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Calling all rising stars of the agility world...

Celebrating all that is good in the Agility calendar The Agility Challenge 2021 is one of the 'must try' competitions for annual finals. With chances to qualify around the country for Grades 1- 4 Large dogs, the top partnerships from each of the host events will be invited to the Agility Challenge Grand Final at the Malvern Autumn Show,

Started in 2009, the Agility Challenge is now open to Grade 4 Large dogs. This year there will be eight qualifiers at shows around the country with five partnerships per heat being invited to compete at the Agility Challenge Grand Final to be held on Sunday, 26th September 2021 at the Malvern Autumn Show, under the watchful eye of well known Agility judge Selena Bray.

Heats include the following:-

May 2021

  • 2nd May - Agility Hope Challenge at Daventry FC - Daventry, Northamptonshire [Report]

 June 2021

  • 5th June - Agility Hope Challenge at Daventry FC - Daventry, Northamptonshire [Report]

  • 19th & 20th June - Golden Valley DTC - Top Barn, Worcestershire [Report]

 July 2021

  • 3rd & 4th July - Dogs Unleashed at Thoresby Park - Nottinghamshire [Report]

  • 9th - 11th July - RVA Championship Agility Show - Peterborough, Cambridgeshire [Report]

  • 31st July & 1st August - Tuffley Championship Agility Show - Tirley, Gloucestershire [Report]

 August 2021

  • 20th - 22nd August, Welsh Kennel Club Championship Agility Show - Builth Wells, Powys [Report]

 September 2021

  • 4th September - Chatsworth County Fair - Chatsworth, Derbyshire - CANCELLED

  • 26th September - Grand Final at Malvern Autumn Show - Malvern, Worcestershire [Report]


  1. The Agility Challenge is a competition for Large dogs Grades 1 – 4, jumping 600mm held using Kennel Club Ltd Rules & Regulations.

  2. Once a dog has qualified (i.e. 5 finalists per heat) this eliminates the dog from taking a further finalist place at the heat and the next highest placed dog(s) in the Agility Challenge class will be invited to the Final.

  3. Handlers may not qualify more than one dog for the Agility Challenge Final.

  4. Any surrogate handlers must be notified in writing within four days of the last heat. NO amendments after this date and non-advice will disqualify the partnership.

  5. Enquiries relating to each heat should be addressed to the organising club.

Other enquires relating to the Agility Challenge Final should be addressed to Agility Challenge, 2 Medley Grove Leamington Spa, Warks CV31 2GA.

Anne Murray & Diva

Heat 1
Daventry Town FC
2nd May

Well, that's our first show done post Covid lockdowns! It was an amazing atmosphere at Daventry Town Football Club with everyone being socially distance and wearing face masks while walking the course. Many remarked on the quality of the ground as both this year's Agility Challenge and Agility in general gets underway after more than 12 months of enforced hibernation due to the Corona virus.

With sensible precautions, bacon sandwiches to hand and acquaintances renewed, battle commenced under the watchful eye of Judge Jan Manners with both dogs and handlers on occasions far from match fit. 

Daventry Town 1 Qualifiers

  1. Anne Murray with Diva - 34.749 secs (C)

  2. Sally Stephens with Darcy - 37.114 secs (C)

  3. Julia Maclean with Yolo - 37.306 secs (C)

  4. Simon Hill with Ink - 42.183 secs (C)

  5. Mary O'Neill with Jack - 42.763 secs (C)

We hope everyone enjoyed being back together. Well done to all our winners over the last two days.

Huge thanks to our judges for their great courses and all our officials who worked so hard. and a big thank you to all the competitors who enjoyed the show, listened and followed the rules, it made the show what it was. Your positive feedback is a much needed boost after some of the comments in the run up!

Heat 2 sees us return to the football club to find our next five Agility Challenge 2021 qualifiers. Good luck to one and all!

Ann Harmes Heat 2
Daventry Town FC
5th June

We were pleased that Daventry Town FC invited us back for a return match on 5th June 2021. Building on the experiences of our previous visit, the venue has proved a hit with the Agility community and more new faces joined us from further a field.

 Championship Agility judge Dave Deauville was in charge on the day.

With Stuart Harmes incapacitated on the day, Bam Bam got a new handler. Despite a fright from Steve Seale, it proved a successful trip for Ann Harmes, winner of this heat.

Daventry Town 2 Qualifiers 

  1. Ann Harmes with Bam Bam - 35.559 secs (C)

  2. Angela Williams with Scuba - 37.028 secs (C)

  3. Michael Adams with Chase - 40.016 secs (C)

  4. Alison Gayton with Stan - 45.450 secs (C)

  5. Steve Seale with Be B - 32.657 secs (5f)

Heat 3 sees the Agility Challenge move to Top Barn in Worcester where Golden Valley is holding their summer show.

eat 3
Golden Valley DTC Summer Show
19th & 20th June

Despite what you might think, it's not true – there were lots of people at Top Barn for the Golden Valley Summer Show. As everywhere else, not 'as full' as previous times with the Top Barn venue happily absorbing the Agility partnerships in pretty good weather for most of the weekend.

The judge was David Sweeney.

Both Karen Whitehouse and our winner Yvonne Croxford have joined us with previous dogs joined us at the September final.

Golden Valley Qualifiers 

  1. Yvonne Croxford with Reme Grande Meister - 35.996 secs (C)

  2. Alan Score with Trubon Ganari Tryak - 40.713 secs (C)

  3. Sam Davies with Into The Woods - 44.450 secs (C)

  4. Karen Whitehouse with Kazanpaul Crème de la Crème - 44.824 secs (C)

  5. Lyn Gibson with Mossylawn White Rapier - 47.838 secs (C)

 Heat 4 sees us nearly 'Up North' with a move to Dogs Unleashed at Thoresby Park.

Heat 4
Dogs Unleashed
3rd & 4th July

I doubt there is any record of my first visit to The Great Oak in Robin Hood Country more than half a century ago, which is well signposted on the way to Thoresby Park in the heart of Nottinghamshire where this year's Dogs Unleashed was held.

It was a celebration of all things canine, and an appreciative audience provided a great backdrop to those who achieved a finalist place today.

Our judge Tony Butcher set a great course of 136m with a 52 secs course time. Both Sarah Naylor & Anna Auster gave Steve Seale a bit of a fright with faster times, albeit with just a fault along the way. As Steve had already qualified with B Be, Claire and Weiser made the cut, rewarding the fastest time of the class.

Dogs Unleashed Qualifiers 

  1. Diane Graves with Winter Crag Flint at Fellspirit - 28.849 secs (C)

  2. Sarah Naylor with Dans Woolstone Jack - 26.428 secs (5f)

  3. Anna Auster with Astra Zeus - 27.192 secs (5f)

  4. Nici Milner with Lottie Does the Twostep - 44.082 secs (5f)

  5. Claire Thurlby with Cherryhog Arkansas Black - 24.005 secs (10f)

Eastwards we go to our next destination, the historic Fenland town of Ramsey for the RVA Champ show to find our next quintet of finalists for the 2021 Agility Challenge.

Heat 5
RVA Championship Agility Show
9th - 11th July

Ramsey was a new venue for this experienced club. With the Champ classes all comleted on Friday, centre stage was set for the the Agility Challenge on Saturday.

This heat, kindly judged by Sheila Taylor, holds the 2021 distinction that all top 10 partnerships had clear rounds although the time difference was near 20 seconds. The length of the course was 184m and the course time 66 secs.

RVA Qualifiers 

  1. Nic Jones with Omega Taken at Flickflack - 31.490 secs (C)

  2. Rebecca White with Darleyfalls Talihina Sky - 34.717 secs (C)

  3. Raine Wellman with Lalapaws Don't Stop Me Now - 35.708 secs (C)

  4. Karen Gittoes with Dreamorox Repeat Secret - 37.351 secs (C)

  5. Sarah Bowyer with Hollytarn Russet - 37.988 secs (C)

Going West to Tuffley Championship Agility Show will find our next finalists for 2021 Agility Challenge.

With arrangements for the Final nearly in place and over half of qualifiers over, watch out for the Malvern schedule coming soon. Invites to follow shortly.

If you have qualified already, please put Sunday, 26th September, the date of the 2021 Final, into your diary now.

Heat 6
Tuffley Championship Agility Show
31st July & 1st August

After appalling weather previous day and heavy rain overnight, Judge Laura Bentley was lucky to keep dry all day. She went one better than RVA with her rising stars getting 14 clear rounds compared to 10 at RVA.

With a course of 171m and 63 seconds on the clock, Sara Bacon and Bliss gave Mike Bendall and Falcon a real fright until the judge's hand was raised.

Tuffley Qualifiers

  • Mike Bendall with Lookylooky Blue Falcon - 28.977 secs (C)

  • Abigail Phillips with Mash or Smash - 31.978 secs (C)

  • Tori Brand with Kiozac Reach for the Sky - 32.385 secs (C)

  • Jilly Holness with Foxtwist Fantastico at Lookylooky - 32.874 secs (C)

  • Harriet Harding with Lalapaws Ever Irrational - 33.100 secs (C)

Yet further west we go to The Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show to find the last finalists for 2021 Agility Challenge.

Heat 7
Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show
20th - 22nd August

The ‘usual suspects' did very well in the final heat of the 2021 Agility Challenge which reflects the consistency and experience of the handlers involved and will make for an interesting September Final.

Judge today Joe Honeyman laid a course of 175 metres with a 58 second course time with Suba's winning time a shade over 30 seconds being in a league of its own.

Welsh Kennel Club Qualifiers

  • Gilli Sayer with Scott to Be Morgansr - 38 .367 secs (C)

  • Kate Partridge with Aeron Ellan - 95.529 secs (C)

  • Donna Black with Seahaven Limited Edition - 49.942 secs (C)

  • Jane Sutton with Mr Flick Be Quick - 33.372 secs (5f)

  • Janine Barlow with Arakisis Lunae Luceat - 33.825 secs (5f)

  • Jo Gleed with Devongem Ready To Steal - 35.864 secs (5f)

With the almost inevitable cancellation of 2021 Chatsworth Country Fair we have decided to take an extra qualifier from each heat so we have seven surprised and delighted partnerships all ready to do battle in the Top Dogs Arena on Sunday, 26 September at The Malvern Autumn Show.

The 2021 Finalists
26th September

Congratulations to all the 2021 finalists. Your audience awaits at the Top Dogs Arena on Sunday, 26 September at The Malvern Autumn Show and with more than £100 of prize money on offer makes a great day out.

Agility Challenge Qualifiers 2021 (In A-Z order)

  • Micheal Adams with Cloud City Destroyer

  • Anna Auster with Astra Zeus

  • Jenny Bar with Banking on Bob

  • Janine Barlow with Arakisis Lunae Luceat

  • Mike Bendell with Lookylooky Blue Falcon

  • Donna Black with Seahaven Limited Edition

  • Sarah Bowyer with Hollytarn Russet

  • Tori Brand with Kiozac Reach for The Sky

  • Yvonne Croxford with Remy Grande Meister

  • Sam Davies with Into the Woods

  • James Emsley with Fancy That Frank

  • Alison Gayton with Stan Peed

  • Lyn Gibson with Mosseylawn White Rapier

  • Karen Gittoes with Dreamorox Repeat Secret

  • Jo Gleed with Devongem Ready to Steal

  • Diane Graves with Winter Crag Flint at Fellspirit

  • Harriet Harding with Lalapaws Ever Irrational

  • Ann Harmes with Darleyfalls Bam Bam

  • Simon Hill with Splashes of Ink

  • Jilly Holness with Foxtwist Fantastico* at Lookylooky

  • Nic Jones with Omega Taken at Flickflack

  • Julia Maclean with Freyasway Emerald Yolo

  • Nici Milner with Lottie Does the Twostep

  • Anne Murray with Valgray's Irresistible Diva

  • Sarah Naylor with Dans Woolstone Jack

  • Mary O'Neill with Jumping Jack Flash

  • Sheenagh Parsons with Noddy's Best Mate

  • Kate Partridge with Aeron Ellan

  • Abigail Phillips with Mash or Smash

  • Helen Sargent with Ostenhaus Yobi

  • Sara Reed with Naughty But Mouse

  • Gilli Sayer with Scott to be Morgansr

  • Alan Score with Trubon Ganaki Tryak

  • Steve Seale with Devongem Be Ballistic

  • Sally Stephens with Weircourt Darcey

  • Jane Sutton with Mr Flick Be Quick

  • Spencer Thomas with Proforza Parallel

  • Claire Thurlby with Cherryhog Arkansas Black

  • Raine Wellman with Lalapaws Don't Stop Me Now

  • Rebecca White with Darleyfalls Talihina Sky

  • Karen Whitehouse with Kazanpaul Crème de la Crème

  • Angela Williams with Scuba at Firebolt

Good luck to all.

 Many thanks to all host clubs, judges and hard working officials which has had some challenges this year.

The Grand Final
The Malvern Show
26th September

As we all restore a degree of normality to Agility life, qualifiers for the Agility Challenge were held with the Malvern Autumn Show throughout the spring and summer of 2021all  around the country, providing an exciting end to the competition by showcasing the 2021 final for the rising stars of the Agility world.

Some of the UK’s highest flying, rising stars had qualified, with dogs at Grade 4 and below eligible to take part in what has become a staple of the agility calendar and for some of the dogs taking part, this was their first taste of an agility final!

Throughout the morning, the finalists gathered in the Top Dog arena for a few warm-up runs to get used to all the hustle and bustle of the showground before the afternoon’s big event, judged by well known Agility Judge Selena Bray.

She said, 'The Agility Challenge once again provided fantastic entertainment at Malvern Autumn Show for competitors and spectators alike. It was brilliant to be in prime location to witness incredible dogs and awesome handling skills. The arena never failed to draw a crowd of lovely people all eager to watch and get behind the dogs and their handlers. 

My congratulations goes to all who competed because there were some very close unfortunate eliminations and faults who could have taken the top place, but it goes without saying Jo Gleed’s immaculate, well planned route and calm demeanour secured the win with her young uprising star.

My thanks go to the show organisers and my ring party for providing a truly remarkable show and final.'

Agility Challenge Winners 2021

  1. Jo Gleed with Devongem Ready to Steal - 29.840 secs (C)

  2. Abigail Phillips with Mash or Smash - 31.630 secs (C)

  3. Julia McClean with Freyasway Emerald Yolo - 35.590 secs (C)

  4. Kate Partridge with Aeron Ellan - 43.330 secs (C)

  5. Nici Milner with Lottie Does the Two Step - 48.850 secs (C)

  6. Donna Black with Seahaven Limited Edition - 53.610 secs  (C)

  7. Mike Bendall with Lookylooky Blue Falcon - 28.120 secs  (5f)

  8. Steve Seale with Devongem Be Ballistic - 30.040 secs  (5f)

  9. Angela Williams with Scuba at Firebolt - 33.920 secs (5f)

  10. Gilli Sayer with Scot to Be MorgansR - 38.570 secs  (5f)

As ever, we must endorse Selena thanks and make special mention of the team behind the scenes for all their help throughout the day and also to all the handlers for their continued support for this competition.

Plans are well afoot for the 2022 Agility Challenge.

Agility Challenge, 2 Medley Grove, Leamington Spa, CV31 2GA 01926 315335 Email




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