It's a fact...

It's a well known fact that agility children can count up to 20 before they can read but, in general, numbers don't come up much in agility unless, of course, you think of how many times you wished your dog could read the course numbers in the ring! Statistics can be boring as old boots or fascinating. Below are some little know facts and figures we hope will light up your agility life.

If you have any suggestions for the numbers game - serious or light-hearted - email them to Agilitynet


Fact / Source
400 + Agility shows judged by Angelo 'Doc' Docherty since he started judging in 2006/2007 and looking for more! (Doc Docherty)
20 Medals won by Germany at the FCI Words between 2014-2019, almost 55% more than any other country participating. (Jari Suomalainen)
259 KC shows in 2019 with 91.51% offering LHO of some sorts. 29.73% offered LHO for Large only, 61.78% offered LHO for Small/Medium and 8.49% offered no LHO in any height.  (4th Height Supporters Group)
20 Amazing prizes in the Agilitynet 20th Anniversary Prize Draw - one for each year. (Ellen Rocco)
80%+ Agility competitors are female. (Bonny Quick)
54% Kennel Club Agility Liaison Council Reps are men. (Bonny Quick)
61% Champ judges listed on the Agilitynet Judges A-List are men. (Bonny Quick)
533 More show licences issued in 2018 by the Kennel Club than in 1998. (Pauline Baltes)
22,540 More people have joined Agilitynet FB since 2012 when we had our 3000th member. (Agilitynet FB)
3,299 Record breaking number of dogs from all over the world competing at Rockingham Castle in Leicestershire at 2018 Kennel Club International Agility Festival (KCIAF). (KC Press Office)
18 Rings at the 2018 KCIAF, making it the largest agility show in the world. (Steve Croxford)
40 People who have volunteered to give up their time to ring manage at 2018 KCIAF. (Steve Croxford)
70 Judges needed over four days of KCIAF 2018. (Steve Croxford)
800 Camping pitches at KCIAF 2018  (Steve Croxford)
Over 750 Pitches, the rings and trade stands marked out at KCIAF. (Steve Croxford)
360 Volunteers who helped over the KCIAF weekend, many of whom have doubleed or trebled up on theri jobs. (Steve Croxford)
2 Volunteers who after weeks of planning, had to work out where to put everyone at 2018 KCAIF. (Steve Croxford)
659 People over the age of 55 participated in the Agilitynet Senior Agility League in 2017. (Agilitynet)
94 Unplaced clear rounds that Harry Botreaux  got in The Agility Club League tables. (Jan Smith)
More than 450

Agility shows on the Show Diary for 2016, 2017, 2018 and even 2019 as of 1 December 2016.


Members of the Senior Agility League as of 1st December, just three weeks until the 2016 SAL closes.


Applications for 2016 Winning Out Certificates on 1st December 2016.

500 approx

Judges on the A-List on 1st December 2016

£11,454.50 Raised by auction to send Yvonne Goode to the Hallwang Clinic in Germany for life saving immunotherapy. (Mandy Melville-Love)
25th Anniversary of Dogs In Need charity show in 2016 (DINAS FB)
550mm Height of hurdles in the national Low 550 competition for dogs measuring 430mm at the withers. (Chris Garrett Ralphs)
1441 Winning Out Certificates sent out in March 2016, thanks to support from Lintells (Agilitynet)
666 Agility shows in 2015. Not an omen! (Agilitynet Show Diary)
200,000 Dogs registered on the pure breed register each year.
10,000 Households take part in agility according to a recent student dissertation. (Dave Liddle on FB)
Over £500  Donated to Many Tears Animal Rescue from fundraising at Quadpaws last year. (Emma Jackson on FB)
943 People completed Sarah Gardner's questionnaire for how medical conditions influence dog behaviour which is a big sample size for an undergraduate dissertation(Facebook)
12,000 Members of Agilitynet FB as of 22 April 2015 and rising... (Face Book)
94%  Entries to the 2015 Wallingford DTC show were on-line (not paper) via iSS. (Jacky Hutchinson)
2227 Points accumulated by overall Senior Agility League winner Peter Ray with his Min Schnauzer Sybray White Blossom. (SAL)
25 Number of years that Greg Derrett has been competing at Crufts  (Kennel Club)
1,473  Members of Dog Agility in Scotland (Facebook)
£720 Raised by Dog Vegas competitors for Help for Heroes in 2014 (Dog Vegas)
250,000 Dogs are never ever walked. (PDSA Survey)
28 Championship agility shows for Small, Medium and Large dogs in 2015 (Kennel Club)
53 UK Agility shows scheduled for 2015 (Iris RIchards)
16,000th Order taken by Agility Warehouse on 23 October 2013 (Agility
10 Years of Absolutely Barking Agility Addicts competitions (ABBA show schedule)
£2,997.81 Raised by UK Agility on behalf of Cancer Research at their 2013 Charity show held in September 2013. (Greg Derrett)
9.4% Fewer KC licensed agility events from 1 January to 31 August in 2013 as compared to 2012. (The Kennel Gazelle - August 2013)
211 Recognised different dog breeds of in the UK but what is the most popular one? (The Kennel Club)
£2,698.66 The final amount raised at the Jayne Bray Memorial Agility Show in aid of The Friends of Willen Hospice. (Lesley Wilks)
30th Anniversary of The Agility Club in 2013 (The Agility Voice)
21 Years of agility fun at Avon DAC (Avon show schedule)
25th Anniversary of Tuffley AC (Rachel Williams - Tuffley AC)
149,000 People attended Crufts 2013   (The Kennel Club)
15,000 Entries to the 2012 KC International Agility Festival consisting of 2,218 dogs and 1,450 handlers.  (The Kennel Club)
15,000 Orders more or less sent out by Agility Warehouse since 2005 as of 1 February 2013 (Agilty Warehouse)
25th Anniversary of Kingdom of Fife agility Show (KoF show schedule)
£37 Contributed to the KC Charitable Trust by those people who have qualified for Crufts and requested car stickers. (Agilitynet)
 £2,134.75 Raised for Cancer Research at the GT Agility Charity Show (Greg Derrett)
8/10 People say having a dog makes them walk more (Kennel Club research by Atomic)
3200 Entries to Southdown AC's biggest ever agility show. (Amanda Best)
21 Days before a dog suffering from kennel cough or a similar infectious or contagious disease may return to competition (The Kennel Club)
£10 Cost to park at Crufts 2013 also applicable to disabled parking bays which are located close to the halls and which have been extensively upgraded. (The Kennel Club)
£7000 Would be raised for Macmillan Cancer Support if all the 1000 Agility Girls Calendars that were printed are sold (£7 each) (Katie Long)
£154 Raised for charity by entry fees for the FAITH Rescue Challenge at the BAA AA Agility Ability show held on Sunday, 29 July 2012 (June Bass)
£300 + £1,065.00 Raised for Macmillans by Mike Douglas' sponsored chest leg and wax at Colchester and Steve Treamer, Paul Moore and Simon Chandler haircut at The Agility Club show. (Jill Spurr & Sara Bennett)
50th Anniversary celebrations will take place at the Glandore DTC show. (Louise Smart)
3000 Agiity Warrants issued since 2004 when the scheme was launched (The Kennel Club)
472 Schedules published on the Agiitynet Show Diary in 2011 (Agilitynet)
60th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary for Aberdeen CTS and Newton Heath DTC - just like the Queen! (Aberdeen CTS show schedule & Hannah Grantham)
3000th Member joined Agilitynet Facebook Group on 23 May 2012 (Agilitynet FB)
£52.50 Donated to KC Charitable Trust by  people who requested 2012 'I've Qualified for Crufts ' stickers (Cas Oakes, Charitable Trust Administrator)
3 The minimum number of elements in a Large dog Long Jump (KC Rules & Regs Book 2011-2012)
1006 People like iSS on Facebook as of 12 May 2012 (iSS web site)
21st Anniversary of Dogs in Need (DINAS show schedule)
£85.38 Raised by First Contact Agility at their trade 'contacts for charity' stand at Wallingford (Hazel Higgins)
10th Anniversary of Ag.Ch. Call me Mr T's first agility show (Ian Dobison)
1024 Points gained by Cranbourne AC to win the Winter League for 2011-2012 (Fiona Noyes)
25th Anniversary year for Caerphilly & District AC, homer of the Welsh Dragons (Caerphilly show schedule)
305 The number of classes won by Ag.Ch. Ag.Ch. Harvest Geld for Aprika (aka Portia) in nine years (Jayne Bray)
25th Anniversary of Wye Valley DTC in 2012 (Wye Valley show schedule)
1800+ Members of Agilitynet Facebook and growing as of 5 January 2012. (Agilitynet FB)
557,875 Visitors to Agilitynet through the front door between 1 January and 31 December 2011 (Agilitynet Counter)
2396 Amassed by 2011 Senior Agility League overall winner Aileen Watson and Jaysali Young Rocket (WSD) SAL Tables
700 Dogs from 30 countries entered in the 2011 European Open (Annexe A - Report for the KC Activities Sub-Committee on EO Championships)
9842 Rosettes awarded at Agility Nuts shows. They expect 10,000 to be broken next Sunday, 11 December 2011! (Paul Sensky)
9% More KC licensed agility shows in 2011 than 2010 (Kennel Gazette - October 2011)
£415 Raised at the charity Tut & Treasure Stall at Suffolk Five Rivers. Phenomenal! (Sandra Mitchell)
250mm (9.84in)  Jump height for Yorkies, Papillons and other toy breeds at all FAB shows (Dawn Weaver)
77% People surveyed think that dogs help to reduce stress.  (The Kennel Club on-line survey by Opinion Matters* between 13/10/2009 and 21/10/2009 )
95% People think more businesses and locations should be Open for Dogs and that dogs improve the atmosphere of a place (KC Out & About with Your Dog Survey)
£175 Donated to St. Peter's Hospice from the proceeds of the Gary Woodham Memorial Helter Skelter at Pembrokeshire By The Pond 2011 (Graham Taylor)
8649 Points won by Tarny's Tossers (division 3) in the Agility Club League Table (Agility Voice (September 2011)
5-18 years Age you must be to be eligible for the Open Junior Agility Championships (Anthony Clarke)
2.5kg Weight of Dawn Weaver's tiny but brave Papillon Ag.Ch. Tonring Just a Puzzle (Dawn Weaver)
£620 Raised at the DINAS 2011 charity stall (Sandra Mitchell)
333 KC agility shows in the last year compared to 314 at the same time last year - up 9.4% (Kennel Gazette - August 2011)
391 Agility Warrants issued in 2010  (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011)
340 KC licensed Open Agility Shows in 2010  (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011)
31 KC Championship Shows in 2010  (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011)
23 KC licensed Limited Agility Shows in 2010  (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011)
£3/4m Worth of grants made by the Kennel Club to dog charities and research bodies (Woof - The Kennel Club Charitable Trust Update)
15 New Agility Champions crowned in 2010 (The Kennel Club Annual Report 2010/2011)
18 Countries competed at the 1st World Agility Open Championships 2011 (WAO Organisers)
50,187 Visitors to Agility between 16 April to 16 May from 67 countries (Google Analytics)
40% Of the dogs who won out in 2010 were either Borders Collies or Working Sheepdogs (Agilitynet)
1st Ever show for Southam DTC (Dee Hartshorne)
1074 Total points accrued by Thames DTC to win 2010 - 2011 Winter League at Burchetts Green (Winter League)
£500 Raised at the Rother Valley AC show last year in aid of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home (Ann Farrer)
1074 Points accumulated by Thames DTC over four matches to win Winter League at Burchetts Green (Winter League admin)
15 Years since Sunniday AC started training. (Lyn Bergan)
50th Golden Anniversary of Fair City DTC (Janet Smith)
50th Golden Anniversary of Waldridge Fell DTS - registered 1961 - 2011 (WFDTS Show Schedule)
1457 Points earned by Louise McGovern and Saffie (Toniks Berrie B Black) to win the 2010 Schnauser Agility League (Teri Moore)
77 Years young, Peter Walk wins the Medium Agility at Rugby Christmas show (Agility Voice)


Belgian Shepherd Dog Agility World Champs, taking place this year in Belgium, the country where the breed was born. (Mike Bacon)


Anniversary of Crufts is March 2011 (Kennel Club)
1354  Points earned by Debbie Hedger and Shadow Foxy Lady, winners of the 2010 Weimie League (Debbie Williams)
2.2 - 2.8 Seconds is the average time for world class weaves depending upon surface (Kathy Keats)
15th Anniversary of the Jersey European Agility Festival - 1997-2011 (André Rees)
2310 Orders for Agility Warehouse in 2010 (Agility Warehouse)
£275 Raised by Cool Agility Festive Fundraiser for the winner's chosen charity - German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue (Graham Taylor)
17 More BAA shows last year (1 September - 31 August) than the previous year (June Bass)
621,378 Visitors to the Welcome page of Agilitynet in 2010 (Agilitynet counter)
30 More Kennel Club show in 2010 than 2009 (395 vs. 365) (Kennel Gazette)
179 Purebred Gundogs registered with the Gundog Agility League in 2010 (Aljeana & Karen Baddley)
637 Registered members participating in the 2010 SupaDog Rescue League (Karen Fuller)
1680 Total points amassed by Mike Walker and Caddie (Fourpaws Caddy Shack) to win the 2010 Agilitynet Rescue Me Award (Karen Fuller)
50th Anniversary celebrations were held by Dartford DTC this November, attended by many of those who have contributed to the club over the years. (Anne Challis)
50th Anniversary of Thames DTC in 2011, to be celebrated with a limited agility show in the spring (Thames DTC)
20 Rosettes of the winner's choice, kindly donated by Norton Rosettes tot he Cool Agility Charity Hamper (Graham Taylor)
687 Training KC clubs and independent groups offering agility in the UK and growing all the time. (Agilitynet)
270 Agility judges (more or less) listed on the A-list (Agilitynet)
39 Total number of KC Champ Shows in 2011- 20 Large and 19 Small & Medium (The Kennel Club)
4000 Dogs approximately rehomed by Valgrays BC Rescue since 1978 and only 11 PTS (Val Phillips)
£250 Raised at Trent Park DAC Quiz night for National Animal Trust (Watford) (Neville Scott)
£466.35 Collected for Greyhound Gap Rescue at the Tailwaggers November 2010 Show. Louise Mallett 
32 More KC Shows in 2010 than 2009 in year 1 January to 31 October 2010 (Kennel Gazette)
5605 Points racked up by Upanova Tigers to win the Premier Division of the Agiity Club Premier League (The Agility Voice)
242 Gold Agility Warrants issued since the scheme began (The Kennel Club)
4 Heats in the UKA Dog Gear 2010 Split Pairs competition (UK Agility)
20,000 Estimated number of agility handlers in the UK (The Kennel Club)
£5 Per entry for a chance to win all the Cool Agility for the Hot 100 goodies - and a chance to nominate the charity of your choice (Graham Taylor)
36 Stockists around the UK who supply CSJ products within agility. (Camddwr Canine Ltd)
2 Consecutive Medium Agility World Championship Gold Medals for Natasha Wise and DIzzy.
25th Anniversary of Epping Green DTC (Joyce Wedlake)
669 Names on the Agilitynet Honours List, published 1 January 2011 (Agilitynet)


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