Agility is fun in Portugal
but winning is better
Silvério is very keen on Agility and has done a lot to get it going so well in Portugal.
He doesn’t know exactly when the sport began in Portugal, but he remembers how much fun it
was in those first days. At that time they used a lot of different and 'unofficial' obstacles.
No one really knew about the FCI. Be safe and have fun - those were the rules. To do a jump or
the slalom without the dog running off was a victory!
The Beginning
I began doing agility six years ago with my Golden Retriever Bernardo, one of the
first dogs in agility.

'Now it's my turn.' How often I heard those
words, meaning that my wife Mónica wanted to run the dog. With both of us training the same
dog, you imagine how hard the competition was! So we decided to get a second dog, my Briard
Sebastião (right).
gets serious
The first official contest of agility in Portugal was in 17 April 94, during a
beauty show in Peniche, a small fishing village. There were ten dogs competing. Most of them
were German Shepherds from the Civil Police, who have supported agility from the beginning.
Since then agility has never stopped growing
in popularity. Today there are more than 70 dogs competing, with
new ones appearing at each trial.
Agility today
Now the rules in Portugal are the same as in any
other FCI country.
We have around 30 trials per year. At the
end of the season, the dog with more points is declared Portuguese Champion. The first four
dogs qualify for the World Championship Team. 00....
We have two levels of classes (Level 1 and
Level 2) and two height classes:- Mini for dogs under 40 centimeters and Standard for dogs over
40 centimeters Progress to Level 2 is possible with three runs with five or less penalty
A competition usually has five courses
including Mini Levels 1 and 2, Standard Levels 1 and 2, and a Jumping which is open to all
Unlike some countries Crossbreeds are
allowed to compete, and there are all breeds of dog running. The most common among Standard
dogs are Boxers, Germans Shepherds and Belgians Shepherds. Border Collies are becoming more and more popular. As
in other countries, Portuguese agility is becoming a Border Collie/Belgian Shepherd sport.
The Portuguese Breeds
Eight different breeds are recognised by
the Portuguese Kennel Club (CPC) and the FCI as Portuguese breeds. Unfortunately these breeds
are not very popular in agility despite the fact that a few of them would seem to be created
for this kind of activity, namely the Serra D'Aires Sheepdog, Azores Cattle Dog and the
Portuguese Water Dog.
If you would like to know more about
Portuguese breeds, see the Portuguese Kennel Club site at
The Future
In the space of six years since agility has made
is appearance only seventy dogs are competing regularly. Agility still is essentiality a
Lisbon sport, and the Portuguese Kennel Club seems not be very interested in support and
publicised this dog activity.
A few qualities like tolerance, good manners
at show and sportsmanlike, need to be encouraged within our country.
The organisation of the 2001 World
Championship in Portugal will be a great opportunity for the agility grow and become a national
sport. The goods news are that the majority of us still do agility only for fun, and the trials
are really great moments of friendship.
a sport for everyone from 8 - 80
Like my friend Dieter Andrews usually says, 'Agility is fun and winning is only a little bit
more fun!
the author...
Luís Silvério (35) lives in Sintra, one of the most beautiful villages in Portugal
(ask Ruth Hobday) about 20kms from Lisbon. He is married, no kids (yet) only dogs.
Luís has lived with dogs since the day he
was born. His first one was a Portuguese pointer/whippet cross. Now he has three dogs including
a seven year old Golden Retriever (Bernardo), a six year old Briard (Sebastião) and a three
year old Border Collie (Rex).
He began working with dogs six years ago and
has been involve in a lot of different dog-related activities such as teaching Obedience and
Agility, organising seminars and competition, and learning, learning. Agility is his favourite
sport, and the only one a do (with dogs!)
About a year and a half ago, he began
competing regularly with his BC. His wife competes with his GR and they got third place in 1998
national championship. He had to quit training with his Briard due to hip problems. At the
moment he and Rex are at Level 2 . They are in the middle of the ranking (35 place in a total
of 80 dogs), but recently have been missing a lot of competitions. His goal is to be in the Top
Ten places. Rex is still growing (he is a very sensitive dog), but not quite fast enough to be
first place. Maybe the next one!
Luís belongs to a club call
Educacão/Eukanuba. In Portuguese, the word 'teach' is 'EDUCAÇÃO' and dog is 'CÃO', so the name
of the team is EDUCACÃO. They are the biggest team in Portugal with around 25 dogs competing.
Luís works in a real state company in
Cascais (another beautiful village around Lisbon) as General Manager. He is a graduate in
Financial Management. At the moment, they are developing a Tourist Resource with a Horse Centre
(300 jumping horses), a golf course and a 5-stars hotel as well as residential plots. The club
training field is on the property where he works and the club is run by Fernando Silva.
Postscript from Ruth
Hobday - I
first visited Portugal in July 1998 when I took a week long seminar arranged by Luís Silvério.
Although it was hard work, I thoroughly enjoyed it and was very impressed with Portuguese
hospitality and keenness to learn all they could about Agility. The Portuguese may not have
been in the sport for many years but they are catching up fast.
This was also apparent last October when I
was invited to return to Portugal and judge one of their competitions. The keenness of both dog
and handler and the interest shown in each others runs was very apparent and great to see - how
often in this country do we have a presentation of prizes with all the handlers in attendance.
Well there was in Portugal.