International success for Team GB
decision to compete at the 2006 IFCS World Cup was actually made before Greg and Laura Derrett
launched UK Agility in early May 2004. So as the team drove down to Dover in a mini bus full of
handlers and grooms followed by two vans full of dogs, there had not only been a lot of
anticipation, but also a little bit of nervousness. The qualification process had run well and
certainly the dogs and handlers on the team had been some of the most consistent at UKA shows,
but what would happen when they met the rest of the world? Greg
and Tace Allen combine to report.
It was a surprise that the UK
Agility team made it to Dover at all, let alone Holland. Firstly, the minibus – enough said.
Secondly was Pete’s driving of the minibus, best described as a white-knuckle ride topped off
with a Garfield pose of the whole team on the front windscreen when he hit the brakes! Thirdly,
Stuarts’s instructions to meet half of the team at a service station just off the M25 turned
out to be a pub and a football club out in the middle of nowhere. Special thanks to Abbey
Rangers FC for letting myself Laura and Angela break into their toilets.
Each vehicle
was given a walkie-talkie and calling name. The Minibus aka 'Eyeball Eyeball' set a blistering
pace with 'Rubber Duckie' (Greg and Laura) and 'Roger Roger' (Jane and Mark) in hot pursuit. On
arrival at Dover (in record time), we had one last minor problem before leaving British soil.
The minibus had been booked to carry nine passengers onto the ferry, so why had we handed in
ten passports? Luckily we managed to pimp Shaun out to another vehicle to help balance
the numbers.
arrived in Calais and set off for Holland with the aid of Stuarts’ Tom Tom. All was going well
until we hit congestion due to an accident, Pete took matters into his own hands and decided
that re-routing the tom tom and driving down the hard shoulder would be a lot quicker!
Shaun and I feel that at this point we have to apologise to the rest of the minibus passengers
for distracting Pete with FHMs 100 sexiest women magazine and nearly crashing into the back of
an oil tanker. We did eventually arrive at the hotel in one piece.
Greg: The journey to Holland went fairly smooth until the
ten mile traffic jam, but the decision to bring Pete Van Dongen was already well worth it due
to his local knowledge of the Dutch road network. We arrived at the hotel via a short cut in
the late afternoon. The hotel had a superb restaurant and was only 2K from the venue.
It is said that breakfast
is the most important meal of the day, so we started off the day 'Pete Van Dongen style' with
Dutch breakfast delicacies like Hundreds and Thousands on bread, chocolate sprinkles and ginger
cake spread with butter. Yum! On arrival at the venue, team management were already in trouble.
It may have something to do with our Dutch minibus driver doing donuts and handbrake turns in
the car park!
decorating the team tent with Union Jack flags, the team proceeded with vet checks and
measuring. All dogs went through with no problems, so we set up for a team training session,
which was a great opportunity to get the dogs used to the equipment and to practice some simple
distance work without destroying anybody’s confidence. We discovered the weaves were set at
smaller spacings, which meant the larger dogs had to work much harder. All dogs and handlers
stepped up to the challenge. Even in 26ºC heat we were confident for the games to commence.
day finished back at the hotel with me massaging and checking over the handlers and dogs. This
was so that Pete and I could keep an eye on any developing injuries before they became a
problem. We all met for the IFCS Welcome Dinner that was being held in our hotel – a great
night had by all despite not having a table, hence why the Brits took up residence at the bar,
setting an excellent example to the rest of the world of athletes in their prime!
The following day the Team had the
morning off whilst the team management (Laura, Shaun, Pete, Tace and Greg ) scouted out the
venue. We were a bit anxious about what the venue would be like. We were pleasantly surprised
as there were two well groomed grass areas with a large grandstand for spectators and a fenced
off area for the competitors with each team having their own designated marquee. In addition,
there was a café selling homemade hot and cold food and a huge beer tent!
In the
afternoon that day, the team had their vet check and training sessions. We had ½ hour training
in each competition ring where our team came away feeling confident, even though we could see
some nerves beginning to creep in. The team then had the rest of the day to themselves with the
evening finishing with a welcome dinner back at the hotel.
The Opening Ceremony went
well, the UK team being led by Greg carrying his flagpole with pride. We had a team urine
exchange, I mean 'handshake' with the other competitors where we tried to learn 'good luck' in
seven different languages.
Over the three
days of competition the championships consist of several different events:-
Biathlon – One agility and one jumping round combined together to produce an overall
The All
Around – One agility, one jumping, one gamblers and one snooker run combined to give an
overall World Champion.
Individuals – Each “All Around” run, carry a World Champion Title.
Triathlon Team Event -Teams consist of three dogs from each country, two of which have to
be in the same height category and one of another (e.g. two x 26” dogs and one x 12” dog).
One agility, one jumping run and a team relay for each dog producing an overall total and
winning country.
With three
days of competition and seven titles in four different height categories, there was a lot to
play for!
Power &
Speed was the first run of the tournament. This run didn’t carry a title but was a great
chance for both dog and handler to adjust to equipment and atmosphere.
12” -
In this class we had Dawn Weaver and Dreamer who put in a solid run, followed by Tracy Ryan
with Tia, who also put in a good clear. With the temperature soaring, however, Tia was
steadier than usual and slightly off the pace.
16” -
Next up was Dawn with Chelsea who went clear. Unfortunately, Lu Candy-Carter with Tassle was
eliminated due to an inconsiderate Russian playing with a squeaky toy next to the ring.
22” -
Both Angela Williams with Pi and Stuart Carter with Wispa put in excellent runs, resulting in
Pi finishing third in what proved to be the most competitive of all the height categories.
26” - Jane
Powell and Keeta had an uncharacteristic pole down, whilst Stuart and Storm had a brilliant
run resulting in third place.
Agility run was next and carried with it a potential of two titles. It was a hard run to decide
whether you go flat out for the Individual title or play it safe to contribute it towards the
All Around title.
16” – Dawn
and Chelsea an unfortunate elimination on a hard part of the course, whilst Lu and Tassle put
in a great clear setting her up nicely for the All Around title.
22” - Angela
and Pi had ten faults on a missed weave entry and a see-saw contact, still possible for an
all around placing but a lot of work to do. Individual places would have been a lot to ask of
12 year old Wispa, so Stuart played safe and put in a solid clear, hoping that consistency
would keep him in good stead for the overall result.
26” – Jane
and Keeta were eliminated putting them out of contention for the All Around title. Stuart and
Storm put in a blinding clear resulting in second place and an Individual SILVER Medal. Our
first silver medal!
12” – Dawn
and Dreamer had five faults due to a slow tipping see saw, whilst Tracy and Tia had another
clear even though Tia was still struggling with the heat.
Biathlon –
Jumping round finished the day with day. No individual medals as this round was combined
with an Agility run held the following day. This run was all about consistency.
22” – Angela
and Pi went clear but a couple of wide turns cost valuable seconds. Stuart and Wispa were
26” – Jane
and Keeta put in a clear but slightly scrappy round giving her a lot to do in the following
days agility round. Stuart and Storm had a great clear even though Stuart nearly fell over
not once, but twice! This left Stuart in pole position for the Agility run on Saturday.
12” – Tracy
and Tia had yet another clear but Tia was still not firing on all cylinders. Dawn and Dreamer
were eliminated.
16” -
Lu and Tassle picked up a refusal putting the title just out of grasp. Dawn made up for her
earlier mistake by doing a great clear round with Chelsea.
a bad start to the World Champs - one silver medal, two third places and four dogs still in
contention for the All Around and Biathlon titles. Once back at the hotel we had a minor
setback with Storm who became quite stiff after the days events. Pete and I set to work; only
time would tell if he would be able to run the following day.
The Team had a
lovely meal together and after propping up the bar for the second night we all headed to bed
before midnight! Please can somebody remind me never to have a lift race when Mark Powell
is around. Mark, I know you pressed the button to let Shaun win!
The day began with the
Opening Ceremony which, we were all pleased, was very short and sweet. The event was set up in
such a way as to run efficiently. Whilst one ring was running, the other was being built.
The first event
which was a warm up class of Power and Speed. Angela with Pi and Stuart with Storm were placed
third in their jump heights.
Agility All
Around was the next round. This run was to be combined with the other three All Around Classes
to produce the All Around World Champ. In addition, this run was for the Individual Agility
World Champ. Several clears and some with faults, but Stuart had a great run with Storm,
bringing home our first medal which was silver.
meant you were out of the All Around, but since five faults = five seconds, ten faults still
kept you within distance.
The next and
final run of the day was the Jumping Biathlon. Again, the scoring was five faults = five
seconds. This run did not have an individual medal but was combined with the Agility Biathlon
for a combined result for a medal. Again Stuart and Storm did a very nice run putting him in
great contention for the medal. Dawn and Chelsea also ran well leaving them in a good position
for the next day.
the end of the day it was back to the hotel for a team meeting and evening meal. Tace and Pete
were needed to work their magic on a couple of the dogs and handlers with some minor strains.
Today was going to be a toughie, not just for the team and
their 4 runs, but also for myself, and Pete having to work to keep Storm and Stuart sound. The
day consisted of the Biathlon Agility run, Gamblers, Snooker and Jumping runs all contributing
to the All Around title. By the end of the day there would be 20 agility titles decided, so a
lot was at stake.
was the first run, and with a send away gamble which doubled your points, the whole competition
could be thrown wide open. No pressure then!
– Two perfectly timed runs by both the British pair, each getting 68 points each. Britain had
its first World Champs in the form of Jane and Keeta, followed by Stuart and Storm in Silver
medal position and cementing his position at the top of the All Around table.
12” –
Unfortunately both dogs missed their gamble.
16” – Lu and
Tassle nailed the British course, also giving her 68 points, and so did Dawn and Chelsea.
However, due to a judging error Chelsea ran out of time for the gamble. The British Team
Management lodged a formal complaint as luckily we had video footage of the run. The judging
panel and the captains of all the other teams held a vote and Dawn's run with Chelsea was
re-instated and Britain walked away with yet another 1, 2 – Gold and Silver. This put Tassle
at the top of the leader board for the all around title.
22” –
Continuing a British domination, Angela and Pi put in a perfect run and got Bronze, with
Stuart and Wispa getting fourth place so no medal but great for overall positioning.
– Agility. With only a couple of dogs in contention for this award, it was decided to
withdraw Dreamer and save him for the individuals. Tassle and Wispa were to use this round as a
training round, with the view of saving them for the all around title.
12” – Yet
another clear round from Tracy and Tia but unfortunately not fast enough to get a place.
16” –
Chelsea had a great run but lost a little bit of time resulting in fourth place overall.
22” – Angela
and Pi had a great run but was marked on her see saw resulting in a five second penalty
leaving them fifth overall, a disappointment for Angela but the week was far from over.
26” – Both
dogs had nothing to lose. Jane and Keeta had the fastest time of the day, but unfortunately
it wasn’t enough to make up the gap. Stuart and Storm also had a clear but with one really
bad turn resulting in about two seconds lost he also dropped out of the placings.
– Again individual titles and the All Around title in the back of everybody’s head, made the
decisions tough. Lu and Tassle and Stuart and Storm both decided to play safe and dropped a
point from the maximum points obtainable to stay in contention, which they did with great
effect. Tracy and Tia went for a lower point score and put in another good run but again Tia
still not coping well with the heat. Angela and Pi, Jane and Keeta, Dawn and Chelsea and with
Dreamer, all went for maximum points, ran perfectly and with the competition being all about
how fast you can get maximum points, the competition was very close. Jane and Keeta achieved
another gold! Angela and Pi another Bronze!
– The all important and deciding All Around title
16” – Lu and
Tassle went into the jumping in first place overall, but to the team's dismay Tassle broke
her wait, picked up two refusals before obstacle 3, which put her out of the placings and
into fourth overall. Disappointment for Lu but a great result for a three year-old dog. Dawn
and Chelsea were out of the overall rankings but a great run put her in fourth place
22” – Angela
and Pi producing a steaming run which awarded them yet another Bronze in the Individual.
Stuart and Wispa also went clear ending a great week and a solid performance from the veteran
(Wispa, not Stuart!)
26” – We
were witness to Stuart and Storm going for broke for the overall. 1.5 seconds separated first
and third so Storms run had to be perfect which it was, giving him an individual Silver
medal, but was it enough for the All Around Gold medal. Jane and Keeta went flat out to give
her and Britain yet another Gold.
12” – Dawn
and Dreamer were unfortunately eliminated while Tracy and Tia put in their best round of the
week and yet another clear - the only British dog to have a faultless week, resulting in
ninth place overall.
of day two and a chance to total up all the points meant that Stuart and Storm were All Around
World Champions for the 26” class. What a brilliant result. Wispa had crept into Bronze medal
position for the All Around 22”.
Spirits were
high as we rolled into the bar that night. The Canadians were feeling a sense of rivalry and
told Stuart he was 'going down tomorrow.' I think I saw a flicker of excitement cross his face!
We were still in bed before midnight!
This was the day several of the
competitors had been dreading because of the Gamblers and Snooker classes. We brought Shaun
especially to help with the games strategies so when the Gamblers was ready for walking, the
handlers, Shaun, Laura and I all put our heads together to come up with a course. The results
were outstanding with five out of eight dogs winning individual medals.
Medal |
Handler & Dog |
Gold |
Jane & Keeta |
Silver |
Stuart & Storm |
Bronze |
Angela & Pi |
Gold |
Lu & Tassle |
Silver |
Dawn & Chelsea |
Two world
up was the Agility Biathlon. Our big hope going into this run was Stuart and Storm, but
although they were clear, a few wide turns put him in fourth place just missing out on the
podium. This was also the same for Dawn who also ended up fourth. Because of mistakes in the
jumping section of the biathlon, this allowed a couple of our handlers to use the agility as a
training round.
We then went
back to the games classes and this time was the Snooker class. Our first tactical decisions had
to be made. For those handlers that were out of the running for the All Around event, we worked
on a course to bring them the Individual Gold medal in Snooker. For those in contention for the
All Around, we came up with a more conservative course that guaranteed their position in the
All Around. Again, we had some fantastic results.
Medal |
Handler & Dog |
Gold |
Jane & Keeta |
Bronze |
Angela & Pi |
Going into the
fourth round, the Jumping class for the All Around Event, we still had four of the eight dogs
in contention for a medal. With the last run of the day, tactics were discussed on whether the
handler was going for the Individual Jumping gold medal or the All Around. Lu and Tassel’s
results in the first three rounds had given her a 2.5 second cushion but unfortunately an early
refusal cost her and she ended up fourth overall. Angela with Pi needed to have a fantastic
round to bring home a bronze in the All Around and, although she did get a Bronze in the
Individual Jumping, she ended up fifth overall.
It was left to
Stuart and Storm to bring in the medals. Storm was leading going into the final round but only
by ½ second. A cracking run by Stuart and Storm, when the pressure was really on, resulted in
silver in the Individual Jumping this also resulted in the Gold All Around. Jane and Keeta also
did a phenomenal run winning the Gold in the Individual Jumping, taking their tally to three
Gold medals in one day!
The surprise of
the weekend was Stuart and Wispa. At 12 years old, I think we all felt that a medal might be
beyond reach, but four great runs from Stuart brought the bronze medal by .3 of a second. Dawn,
who was not having the most successful weekend in her eyes, finished the day with a great run
from Chelsea resulting in the Bronze Individual Jumping.
brought to a close the Individual competition with thankfully all our handlers achieving
success. Three held the title of World Champion and five out of six had won Individual Medals.
The sixth handler was Tracy with Tia in the 12” division. Although there were no medals for
Tracy, her ambition was top 10 in the All Around which she achieved by placing 9th
overall. Out of seven rounds, they had no faults and by anyone’s standards that is a definite
achievement at a World Cup.
We’d also like
to recognize both Stuart and Storm and Jane and Keeta. They have both been two of British
agility’s successful partnerships over the past 4-5 years and when at last given their
opportunity to compete at an international level with their WSDs, they both stood up and
brought home the Gold medals, beating not only other WSDs, but also the BCs. I know this
brought great satisfaction to both handlers.
The final day had arrived and two teams of three dogs had to be
picked, so it was decided to drop Tia and Wispa from the Triathlon team events. Team 1 (UK1)
consisted of Keeta, Storm and Dreamer, Team 2 (UK2) were Pi, Tassle and Chelsea.
- The Agility and Jumping rounds showed how pressure affects everybody, resulting in
uncharacteristic faults from all countries. Pi came out of the jumping round on three legs and
it was feared we would have to pull her out and put in Wispa as reserve. I set to work by using
massage, stretching and icing techniques, which got Pi back onto four legs again and resulted
in her being able to run in the relay.
Going into the
team relay we were lying in fifth and seventh, with the American and Russian teams ahead of us.
Both our teams were relying on mistakes from others so we had to put the pressure on by going
out with an all or nothing attitude. UK2 unfortunately picked up an elimination which dropped
us down the rankings, so it was up to UK1 who stepped up to the challenge producing the best
combined and fastest run of the day, being three seconds faster than any other team. However,
it wasn’t enough to pull back from some earlier faults and so we ended up fourth overall.
Drinking and
bar games started early for us and yet again we were the last team in the Hotel bar apart from
two Canadians who wished they were on our team (I am pleased to say I beat them both at Beer
Mat Twister and Pick up the Penny). I am proud to say that the team bonded so well together and
even with the individual pressure of being at the World Champs the atmosphere was so relaxed
and supportive which I think reflects on our overall results. Our return journey was rather
quiet with a couple of sore heads being nursed. The minibus only just made it back to Greg’s
with the clutch hanging on by a wire!
sum up, the results for the first IFCS World Championships that we have attended were
outstanding and a real bench mark for 2008. More importantly, we made a real impression on the
competition itself and next time Britain will be one to watch. Roll on the Europeans 2007!
Greg: Today was team day and we had to pick two teams of
three from the eight dogs available. You had to have one team with two big dogs and a small dog
and the other team with two little dogs and a big dog. The team management had sat down and
discussed this and luckily all were in agreement.
The two teams
were to be:-
Medal |
Handler & Dog |
UK1 |
Jane & Keeta
Stuart & Storm
Dawn & Dreamer |
UK2 |
Dawn & Chelsea
Lu & Tassle
Angela & Pi |
The first run
was agility and a couple of errors by both teams put us just out of the medals. UK1 pulled some
ground back in the jumping and were now sitting in fifth. UK2 were just behind UK1, and it was
felt that the relay was to be run all balls out. UK2 unfortunately pushed a bit too hard and
were to collect more faults. UK1 though put in a fabulous run gaining 13 points on the leading
team. Enough to move them up but
sadly only in to fourth. The USA1
team took the gold although the pressure put on them by the Brits certainly showed!
Monday was the day we returned. As we headed for England the beautiful sunshine we
had enjoyed for four days began to disappear and as we docked at Dover we were back in the
pouring rain.
What a trip
though - 13 medals, a great team spirit and all dogs back in the UK with no passport
problems! A huge thank you to the team for making this such a great event and an even bigger
thank you to Pete, Tace and Shaun for all the help they gave to Laura and me.
The next world
cup will be in two years with the inside word that Japan maybe the venue. There was also talk
of a European Championship in the off years. Fingers crossed that, when we go back, the medal
haul will continue!
Eyeball Eyeball over and out, roger roger, rubber duckie!

At this point,
the whole team would like to say a big thank you to our sponsors, including Burns Pet
Food, Bayer plc, S.D. O’Connor Ground Works, ICAT, Dragon Veterinary Centre, Twenty Four
Seven Services and Tace Allen. |
Photos: Mark Powell & Peter van