95% of the time it's handling errorHow would you like to have perfect timing? That is, to never again be early or late with a command or movement? It’s a simple matter once you understand that every movement and every command has a specific cue. All the handler needs to do is understand his cues and be disciplined enough to use them. How early should you turn your dog over a jump? How late? American agility guru Bud Houston applies the physics of Laws of Dogs in Motion© to a practical problem in this article, abridged from Clean Run .Timing is dictated by position and event. You first have to get out of your head that 'timing' in agility has anything to do with time whatsoever. It’s all a matter of where things are positioned in space: you, the dog, and the obstacle. Thinking in terms of time creates the illusion that the handler must rush a movement with a fast dog or that the handler of a slower dog can afford to be leisurely. I’ve made no attempt in this discussion to expound on obvious rules of timing but they warrant a mention:
Timing of verbal commands A handler should issue a command for obstacle performance at the moment that the dog is facing the correct obstacle. Consequently, the handler should focus on his real job, which is to get the dog facing the next correct obstacle. And then, at the earliest possible moment, the handler should give the command. Since dogs move faster than humans, it’s not a bad idea to give the dog the mission for the next obstacle even while at a considerable distance. Timing of movements Any understanding of timing must start with understanding how a dog moves. Therefore, the handler must acknowledge and understand the Laws of Dogs in Motion: The Laws of Dogs in Motion©
The first law is really the most important: the dog turns when the handler turns. This isn’t anything tricky or mystical. The dog wants to go in the same direction his handler is going so, naturally, the dog will turn when the handler turns. When the bar drops, 95% of the time it is a handling error. There really is no one right answer for all dogs. As soon as some concept convinces me that this is the way to deal with that, along comes another dog that defies convention and statistical measurement. Each handler needs to understand his own dog’s timing needs. Without recognizing the positional cues that dictate matters of timing, the handler has no chance at perfecting his timing. Practicing movement under the orchestration of cues will help build the necessary muscle memory to make timing natural and fluid. Working from cues is a discipline. It is not enough to know the cues. The handler must abide by them.
To read the unabridged article complete with diagrams
and explanations of moves,
the author... Bud is a columnist for Off-Lead Magazine as well as the author of 20 volumes of training manuals published in the pages of the Just For Fun Agility Notebook. He also wrote the very popular series of Agility Workbooks published by Clean Run Productions. Bud has also co-authored a number of books:
You can visit his website http://www.dogwoodagility.com Reprinted with kind permission of Clean Run (November 2003) Sketch of Bud Houston by Nancy Krause Culley from http://oursheltiesite.freeservers.com/agilityadventures/agilityadventures_budsgames.html |
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