
We think our shop is one of the best places to find agility products and services. Here you'll find quite a good selection of goods and services provided, for the most part, by people who are involved with agility either as competitors or suppliers. Either look for a specific supplier by name or click on the section name all the companies that sell those items.

Alphabetical Index
Everyone by name.

Products & Services Index
Just what it says on the tin.

Buyer Beware
For most of us, the Internet is a useful and enjoyable source of information and entertainment. But for a criminal few, it’s another new way to make money illegally. International crooks are now targeting ‘For Sale’ ads on smaller specialist websites as a way to pass stolen cheques and launder illegal money, and sad to say Agilitynet is no exception. Fortunately, though, the scams are fairly easy to spot if you know what to look for. Take a look at the list of warning signs which we’ve included on the ‘Fleamarket’ page for several months now. They apply not just to Agilitynet but to any online auction or For Sale section as well as email invitations.

Agility is recognised the fastest growing and most popular dog sport in the UK. It is enjoyed by thousands across the country. The Agilitynet website has been delivering news and information to this highly motivated and enthusiastic specialist market since 1998. It is without a doubt THE web site for anyone interested in selling their products and/or services to the UK Agility community.
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