
Agility Aid - The First Show Processor
Agility Aid was originally designed just to release Show Secretaries from the task of producing running orders and class calling lists. In those days class sizes were under 100 and clear rounds were run off! Ring cards were collected at shows, with only the ring number entered on them, and everyone would join a bun-fight round the calling lists to make a note of their running orders. Anyone with a biro was very popular - anyone with a caravan was unknown! June Richardson continues the story.

John Gilbert & Jackie Brett

Agility Judging in 1984
The Judge's Word Is Final This wonderful editorial comes from the Agility Voice archives in the days when the dogwalk was known as the cat-walk. Have things changed? Read it and see.
iSS - On the Road to Digital Agility
June Richardson was there in the early days when agility was a strange cross between fast-paced heelwork (it was all done on the left), working trials and show jumping. All breeds, sizes and abilities were mixed together. If your dog could jump 30inches (760mm) you could take part, and some of the smallest dogs did remarkably well. There were no PCs, mobile phones, sat nav nor the Internet. A stopwatch was the nearest we got to technology. Now look at it. June Richardson looks back at how agility came into the digital age.
Score Pads - Old School
Anne Davis started agility in 1989 - maybe 1988. She was not very old at the time and did KCJO for a while but stopped competing in 2004. In 2014 she came back and she found that things had changed. She reminisced on Facebook about the old days of paper score pads, pencils and bulldog clips -  before era of electronic scoring and hand held? What a response she got.
Signing in at Watford Two Pads Good
As a means of maximising ring party efficiency, and in particular where there is a large class involved, the 'Two Pad System' was invented for scribes as a time saver. However, any system you care to invent or employ is absolutely no good if it is not explained precisely to the people who use it.
Electronic timing has already been used this year at quite a few shows around the UK. Altogether the Tarytimer system has been booked by more than 40 clubs for shows stretching from Longleat to Aberdeen and Pembroke. Developer Martin Pollard reports that the general handler reaction has been the best that can be hoped i.e. complete, seamless and immediate assimilation. It's as if it has always been there. Time and time again... and again... and again.


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