear round
yet! It's meant to acknowledge a special dog which has overcome whateverdifficulties it's had
in the past a dog has overcome up to the point where is itnow able to do agility with its new
That special
dog/ownerpartnership could be you or someone else you know who may not realise howamazing their
part has been in giving their dog a great future! All you have todo is write your/their story
in as much detail as you think relevant, there isno real maximum length, just tell the story as
it happened and click
here to email it to Patch.
The award is
a trophy whichwill be engraved for the winner and the dog's story and photo's will go on the
SupaDogAgility Rescue League website.
For Defa's story,
click here.
SupaDarl Finals News
again RVA has agreed to host the SupaDarl Finals which will be held on Friday, 19 June
2009. Further details regarding the invitations will be announced on the website once the 2008
league has closed.
A reminder to all members
that the closing date to submit points for the league is mid-day on Monday, 22 December 2008.
Supadog Agility Rescue League Finals Report
year the Supadog Agility Rescue League (SARL) final was held on the Friday of the RVA KC Open
Agility show at Peterborough. The Final is open to all heights/categories of dogs. The top dogs
from each category are invited to attend.
The judge
this year was Paul Moore who set some fantastic courses which were flowing but also challenging
for the different levels competing. The competition format was a warm up jumping round in the
morning followed by the Agility Final in the afternoon.
The weather,
as the forecast, had been mixed, but luckily it stayed dry, and the sun even made a few
appearances! There was a lot of support and motivation from friends and family as well as from
people at the agility show and the general public. This was very encouraging to all competitors
and it made the atmosphere around the ring excellent.
Patience provided some top and entertaining commentary although Paul Moore might not agree with
that, 'something about Papillons! It was hard not to be moved by some of the stories of the
stars of the day, and it is a credit to the handlers that many of these dogs have managed to
put behind them their bad start to life and are now happy and confident. These dogs were
definitely enjoying life/agility and competing at all levels.
Judges report
Having a rescue dog myself, Tyke (Valgrays Iri-ish Boy), who is
now the grand old age of 12 years old, I was over the moon when I was asked to judge this event
as this is a subject close to my heart. I have to say, some of the stories definitely brought a
tear to the eyes and I was glad to be able to hide behind my sunglasses at some of the horrific
There were
some fantastic runs on the day. I truly believe that everyone single one was a winner. What
does stand out in my mind, however, is how ecstatic some of the handlers were to gain their
clear rounds. It was lovely to see such enthusiasm. Well done to those who won the coveted
titles of SARL winner of 2008 in their Grade. There are too many of you to mention. I think you
gave the members of the public watching an excellent demonstration of dog agility and how it
can be enjoyed by everyone.
I was very
honoured to be asked to judge the 2008 SARL Finals by the organiser, Karen Fuller. This event
is extremely well planned and executed by Karen who had a superb crew helping her on the day,
and a big big thank you goes out to you all. There were some fantastic trophies, too! A
special thank you goes to the several scribes I had throughout the day and to Renee Patience
who did a sterling job commentating all day!
Karen said, 'We were delighted to
introduce and welcome the Managing Director from Burgess Petcare, Paul Miley. Burgess Petcare
(formally Burgess Supadog) enabled us to provide generous food prizes and superb trophies, with
every finalist taking home a rosette and toy for their canine partner.'
'A huge
thank you to everyone who helped make the finals a success including our hosts RVA, our
sponsors Burgess Pet Care, Lynn Kelly who disappeared into the score tent about 9am and
re-appeared early evening after spending the day sorting out the scoring and paperwork. Renee’s
little helpers Tor and Stefan were absolute stars and worked all day, helping with the
commentary cards, leads, as well as the rosettes/toys for the prizegivings.'
Thanks also
go to Paula Kingwood and Becky Layphries who took turns to book in the competitors and lots of
other people - Leah, Jay, Nick and Kate to name a few - who stepped in at the last moment to
help with the scriming, course building and any other tasks/jobs that needed doing throughout
the day. Many people rose to the challenge to help run this event and I am very grateful!'
Thanks also
needs to be extended to all the SARL members who attended, many of whom travelled quite a few
miles to be at the finals, and I cannot forget the stars of the day, the dogs!!
More photo’s
and full results can be found on the website. This event really captures the spirit of the
league and if you are interested in joining, then please visit our website -
Nicola Hadaway & Trio
(Small G1-4) |
Helen Anderson & Dinky
Demon of Down Under
(Medium G1-4) |
Nicky Holden & Kenwood
(Large G2) |
Judith Doble & Tumble
Black Magic
(Large G1) |
Cummings & Monkey Madness No Worries
(Medium G5-7) |
Soraya Porter & Hartsfern in Ernest
(Small G5-7) |
Dobison Little Miss Meena
(Large G3-5) |
Gardner & Chaffords Herbal Illusion
(Large G6-7) |
Finals News
For all the SARL finalists, just to let you know that the
website has now been updated with further information for The Finals including the running
orders. Car passes were posted on 26 May 2008 to everyone who sent a SAE.
The Finals will be held at the RVA show at the East of
England Showground, Peterborough, on Friday, 13 June. The judge will be Paul Moore. Competitors
should book in at Ring 6 from 8.30 - 9.00am. If you are in the first two classes, please be at
the ringside from 9.20am. If you are entered in the show, please make sure that if you have a
run that clashes with the final ring you inform both callers.
If you are competing in agility with a Rescue Dog and
want to find out how easy it is to join the Supadog Agility Rescue League, please visit
the website to register
There are over 35 end of year awards and Finals to
qualify for. It is easy to enter your points online which are updated in realtime and if you
have not registered yet don't worry. There is no time limit to enter points so you can
claim all your points for this year.
Karen Fuller is still waiting for quite a few replies to the invitations to the finals.
There are lists of finalists and reserves posted on the
website, so if members could check to see if replies have been received she would be most
G3-5 Survey
all Darleague members with G3-5 dogs. As we go into the 2008 league, Karen Fuller is looking at
splitting the G3-5 categories to create some more awards for next year. She would like to see
how the dogs registered in the League are split between these Grades and need members help to
take a minute to fill in the survey on the website.
Dates of 2008 Finals Announced
The Superdog Agility
Rescue League Finals, sponsored by Burgess, will be hosted by RVA at the three day open agility
show at The East
of England Agricultural Show on Friday, 13 June 2008. There is no time limit to claim
points and they can be backdated to 21 December 2006
The qualifiers will be based on
the 2007 league results as follows:-
Separate Finals |
Large G1 - top 15 |
Large G2 - top 15 |
Large G3-5 top 30 |
Large G5-6 top 15 |
Medium G1-7 one Final |
Medium G1 - top 3 |
Medium G2 - top 3 |
Medium G3-5 - top 10 |
Medium G 5-6 top 5 |
Small G1-7 one Final |
Small G1 - top 3 |
Small G2 - top 3 |
Small G3-5 top10 |
Small G5-6 - top 5 |
Further information regarding
invitations to the event including the RVA schedule will be found on the
web site in due course
Supadog Agrees to Sponsor Agility League for
Rescue Dogs
The Dog Agility Rescue
League (DARL), formed to recognise the achievements of rescue dogs, is celebrating after
agreeing a three-year sponsorship deal with Supadog, the popular dog food range from pet care
specialists Burgess.
The Dog Agility Rescue League (DARL) –
soon to become the Supadog Agility Rescue League – was launched last year to allow rescue dogs
and their owners to show they can compete with the best of them in the agility ring. It already
has close on 800 members.
Christine Neasham, head of marketing
at Burgess, said 'At Burgess we believe that pets contribute hugely to the wellbeing of
their owners and we should repay them by looking after them the best we can. It's great
to know that members of the Dog Agility Rescue League and other people like them have been
able to give a loving home to some very lucky rescue dogs and help them reach their full
potential – their success shows that with the right care and attention rescue dogs can be
just as successfully trained as non-rescues.'
'We admire their dedication and are
looking forward to working with everyone associated with the league to ensure rescue dogs -
who are the true supadogs - get the recognition they deserve.'
The Supadog sponsorship, which begins
in January 2008, will help fund the league's one-day national final. All competitors will
receive a bag of Supadog Active, a protein-rich food for active and sporting dogs, with natural
bio-flavonoids which have anti-viral properties to guard against infection from sources such as
stagnant water and carrion.
Karen Fuller, the league
administrator, said 'We're very excited about our partnership with Supadog.
Interest in the league is already growing in leaps and bounds and this new support should
help the league gain a much higher profile in the agility world.'
Burgess will continue to support the
Kent-based Supadog Agility Show, the largest event of its kind in the world, which it has
sponsored for 11 years.
For more information about Dog Agility
Rescue League visit their web site
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