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The Big Questions - Like the
what, when, how and why of dog agility...
do Agility folk do when faced with adversity? The answer, for many people, is to
use humour to laugh at themselves. There are many people who are anxious and
worried about the COVID-19 virus and how it is going to affect them, their
family and friends and, of course, their dogs. Here is Alan Waddington's attempt
to make you smile. |
Agility Picture Gallery
It's only Week1 of lockdown and the agility
community is learning to live with social distancing and self-isolation - words
that up until a few weeks ago we did not even know existed. It's not been easy.
Just ask the dogs. Thank you for
sharing your images and stay safe. |
Diary of a Self Isolator ... with apologies to
Samuel Pepys
Heal is in the self-isolating age category and, like all of us, is having
difficulty adapting to a way of life with none of her usual activities which
include PAT visiting, Agility and Obedience training and competing in both,
garden visiting and other hobby social groups. She works at home as a proof reader
and is very grateful to be able to walk Orla, her 14-year-old retired Patterdale
X and Zorro, her 4-year-old collie. But she's finding it harder than she thought
it would be. |
Since the Coronavirus lockdown began
on 23rd March 2020, Ian Smith and the members of Barkaway Agility have
made a real effort to stay in touch with each and every single member of
the club, either by email, text, phone or Zoom chats so that no one
feels alone. Ian asked members to contribute their lockdown experience
for this article, and these are just some of their stories which
illustrate why this club is more than just a dog training group.
Home Alone without Agility Equipment
these unprecedented COVID-19 times of social distancing and self isolation, many
people would like to be able to train at home but don't feel they because they
don't have equipment.
Long term you may want to invest in proper equipment but for now, you may
be able to renew some old jumps or knock up something cheap and cheerful, using
things you find around the house or caravan.
Di Whiting and Mike Jackson have done just that. |
Homeschooling in an Agility
the Coronavirus lockdown, agility has become an even more important part of many
people's daily lives, and Jane Bradley has found it really helpful as a way of
breaking up the monotony of home education. She believes that the fact that the
children want to keep their dogs happy, fit and ready for whenever shows start
again has meant they are dealing with everything in a positive and proactive
way. It gives them a focus beyond school work and the four walls of the house
and unlike many other hobbies, there is quite a lot you can achieve with a
couple of wings in a small garden! Her daughter Elsie wanted to share some of
her thoughts about how agility is helping her to get through this difficult
How to Self Isolate at Shows
spent most of his Dog Agility life first scribing, then scriming, scoring and
enjoying bacon butties, Alan Waddington feels he is well placed to make a plea
on behalf of the lonely long distance scrimer. For many of you out there in
Agility-land, what happens to the scrimer is not high on the list of your dog
agility priorities. Compared to learning new handling techniques and the highs
and lows of success and failure, what happens to the person sitting in front of
the timer, watching the judge, is unlikely to pop up on your radar. Alan
Waddington would like you to spare a thought for the person who has selflessly given up their time to
record your round. |
K9 Transport Solutions - A Moving Success Story
Nearly 20 years ago, Martyn Hall
got his first job
in the motor industry as a Mercedes Benz van dealer. He soon developed a love
for the industry and in 2007 set up Harp Automotive, and in 2002 set up his
business, specialising in converted refrigerated vehicles for the food industry
and later in 2008 into the live music sector. 2019 was one of the best years
ever for his company, but then along came the Coronavirus and that's when this
success story took a turn for the worse. His business, like
many others, was severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here's how a
chance meeting and agility have changed his life and the direction of his company. |
End of Year School Report
Paddy strongly refutes that he is a couch potato. He prefers
to think of himself as a coiled spring, ready for action at a moment's notice. He just hasn't decided what
action yet. He's known by his friends as an acute observer and a quick wit so we've been asked
by him
to share his review of 2020 which shouldn't take long as it's pretty much a one word answer - rubbish.
His mum Lou Cadman uses words
of equal meaning, but not as polite and certainly not something your delicate ears
should hear. As one word doth not an article make, we are delighted that Paddy
has stayed awake long
enough to actually write something. |
a Covid Compliant Agility Show
Organising an agility show during a worldwide pandemic was never going
to be easy. Nothing like this had ever happened before. There was
always the fear that the Government might introduce another lockdown,
and all the work would be undone, to say nothing of the financial
layout, which might not be recoverable. We talked to an experienced show
secretary about the trials and tribulations of putting on a show during
Covid. |
The Story of Scants Farm
Jane Drinnan-Payne
started doing agility in 2006 when she and her husband Mark moved to Norfolk.
The long-term plan was to set up their own care business. Agility swiftly became a big part of their lives - Mark's by default. It was at times
terrifying, often hilarious and mostly amazing. They worked hard and ended up
with two small homes and made some massive positive changes to the people living
there. And then in 2018 Mark suddenly got ill and died, and Jane had to decide what
to do with the rest of her life. |
Surviving COVID-19 - Things to do during lockdown
these unprecedented times, not being able to do agility doesn't seem significant
compared to the health and wealth of our nation, but realistically it is hard to
adjust to not being able to go out to dog training and shows. So we asked people
to send in some suggestions about what to do during lockdown. It isn't going to
be easy but our houses will never be cleaner nor our gardens never greener. So
spend some time with your family and tick off another box on your 'to do' list. |
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