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What they want...
Agility judges give up their time - and their
runs - to stand in the ring, come rain or come shine for up to five or six hours at a time,
just so you can have a good day/ And what do they get for it - a free lunch, big rosette,
camping near the ring and travelling expenses which in these days of might just about cover the
cost of petrol - and a thank you present. We know that most judges don't do it for the gift but
we thought it was about time that we asked them what they preferred and this is what they told
Type of Gift
143 people answered the questionnaire of which the
overwhelming choice was a High Street gift voucher.
Please choose the ONE type of judge's gift you would MOST like to
receive this year
Percent |
Votes |
Voucher - High Street Store |
47% |
68 |
Voucher - trade stands at show |
3% |
5 |
Clothing |
4% |
6 |
Present for your dog |
8% |
12 |
Agility related gift |
12% |
18 |
Household item |
0% |
1 |
Cash |
16% |
23 |
Donation to a charity |
2% |
4 |
Nothing |
1% |
2 |
Other (briefly) |
2% |
4 |
Total Votes |
143 |
Judge's Experience
The percentage of agility judges who completed the
questionnaire was more or less even with the most having judged for 2 - 10 years or more. Some
people hadn't judged yet and some probably could not remember!
How many years have you
been judging?
Percent |
Votes |
Just starting out |
10% |
14 |
1 year |
5% |
8 |
2-4 years |
25% |
35 |
5-10 years |
28% |
38 |
Forever! (over 10 years) |
29% |
40 |
Total Votes |
135 |
Type of Agility Judged
From the number of answers, it seems that quite a few
people have judged at various types of aglity shows. Most had experience judging at Kennel Club
licensed shows.
Which of these show
types have you judged at?
Percent |
Votes |
Kennel Club |
38% |
123 |
9% |
31 |
5% |
16 |
Non-affiliated show |
22% |
70 |
Club, match, league (non-show) |
24% |
78 |
Total Votes |
318 |
Favourite Gifts
We asked people to specify their favourite gifts. The
results were interesting, ranging from bottles of wine to gifts for the dog, items of clothing
to gift vouchers . Here are some of the things that people told us they liked best.
What is the favourite judge's gift you
have ever received?
£30 cash and
a bottle of wine
•A fluffy throw for my dogs •A folding directors camping chair
•A goody bag of wine, cheese, cheese biscuits a herb plant all
from the local area •A voucher to have my dogs photo
taken by Nick Ridley •A wonderful pencil sketch of my
dog •Alcohol •All of them •Border
fine arts model •Camping chair •Cash
•Clothing •Coat •Coat •Cool
box •Crystal wine glasses •DINAS fleece
•Directors Chair •Dog bed •Dog bed
from Dog Vegas •Dog duvet •Dog quilt
•Drawing of my dog (thanks Wallingford!) •Embroidered
Coat (with show logo on) •Embroidered Hoody
•Embroidered jackets from Spytech but now got too many!! •Fleece
•Fleece •Fleece •Folding chair I use
for scriming •Framed photo of my own dog •Free
camping and entries and travel costs for a whole week's show!!
•Free Camping and Free runs for my dogs the other day/days
•Free entries, camping, meals •Gift pack at
Tamisje •Gift voucher •Glasses •Glassware
with club name, class •Goody Bag - ACTS, I think -
something for me, something for the dogs! •High st
voucher •High Street Store Voucher •High
street voucher •High Street vouchers but not M&S •Jack
Wolfskin bag •Jacket •Jacket •Large
fleece blanket •Leather dog lead embossed with my
details •Local produce hamper •Luxury
dog bed •Marks & Spencer voucher •Marks and
Spencers tokens •Nametag collar •Painting
•Patagonia body warmer - REALLY expensive •Pencil
sketch of dog •Personalised collar •Personalised,
hand-drawn picture of my dogs •Photo frame •Photo
frame with gift voucher for photo •Photo of my dog
•Photographic portrait of dog •Picnic bag
•Portrait of my do •Portrait of one of my dogs
•Present for new puppy •Professional photo of dogs
•Quilted gilet •ROLLED LEATHER LEAD •Sealskin
socks •Shrewsbury, my 1st KC appt gave me a snuggle
which I still use every day (a fleece blanket to the rest of you
that me and the dogs snuggle into) •Solar/battery/wind-up
radio/torch gadget thingy •There are 2: wrought iron
dog sculpture that was a plant pot holder with a floral
arrangement in it and then a lovely warm fleece with my name
embroidered on it •Toaster •Torch!
•UKA sweatshirt •Very generous Argos voucher so I
could buy just what I wanted •Very large china dogs
water bowl •Voucher •Voucher •Voucher
for Marks and Spencers •Vouchers •Vouchers which I put together and bought a new camera •Waterproof
picnic rug •Waterproof socks •Waterproof
walking jacket •Waterproof walking jacket •Whisky
•Wolf design dog blanket •Wonderful Rain Jacket
from Granite City Dog Club
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First published: 25/01/10
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