A fun pairs
competition for everyone...
Jump & Twist is a popular Pairs qualifier which is meant to be a bit of fun in
the somewhat serious world of agility today.
It's open to all dogs G1-7 whether Small,
Medium, Intermediate or Large. One dog completes an Agility course and
the other a Jumping course with a baton change in between. Anyone can take part
whether you have a fast or a slow dog and whether you can run like a gazelle or
just hobble round. Co-founder Moria Bowden reports on how it all began.
The idea of a Pairs
qualifier came to Miranda Frankham and Moira Bowden - as do so many brilliant ideas
over a glass of wine (or was it gin) at one of the many brilliant TAG shows. It's
all a bit hazy!
At the time, Moira had a
fabulous German Short Haired Pointer called Dash. In those days Dordale had an event
in aid of the Air Ambulance which was held after the show closed. It was a really exciting event called the Tunnel Challenge which Dash
excelled at. When the show finally was no more, Dash was the reigning champion
with an unbeaten record of bounce jumps to a tunnel and back again with me
behind the first jump. I think she did 21 jumps out and 21 jumps back all on
Small height.
This set Moira and
Miranda thinking. They wanted to do something that Twist, Moira's other bonkers GSP, could take part in with
another equally mad large dog. Both Miranda and Moira had blistering Smalls at the
time. It was then they decided they needed to run pairs together. They wanted to
create a fast, fun qualifier with a final to aim for. And so that's how the
Jump & Twist Pairs began.
How it works
One dog completes a
jumping course and the other dog an agility course. The 'Twist' comes in several
forms - the agility course must have three contacts, but the judge has the
choice of what those contacts are. Don’t think we have had it yet, but they
could even have three seesaws if they wanted! The judge on the day also decides
which dog goes first. Both courses must have 12 weaves and dogs of the same
height compete for one set of awards, the top four qualifying for the final .
The first two years it
was co-sponsored by Just So Rosettes and Jewlnick, but for the last nine years
it has been sponsored exclusively by Jewlnick. We began to celebrate the 10th
anniversary year with the first heat for the 2024 final being held at Southam.
This lovely club and it's members also welcome us every year when we host the
much coveted final after competition has finished on the Saturday night of the
The class has become
more and more popular over the years and has enjoyed the generous support of
Julie and Nick from Jewlnick. We try to hold the 12 heats at club shows,
something we all feel quite strongly about - we need to do what we can to keep
the club shows, we have lost so many over recent years and we hope we do our bit
to support those that remain when they host a heat for us.

Moira Bowden Reports on her Final
Final Jump & Twist Pairs
knew it would be special. We knew it would be exciting. We knew it was a huge
celebration of 10 years of the hugely popular Jewlnick Jump & Twist Pairs, but
what a final it was. Our highly esteemed, hugely respected, super talented
judge, Gary Murphy and his scrime for the final, Troy Hedger, set the scene
dressed to the nines in their tuxedos, giving the final even more kudos. They
really looked the part.
The course
was set, pitched perfectly for an exciting final. Around 42 pairs walked their
part of the course, excitedly planning their handling moves and baton handovers.
Luckily, most, if not all, the handlers who had been at the Olympia not Olympia
quarter finals, made it back in time.
Our amazing
sponsors, Julie and Nick of Jewlnick were doing the rounds giving out raffle
tickets and lollies to all the spectators, competitors, ring party etc. Everyone
had the chance to win one of four prizes which included the top prize, a highly
coveted, hand-made Jewlnick leather collar of their choice.
So, the
stage was set. The course and timers were checked. Special thanks to Paul Bull
from DASH timing who stayed for the whole final to ensure that this amazing,
innovative timing system being used went without a hitch and Paul Moore who was
our back up timer. Miranda Frankham was in place ready to commentate while Kate
Smith was ensuring all the paperwork was where it needed to be and lovely Owen
White was making sure that people were in the right order and on the line in
super quick time. Our volunteer photographer, Lynne Tyler, was in place ready to
catch some amazing action shots.
And then we
were off, starting with Large followed by Small, Medium and finally Intermediate
pairs. The crowd got behind every single pairing, cheering them home regardless
of how the run went. It was such a lovely atmosphere. The sun shone and we
managed to finish in the light!
Then it was
an anxious wait for the results to be announced . Congratulations to the
winners, with a stonking double clear were a Medium pair, Sue Midgley and
Bellann Hollingbury with their gorgeous shelties (shouties) Zephyra and Finlay.
top five incorporating every height are as follows:-
Sue Midgley with Zephyra & Bellann
Hollingbury with Finlay (Medium) - 63.571 (Double Clear)
Rachel Porter with Fizz & Becky Doughty
with Focus (Intermediate) - 67.371(Double Clear)
Lorna Goodban with Tic Tac & Michelle
Patient with Fresia (Small) - 67.991(Double Clear)
Alison Belcher with Evie & Faye Woodward
with Panda (Intermediate) + 5f 59.267 (5f)
Alison Belcher with Oscar & Julie Reeks
with Alfie (Large) + 59.897 (5f)
As we have
come to expect with Jewlnick, there is always a Twist where we reward those
pairs who's runs didn't quite go to plan and ended up in the bottom four. The
following pairs were all presented with a glorious purple cap, emblazoned with
the Jewlnick Jump & Twist pairs logo.
Alison Oakley with Cookie & Christine
Stratford with Pickle
Lesley Young with Lola & Sam Gregory with
Rebecca Sturge with Pixie & Charlotte
Scogings with Percy
Deanne Nash with Rumor & Ken Whittington
with Ben
The raffle was drawn
with Gillian Washington winning the top prize of the bespoke collar.
Presentations were done. In addition, every competitor was presented with a
super special 10th anniversary finalist's rosette. They also received a goodie
bag containing some delicious treats for their dogs.
All our thank yous were
shared again. We are incredibly grateful to Southam Club for hosting the final
for most years. It's no mean feat running an eight ring, three day show with a
teeny tiny membership of just 12 people, without the added pressure of knowing
there is a final being run at the end of the day!
but not least, this was my last year being involved in the organisation from
start to finish of this wonderful competition. It grew from a small seed back
then while Miranda Frankham and I were in the caravan at a Tag show. We wanted
to create a pairs qualifier, something fun, inclusive of all heights and grades
and a bit different. My German Short-haired Pointer Twist was the inspiration
for the name. The Pairs is now very well established in the agility calendar and
followed by many. I hand my reins into the very capable hands of Vicki Gregory
who, along with Miranda, will continue to make the pairs the huge success it is.
My personal thanks to
Miranda for sharing the journey, and to Nick and Julie, who really are the most
generous sponsors and lovely people who share my cheeky sense of humour, are
always supportive, always wanting to inject little extras into the celebrations
at the finals. Thank you both for my amazing gifts. I don't deserve them, but I
flipping love them!
Good luck everyone in
the 2025 heats. Who knows, I might even manage to qualify although not if Crafty
has her way!
See you all in a field
somewhere next year.
Dates for Your Diary
This year will be our tenth
Anniversary. Make sure you get your partners sorted, you won't want to miss it.
It will definitely be a bit special.
The confirmed heats for
2024 are as follows:-
Southam - 18th
September 2023
Norfolk Autumn - 7th - 8th
October 2023
Norfolk Easter - 30-31
March 2024
Worcester - 18th May 2024
BSDS Show - 24th - 26th May
Dartford Tigers - 31st May
- 2nd June 2024
Wye Valley - 1st - 2nd June
Whirlwind - 15th - 16th
June 2024
Golden Valley - 15th - 16th
June 2024
Wellingborough - 6th - 7th
July 2024
Bromsgrove - 24th - 25th
August 2024
Southam - 13th - 15th
September 2024

1st - Amy Challis with Roy and
Marta Dec with Louie |

2nd -Jeff Webster with Ami and
Kate Howlett with Rey Rey |

3rd -Carol Priestley with Firefly and
Priestley with Peggy |

4th -Sue Midgley with Zephyra and
Hollingbury with Finlay |
The 2023 Final
16th September 2023
Where to start?
The day of the 2023 final had
arrived. Several of our finalists were at the Olympia( Not Olympia) Semi and
Quarter finals in Melton Mowbray but made a superhuman effort to get to the
Southam show for the coveted final.
Altogether we had 34 pairs who had
confirmed their attendance after qualifying at shows held around the country
over the past year. The crowd who came after all the rings had closed to support
the final was fabulous.
Competitors booked in,
filled in their commentary cards and awaited the announcement that the course
was walking.
Our judge this year was
Alan Bates. His appointment was made even more special as it was to be his last
judging appointment before moving up to Scotland to start a new job. And he
definitely went out with a bang! What a rip roaring,
fast, exciting course he set. A proper crowd pleaser.
Our sponsors, Julie and
Nick Ross from Jewlnick come into their own at the final. efore the final
started, everyone - spectators, organisers, competitors and even the judge - was
given a lolly and a raffle ticket.
Tilt and I were the
white pair, running with Katie Beauchamp with Bella who should have been in the final but
their partner had been unable to attend.
And so the final began, starting with
the Smalls.
The highlight was
probably when Ali Oakley and Miranda Frankham ran Colby and
Jed, both shelties belonging to Miranda. At the baton exchange, Colby decided he
didn't like being left behind when his mum was running Jed, so he went with him.
What a sight it was - two shelties, completely in sync with each other in the
weaves, tunnels and jumps, and the crowd roared their delight! This very thing
summed up what we have always believed this pairs should be, utter joy and fun.
There is nothing like it.
As the final progressed,
we had some absolutely stunning rounds with the lead changing all the time
over three heights.
Then it came to the
Large dogs. Everyone had arrived back in time from the Semis, and we were in
for a few more blistering rounds. - Kate Howlett with Rey Rey and Jeff Webster
with Ami powered round in what seemed an unbeatable time of 51.857, much to the
excitement of the spectators.
Last to run were Amy
Challis with Roy and Marta Dec with Louie. Despite the interloper in the form of
a Spaniel puppy who slipped her lead and ran into the ring to get a closer look,
they absolutely blasted round in a time of 50.307secs.
It was a blessing they
were all quick as we only beat the fading light by a few minutes!
So the top six were:-
Amy Challis with Roy and Marta Dec with
Jeff Webster with Ami and Kate Howlett
with Rey Rey
Carol Priestley with Firefly and Andrew
Priestley with Peggy
Sue Midgley with Zephyra and Bellann
Hollingbury with Finlay
Colin Veal with Milo and Helen Veal with
Conrad Perry with Bruck and Lisa Perry
with Buzz
The generosity of
Jewlnick is present throughout the year, sponsoring up to 12 heats with rosettes
and trophies but in the final they always do something extra special. There
were stunning rosettes and Mango Glass trophies for the top three and special
handmade mini log dogs for the bottom five pairs. Three lucky raffle ticket
winners were given vouchers to spend on the Jewlnick stand.
Massive thanks
We would like to thank the following:-
Judge Alan Bates for
his wonderful course
All the shows that
held heats for us over the last 12 months
Southam Club which
continues to make us welcome, holding two heats and hosting the final for us
Miranda Frankham for
entertaining us with her witty commentary
Everyone who helped
on the ring so that we could finish in daylight, just!
But most of all, thank
you to Julie and Nick. They truly are the nicest people who just keep giving and
they love this fun qualifier as much as Miranda and I do.
Moira summed it up
saying, 'I'm sure
you know how much work is involved in the organisation, paperwork, follow up etc
of an event like this, but it's 100% worth it when you see the enjoyment and
laughter and cheering when people run it. Next year is going to be
a bit special. It will be the 10th Anniversary of the Jewlnick Jump and Twist
Pairs. Look out for something a bit special in the final. It’s going to be
Sheltie photo:
Paws Off the Floor
Jewlnick Jump & Twist Pairs
This class is open to pairs of the same
height, Grades 1-7. It is open to Small, Medium, Intermediate and Large
It is a combined class with one set of
One dog will complete an agility course
and the other dog a jumping course.
The judge will decide which course will
be run first.
The Agility course shall consist of 15
obstacles and must include three contacts - they do not have to be three
different pieces of agility equipment - and the dog must complete twelve
The Jumping course shall consist of
15 obstacles, one of which must be twelve weaves.
There will be a baton exchange. A faulty
baton exchange will incur 20 faults. The exchange to take place after the
first dog has finished. There is no box.
If someone loses their pairs partner, they
may run with another partner provided the dog is entered in the show and in
the Pairs class.
Marking will be standard. However, should
either dog be eliminated, the whole pair will be eliminated.
The first four pairs will qualify for the
final. Only the original handlers and dogs may compete in the final. There
can be no substitutions.
Once a pair has qualified they may enter
other heats for competition but the place in the final will be awarded to
the next highest placed pair who have not already qualified.
The final will be held at Southam Agility
Show September 2023
sponsors will provide 1st place trophies and rosettes to 5th place.
With thanks
as always to our generous sponsors Julie and Nick at Jewlnick leather for their
continued support, putting the fun into agility with this exciting qualifier.
First published 8th November 2023