It's a fact...
Number |
Fact / Source |
400 + | Agility shows judged by Angelo 'Doc' Docherty since he started judging in 2006/2007 and looking for more! (Doc Docherty) |
20 |
won by Germany at the FCI Words between 2014-2019, almost 55% more
than any other country participating.
259 | KC shows in 2019 with 91.51% offering LHO of some sorts. 29.73% offered LHO for Large only, 61.78% offered LHO for Small/Medium and 8.49% offered no LHO in any height. (4th Height Supporters Group) |
20 | Amazing prizes in the Agilitynet 20th Anniversary Prize Draw - one for each year. (Ellen Rocco) |
80%+ | Agility competitors are female. (Bonny Quick) |
54% | Kennel Club Agility Liaison Council Reps are men. (Bonny Quick) |
61% | Champ judges listed on the Agilitynet Judges A-List are men. (Bonny Quick) |
533 | More show licences issued in 2018 by the Kennel Club than in 1998. (Pauline Baltes) |
22,540 | More people have joined Agilitynet FB since 2012 when we had our 3000th member. (Agilitynet FB) |
3,299 | Record breaking number of dogs from all over the world competing at Rockingham Castle in Leicestershire at 2018 Kennel Club International Agility Festival (KCIAF). (KC Press Office) |
18 | Rings at the 2018 KCIAF, making it the largest agility show in the world. (Steve Croxford) |
40 | People who have volunteered to give up their time to ring manage at 2018 KCIAF. (Steve Croxford) |
70 | Judges needed over four days of KCIAF 2018. (Steve Croxford) |
800 | Camping pitches at KCIAF 2018 (Steve Croxford) |
Over 750 | Pitches, the rings and trade stands marked out at KCIAF. (Steve Croxford) |
360 | Volunteers who helped over the KCIAF weekend, many of whom have doubleed or trebled up on theri jobs. (Steve Croxford) |
2 | Volunteers who after weeks of planning, had to work out where to put everyone at 2018 KCAIF. (Steve Croxford) |
659 | People over the age of 55 participated in the Agilitynet Senior Agility League in 2017. (Agilitynet) |
94 | Unplaced clear rounds that Harry Botreaux got in The Agility Club League tables. (Jan Smith) |
More than 450 |
Agility shows on the Show Diary for 2016, 2017, 2018 and even 2019 as of 1 December 2016. |
505 |
Members of the Senior Agility League as of 1st December, just three weeks until the 2016 SAL closes. |
1100+ |
Applications for 2016 Winning Out Certificates on 1st December 2016. |
500 approx |
Judges on the A-List on 1st December 2016 |
£11,454.50 | Raised by auction to send Yvonne Goode to the Hallwang Clinic in Germany for life saving immunotherapy. (Mandy Melville-Love) |
25th | Anniversary of Dogs In Need charity show in 2016 (DINAS FB) |
550mm | Height of hurdles in the national Low 550 competition for dogs measuring 430mm at the withers. (Chris Garrett Ralphs) |
1441 | Winning Out Certificates sent out in March 2016, thanks to support from Lintells (Agilitynet) |
666 | Agility shows in 2015. Not an omen! (Agilitynet Show Diary) |
200,000 | Dogs registered on the pure breed register each year. |
10,000 | Households take part in agility according to a recent student dissertation. (Dave Liddle on FB) |
Over £500 | Donated to Many Tears Animal Rescue from fundraising at Quadpaws last year. (Emma Jackson on FB) |
943 | People completed Sarah Gardner's questionnaire for how medical conditions influence dog behaviour which is a big sample size for an undergraduate dissertation. (Facebook) |
12,000 | Members of Agilitynet FB as of 22 April 2015 and rising... (Face Book) |
94% | Entries to the 2015 Wallingford DTC show were on-line (not paper) via iSS. (Jacky Hutchinson) |
2227 | Points accumulated by overall Senior Agility League winner Peter Ray with his Min Schnauzer Sybray White Blossom. (SAL) |
25 | Number of years that Greg Derrett has been competing at Crufts (Kennel Club) |
1,473 | Members of Dog Agility in Scotland (Facebook) |
£720 | Raised by Dog Vegas competitors for Help for Heroes in 2014 (Dog Vegas) |
250,000 | Dogs are never ever walked. (PDSA Survey) |
28 | Championship agility shows for Small, Medium and Large dogs in 2015 (Kennel Club) |
53 | UK Agility shows scheduled for 2015 (Iris RIchards) |
16,000th | Order taken by Agility Warehouse on 23 October 2013 (Agility Warehouse.com) |
10 | Years of Absolutely Barking Agility Addicts competitions (ABBA show schedule) |
£2,997.81 | Raised by UK Agility on behalf of Cancer Research at their 2013 Charity show held in September 2013. (Greg Derrett) |
9.4% | Fewer KC licensed agility events from 1 January to 31 August in 2013 as compared to 2012. (The Kennel Gazelle - August 2013) |
211 | Recognised
different dog breeds of in the UK but what is the most popular one? (The
Kennel Club) |
£2,698.66 | The final amount raised at the Jayne Bray Memorial Agility Show in aid of The Friends of Willen Hospice. (Lesley Wilks) |
30th | Anniversary of The Agility Club in 2013 (The Agility Voice) |
21 | Years of agility fun at Avon DAC (Avon show schedule) |
25th | Anniversary of Tuffley AC (Rachel Williams - Tuffley AC) |
149,000 | People attended Crufts 2013 (The Kennel Club) |
15,000 | Entries to the 2012 KC International Agility Festival consisting of 2,218 dogs and 1,450 handlers. (The Kennel Club) |
15,000 | Orders more or less sent out by Agility Warehouse since 2005 as of 1 February 2013 (Agilty Warehouse) |
25th | Anniversary of Kingdom of Fife agility Show (KoF show schedule) |
£37 | Contributed to the KC Charitable Trust by those people who have qualified for Crufts and requested car stickers. (Agilitynet) |
£2,134.75 | Raised for Cancer Research at the GT Agility Charity Show (Greg Derrett) |
8/10 | People say having a dog makes them walk more (Kennel Club research by Atomic) |
3200 | Entries to Southdown AC's biggest ever agility show. (Amanda Best) |
21 | Days before a dog suffering from kennel cough or a similar infectious or contagious disease may return to competition (The Kennel Club) |
£10 | Cost to park at Crufts 2013 also applicable to disabled parking bays which are located close to the halls and which have been extensively upgraded. (The Kennel Club) |
£7000 | Would be raised for Macmillan Cancer Support if all the 1000 Agility Girls Calendars that were printed are sold (£7 each) (Katie Long) |
£154 | Raised for charity by entry fees for the FAITH Rescue Challenge at the BAA AA Agility Ability show held on Sunday, 29 July 2012 (June Bass) |
£300 + £1,065.00 | Raised for Macmillans by Mike Douglas' sponsored chest leg and wax at Colchester and Steve Treamer, Paul Moore and Simon Chandler haircut at The Agility Club show. (Jill Spurr & Sara Bennett) |
50th | Anniversary celebrations will take place at the Glandore DTC show. (Louise Smart) |
3000 | Agiity Warrants issued since 2004 when the scheme was launched (The Kennel Club) |
472 | Schedules published on the Agiitynet Show Diary in 2011 (Agilitynet) |
60th | Diamond Jubilee Anniversary for Aberdeen CTS and Newton Heath DTC - just like the Queen! (Aberdeen CTS show schedule & Hannah Grantham) |
3000th | Member joined Agilitynet Facebook Group on 23 May 2012 (Agilitynet FB) |
£52.50 | Donated to KC Charitable Trust by people who requested 2012 'I've Qualified for Crufts ' stickers (Cas Oakes, Charitable Trust Administrator) |
3 | The minimum number of elements in a Large dog Long Jump (KC Rules & Regs Book 2011-2012) |
1006 | People like iSS on Facebook as of 12 May 2012 (iSS web site) |
21st | Anniversary of Dogs in Need (DINAS show schedule) |
£85.38 | Raised by First Contact Agility at their trade 'contacts for charity' stand at Wallingford (Hazel Higgins) |
10th | Anniversary of Ag.Ch. Call me Mr T's first agility show (Ian Dobison) |
1024 | Points gained by Cranbourne AC to win the Winter League for 2011-2012 (Fiona Noyes) |
25th | Anniversary year for Caerphilly & District AC, homer of the Welsh Dragons (Caerphilly show schedule) |
305 | The number of classes won by Ag.Ch. Ag.Ch. Harvest Geld for Aprika (aka Portia) in nine years (Jayne Bray) |
25th | Anniversary of Wye Valley DTC in 2012 (Wye Valley show schedule) |
1800+ | Members of Agilitynet Facebook and growing as of 5 January 2012. (Agilitynet FB) |
557,875 | Visitors to Agilitynet through the front door between 1 January and 31 December 2011 (Agilitynet Counter) |
2396 | Amassed by 2011 Senior Agility League overall winner Aileen Watson and Jaysali Young Rocket (WSD) SAL Tables |
700 | Dogs from 30 countries entered in the 2011 European Open (Annexe A - Report for the KC Activities Sub-Committee on EO Championships) |
9842 | Rosettes awarded at Agility Nuts shows. They expect 10,000 to be broken next Sunday, 11 December 2011! (Paul Sensky) |
9% | More KC licensed agility shows in 2011 than 2010 (Kennel Gazette - October 2011) |
£415 | Raised at the charity Tut & Treasure Stall at Suffolk Five Rivers. Phenomenal! (Sandra Mitchell) |
250mm (9.84in) | Jump height for Yorkies, Papillons and other toy breeds at all FAB shows (Dawn Weaver) |
77% | People surveyed think that dogs help to reduce stress. (The Kennel Club on-line survey by Opinion Matters* between 13/10/2009 and 21/10/2009 ) |
95% | People think more businesses and locations should be Open for Dogs and that dogs improve the atmosphere of a place (KC Out & About with Your Dog Survey) |
£175 | Donated to St. Peter's Hospice from the proceeds of the Gary Woodham Memorial Helter Skelter at Pembrokeshire By The Pond 2011 (Graham Taylor) |
8649 | Points won by Tarny's Tossers (division 3) in the Agility Club League Table (Agility Voice (September 2011) |
5-18 years | Age you must be to be eligible for the Open Junior Agility Championships (Anthony Clarke) |
2.5kg | Weight of Dawn Weaver's tiny but brave Papillon Ag.Ch. Tonring Just a Puzzle (Dawn Weaver) |
£620 | Raised at the DINAS 2011 charity stall (Sandra Mitchell) |
333 | KC agility shows in the last year compared to 314 at the same time last year - up 9.4% (Kennel Gazette - August 2011) |
391 | Agility Warrants issued in 2010 (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011) |
340 | KC licensed Open Agility Shows in 2010 (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011) |
31 | KC Championship Shows in 2010 (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011) |
23 | KC licensed Limited Agility Shows in 2010 (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011) |
£3/4m | Worth of grants made by the Kennel Club to dog charities and research bodies (Woof - The Kennel Club Charitable Trust Update) |
15 | New Agility Champions crowned in 2010 (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011) |
18 | Countries competed at the 1st World Agility Open Championships 2011 (WAO Organisers) |
50,187 | Visitors to Agility between 16 April to 16 May from 67 countries (Google Analytics) |
40% | Of the dogs who won out in 2010 were either Borders Collies or Working Sheepdogs (Agilitynet) |
1st | Ever show for Southam DTC (Dee Hartshorne) |
1074 | Total points accrued by Thames DTC to win 2010 - 2011 Winter League at Burchetts Green (Winter League) |
£500 | Raised at the Rother Valley AC show last year in aid of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home (Ann Farrer) |
1074 | Points accumulated by Thames DTC over four matches to win Winter League at Burchetts Green (Winter League admin) |
15 | Years since Sunniday AC started training. (Lyn Bergan) |
50th | Golden Anniversary of Fair City DTC (Janet Smith) |
50th | Golden Anniversary of Waldridge Fell DTS - registered 1961 - 2011 (WFDTS Show Schedule) |
1457 | Points earned by Louise McGovern and Saffie (Toniks Berrie B Black) to win the 2010 Schnauser Agility League (Teri Moore) |
77 | Years young, Peter Walk wins the Medium Agility at Rugby Christmas show (Agility Voice) |
17th |
Belgian Shepherd Dog Agility World Champs, taking place this year in Belgium, the country where the breed was born. (Mike Bacon) |
120th |
Anniversary of Crufts is March 2011 (Kennel Club) |
1354 | Points earned by Debbie Hedger and Shadow Foxy Lady, winners of the 2010 Weimie League (Debbie Williams) |
2.2 - 2.8 | Seconds is the average time for world class weaves depending upon surface (Kathy Keats) |
15th | Anniversary of the Jersey European Agility Festival - 1997-2011 (André Rees) |
2310 | Orders for Agility Warehouse in 2010 (Agility Warehouse) |
£275 | Raised by Cool Agility Festive Fundraiser for the winner's chosen charity - German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue (Graham Taylor) |
17 | More BAA shows last year (1 September - 31 August) than the previous year (June Bass) |
621,378 | Visitors to the Welcome page of Agilitynet in 2010 (Agilitynet counter) |
30 | More Kennel Club show in 2010 than 2009 (395 vs. 365) (Kennel Gazette) |
179 | Purebred Gundogs registered with the Gundog Agility League in 2010 (Aljeana & Karen Baddley) |
637 | Registered members participating in the 2010 SupaDog Rescue League (Karen Fuller) |
1680 | Total points amassed by Mike Walker and Caddie (Fourpaws Caddy Shack) to win the 2010 Agilitynet Rescue Me Award (Karen Fuller) |
50th | Anniversary celebrations were held by Dartford DTC this November, attended by many of those who have contributed to the club over the years. (Anne Challis) |
50th | Anniversary of Thames DTC in 2011, to be celebrated with a limited agility show in the spring (Thames DTC) |
20 | Rosettes of the winner's choice, kindly donated by Norton Rosettes tot he Cool Agility Charity Hamper (Graham Taylor) |
687 | Training KC clubs and independent groups offering agility in the UK and growing all the time. (Agilitynet) |
270 | Agility judges (more or less) listed on the A-list (Agilitynet) |
39 | Total number of KC Champ Shows in 2011- 20 Large and 19 Small & Medium (The Kennel Club) |
4000 | Dogs approximately rehomed by Valgrays BC Rescue since 1978 and only 11 PTS (Val Phillips) |
£250 | Raised at Trent Park DAC Quiz night for National Animal Trust (Watford) (Neville Scott) |
£466.35 | Collected for Greyhound Gap Rescue at the Tailwaggers November 2010 Show. Louise Mallett |
32 | More KC Shows in 2010 than 2009 in year 1 January to 31 October 2010 (Kennel Gazette) |
5605 | Points racked up by Upanova Tigers to win the Premier Division of the Agiity Club Premier League (The Agility Voice) |
242 | Gold Agility Warrants issued since the scheme began (The Kennel Club) |
4 | Heats in the UKA Dog Gear 2010 Split Pairs competition (UK Agility) |
20,000 | Estimated number of agility handlers in the UK (The Kennel Club) |
£5 | Per entry for a chance to win all the Cool Agility for the Hot 100 goodies - and a chance to nominate the charity of your choice (Graham Taylor) |
36 | Stockists around the UK who supply CSJ products within agility. (Camddwr Canine Ltd) |
2 | Consecutive Medium Agility World Championship Gold Medals for Natasha Wise and DIzzy. |
25th | Anniversary of Epping Green DTC (Joyce Wedlake) |
669 | Names on the Agilitynet Honours List, published 1 January 2011 (Agilitynet) |
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