Simple but effective...

Agility Supplier: South West Agility Goods
Reviewers: Dani Jeffery

Description: The SWAG Head Collar sits on the muzzle of the dog and goes around the back of the head where it tightens with an adjustable strap. When using the head collar pressure from the dog pulling forward is felt on the bridge of the muzzle pulling the head down and halting forward momentum, at which point the dog will slow down and over time should learn to walk calmly beside you.


  • Lined with two layers of fleece
  • Available in three sizes
  • Calming fit for even the fussiest dog
  • High quality webbing
  • Wide range of colours
  • Mix and colour match with SWAG handy or fleece lined leads
  • Made in the UK

Why did you want to review this product?
I have five agility dogs, three of which are especially strong and excitable on the lead. Slip leads are a no no and harnesses just gave me no control. They would just put all their weight behind their shoulders to tow me along! Having tried other head halters, I bought these last year and have never looked back.

What did you like about this product?
I particularly like the fact that they only tighten when the dog pulls, loosening instantly when they relax. allowing the dog to walk straight. They do not restrict their mouths or interfere with the dogs eyes or natural head position. It is easy to play tuggy in the queue with the dog wearing this, and they do not rub or bother the dogs at all.

For a kind but firm control of an unruly, strong, mad keen agility dog I wouldn’t use anything else.

They are also extremely smart looking. Mine are lined in the individual dogs colour scheme!

What do you think could be improved?
I don’t think they could be better.

What did you think of the design and packaging of the product?
The quality is fab. I use them every day to walk mine and have had the original head collars for nearly two years, without any deterioration. The webbing can be black, purple, baby pink, cerise, sky blue, royal blue, navy, red or brown while the fleece comes in a great range of colours including light blue, aqua, royal blue, navy, emerald, bottle green, lilac, purple, pink, cerise, red, wine, white, yellow, brown, black, orange.

Where the instructions clear?
As I said before, the design is simple but very effective and easy to fit. To help new customers there is a size and fitting guide on the web site.

£8.00 plus delivery. Available from South West Agility Goods or Agility Warehouse

Value for Money:
Extremely good value for money.

Overall rating:
10/10 I can walk all five dogs on leads in one hand. A miracle!

Available from Agility Warehouse

About the Reviewer...
Dani Jeffery  has seven dogs, five of which compete. She travels to shows all over the country throughout the year. Her dogs she says are 'the best dogs in the world' and they get spoilt rotten. She loves every minute she spends with them.

She lives in Devon with her husband and daughter where they  run two businesses, one making agility equipment so the sport does rather take over their lives.

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First publisher 08 October 2009


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