
Image result for ball flinger

Beware Ball Flingers
Lynn Wetenhall sent this little article to Agilitynet because she wanted to share her story with other owners who, like her, might not have realised that they were causing their dog a problem by constantly throwing / chucking / flinging a ball to their dog. After all, her dog loved the chase and they were only playing! Thinking back, Lynn is amazed that there isn't more on the internet and the press about muscle strain, spinal injuries and the other dangers of repetitive ball throwing.

Children in the Ring
Tamara Hollands has been involved in agility for years, but in 2004 she found herself with a child in tow. She saw no reason why having a child should interrupt her enjoyment of agility, and was very lucky in having a long-suffering circle of friends who help her at the shows. However, up until the recent discussions regarding this topic she had never really thought about her safety at the shows.

Choosing Pet Insurance
Why would anyone purchase something with the intention of never using it? It sounds like a complete waste of money – especially if the amounts involved are substantial! But we all know that veterinary bills can be eye watering, so it's no wonder that about 40% of owners have pet insurance. Policies can vary widely which means that it is very important to get the right cover for your dog first time. Julia Carr explains how it works and what to look for.

Cocoa Shell Mulch Garden Alert
Most agility people are aware that as well as grapes and raisins, chocolate is poisonous to dogs. However, you may not be aware that cocoa shells which are used as garden mulch contain enough theobromine to kill dogs. Even if you don't have that much time to spend gardening as you are going to shows every weekend, this page could save your dog's life.

Dog Boots: Foot Protection for Active Dogs
It all started when Elizabeth Alderton's Labrador dog, Scrumpy, went through a paw-cutting phase from about 18 months to three years. They were competing in a variety of activities including puissance, and Scrumpy's feet were hampering her career. Yes, there were some dog boots around but, whilst good of their type, they were either too flimsy, too cumbersome or they fell off! So Elizabeth set about designing and manufacturing her own.

Dog Gate Warning
The sad story of Chr
is Barrett's dog Tizzy who got caught on the very dog gates which were meant to keep her safe.

Fear of Fireworks
The Kennel Club offers tips to help you and your dog(s) get through Bon Fire Night. (05/11/09)

In Case of Fire
Fire crews from the Stratton and Swindon stations raced to the side of the M4 to put out a van fire on 26th September. Thankfully no one was injured and all the dogs inside were okay. The driver, sled-dog vet and agility competitor Sarah Cochrane, has agreed to share her frightening experience on Agilitynet in the hope it might help other people who travel with multiple dogs.

Is Agility Safe? (Dogs)
Safety is an issue that has come to the forefront, specifically with regard to the height our dogs jump. Jackie Gardner trains her dogs over different heights and she's found that they adjust to what whatever height they are asked to jump. So what's the problem?

Jump Heights in Agility: A Vet's Perspective
Well-known agility competitor and vet Peter van Dongen has been following the debate about the height of jumps in the UK in the agility press for some time now. He's concerned about the possible consequences of changing the jumping height, specifically the risk of injury, and the safety of our dogs in general. Quite a few people - many with many years of experience - he feels have very strong opinions about what is right and what is wrong - views which are based on their personal experiences as handlers or trainers rather than hard scientific evidence of injuries in agility dogs and their causes. (18/02/01)

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Kennel Hygiene
Wherever there are lots of dogs in stressful environments, you will always get some who are harbouring the odd virus or bacteria with them.  Strict hygiene methods are a must especially when dealing with many dogs at an event.  Okay, you may have been lucky so far but it's always better to be safe than sorry. Jacquie Neilson of Rain Rescue explains how to avoid infection.
Loud Bangs
All dogs will find loud bangs and other noises disturbing unless they are used to hearing them in their day-to-day environment.
Roly Boughton of Dorwest Herbs suggest Skullcap & Valaerian to calm and relax your dog in times of trouble including-fireworks, gunshots and other loud noises. (30/03/2024)


Noise Control & Agility
Some canine behaviour problems, such as house soiling, affect only a dog’s owners. However, a problem such as excessive barking can result in neighbourhood disputes and violations of animal control ordinances. Barking dogs can also become an agility problem when clubs lose their training or show venues when the locals object to the noise. As well as being an agility handler, Stephanie King is an environmental health officer, responsible for enforcing local byelaws on noise. She provides a unique insight into the issues and practical aspects of noisy dogs.


Plug-in Cure
The fireworks season now seems to go on ad infinitum. First Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night and Divali, from October to the new year, the nights are filled with bangs and booms. Many of our dogs face weeks of terror by the indiscriminate and prolonged use of fireworks and some are injured - even killed - by nasty exploding fireworks. If we can't ban them, at least we can help our dogs to ride out the storm.

Preparations for Fireworks Night
How to get your dog through Guy Fawkes Night (and the rest of the year) with the minimum of fear and stress from Sarah Heath and Jon Bowen, two British vets who exclusively treat behaviour problems in companion animals. (03/11/03)

Sports Bras
Having competed for many years, Agility has become a huge part of Lesley Short's life. In the past, she had often joked that when she  couldn't run anymore she would have a stand selling Sports Bras as a way of continuing to be part of this great community so, when in 2013 she was made redundant, she decided to give it a go.

Team Vet 2003
All about the red tape and papers work it took to get the British dogs to France and back for the 2003 Agility World Championships.  (01/11/03)

Trick or Treat
Don't let Halloween spook your dog. Beware of the 31st October when witches, ghosts and goblins come out to play. It may all be a bit  of 'nightmare on Elm Street,' but to ensure that your dog is safe on Halloween, remember these four tips from the Humane Society of the United States. Better safe than sorry. And happy haunting! (17/10/00)


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