David Bew
Townend Bungalow, Deepcar, Sheffield, S36 2US.
Tel: 07790506946 or 07776215812

Regulations for Show Secretaries
1 January 2004 to 19 June 2005

1. In each of the ten heats, First Contact will supply trophies to fourth place, regardless of the number of entries in the heat and rosettes to 30th place. The club hosting the heat will provide the rosettes from 31st place up to 10% of the entry.

The top five places in the heat will qualify for the final. The next five places will be reserves.

2. If entries for a heat exceed the Kennel Club limit for a judge in any one-day then the class will be split and a second judge will be appointed.

First Contact will supply trophies to fourth and rosettes to 30th place in each part. The club holding the heat will provide rosettes from 31st to 10% of entries in each part.

Three dogs from each part will qualify for the final. The next three places in each part will be reserves.

3. Classes that do not exceed the limit for a judge in any one-day can be split upon agreement between First Contact and the show secretary.

First Contact will supply trophies to third place, and rosettes to 15th place, regardless of the number of entries in each part. Three dogs from each part will qualify for the final. The next three will be reserves.

4. Show secretaries should notify first contact of the total number of entries in the heats as soon as possible. All paper work should be returned to the above address no later than seven working days after the date of the heat. It is the show secretaries’ responsibility to make sure the qualifiers and reserves are given their instruction letters with their trophies and rosettes.

The final will be held at North Derbyshire Dog Agility Festival on the 19th June 2005 (subject to KC approval and licence)


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