News and results...
Please visit the Camddwr Canine Facebook page to see some of the amazing prizes from the sponsors!
The list of those running in the Final to be held on Saturday, 29 September at the Dog Vegas Bakewell Show, has been announced
Congratulations to everyone on qualifying. The last four dogs will be taken from the Dog Vegas qualifier G3-5 on the Friday of the Final Weekend.
Ann Harmes said, 'Thank you to Dog Vegas for kindly hosting this Final for us. A huge thank you to all our suppliers who have generously given some wonderful prizes for our finalists! There will be some amazing products for the winners, with gifts from Back On Track, Ruffwear, Lintbells and Natural Instinct plus a goodie bag full of great stuff for all our finalists!'
The final will be judged by Dave Deaville.
Finalists -not in running order!
Vicky Bowe with Ystwyth Harvest Moon
Helen Taylor with Derwen Molly
Vicky Royle with Cwm Pennant Connor
Mary Shaw with Tempting Fate
Sue Rolfe with Tamerrye Take That
Jo Richardson with Harrjak Pure Indulgence
Chrissy Mitchell with Rajjinka Blue Magic
Becca Middleton with Nedlo Strictly Classified
Lindsey Spring with Diagemtas Marble
Claire Arened with Delanor Golden Snitch
Sean Hunt with Woolstone Slinkie Doo
Susie Josty with Cool Beans
Steve Fox with Rosmarinus Gunpowder
Sarah Wooley with Harrjak It's All about Phaze
Lindsey Davies with Tip Toe and Disappear
Harriet Harding with Only a Becks Will Do
Deena Freeman with Dex Star Chance
Martin Cavill with Raeannes Appolo
Marc Wingate Wynne with Nedlo Strictly Classic
Pam Costello with Buggerlugs Express
Trisha Mckeown with Mollie May Move
Clare Hulme with Ben the Boy Wonder!
Jackie Orris with... Oh Ted!
Catherine Emery with Merleteaser Madness
Jenny Barr with Mylickle Jazzamataz
Alison Scholfield with Sproston Robbie
Chris Wright with Kenmilltri Tussila
The Camddwr Cup is sponsored by Camddwr Canine Ltd and supported by RAS Rosettes and Trophies.
Ann Harmes has managed to reschedule the cancelled Wyre heat for The Camddwr Cup to the Friday of the September Dog Vegas Show at the Bakewell Showground, Derbyshire on 28 September 2012. This is also the same weekend as the Final.
Ann said, 'We would like to express our thanks to Dog Vegas for fitting this in.'
Then results of the heats are as follows:-
Wirral Show - 14 to 15 July 2012
Novice Agility Grades 3 - 5
Doreen Charnock with Big Mickey Finn
Vicky Bowe with Ystwyth Harvest Moon
Marilyn Wiseham with Derwen Molly
Helen Taylor with And He's a Girl
Victoria Royle with Cwn Pennant Connor
Thames Agility Show - 9 to 10 June 2012
Class 7 Agility Combined G3 - 5 (Part 1)
Claire Arend with Delanor Golden Snitch (BC)
Amanda Wilkinson with Alfa Leather (WSD)
Sean Allen-Hunt with Woolstone Slinkie Doo (Australian Kelpie)
Suzanne Riley with Mountlochan Hyland Fling (BC)
Class 7 Agility Combined G3 - 5 (Part 2)
Marc Wingate-Wynne with Nedlo Strictly Classic (BC)
Lindsey Spring with Diagemtas Marble (BC)
Susie Josty with Cool Beans (WSD)
Anna Cutts with Nedlo Strictly on the Ball (BC)
Hinckley Agility Show - 2 to 4 June 2012
Class 8 Novice Agility Combined 3 - 5
Deena Freeman with Dex Star Chance (WSD)
Stuart Lloyd with Devongem Brooke Lightning (BC)
Martin Cavill with Raeannes Apollo (BC)
Lesley Olden with Nedlo Strictly on the Button (BC)
Reserves as second place cannot attend
Marc Wingate-Wynne with Nedlo Strictly Classic (BC)
Sue Rolfe with Tamerrye Take That (BC)
Dog Vegas Show - 1 to 5 June 2012
Pam Costello with Buggerlugs Express
Clare Hulme with Ben the Boy Wonder
Jacky Orriss with Oh Ted
Trish McKeown with Molly May Moove
Gillian Barrett with Oaken Holt Conwy
Beacon Agility Show - 12 to 13 May 2012
Catherine Emery with Merleteaser Madness
Jenny Bar with Mylickle Jazzamatazz
Don Cooper with Blackthorns Daley Chase
Karen Roberts with Sheesa Little Tinker
Chris Wright with Kenmilltri Tussila
Alison Schofield with Sproston Robbie
Visit us at: www.camddwrcanine.co.uk
Following the feedback from Agility people after the withdrawal of their former sponsor CSJ, Ann and Stuart Harmes have confirmed that the Novice Competition will continue, with the support of RAS Rosettes. It will be known as The Camddwr Cup.
- Beacon DTC 12 - 13 May 2012
- Dog Vegas (Bakewell) 1 - 5 June 2012
- Hinckley DTC 2 - 4 June 2012
- Thames DTC 9 - 10 June 2012
- Tuffley DTC 6 - 8 July 2012
- Wirral DTC 14 - 15 July 2012
- Adams Agility 10 - 12 August 2012
- Wyre DTC 25 - 27 August 2012
The Grand Final
The Final will take
place by kind permission of the Dog Vegas team, and will be held in the
beautiful setting of Bakewell. This will be at their three day September Show
from 28 to 30 September 2012. The Final will be held on the Saturday early
Ann Harmes said 'A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us, especially to the host clubs for their continued commitment and to the Dog Vegas team for hosting this much loved event. We look forward to seeing you all on the circuit in 2012 and beyond and wish you all luck in the forthcoming heats - and the final in September!'
Should a heat need to be split, the prize allocation should be discussed with the host club and the organisers. A duplicate set of prizes will be provided should the numbers exceed KC maximum numbers allowed, and the qualifying places will be split between each part.
Eligibility for the competition
Each heat will run under the Kennel Club classification and open to dogs working Grades 3, 4 and 5.
The competition must be held and judged under the appropriate Kennel Club rules and regulations. Competitors entering the competition must be deemed to have agreed to abide by those Rules and Regulations.
Competitors may enter more than one dog in a heat, but may only qualify one dog for the final. Each heat is open to all competitors eligible for Grades 3, 4 and 5.
Qualifiers may enter further heats for competition, providing they are eligible.
Handlers who gain a place in a heat with a previously qualified dog should inform the Show Secretary on the date of the show. In the event of someone qualifying more than once for the final, reserves will be invited.
Surrogate handlers will not be allowed.
Competition Organisers Ann and Stuart Harmes.
For more information, visit www.camddwrcanine.co.uk
Source: Ann Harmes (12/01/12)
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