A young star of the Poodle world...

Allison Shoosmith never ever thought her 10 year old daughter Morgan would be so passionate about agility. Morgan's life has been a bit of a roller coaster since she was diagnosed with ADHD. She finds it hard to concentrate at school but is excelling at agility with her Standard Poodles. Nothing makes her mum prouder than when she sees what a great partnership Morgan has with her dog. Morgan has written her story in her own words...

My name is Morgan and I am 10. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was five. I found it very hard to concentrate and find it hard sometimes to speak to people. I get embarrassed in certain situations.

I love my sports but i don’t like girly things. I get on better with the boys as my other loves are football and cricket.

My mum has competed with our Standard Poodles and has been very successful in the show ring, too. She bred Havannah, my dog, and gave her to me to do Agility with.

As our partnership soon grew, I started building a real bond with my dog. Havannah is never far away from me even bedtime she's curled up on my bed.

I train at least twice a week with my dog and do all the training with her myself. We go to SAS and Touchandgo and I have just started some training with Alan Bray.

Photo: Richard Weller-PoleyPhoto: Richard Weller-Poley

When I was seven, I started competing. I was 4th in the Juniors (U12) in the Dogs in Need final this year and had numerous placings throughout the year.

My goal this year was to qualify for Crufts and this I have done it with two dogs - in the Jumping but also Agility Dog of the Year.

At the Poodle Training Club Agility show, I won Best Overall Standard Poodle on the day as well as winning the John Leslie Memorial Cup for the Poodle League. This is done on points over the year.

I am going to the European day in December to have a go in the try-outs for the Junior GB squad .

I've had a really amazing year with people congratulating me with my Standard  poodle and encouraging me.

Author credit...
Morgan Shoosmith lives in Herne Bay in Kent with her mum, a single parent who runs her own dog grooming business.

Her love of animals has been there from a very young age.

In addition to her success in agility, Morgan competed in the YKC grooming competition at the age of seven and won the Under 12 Groomer of the Year at  Crufts.

First published: 18 October 2017


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