For any dog that loves to play ball...
Both dogs had lots of fun with the iFetch toy. They got very excited and enjoyed the game. On occasions, they played football with the balls, flicking them with their paws and bark with excitement. Alfie and Poppy learned this game very quickly as it i snot difficult.
What did you like about this product? The fact that it has three balls enables both dogs to play at the same time. The whirring noise of the machine is great as it excites them. They quickly realised that the balls start to shoot out of the machine when it whirrs. They then start barking with excitement and get ready, in a crouched position, to race after the balls. They didn't always bring the ball back as they enjoyed playing with them too much! It is a good product to have indoors as it is easily stored and an excellent playtime game to keep the dogs amused when the weather is bad and the dark evenings are here. The machine is portable and can be used anywhere in the house, including the bottom of the stairs, pointing upwards. They would race to get the balls and, on the way back, would practice their contacts and wait position. I also used it in the garden, aiming it to shoot the balls out and over the jumps to encourage Alfie to run on.
What could
be improved?
Neither Alfie or Poppy ever learned to drop the ball back into the hole so maybe they could be improved. This product is not suitable for larger dogs as could pose a risk of choking, but I understand that a larger model called iFetch Too is due out in september.
What did you think of the design
and quality of production?
Price: £99 Rating: 8 / 10 Value for Money: Although I really liked the product, I think it is slightly overpriced. Having said that, the dogs never tire of the game and I get the machine out quite a bit to play with them which is more than can be said about some other toys.
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friends and family?
Julie and Poodles live in Waltham Cross. If you would like to comment on this product
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