Things to do to during lockdown...

In these unprecedented times, not being able to do agility doesn't seem significant compared to the health and wealth of our nation, but realistically it is hard to adjust to not being able to go out to dog training and shows. So we asked people to send in some suggestions about what to do during lockdown. It isn't going to be easy but our houses will never be cleaner nor our gardens never greener. So spend some time with your family and tick off another box on your 'to do' list.

  • Angela Nichols...
    I am making rosettes ready for go when we can do shows again. 700 done so far.
  • Katherine Hills...
    Yesterday one of our instructors at our club did a live session. Laila was so pleased to see her agility toy she nearly took me off my feet. Really enjoyed the exercises and plenty to work on  

    Jan Smith...
    I was going to remove all the soil from my front beds either side of the drive and replace with weed proof membrane and stone chips. Luckily for my back, the local authority closed the tip so I can’t as no where to put the waste.  

  • Geertje Schijf... 
    In Belgium, we have the Corona Cup - a course shared on-line for people to build in their field, jumps, tunnel and weave poles. You can share a video and the time of your run. The winner gets a pack of toilet pallet I believe... 
  • Emma Conlisk ...
    Flatwork drive & motivation conditioning and balance using stuff in the house/garden if necessary. Keep in touch via Facebook, photo sharing and challenges with training group
  • Camilla Fellas Arnold... 
    One of our club trainers is running a virtual league for us and it's definitely making us all laugh.
  • Di Whiting...
    During this time of enforced leisure at home, I am making / refurbishing my agility equipment.

  • Jan Stubbs... 
    I'm having to bake cakes to take to training... and eat them all myself. I put walnuts in them because people at training like walnuts which is unfortunate because my hubby can't eat them.
  • Image may contain: people riding bicycles, tree, plant, outdoor and natureAndrea Rooqui Russ
    Bit of night time/early morning training for this...
  • Michele Bacchus 
    Lots of prosecco drinking for all those dream wins...
  • Carol A Smith... 
    I have decorating on my To Do list, as well as growing some veg and generally tidying up,but my project is to learn to play the piano again. I think it's about 40 years since my last lesson!
  • Joan Clarke... 
    Build your own hoops! According to the space available and the dog's size.
  • Angela Nichols... 
    Beachside agility are having virtual agility Competitions every weekend. Virtual raffles, too. Some very strange prizes but a good laugh. I wonder who will win the league at the end of it all.
  • Lisa Jordan... 
    Virtual Agility course running.  judges or agility handlers can post courses they have either run or judged. Post their handling choices or if judging post how it was handled, handlers can comment how they would run it. Just for fun. No fee but gives the keeps the mind active and the agility community together. Sharing is caring.
  • Julian Mills,,,
    I'm brewing beer!
  • Joyce Turner...
    I appear to have 'filling my kitchen with boxes' on my list.
  • Janine Greenwood...
    I have taken up crochet on YouTube... sad.
  • Lynne Bennett...
    I am knitting for our special care baby unit in between working in the hospital.
  • Paula Triggs...  
    Spring clean the van. May find an emergency loo roll in case running short in the portaloos?!
  • Michelle Drawwater...
    I'm going to finish my tapestry cushion cover and maybe learn Italian.
  • Karen Mortimer...
    I think we should all dig out the old game boys and play Nintendo dogs. Nobody to judge how many dogs we have and we can go to agility comps with our virtual pooches!
  • Christine Swimbo Brown...
    Give your dog's a rest from training and redirect your energies to new hobby.

First published 24thj March 2020


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