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News and results...

The Jewlnick All Height Diamond Pairs Grades 1-7 qualifier, sponsored by Jewlnick, is a relay with a baton. Each Pair to consist of two dogs of the same height, either two Small, two Medium or two Large. No other combination are possible. The course should include all three contacts (weather permitting) and six weave with a minimum of 14 obstacles. Any dog that is eliminated incurs 100 faults. 

The 2013 Final

Judge's Report

The Jewlnick Pairs was the first Final to be held on Monday, 29 July at the Dog Vegas Agility Show, Winterton, Scunthorpe and was judged by Alan Bray... in his slippers! The weather was good, the sun was shining, though it was a little windy and a good crowd lined the ring. It was lovely to see lots of support for the competitors who had managed to qualify for this Final. 

The Large pairs were the first to run.
Claire Mason with Spot the Difference and Lynne Stanley with Scruffy Miss Millie were first on the start line. Lynne managed to get a clear round but Claire picked up five faults for a missed dog walk contact. Second to go were Jackie Smith with Borderstorm Now or Never and Amy Smith with Borderstorm Dare to Dream. Jackie also managed a clear, but unfortunately Amy picked up an E on the second run. Next to run were Helen Veal with Woodgreens Red Devil and Colin Veal with Wicaweys Magic Magpie. Both were rescue dogs advertised on Agilitynet and both picked up five faults each.

Running next and coming all the way from Devon were Kim Kraushar with Pippin Yankee Doodle, a seven  year old Working Sheep Dog and Gwen Johnson with Cories Black Toast, a four year old Border Collie. Unfortunately Gwen picked up an E on her first run and Kim too had faults but never mind, better luck next time.

Next on the start line were Andrew Green with John O’Gaunt Rocky Rover, a chocolate Lab and Maria Jenkinson with Blakanis Sweet Jasmine AW/S, a Flat Coat Retriever. Maria managed a clear on the first run, but unfortunately Andrew picked up faults on this second run. Sandra Beamish with Jess Free Spirit and Jacky Orriss with Oh Ted AW/G were up next -  an exciting run with Jess getting a little carried away and launching herself off the seesaw. Unfortunately both picked up faults. Simon Melville with Mylickle Crystal Katy AW/B and Janet Melville with Mylickle Diamond Deeba AW/G ran next, a speedy, but very noisy run, with both dogs having a lot to say for themselves. Mylickle Diamond Deeba was not content with jumping the jump poles and decided to jump over the whole wing.

Next up were Sally Walker with Astley Tess and Kim Watts with Karcach Kiz, an 11 year old girl who still managed a nice clear round. Sally had a fast run, and managed an impressive turn just in front of the finish jump, but unfortunately picked up five faults. The ninth pair to go - and wow...  hold onto your seats - were Nikki Collins with Hotshots Little Dweeb, known as Yam and who competed for England last year and Emma Braisby with Red Hot Totalli Taboo, known as Boo. Did you spot she has odd ears, probably not, as she was just a blur!. Both dogs managed a clear round in a time of 72.248, putting them into 1st place. What an exciting run!

It was now the turn of Nigel Staines with Ag.Ch. Dragonheart Detroyer AWG, known as Zico and Bethany Todd with Morgans Smooth Criminal, known as Wilf and what an exciting run by Nigel. This teacher and student team both managed a clear round, in a time of 74.277, which put them in 2nd place. Well done. guys.

Next on the start line were Margaret Brain with Lunalites Spice as Nice and Nikki Murden with Kilnhurst Kwala Kim AW/G. Margaret picked up faults on her first run, then Nikki, although managing to rescue her dog from a premature finish, unfortunately also picked up five faults. Following them were Laura Richardson with Nemesis Red Kangaroo and Angela Richardson with Richos Nifty Narna, who managed to achieve two clear runs, but not before Nemesis Red Kangaroo had had a good look around from the top of the A-frame -  you get a good view from up there! Managing a time of 84.858, this put them in 6th place. Rob Morley with Whitefield Chloe AWG and Vanessa Best with Take a Bow Billy went next with a really fast run. Rob managed a clear, but unfortunately Vanessa picked up five faults in the weaves. Shame.

Next to go were Lesley Short with Brimstone Fire and Ash, known as Ash and Hedi Johnson with The Munsters Stanby, known as Stan, two lovely Lurchers, who both managed to get a clear round with a time of 82.606, Stan getting his contacts, which was expected, as apparently he is too lazy to jump off. Not bad for a very naughty dog who apparently has the brain of a six month old. Well done guys. This put them in 4th place.

Julia Maclean with Definitely Maybe AW/G and Alison Naylor with Wychnmutts Sweep Herrena, ran next, also both managing to get a clear round. Another nice run in a time of 79.282, which put them into 3rd place, a pretty good achievement.

On the start line next were Dog Vegas Team Members, Gary Wilkes with Walking Dynamite, a Kelpie, know as Digit and Jackie Wilkes with Crazy Legs in Poolsbrook, a blue merle, known as Sarmi. They had a nice run, but unfortunately picked up five faults each, so no divorce this week! Following Gary and Jackie, were Petra Craven-Houghton with Ghyllie to Infinity n Beyond, know as Ghyllie and Sue Morley with Tonkory My Kynda Guy at Chikaramor JW, know as Myka, who unfortunately picked up an E. Myka is also a show dog and is doing well in the show ring but she finds agility much more fun. Petra and Ghyllie attacked the course and managed a clear round.

Last of the Large pairs to run were Lisa Holler with Brailsford Come Dancing with Trispirit, known as Reese, another dog bred for the show ring and Christine Turner with St Johns Sweet Valentine, otherwise known as Val. Lisa and Christine are also members of the Dog Vegas Team and poor Christine, sporting an injured knee, managed a nice run but unfortunately picked up faults. Lisa also picked up faults on her run. Better luck next time, guys.  

A quick break for the jumps to go down to Medium
With the weather still holding, the crowd were buzzing, ready to cheer the remaining pairs on. 

The first Medium pair to go were Mary Trease with Ptarmigan Runner (Bailey), a 5½ year old working Cocker, who has had to get over extreme noise and dog phobias to get here and Tracy Ashberry with Winter Games, another Cocker Spaniel, who has also had to overcome aggression issues. Unfortunately Mary picked up faults and Tracy got an E, but the dogs had great fun.

The second pair to go in the Mediums were Angela Sallis with Oliver the Dark One, a very vocal little black Terrier and Anne Holt with May Be Moss, a white Terrier known as Moss. Both managed to get a clear round, giving them a 5th place. This duo have also managed to qualify for the Medium Crufts Team. Well done, guys.

The last of the Medium pairs to run were Jill Oliver with Fenborders a Touch of Magic, a small, clever but demanding little Collie and Jenny Lambert with Comebyanaway Reddy to Tri, another enthusiastic little Collie. Jenny picked up five faults for running past the A-frame, but Jill managed a clear round.

The jumps were now lowered to Small
The only Small pair qualifying for this Final got themselves ready on the start line. They were Claudia Ponticorvo with Sakura Hanami, known as Blossom, a three year old Cockerpoo who has starred in Emmerdale & This Morning -  watch out for the paparazzi Running with Claudia was Jayne Wilkinson with Percival Paws AW/G, a Border Terrier known as Percy. Jayne recently swapped hooves for paws when she stopped eventing horses. Claudia managed a clear round with Blossom, but Jayne picked up five faults on the dog walk. 

Thank you
This was an exciting Final, with lots of great dogs and handling. Thanks to all the competitors and and the supportive crowd and of course a big thank you to our sponsors, Jewlnick, hand crafted leather and Kronch for sponsoring this Final.

Dog Vegas Show
26 July to 29 July 2013

The top three pairs from each heat were invited to the Dog Vegas / Jewelnick Diamond Pairs Final that was The Final was held on 29th July 2013 at the Winterton Agricultural Showground  on 29 July 2013 and was judged by Alan Bray.

 The results are as follows:

Position Handlers Dog's names Result Time
1 Nikki Collins &
Emma Braisby
Hotshot's Little Dweeb &
Red Hot Totalli Taboo
Clear 72.248
2 Nigel Staines &
Bethany Todd
Ag.Ch. Dragonheart Dark Destroyer AW/G Morgans Smooth Criminal Clear 74.277
3 Julia MacLean &
Alison Naylor
Definitely Maybe AW(G) &
Wychnmutts Sweep Harrena
Clear 79.282
4 Lesley Short &
Heidi Johnson
Brimstone Fire and Ash &
The Munsters Stanby
Clear 82.606
5 Angela Sallis &
Anne Holt
Oliver the Dark One &
May Be Moss
Clear 82.895
6 Laura Richardson &
Angela Richardson
Nemesis Red Kangaroo &
Richos Nifty Narna
Clear 84.858
7 Rob Morley &
Vanessa Best
Whitefield Chloe AW/G &
Take a Bow Billy
5 75.034
8 Sally Walker &
Kim Watts
Astley Tess &
Kercach Kizz
5 76.137
9 Claudia Ponticorvo &
Jayne Wilkinson
Sakura Hanami &
Percival Paws AW(G)
5 80.615
10 Jill Oliver &
Jenny Lambert
Fenborders a Touch of Magic &
Comebyanawy Reddy to Tri
5 82.183
11 Claire Mason &
Lynne Stanley
Spot the Difference &
Scruffy Miss Millie
5 82.609
12 Helen Veal &
Colin Veal
Woodgreens Red Devil &
Wiccaweys Magic Magpie
12.34 87.34
13 Andrew Green &
Maria Jenkinson
John O'Gaunt Rocky Rover &
Blakanis Sweet Jasmine AW/S
12.866 87.866
14 Gary Wilkes &
Jackie Wilkes
Walking Dynamite &
Crazy Legs in Poolsbrook
13.877 88.877
15 Sandra Beamish  &
Jacky Orriss
Jess Free Spirit &
Oh Ted AW/G
20 79.726
16 Lisa Holler &
Christine Turner
Brailsford Come Dancing With Trispirit &
St. Johns Sweet Valentine
20.898 90.898
17 Margaret Brain &
Nikki Murden
Lunalites Spice as New &
Kilnhurst Kwala Kim AW(G)
25 78.877
18 Jackie Smith &
Amy Smith
Borderstorm Now or Never &
Borderstorm Dare to Dream
110 81.875
19 Petra Craven-Houghton &
Sue Morley
Ghyllie to Infinity n Beyond &
Tonkory My Kynda Guy at Chikaramor JW AW/S
110 82.701
20 Simon Melville &
Janet Melville
Mylickle Crystal Katy AW(B) &
Mylickle Diamond Deeba AW/G
115 79.662
21 Mary Trease &
Tracy Ashberry
Ptarmigan Runner &
Winter Games
218.128 88.128
22 Sara Kirkwood &
Cath Snell
Zigizig Ha &
That Will Do Nicely
420 80.164
22 Kim Kraushar &
Gwen Johnson
Pippin Yankee Doodle &
Cories Black Toast
420 80.164
  Mike Markey &
Joanne Pay
Elston Bracken &
Bryning Nightwalk
  Clair Humphreys &
Kate Jones
Pirelli Girl &
Bailey Take the Biscuit
  Judith Doble &
Philippa Coggins
Tumble's Gaelic Charm &
Good Gracious Grace
  Lesley Hill &
Biddy Powell
Shotatton Topsy Turvy &
Tess of Longden
  Katie Brooks &
Karen Gittoes
Handsome Ned &
Maginmoor Master Jake
  Philippa Coggins &
Jan Thomas
Midsummer Lily &
Little Miss Busy AW/G
  Sue Alway &
Anna Brown
Bonbella Reach for the Stars &
Rhyddygalfe Beretta
  Den Keeler &
Niki Keeler
Prayers Duffy Dude &
Hocombewood Marquasite




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