Operant training in agility
It's known as Clicker training, operant conditioning or positive reinforcement. To me this means manipulating the situation so that your dog naturally offers the behaviour that you require without any assistance from the trainer. You then reward it, shaping the desired behaviour, and when the dog offers it voluntarily, you give it the command that you will use in the future. It’s as simple as that! Dolphins are trained with the same principal. How would you train a dolphin to jump through the air? You can’t shout at it and make it do it! However, if every time the dolphin jumped through the air as part of it’s natural behaviour you blew a whistle and threw it a fish, it would take a surprisingly short time for the dolphin to make the connection:-
Click those contacts! With my young dog I wanted to turn this around and make the contacts a very positive thing. I ultimately want him to run across the contact equipment with confidence and lay down on the contact no matter where I am. I know even at this point that I’ll mostly be behind him!
Having decided exactly what contact position I wanted from the dog, I set about achieving it. With clicker training you make it as easy as possible to begin with, and when the dog is doing that confidently, you up the criteria. To start Kyp off, I used a contact plank lying on the grass. I sat on the ground at the end with my legs either side of the plank I know it sounds a bit strange, but it works!.
I gradually upped the criteria until he was lying down on the plank with me standing either side. The hardest part for me is keeping my mouth shut and not giving any commands until the behaviour has been learnt! I then added my command ‘lay down’ with a release command of 'Kyp.' Eventually Kyp would run happily down the contact plank and lay down at the end. I then applied the whole procedure to the A-frame. What next? There are many other ways to train contacts with or without a clicker. I’m not saying that this is the best method only that it has worked for me, and I will definitely use it again. You could train your dog with a clicker to go to a send away mat and then place this at the bottom of the contact points. Apparently the Americans do this with a square of clear Perspex!
Clickers can be used for many other things in agility; Weaves, waits, recall, directional work, in fact the only limit is your imagination! If you hit a problem use a clicker and clarify the situation! Kyp may not end up with fantastic contacts, but then this will be down to me. All I know is that in training we have developed trust and confidence in each other and above all have had FUN! GO ON, GIVE IT A GO! If I can do it anybody can. You are the weakest link! Goodbye!
I didn’t return to agility until 1997 after becoming a bit disillusioned with the obedience world, and the following year began competing seriously with a four year old red and white bitch, Maisie, and my first 'proper' agility dog, Woody. Within a few months, they both won out of starters on consecutive days! Woody has since become Senior, qualifying for most Novice Finals on the way. He was third in the Agility Club ‘Novice Dog of the Year’ awards last year, which was a huge achievement as I broke my wrist last Easter (running at agility of course!) and spent the first half of the year competing with my arm in plaster! Woody was also a member of the Tunbridge Wells team that came second in the Pedigree Chum Team Relay finals in September. The youngest member of our family, Kyp, will hopefully follow in his brother Woody’s footsteps when he starts competing later this year. I admit to being a complete agility addict and long may it continue! Photo of Woody jumping: Action Shots |
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