A holistic approach...
do you keep in the house for minor doggy health problems? A few carefully chosen alternative
remedy basics along with bandages etc. in your first aid kit could save you an expensive and
unnecessary trip to a vet. Frances Gavin of Canine Natural Cures explains.
Arnica in tablet form is your first essential. This
homoeopathic wonder will speed healing for any cuts, bruises, sprains and strains. You can also
use Rhus Tox and Ruta for sprains and strains.
Cuts and punctures
There are several options that you can use depending upon
the situation.
- Ledum
Use Ledum tablets if your dog gets a puncture wound in a fight. Watch carefully for any
signs of infection and you’re at all worried consult a vet.
This is an excellent antiseptic and can be used to disinfect and heal the cut. Lavender Oil
is also great for minor burns, but make sure you first cool the burn with lots of cold water.
Hair will have the effect of trapping heat onto the skin so cooling the burnt skin is very
important. Warning: do not use on expectant bitches!
- Tea Tree oil
Another effective antiseptic is Tea Tree oil. Dab a drop of Tea Tree on any little sores or
cuts and watch them heal up quickly.
- Hypercal cream
A combination of hypericum and calendula, hypercal can also be put on any cuts, once they
have thoroughly cleaned.
If your dog has been involved in any accident or trauma, no matter how slight, a
couple of drops of Rescue/Recovery Remedy, one of the Bach Flower Remedies, should help calm
and restore him or you could use Aconite.
Does your dog like to catch bees and wasps? In addition to trying to stop them you
should never be without Apis Mel. Give a tablet immediately and every 20 minutes or so
afterwards and any swelling or discomfort should disappear quickly. If your dog has been stung
in the mouth you must seek veterinary advice as soon as possible but keep giving the Apis Mel
and you should avoid a life-threatening situation.
Stomach problems
much for accidents but how about a tummy upset?
- Arsenicum Album
If your dog has been scavenging and is
now paying the price with
diarrhoea, use Arsenicum Album.
- Diarrhoea
Other homoeopathic remedies forOther that may be tried for diarrhoea include
Pulsatilla, Merc. Sol and Gelsemium. If you’re treating a puppy or elderly dog, or you see
blood in the motions please consult a vet at once and in any event if there is no improvement
in your dog after 24 hours.
Upset stomach problems
Camomile or peppermint teas (well
cooled) are both excellent for an upset tummy. Slippery elm mixed with water and honey will
coat the digestive tract and help calm things down. If a dog is being sick either the
chamomile or peppermint tea may help, or you can give Ipecac homoeopathic tablets. Other
homoeopathic remedies for vomiting include Nux Vomica, Arsenicum and Phosphorus.
All the items mentioned above should be available from your
local health food store.
don’t forget if the dog gets worse or doesn’t respond to your treatment within 24 hours, go to
a vet straightaway.
© Frances Gavin 2000
the author...
Frances Gavin has been a full time dog
behaviourist for twelve years. Eleven years ago she discovered how much quicker and less
traumatic it is to help a dog when one combines homoeopathy with training, and so she set up
Canine Natural Cures to give holistic behavioural advice.
Over the past decade she has developed a deep and abiding
interest in alternative approaches to health and healing and have gained diplomas in
homoeopathy and nutrition as well as a Certificate in Education.
She has written numerous articles for magazines in the UK
and abroad, she and currently write a regular column in Dogs Monthly on complementary
therapies and remedies.
Frances is also on the Independent Pet Nutrition Advisory
Council, a body set up to give impartial advice to pet owners on feeding their dogs and cats.

Canine Natural Cures,
Whistlers Cottage, The Ridge, Woldingham CR3 7AN
Tel. 0845 127 9903
Picture credit: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Dogs
by Dr. Peter Larkin & Mike Stockman (Select Editions)
From Lynne Kelly...
I found this page with a canine first aid kit
here on Agilitynet
and note that Tea Tree Oil is recommended as a standard component. I thought I would let you
know about several studies which have proven that tea tree oil can be very toxic to dogs even
when used well diluted.
According to the literature I have read, it can cause
epilepsy type symptoms in large dogs and can be fatal in small and medium dogs. The
recommendation coming from more and more vets is to not use TTO for dogs, especially not on
open wounds as this can give a direct line to the blood stream and canine liver function is not
able to handle it. Some of the reports even refer to doses as low as those in dog shampoo
containing TTO.
I think everyone should be able to make up their own
minds. There is a lot of info out on the internet about these studies, but I do think you
should put some sort of disclaimer / warning on the "first aid kit" page as I know that
Agilitynet is a valuable and trusted source of reference for a lot of us dog owners and at the
moment, I am concerned that this page is not giving a balanced story.