A lesson on how to use them...
a means of maximizing ring party efficiency, and in particular where there is a large class
involved, the 'Two Pad System' was invented for scribes as a time saver. However, as is
painstakingly taught on Agility Club Judging Seminars, any system you care to invent or employ
is absolutely no good if it is not explained precisely to the person who is to use it.
In the case of the 'Two Pad System' if it is not used
correctly it can have horrendous consequences, such as the number on the pad not being the
number of the dog that is actually working. Once this mistake happens it continues with
each subsequent dog until someone notices the error, and the task of correctly the
miss-numbered ticket is a nightmare for any scoreboard steward.
So how is it supposed to work?
The Two Pad Steward writes the number of
the next dog on the pad, as that dog comes to the start line the pad is handed to the scribe.
When the dog has finished its round, the scribe takes the dog's time from the timekeeper and
writes it down on the pad before exchanging that pad for the next one which has already been
prepared in the same manner by the Two Pad Steward. The Two Pad Steward should then tear
off the top ticket and hand it to the scoreboard steward, and then take the number of the next
dog to run, and the whole sequence is repeated throughout the class.
There are several factors which
are essential if this system is to work correctly
a) The Scribe must be alert as to what is happening in the ring, and not too near to
anyone to be distracted by casual conversation.
b) The Two Pad Steward must appreciate how important it
is that the next dog to run must be the one on the pad. Sometimes handles move away from
their position just before the preceding dog has finished in order to collect their dog which may be a few yards away
with someone else.
The following handler is unaware of this and steps up to the line, thus
the wrong number is now on the pad.
c) Ideally the score table should be set up close to the
side of the ring where the Two Pad Steward has easy access.
d) Taking tickets to the score table in batches should be
avoided. Most handlers like to see how they have done immediately after their run; if
their ticket is already at the score table this, in effect, is a double check that it is the
correct ticket.
e) If inexperienced people are being used for these very
important jobs, they should be thoroughly briefed on the whole system in use.
Article reproduced from the Agility
Voice (June 1993) with kind permission of John Gilbert