Supporting the agility community during lockdown...


Lockdowns and restrictions can feel quite isolating, unable to see family or friends and, of course, missing the agility.  Agility Together is a temporary FB group, aiming to support to agility folk during this winter pandemic by means of some friendly chat, a familiar face and sharing a moment of agility time.

Ruth Abrahams of Inspire Agility explained, 'The idea evolved during a recent conversation between myself and Ellen Rocco of Agilitynet. We were discussing the effect of loneliness and isolation as a result of the current restrictions and we wanted to do something about it.'

The aim of Agility Together is to provide an opportunity for the agility community to come together during these difficult pandemic times in order to keep alive the social contact that we are missing as a result of not being able to train and go to shows.  Every Saturday, during lockdown, you will be able to enter 'The room' on Agility Together, or watch live from the page, where you can join in with a range of free informative talks and activities, given by agility folk for agility folk.

Various sessions of agility togetherness will continue until the end of lockdown in the UK. The last will be a Q&A with Naarah Cuddy and Martin Reid on 28th March. but the FB group will stay open for people to watch the recordings and keep in touch.

 Planned Events


Event Description


28 March Agility Q&A Finale with Naarah Cuddy and Martin Reid A chance for you to ask the experts questions to help you with your training needs and competition goals. 19.00 - 20.00
27 March Agility Course Design Q&A with Neil Ellis, UK Champion and international competitor and judge 19.00 -2 0.00
27 March Agility Course Running Decisions Over a European Style Course Gold Medal agility winner Euan Patterson returns 15.00 - 16.00
26 March The Five Principles of Pain & How to Identify them in Agility Dogs With Gill Hornsby, a member of the Canine Massage Guild 19.00 - 20.00
20 March Sketching Dogs Session with Wendy Botto, graphic designer, artist, art teacher and agility competitor 19.00 - 20.00
13 March Agility Warm Up & Cool Down With Sammie Towe, qualified vet physio and GB Team Member 19.00 - 20.00
6 March Freestyle for the Agility Dog With Lucy Creek, 10 x Crufts winner in both HTM and Freestyle 19.00 - 20.00
3 March Q&A Session with Dave Munnings & Dan Show A chance to ask the experts to help get you through your training needs and set competition goals. 19.00 - 20.00
27 February Wage & Tone A fun exercise session to music for you and your dog orchestrated by Karen Laker 11.00 -12.00
27 February Agility Course Design - TO BE RESCHEDULED With Neil Ellis, UK Champion and international competitor and judge 19.00 - 20.00
20 February Canine Core Conditioning With Amy Lawson, a qualified canine massage practitioner and licenced Canine Conditioning Coach. 11.00 - 12.00
20 February Who Wants to be an Agilityaire? An  interactive Live agility and general knowledge quiz. 19.00 - 20.00
20 February Intro to Hooperholics & Distance Handling With Angela Lucas, founder of Hooperhoics & medal winner of the UK ParAgiilty Team 16.00 - 17.00
13 -19 February Lockdown Doggy Dance to the Jerusalema Global Dance Challenge  

This challenge is global. People are dancing, stepping, waving, smiling and even eating dinner to this great uplifting track. Film yourself dancing from your chair, film yourself dancing from the air, film yourself dancing anywhere. Flm within your social bubbles, keep safe and have fun doing it.


7 days
13 February Agility Course Running Decisions over a European Style Course With Euan Patterson, World Championship Gold Medal agility winner. This session will be broadcast live for all Agility Together members, but the 'Room' will only be open for Junior agility handlers. 16.00 - 17.00
13 February Improving Your Running & Fitness for Agility Presented by Alex Loach, fitness coach & nutritionist, ultra-marathon runner and the person behind Running for Fitness FB group. 11.00-12.00-
7 February Intro to Canine Conditioning An interactive canine conditioning session with the super nice registered veterinary and animal physiotherapist With Iain McDonald. 13.30 - 14.30
30 January Introduction to Parkour Lots of fun activities you can do with your dog with certified UK Parkour Instructor Karen Laker. 11.00 - 12.00
30 January Shaping the Agility Dog Kamal Fernandez, outstanding dog trainer, coach, speaker and author leads a fun interactive session Lots of learning to be had. 19.00 - 20.00
23 January Trick Training Nicci Hindson, Crufts Freestyle winner 2019, will be teaching tricks for the Agility Dog, followed by Q&A on anything trick training related  19.00 - 20.00
23 January Fitness Training Warm up and cool down routines and more with Chris Kerton, GB Agility Team fitness coach and owner of Karma Fitness 11.00 - 12.00
16 January Making a Will David Isbister answers your questions. 11.00 - 12.00
  • In the plans for February, an interactive quiz, canine core conditioning and more handler and dog fitness. Live agility training with Q&As plus more!

For updated information, go to Agility Together


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