came into it's own during the Foot & Mouth Crisis in 2002 and
has not looked back since.
It's been here for you in times of crisis, show
cancellations, changes in rules and regulations, team selection and
advances in technology. If it is news, we want to cover it regardless of
affiliation. We
can't be everywhere at once, however, so we rely on your input - and
goodwill - to keep Agilitynet up to date so
your show news to us as and when...
Please remind your show
secretary to keep sending those updates to us and to include the name of the
show, date(s), venue and other relevant details.

Discover Dogs Returns to London in 2021
Discover Dogs is set to return to the ExCeL London on 20 - 21 November 2021 to
celebrate its 25th anniversary. The event, which was first held in 1996, didn’t
take place this year due to Covid-19, but it is hoped by the end of next year
the event will be able to celebrate its silver anniversary in style.
Plans are still being worked on for how the
event will look, but following the puppy boom that has taken place in 2020 it is
hoped that the event will allow The Kennel Club to offer thousands of dog lovers
the unique opportunity to meet and greet around 200 different pedigree breeds.
It will also provide the opportunity to educate prospective dog owners on how to
choose the right breed for them.
It is anticipated that other old favourites will also return to the show such as
agility, training displays, the Young Kennel Club ring and the many different
canine competitions including the Good Citizen Dog Scheme Pre Beginner Stakes
Southern semi-finals, and possibly the Junior Warrant semi-finals that usually
take place at the event.
Discover Dogs provides something for everyone, from those involved within the
canine world to those on their first step into the journey of owning a dog and,
with trade stands selling anything and everything for dogs, it provides the
perfect place for some serious shopping!
Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at The Kennel Club, said,
'Discover Dogs is a fun event for any dog lover, and celebrates our unique
relationship with dogs in addition to educating people about the importance
of choosing the right breed for their lifestyle and making sure they buy a
puppy responsibly. The event provides the opportunities for prospective dog
owners to meet breeders and to learn how to care, train and live with
different breeds and help make responsible choices when buying a puppy or
getting a dog.
the show isn’t just for prospective dog owners – we welcome dog lovers of
all ages to come along and find out about the work of The Kennel Club, such
as The Kennel Club Breed Rescue organisations who do fantastic work for dogs
who aren’t as fortunate as others. Thousands of dogs come into breed rescue
every year, either because their owners cannot cope and didn’t appreciate
the commitment that dog ownership brings, or because they were mistreated.
Unfortunately, despite there being more information out there than ever
before, this year has demonstrated that people still continue to buy dogs on
a whim. The show aims to give visitors the best advice, whether that’s
buying a puppy or rehoming a rescue dog, so that the most informed decision
can be made for both the dog and its owner.'

Crufts to Go Ahead Next Summer
The Kennel Club has announced today
that Crufts 2021 will take place next year on the new dates of 15 -18 July at
the NEC Birmingham.
Crufts, which will be celebrating
its 130th anniversary in 2021, was due to take place on 11-14 March 2021, but
with much of the UK in a second lockdown and events and exhibitions still not
being able to be held, it was looking very unlikely that Crufts in March was a
foreseeable option
Following lengthy
discussions over the last few months on how it would be possible to hold Crufts
next year, it has been agreed to move the show to July when hopefully it is more
viable that the show
can take place and that the situation with Covid-19 allows for it to happen.
Changes to the show will be implemented to ensure more space is available for
our exhibitors and visitors.
Said Vanessa McAlpine, Show
Manager, 'We are absolutely delighted to be able to look forward to a
special summer Crufts Dog Show taking place next year and are thankful to
the NEC for being flexible in finding us an alternative date and of course
all our sponsors, judges, exhibitors and trade stands for their continued
support. The Kennel Club will be working with the dog clubs and societies
who already have shows planned for these dates to offer them assistance and
other options for their events.
There is optimism in the events
industry as to the likelihood of summer events taking place with the new
Crufts dates falling in a fortnight when hopefully some of our great British
summer sporting events will also be returning. We know there are going to be
many challenges and will need to remain adaptable to how the show will look
as our priority is to not only the dogs, but our exhibitors and visitors
whose welfare will always be at the forefront. We will continue to review
the situation over the coming months and will adapt our plans as
appropriate, however we are very excited to be able to plan for ‘Crufts in
the summer’ to celebrate our wonderful dogs and to give our dog loving
community something to look forward to next year.'
The Kennel Club hopes to be able to provide further information on how the show
will look, including qualifications soon and will keep its website updated as it
evolves www.crufts.org.uk.
It is hoped that Crufts 2022 will take place as normal on 10 - 13 March 2022.

Cancellation of Licensed Events until at Least 2nd December 2020
It is with regret that, due to the recently
introduced Government restrictions in England, the Kennel Club recommends the
cancellation of licensed events until at least 2nd December 2020. Societies with
events in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales should refer to the conditions
stipulated by their Governments.
Therefore, those societies whose events have been
cancelled should contact The Kennel Club to confirm the cancellation and to let
us know whether the licence fee is to be refunded or deferred to a future
show/trial. A form for this purpose can be found at www.thekennelclub.org.uk/forms/cancellation-of-shows and
Club Secretaries also have the facility to cancel their event via the dashboard
of their club profile on the Kennel Club website. This position will be reviewed
again in line with Government guidance at the start of December.

Pure Agility Covid Statement
We must inform all who attended our show on 17th
October - not 18th October - that one person who attended the show has
reportedly tested positive for Covid 19. The other four people who attended the
same cohort group as this person have been informed.
After speaking with a Covid officer, we have been
informed that those in the same cohort group do not have to self isolate,
providing 2m social distancing has been maintained through out.
We have been messaged numerous times to ask who
the person was. This goes against data protection and we will not divulge such
21st October 2020

Kennel Club Announcement
Regarding Crufts 2021
In light of recent government announcements, The Kennel Club
has been discussing the holding of Crufts 2021 which is set to take place from
11th - 14th March at the NEC Birmingham.
The Kennel Club Board would like to reassure competitors,
exhibitors and everyone involved in the dog world that it remains actively
committed to holding the show next year. In particular, the Crufts team have
been looking at different options for how Crufts 2021 might look. However, the
most important aspect will be the safety of all those who attend and any
possible negative impact that holding the event may have.
Vanessa McAlpine, Crufts Show Manager,
commented, 'The Crufts Committee and events team have been liaising with the
NEC and others to discuss how to make it possible to hold Crufts safely next
year, ensuring that there is minimal risk of the transmission of Covid-19
and assuming indoor events will be able to take place.
'It is inevitable that Crufts won’t be quite the same as
usual due to the pandemic and that the requirement to follow current
government guidelines will have an impact on hall capacities and other
logistical issues. As such, it will be necessary to make some alterations to
the show to enable it to take place, as with any large event in this current
climate. We hope to provide more information on this when we can. However
within this continually changing climate, further details including the
qualification, may not be released until later this year and we ask for your
patience in these unprecedented times.'
For up to date information on Crufts, please go to
www.crufts.org.uk. The Kennel Club will
endeavour to make announcements as soon as it can to any changes to the show.
29th September 2020

A Message for Those Planning or Attending Forthcoming Measuring Sessions
The Kennel Club on-line shop is currently closed for
maintenance. It is hoped to have it available again from 30th September.
If you have any queries please
email. Please note it is not
possible to manually process your orders during this time, so please check back
after 30th September.
Anyone that is currently waiting for Agility Record Books that
have previously been ordered, they are currently being reprinted and it is hoped
they will be available by the end of the week.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Olympia 2020 Cancelled The Organising Committee of
Olympia, The London International Horse Show announced today that with great
regret it has taken the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Show.
Over the last few months, the Olympia organising team has been
looking at multiple scenarios to try to stage the indoor Show with the health
and welfare of everyone involved at the heart of that decision-making process.
Reluctantly, it has been concluded that it is not possible to run the event in
December 2020 given the commercial implications of the government social
distancing guidelines and the numerous additional Covid-19 safety requirements.
Unfortunately, this means that the Olympia feature events,
including the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™, the Olympia Grand Prix, the
Puissance, the FEI Dressage World Cup™ and the FEI Driving World Cup™ qualifiers
will not be held in 2020, along with the international displays and all of the
traditional Olympia festive entertainment.
Simon Brooks-Ward, Show Director, said: 'My father,
together with Clarion Events, started the Olympia Horse Show in 1972 and it
has run every year since, meaning that this year would have been our 49th
show. My brothers and I have attended every Show and therefore I completely
empathise with the sadness felt by our visitors, who will not be cheering,
laughing, and clapping in the Grand Hall this year. I also understand the
disappointment felt by our competitors, officials, sponsors and particularly
our trade stand exhibitors, who would have been particularly looking forward
to the Christmas boost that Olympia gives them.
'Olympia holds a
special place in the equestrian world’s hearts. Generations of families have
held their Christmas parties at the Show and many will not be able to
imagine a Christmas without a visit to Olympia. However, we are looking
forward to being back in 2021, with a bumper Show to celebrate our 50th
'I am extremely
grateful for the supportive messages we have received from the equestrian
community over the summer and am only sorry that we are unable to be with
them at Olympia this Christmas.'
The 2021 edition of Olympia, The London International Horse
Show will return from Wednesday 15 – Monday 20 December.
14th September 2020

Agility Plaza Data Modelling Explained
One problem show organisers face is deciding on the best
configuration of classes and the best way to mix grades for each height. This is
especially difficult for Covid compliant shows where numbers need to be
restricted and now that the KC allows allows progression classes to be capped to
50 dogs there are extra challenges. Make your caps too high and you may end up
with more dogs than you can cope with. Make them too low and you might have too
few dogs and lots of disappointed handlers. Worse, you might cap out of popular
classes on day 1 yet still have less dogs than you would like with lots of space
in other less popular classes.
Agility Plaza is using data modelling to advise show organisers
the best way to resolve these challenges. This is informed by their huge
database of show entry patterns.
Mike Brickman said, 'The exact details are complicated and
technical, but I thought that people here would be interested in the basic
breakdown of grades and heights so here goes.
Grades divide as follows:-
- G1: 10.22%
- G2: 10.60%
- G3: 21.91%
- G4: 14.73%
- G5: 16.90%
- G6: 12.38%
- G7: 13.27%
With the 2019 rule changes for new dog with experienced
handlers, I expect there to be an increase in the G2 percentage and a
corresponding decline in G3 over the next year or two.
The breakdown by height is:
- Large: 35.11%
- Intermediate: 25.10%
- Medium: 21.69%
- Small: 18.10%
For detailed show
planning Agility Plaza also takes account of the detailed grade/height ratios.
For example, a greater proportion of dogs are G7 in Small than Large.'
If you are a show organiser and would like help to plan your
show, then please get in touch with
Agility Plaza . They can also advise you on Covid measures as they have done
14 show to date and more in the pipeline.

Agility Team Qualification Document Goes
The new Agility Team GB qualification document for 2021 has been
released. Click
here to find out more.
The events and dates are
being held at Pure Dog Events near Tamworth, Staffordshire B79 0BY
Showcase Event (details about this open day will be
advertised shortly) – 23rd and potentially 24th January 2021
Pre-selection Qualifier – 20th & 21st February 2021
European Open tryout – 20th and 21st March 2021
Agility World Championships & Junior Open Agility World Championships tryout
– 27th & 28th March 2021
Team Day for all teams – 25th April 2021
European Open and Junior Open Agility World Championships Team Day – 31st
May 2021
Agility World Championships Team Day – 28th August 2021
Thank you to Pure Dog Events for being the
official venue for Agility Team GB. Pure Dog Events is at Statfold Barn Railway,
Ashby Road, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BY. Information about the venue can be
found here.
If handlers wish to camp at venue during the above dates please
contact Sandra Adams directly at pureagilityevents@gmail.com
Agility Team GB 2022
The below events and dates are being held at Pure Dog Events near
Tamworth, Staffordshire B79 0BY
Pre Selection Qualifier – 26th & 27th February 2022
European Open Try out – 19th & 20th March 2022
Agility World Championships & Junior Open Agility World Championships tryout
– 26th & 27th March 2022
Team Day for all teams – 23rd April 2022
European Open and Junior Open Agility World Championships Team Day – 30th
May 2022
Agility World Championships Team Day – 27th August 2022
To find out more see https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/act
28th August 2020

British Agility Update
British Agility is pleased
to announce that meetings have taken place with venues for the 2020 ABC, Novice
Stakes and British Agility Championships.
Anthony Clarke said, 'We
are confident that they have plans in place to keep competitors and our team
safe to be able to go ahead with these events. With the current pandemic
situation changing day by day we are looking at the situation very carefully
and will of course do the best for the situation at the time, but we are
currently positive that events will be able to operate in 2020.
We have made the
decision not to open entries until nearer the time, but we are encouraging
people to contact us on the below email addresses to register your interest
so we can create an entry list and then you will be contacted for payment
near the time.'
Current changes to the 2020
events will include:-
Classes will be capped
at 50 dogs per height
Time tables for the
event will be issued nearer the time of payment
Each dog will be
guaranteed three runs.
Height classes will
have specific run times
- BAC Covid protocol will
be issued nearer the time with Health and Safety information.
- When emailing us with
your interest you must provide the below details to be registered.
Handlers Name
Dogs Pet Name
Height Class
Please note registering
your interest does not guarantee you an entry.
If you are interested in
the ABC Challenge on the 24th October please email - Open to all grades (Medium,
Intermediate and Large)
If you are interested in
the British Agility Championships and Novice Stakes from the 9th – 11th October
please email
19th August 2020

Operational Plan for the Resumption of Licensed Events
Societies are required to
consider Government advice, including DEFRA, in place at the time when planning
an event. It is also worth noting that current advice is different for different
parts of the United Kingdom and this needs to be taken into account when
planning the event both in relation to the venue and expected participants.
Societies are also going to
have to be flexible and consider the implications of a local lockdown. Local
authorities have the authority to close local outside spaces, shut premises and
cancel events if they feel it is necessary. Therefore it is imperative that
liaison is undertaken with the local authority to ensure any specific area
requirements are included in an events risk assessment.
There are a number of areas
that should be considered when deciding whether to hold a planned event or not.
It should be noted that if the society decides not to hold an event which is
already licenced, the Kennel Club policy is to refund the licence fee, or it may
be transferred to pay for a future event. Notification of the cancellation and
the decision regarding the licence fee should be advised to sass@ thekennelclub
.org .uk except for Field Trials which should be sent to gundogs@ thekennelclub
.org .uk. Further information and clarification about the cancellation procedure
for all events can be found on the cancellation page.
One of the main concerns
for societies is whether there will be adequate insurance cover. It is always
best to check with the society’s own insurance provider. It is unlikely that any
Covid-19 specific insurance will be available but general public liability will
be available. A society should ensure that best efforts are undertaken to ensure
that the venue/ground is Covid-19 safe, in line with Government advice available
at the time (including risk assessments). This will then help to demonstrate
that it has discharged its duty of care to participants and visitors. It is not
possible to guarantee a no Covid-19 risk scenario, and there will be an element
of assumption of risk by the participant/visitor. The society’s job is to
minimise that risk. All Clubs and Societies must appoint a Covid Safety Officer,
whose responsibility is to make sure that Covid prevention procedures are
maintained throughout the day, this person may be an existing steward or an
additional person. A log must be kept of any untoward incidents. The Covid
Safety Officer must be named on the event schedule.
A statement must be
included in all schedules to state that if a competitor, or anyone in their
household, has Covid-19 related symptoms or has tested positive for Covid-19
they must not attend the event and should self isolate in line with Government
General areas for
consideration by societies will revolve around financial planning for the event
and whether it will be feasible to proceed whilst following government advice
and social distancing requirements (i.e. reduced capacity/gate). It will be
necessary to ensure the planned venue is open for bookings, and for some events,
that local hotels are able to accommodate the required number of bookings.

Kennel Club Events Statement
Following the
statement made by The Kennel
Club at the beginning of July, the Kennel Club Board would like to continue to
reassure competition organisers, exhibitors and competitors that our sports
committees remain committed to working on solutions to help enable shows,
competitions and other events to resume as and when they can and it is safe for
them to do so.
The Kennel Club appreciates
the frustrations felt and experienced in trying to get events to recommence, but
we are limited in giving specific direction due to the lack of clarity over the
types of event which can take place. We are in regular contact with the
Government, some of whose guidance is not always clear-cut, and will make a
statement as and when we receive specific advice. We have been proactive within
our remit to relax and suspend a range of competition regulations to assist
clubs and societies with their risk assessments which are essential before a
decision is made as to whether an event should go ahead.
Indeed, we have seen the
cancellation of large events very recently, which has served to highlight the
level of frustration felt by so many and we must acknowledge the tremendous
efforts made by clubs and societies in attempting to stage such events during
these turbulent times.
If societies want to go
ahead with a show or trial the planning must be done with the utmost care to
ensure that all participants are safe and measures are put in place to mitigate
the transmission of Covid-19. Currently one of the most important aspects of
event planning is to as far as possible ensure the club/society’s finances can
carry the cost of any last minute cancellation due to a local authority imposed
lockdown and can cope with the additional equipment needed to make their event
Covid secure.
Large events in particular
make a very serious and huge financial commitment well in advance of being
staged, often with substantial non-refundable deposits involved, so this too
must be borne in mind.
All risk assessments are
unique to each event and venue, taking this into account we can share a range of
headings which must be considered within a risk assessment. The purpose of which
is to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to mitigate the risk of
transmission of Covid-19 and to implement social distancing amongst
participants. These include:
flexible and adaptable
One of the most important
considerations is to think of the impact on financial planning, for example
reduced capacity in respect of entries or spectators, local lockdowns and
cancellation and the additional costs of signage, hygiene and cleaning measures
required as well as all the pre financial costs in running an event.
The sorts of measure to
take into account include:-
The social distancing parameters
2m/1m (with mitigation), 10m2 per person density, ‘last mile’ (zone around
event venue) and the effect on its local amenities such as hotels,
campsites, pubs etc
Entrance/exit, queue management,
pinch points – congestion, crowd density/capacity, ring management, touch
points (shared equipment etc), ventilation (indoor venues), hygiene,
catering, toilets, PPE masks
Individuals you need to think
about - competitors/exhibitors, veterinary cover (if applicable to the
event), judges, stewards, visitors, and any trade stand holders
Arrangements for ‘Test & Trace’
Regular contact with the
Local Authority where the show/trial is taking place is considered essential
especially in the run up to the event. The Local Authority will need to know
the venue size, anticipated numbers of participants (exhibitors, traders,
officials, dogs etc.) so that it can locally risk-assess in terms of the then
current Covid-19 rates, other local events and amenities in and around the area.
Tony Allcock OBE,
Kennel Club Chairman, said, 'The Board would like to acknowledge the
tremendous efforts being made by Kennel Club staff, many of them working
remotely due to the current pandemic which has generated a vast number of
enquiries. Event management and planning also involves a huge amount of work
including liaison with associated bodies, all of which has been dealt with
in a very efficient way often under very challenging circumstances.
Board shares the anguish and frustrations of the dog world with this
enforced halt of our beloved hobbies; the same sentiment is being expressed
by many involved in other similar competitive leisure activities. However,
the overriding concern for all at this time is to keep people safe. We have
sympathy with those trying to arrange events, large or small, and cannot
stress enough the importance of keeping abreast of the Government’s guidance
which is regularly changing and Local Authority consultation is essential.
We are continuing to liaise with Government but in the meantime there is a
range of advice and guidance for clubs and societies on our website for
those which are considering running a show or trial.'
Due to the pace of changing
information we suggest that for current Government advice for all parts of the
UK please visit the following websites:
To view Kennel Club advice
for shows and societies, please visit thekennelclub.org.uk/resumption-of-licensed-events

Measuring Update from KC
The Kennel Club has issued
this operational plan for the resumption of dog agility measuring.
Measurers are reminded that
all Small, Medium or Intermediate dogs must have had a first measurement before
they can compete at a Kennel Club licensed show. Obviously Large dogs are not
required to be measured.
Dispensation has been given
for dogs that required a 2nd (or 3rd) measurement since 17th March 2020 and have
not been able to have this measurement. This must now be carried out prior to
1st July 2021. Until this date a dog which has had its 1st measurement may
continue to compete regardless of whether it has had its 2nd or 3rd measurement.
(This date will remain under review based on the current situation, but will not
be brought forward.)
Measurers may start
measuring when they feel safe to do so, there is no pressure for anyone to
measure until they wish to, but hopefully this guidance will be helpful as to
how measuring may take place safely.
A statement must be
included when a measuring session is arranged to state that if a handler /
owner, or anyone in their household, has Covid-19 related symptoms or has tested
positive for Covid-19 they must self isolate in line with
Government advice and not attend the measuring session.
Written information
(including a mobile telephone number) on all those attending a measuring
session must be collated. This must be detailed enough to allow NHS Test &
Trace to contact all participants if any attendee becomes ill with COVID-19.
These records must be kept for 21 days.
All dogs must be booked
in advance, including their full Kennel Club details, for any measuring
session. Where the booking is for a 2nd (or 3rd) measurement, details of the
previous measurement(s) must also be submitted in advance so they may be
logged prior to the session, to save time and maximise efficiency on the
Unless in exceptional
circumstances, only one handler to be with each dog to be measured.
Handlers must wear a
mask or face covering whilst in the room in which the measuring session is
being held.
Measurers must wear a
face mask or face covering whilst in the measuring area, or a visor may be
worn if preferred.
Social distancing must
be adhered to as much as possible whilst undertaking the measuring.
Those queuing for their
dogs to be measured must adhere to social distancing measures.
Ideally those queuing
for their dogs to be measured should be outside.
Payment must be the
correct cash in a clearly labelled see through bag or envelope.
Record Books should be
purchased and completed in advance of the measurement.
The measurers must use
hand sanitiser (or wash their hands) between each dog.
Hand sanitiser must be
available for measurers’ and handlers’ use.
Ideally only the
measurer will touch the measuring hoop and microchip reader. However if it
is necessary for the handler to handle the microchip reader or measuring
hoop it must be wiped down with appropriate wipes immediately after use.

Postponed Jersey Euro Festival Now Cancelled
Unfortunately the show
organisers have had to cancel the 2020 Jersey European Agility Festival which
had been rescheduled for 17th-20th October.
Andre Rees said, 'It
was a very difficult decision to cancel this year's Jersey European Agility
Festival. There is still too much uncertainty and things keep changing
rapidly day by day. Even though Jersey has opened up its borders last month,
it was only announced yesterday that France has now been down graded from a
green to amber country for anyone travelling through or from France. They
will now have to self-isolate on arrival in Jersey for at least five days.
We have also seen a
huge reduction in boat sailings from the UK and France which would make it
very difficult for people to travel to the Festival and get back home on the
usual boats. Our local Government is still advising events can only have a
maximum of 40 in attendance and will not be reviewing this again until at
least the end of the month. We do not know at this stage if this will be
increased anytime soon. I am sure you can all appreciate it has been a very
challenging year with so many events being cancelled everywhere.
'We will now start
looking at planning next year's event and will let you know our plans and
dates as soon as we have secured everything.'

Redgates Under New Management
Tim & Clare Griffiths have
made the difficult decision to retire from running Redgates AC after 19 years.
In a statement, they
said, 'We have been running Redgates Agility Club since 2001. It all started
when Mary Ann Nester who ran our local club at that time moved away, and we
had no where to train. It has been a fantastic journey with so many happy
times and the club going form strength to strength.
However, we have now
decided that it is time for us to move on. With us both now fully and
permanently retired from gainful employment, Lockdown has given us the
opportunity to think about what we want to do, and consequently we have
decided that it is now time for us to leave Redgates behind. Our house in
Essex is on the market and we are actively looking for a detached property
with some land in either Lincolnshire or South Wales, so that we can pursue
some new ventures. We will not be retiring from Agility completely - we will
both continue to compete. Tim will continue to Judge, Clare will continue to
Ring Manage, and we will both continue to help set-up at shows.
We are very pleased to
say that Redgates will continue as an independent group - and will now be
run by Alan & Sabine Hanna, albeit with a slightly changed name of 'Redgates
Dog Training School', as under the new arrangement the club will offer
Obedience & Puppy training in addition to agility. Redgates KC Listed Status
is not transferable so they will have to reapply for that. We understand
that they are not planning a show for 2021, but hope to be able to put one
on in 2022 or 2023.
This has been a very
difficult decision for us. We are indebted for all your help and support
over the years. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
Tim & Clare can still be
contacted via PM of Facebook or via their personal email accounts:
Tim.Griffiths@btconnect.com or
JULY 2020

Agility Team GB Management Team Announced
The Kennel Club would like to congratulate the following people
have been recruited onto the Management Team to work alongside the Team Manager,
Greg Derrett for Agility Team GB
Matt Goodliffe - Senior Coach
Ant Clarke - Junior Coach
Tina Davies - Results Analyst
Vicky Fraser - Team Vet
Chris Kerton - Handler Fitness Coach
Ann Roberts - Safeguarding Officer
Thank you to Agility Team GB sponsors Natural
Instinct, Pure Agiity and Galican for their support.
To find out more about each Management Team member and their role
see International
Management Team on the KC website.

Shaw Agility Show News
After much discussion with the owners of The Dog Training
Barn, it has become apparent that Shaw Agility will not be able to run their
31st October show in the usual way and so they have decided to cancel it. They
are, however, working very hard to put together a COVID compliant show on this
date. They will be offering four runs per dog at slightly higher price, so
they've had to add on £2 per person to cover additional costs.
Sarah Shaw said, 'Priority entry to this show will be
given to those who have not asked for a refund. Anyone who has not asked for
a refund who wishes to receive one needs to send their details to the Show
Secretary to receive all their money back.'

WAO Wildcards & Judges 2021
The WAO will be inviting the 2020 Wildcards to compete at the
2021 WAO. Therefore, 2021 will be invitation only for Wildcards due to the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Greg Derrett said, 'At this stage, we cannot confirm if we
will be able to offer any other Wildcard spots until we have confirmation
from the country managers on anticipated numbers at the event. If you might
be interested in any additional wildcard spaces, we will announce by October
31st 2020 if we will be opening up any more positions and how this will
The 2020 judges will now be judging WAO 2021.The original 2021
judges (Andre Landry, Jason
Bartram and Petr Pupík) will now judge 2022 and the 2022 judges (Bonnik
Berthelsen and Natalie Webb)
will now judge 2023.
More announcements regarding the 2021 event will be posted.

Dog Vegas Cancels All 2020 Indoor Shows
Dog Vegas has been watching the government announcements along
with KC advise including today's post from Jackie Gardner before making a
decision about the rest of there planned shows for 2020.
Considering all the current advise available, risk to judges,
ring parties and competitors along with the additional workload which would need
to be bourne by judges and ring parties if restrictions where to be included in
future planning, Dog Vegas have decided to make the difficult decision to cancel
all remaining outdoor shows in 2020 and all indoor shows for 2020 and the start
of 2021.
Hazel Higgins and the DV Team said, 'We understand that
this will be a disappointment to many competitors however in the interest of
safety and clarity we wanted to make this announcement as early as we where
able based on the information available. We'd like to thank all our judges,
members, trade stands and competitors for there continued support and we
look forward to seeing you Easter 2021.'

Agility Team GB Pre-selection Qualifiers
Invitations to attend the Agility Team GB Pre Selection
Qualifiers were sent to handlers yesterday including the following:-
Championship winners from shows
in 2019 to Crufts 2020
Championship reserve dogs from
shows in 2019 to Crufts 2020
Handlers and dogs who qualified
for Crufts 2020 in both the British Open & Crufts Singles
YKC Agility Dog of the Year
qualifiers for Crufts 2020
Olympia Large (excluding Novice)
Quarter Finalists, and Small and Medium Olympia Semi Finalists 2019
Competitors that qualified for
the Olympia Large (excluding Novice) Quarter finals and Small and Medium
Semi-finals for 2020
Agility Team GB 2020 Senior &
Junior Squad members
If you have not received an invitation and fall into the above
category, please email
agility@thekennelclub.org.uk by Friday, 10th July.
Those who have not qualified will have a chance to enter the
Agility Team GB Open Showcase event. Details will announced on Monday 20th July.

Kennel Club
Statement on KC Events
6th July 2020
The Kennel Club would like to advise and reassure competition organisers,
exhibitors and competitors that our Sports Committees are working on solutions
to help enable shows, competitions and other events to resume when Government
guidance allows and the current restrictions are sufficiently reduced or
We are also actively seeking Government advice and clarification on guidance
already issued.
We are looking at the safety measures that may need to be put in place,
together with any Kennel Club Regulations which may need to be amended or
relaxed to enable competitions to resume. As soon as more information is
available, our guidance will be issued.
We are aware that everyone is keen to resume their dog-related activities as
soon as it is practical to do so, but please bear with us as we work towards
helping you to provide the safest possible environment to allow for this. The
continued health, safety and security of all participants at Kennel Club events
is of paramount importance.

DEFRA Guidance Regarding Dog Training
Applies to England only
The training of dogs is an important element of their social
development. Dog trainers may continue to provide advice on training on a
one-to-one basis using technology to connect the trainer and client. It may also
be possible to run classes by video link. If a trainer can utilise a secure safe
area to provide training, clients can meet the trainer there providing social
distance can
be maintained and class sizes are limited to comply with current government
guidance (2m should be adhered to where possible). There should be no physical
contact between the trainer and client or dog and social distance should be
maintained at all times.
trainers normally use an indoor space for classes, the trainer should undertake
a risk assessment before re-starting classes. The assessment should include the
ability to maintain a two metre social distance between clients. This may
require the establishment of a one-way system during entry and exit to the room
and limiting the number of clients in a class. The trainer must also ensure
additional hygiene measures such as regular cleaning of items such as door
handles and light switches are in place.
Owners of dogs from infected or self-isolating households pose a
significantly higher risk to the trainer and should not be accepted. Owners can
leave their dogs with a trainer providing the business handover protocol is
followed and social distancing is maintained.

UK Agility Show Update COVID -19 Update
2nd July 2020
Although lockdown restrictions have decreased, UK Agility along with the
September show managers, has decided to
cancel all September events. This decision has been made due to the uncertainty
of the pandemic and civic responsibility regarding the associated risk of
running agility events at this time.
Shows from October onwards are not currently available to enter. A decision on
these will not be made until mid August.
Greg Derrett said. 'We hope you, your family and dogs stay safe and well and
fingers crossed we will see you later in the year.'

South West Agility Processing (SWAP) Credit
Although still trading, SWAP is now processing very few shows these days.
Graham Partridge said, 'There
are numerous people who have SWAP accounts which are in credit and have
money in them. We would ask people to check their accounts and, if they are
in credit, to contact us to either arrange to have the money re-paid to your
bank account or we can arrange for their money to be transferred to the
Agility Plaza.'
Please use the contact form on SWAP or email
JUNE 2020

Kennel Club Prestige
Agility Events Observer
The Kennel Club would like to announce that, following a review, a member of the
Prestige Events Working Party will be attending each Agility Prestige Event as
an Observer.
The Observer will be an independent point of contact for all, and act as the
Kennel Club's independent representative at Prestige Agility events. The purpose
of the role is to promote and protect the Kennel
Club's values, codes of conduct, to ensure ethical behaviour and to resolve
potential conflicts not necessarily within the remit of the organiser - and, if
required, within the remit of the organiser or organising committee during and
after Prestige Agility events.
As an independent observer, the representative will attend and be available to
all involved during, prior to and after, the following Prestige Agility events:-
Discover Dogs
Olympia Quarter and Semi Finals
Olympia Finals
International Agility Festival
Agility Team GB pre-selection qualifying and team selection events
FCI Agility World Championships
FCI European Open Championships
FCI World Agility Junior Championships
If you have any queries regarding this, please email

UKA at Home Shows to Continue
Following some great feedback from competitors, UKA has confirmed that their UKA
at Home Shows will continue to run throughout the summer - and potentially
These shows offer the opportunity to qualify for the UKA Grand Finals this year.
There are three course sizes available with the smallest being 10m by 10m and
you might be surprised by how little equipment you need to participate.
Two levels of show - Beginner/Novice and Open - mean that you can find a level
of show and a size to suit you and your dog.

Hosts Announced for KC Qualifiers
The Kennel Club would like to announce that the following clubs
have been awarded an Agility Teams and/or Novice Cup qualifier. We are working
on the 2021 qualifier calendar which should be on the website in August so that
you can start putting show dates in your diary!
(Final at the International Agility Festival)
Belgian Shepherd Dog Association – Small and Medium
Caerphilly and District Agility Club – Intermediate and Large
Coltishall Agility Club – Small and Medium
Cornwall Agility Club – Small and Medium
Dartmoor Dog Training Club – Intermediate and Large
Down District Dog Training Club – Small and Medium
Gleniffer Dog Training Club – Intermediate and Large
High Peak DTS – Intermediate and Large
Letchworth (FGC) Dog Training Club – Intermediate and Large
Lisburn & District DTC – Intermediate and Large
Lune Valley – Small and Medium
Otley – Intermediate and Large
Scottish Kennel Club – Small and Medium
Scunthorpe Obedience & Agility Training Club – Small and
The Agility Club – Intermediate and Large
Wye Valley DTC – Small and Medium
Novice Cup (Semi-Final at the International Agility Festival &
Final at Crufts)
Blackdown Agility Society – Small and Medium
Derbyshire Dog Agility Club – Small and Medium
Dogs in Need – Small and Medium
Down District Dog Training Club – Intermediate and Large
Empingham Dog Training – Small and Medium
Fair City Dog Training Club – Intermediate and Large
Gillingham (Dorest) DTS – Small and Medium
Godmanchester DTC – Small and Medium
Hinckley DTC – Intermediate and Large
Kernow Agility Club – Intermediate and Large
Lisburn & District DTC – Small and Medium
Norfolk Dog Training Society – Intermediate and Large
Nottingham Agility DTC – Intermediate and Large
Otley DTS – Small and Medium
Packington Agility Dog Society – Small and Medium
Prestwick and District Dog Training Club – Small and Medium
Ribble Dog Agility Training Club – Intermediate and Large
RVA Cambs – Intermediate and Large
Scunthorpe Obedience & Agility Training Club – Intermediate
and Large
Severnside (Bristol) Dog Agility Club – Intermediate and
Shrewsbury & District Dog Training Club – intermediate and
The Agility Club – Small and Medium
Tuffley Agility Club – Small and Medium
Tunbridge Wells & District Canine Society – Intermediate and
Vyne Agility Club – Intermediate and Large
WBSDS – Small and Medium
Wellingborough Dog Training Club – Intermediate and Large
Wyre (Lancs) Agility Club – Small and Medium

Join the Management Team for Agility Team GB
Agility Team GB is looking to recruit the
following management team roles:-
Agility Team GB Junior Coach
Agility Team GB Senior Coach
Agility Team GB Data Analyst
Agility Team GB Handler Fitness Coach
Agility Team GB Vet
Agility Team GB Safeguarding Officer (Junior
Team only)
Job descriptions for the above roles can be
viewed at
If you have any questions in regards to the roles please
The deadline for all applications is Friday, 3rd

Triple Team 2020 Announcement
All ten qualifying heats of
the Triple Team Qualifier, plus the Final will be virtual it was announced
today. This means you can compete in a team of three (any combination of
heights), from anywhere - even if your team is spread out across the country.
The top two from each heat
will qualify for the Virtual Final... Rosettes to 3rd and trophies for 1st in
each heat, plus amazing sponsored prizes and awards, too.
First heat open for entries
now... head over to the
Team Qualifier FB page for more information.

Agility Measurement Timeframes
The Kennel Club has reviewed the existing
timeframes for obtaining a second or third measurement for Agility dogs during
the coronavirus pandemic.
The following has been agreed:-
Any dog with a 2nd or 3rd measurement
outstanding, since 17th March, will need to have this carried out by 1 July
2021. Until this date a dog which has had its 1st measurement may continue
to compete regardless of whether it has had its 2nd or 3rd measurement.
This date will remain under review based on the
current situation, but will not be brought forward.

The First COVID Safe Show
On 10th June, Agility Plaza announced the UK's
first COVID safe agility show. The Kelluki Independent show on 27th-28th June
quickly filled up and closed.
Show organiser Samantha (Sam) Hatcher explained, ' I'm
really not trying to endanger anybody's life, but agility shows will return
at some point and we need to start thinking about how we can do it safely.
This show is really much more similar to a group training scenario and is
nothing like an agility show as we know it!'
I've had a few
people asking what we are doing to make our upcoming show as safe as
possible, given the current restrictions, so I have detailed them below.
will be setting up the rings and courses the evening before the show and
I will do this on my own except perhaps with a bit of help from somebody
in my household. It's my equipment and I am on my land. There won't be
anybody else involved in setting up the show.
Competitors will be given a time slot of at least 45 minutes. It will be
slightly longer if you have multiple dogs or if somebody in your time
slot has multiple dogs.
will be a maximum of five competitors per slot.
will be judging and scriming myself for the Jumping and Steeplechase
courses. I've done it before at our independent shows. For the Agility
courses, I will be on the phone to my scrime who will be in the house
recording the results.
are responsible for your own toy/lead and you need to place it at the
end of the course before you start your run. You will also need to bring
a box/bucket to put it in and take that with you once you have finished
your run. There will be no need for a helper to assist with leads.
will be no caller because everybody will need to follow their strict
running orders. I will check your name and your dog's name before you
start your run.
courses will be set up ready for when you arrive. You will be able to
park alongside the rings.
will be five minutes allocated for walking each course. You will only
walk one at a time, so don't need to worry about remembering them all
together! I think this is sufficient time, given that there will be no
waiting around between walking and running and there won't be any
distance to travel between your vehicle and the rings.
must adhere to social distancing when you walk the courses, so you must
keep 2m apart from other people at all times. I will try and keep the
courses flowing to help with this.
can start walking the next course as soon as you have finished your
previous run.
will be changeover time between the groups, but if the previous group is
still there when you arrive, please stay in your car until it is safe
for you to approach the rings.
you arrive early, please stay in your car or drive to a different part
of the field until the previous group has left.
must leave as soon as you have finished your last run.
field is 18 acres with an adjacent field of 6.5 acres, so there will be
plenty of space for everyone.
must not bring anybody with you. If you cannot attend without another
person, please contact me and explain why you need another person to
must not touch anything, including equipment, other dogs and fencing. If
you accidentally touch something, please let me know so that I can
disinfect it. Please don't try to be helpful by picking up somebody's
lead for them or picking up a pole!
Please bring your own hand gel, although I will have some available for
you to use if it is totally necessary.
Results will be recorded as we go and final placings will be announced
after the event has closed.
Obviously there are also concerns about dog fitness and you will have
the option of attending the show to train if you prefer, rather than
compete. Dogs can run at lower heights for a clear round only.
There are obviously some people who are still
shielding, and I completely respect and support their decision to do so.
However, restrictions are loosening very
gradually and we are now able to carefully go back to training in small groups.
There will be no more than six people at the venue at any time and we will all
be socially distancing. The total footfall across each day will be approximately
35 people, but these people will be making a very conscious effort not to touch
anything. The footfall through a school, park, supermarket or high street will
be far greater throughout a day. You don't need to agree with it, but please do
respect our decision to take part, whilst we are making every effort to reduce
the risk to others as much as possible. There is literally no obligation to
enter the show!
Thanks to those who are in support of the show
and also to those who don't support it, but didn't criticise those that do.
If anybody has any further suggestions (apart
from not running at all 😂) I would be pleased to hear them 😊

Update Regarding Crufts 2021
The Kennel Club and the Crufts Committee are
committed to holding Crufts 2021 if permitted to do so by the Government.
We greatly appreciate the support the show
receives each year from our exhibitors, sponsors, trade-stand holders, public
visitors and Channel 4.
The qualification criteria for the show will be
announced once the Government guidance is clear on future events which may not
be until the autumn.
It may be that the show will need to be
reformatted in a way to comply with new regulations. If so, more details about
this will be announced as information becomes available.
We would ask for patience at what is a difficult
time for everyone with limited information currently available as to how things
will progress in the coming weeks and months.
Crufts is the world's best known celebration of
dogs and we very much look forward to welcoming you all to the show in happier
times in 2021, if circumstances allow.

New Agility Team BG Manager Appointed
The Kennel Club is pleased to announce that the
Prestige Events Working Party have decided to appoint Greg Derrett as Agility
Team GB Manager. Greg replaces Mark Laker who stepped down from the role earlier
this year.
The working party followed due process in their
recruitment of a new manager and were delighted that a number of well-qualified
candidates applied for the role. A series of significant interviews and
discussions took place and all matters were taken into consideration before a
decision was reached.
the newly-appointed Agility Team GB Manager, Greg will oversee both the Junior
and Senior teams, and the Kennel Club takes this opportunity to wish him well in
his new role.
On Facebook he said, 'I'm really pleased to
have been chosen for this role. It is an exciting new challenge for me and I
am looking forward to working hard along side The Kennel Club to unite and
support our top level handlers for the progression of British agility, both
at national level and the international stage.
My first task is building a management team
that can support my vision for Agility Team GB and introduce the new ‘Open
to all' selection process I have designed.'

Risk Assessment for Dog Training Clubs Government Guidance England from 1st June
Training of dogs is an important element of their
social development. Dog trainers may continue to provide advice on training on a
one-to-one basis using technology to connect the trainer and client. It may also
be possible to run classes by video link.
From Monday 1st June small dog training classes
of up to five students and one trainer are allowed as long as clients are able
to maintain social distance whilst arriving, leaving and at the class. A
training class must utilise a secure private outside area with adequate parking
to allow clients to arrive and leave whilst remaining two metres apart. There
should be no physical contact between the trainer and client or dog and social
distance should be maintained at all times. Owners should touch only their own
dogs. Owners of dogs from infected or self-isolating households pose a
significantly higher risk to the trainer and others in the class and should not
be accepted. Owners can leave their dogs with a trainer providing the business
handover protocol is followed and social distancing is maintained.
Hosting Dog Training Classes
from 01.06.2020 using Social Distancing measures
Government Guidance issued on 1st June 2020 now
permits up to six people to meet outdoors. It is at the discretion of each
training provider to carry out a thorough risk assessment and resume classes
only if all areas of concern can be covered fully.
Before re-commencing classes you must consider
the Government guidance and all the potential risks associated with this.
Training classes must take place outdoors and a maximum of 6 people are
permitted to meet at any one time but following social distancing measures.
Is your venue based
at an outdoor location? Government Guidelines state from 1st June 2020 that
all training must be outdoors.
Is your outdoor
venue enclosed and can you ensure the space used for training is safe?
Does it have
provision of shade particularly in hot weather?
What provisions
would you have in the event of wet weather?
Will you be using
your regular outside private area or an outside public space? If so do you
have permission to use this public space?
Is the venue
usually used by the club or would this be a temporary venue used during this
period? If so do you need to adapt your venue to comply with government
guidelines and to ensure the safety of all participants?
Can you ensure the
space being used for training will allow at least a minimum 2 metre distance
between dogs and handlers at all times?
Are you able to
create pods or zones within your training area where individuals can be
placed so that they can see the class but remain at least 2 metres away?
Is the floor
surface safe? Grass, concrete or astro turf, do any adjustments need to be
made to make it safe?
If a dog was to get
off the lead, how could you ensure a dog off lead did not run up to other
handlers/dogs in the group or get out?
Check your
insurance cover is adequate for the training session
Entering the training venue
Handlers will need
to be advised when to arrive, when to leave and only to come on their own
with their dog
Class times may need to be staggered so
that one class does not meet the other on the way in/out
Consider the times of class, will it be
before or after another class or one to one session, if so how can handlers
maintain a social distance during the changeover?
When entering the premises, do handlers
need to touch gate/doorways? Does the entry gate need to be tied open at
arrival time until everyone is in the training area?
Does the Instructor need to meet handlers
in the car park and then escort into the training area?
Will handlers need to queue up to enter
the training area, if so can they maintain a 2 metre distance from other
The venue car park may need to be
sectioned into zones e.g. yellow zone (to the right of the car park) for the
first class and orange zone (to the left of the car park) for the second
Will you need signs, markers or cones to
facilitate these procedures?
Are there any other people in the venue
at that time, if so how do handlers get into the venue and observe social
How can you ensure safe hygiene at each
training session?
Can you provide suitable hand sanitisers
or wipes for handlers entering the venue and during classes? Are you able to
provide an area for these to be located?
Could members bring their own alcohol
anti-viral sanitisers with them?
Is there a bin available to place
Do you have a poop scoop bin for handlers
to dispose of their dog waste?
When cleaning up other than by a poop
scoop is needed, how can this be done maintaining hygiene?
If using any equipment like cones or
markers during the class only the instructor should handle them
Instructors must have a mask and gloves
available for themselves in case of emergencies.
In the event of an emergency and bearing
in mind the social distancing measures, are you able to pass the dog to an
instructor or back to the owner and avoiding cross contamination?
Do you have first aid facilities?
Communication to Handlers
During social distancing measures, clear
communication must be in place to all handlers taking part in classes. This
may differ from previous class guidance.
Handlers need to be advised that
attending classes is at their own risk and they will be required to follow
strict social distancing measures when entering the premises and during each
Handlers will need to be advised that
training class times and content may change due to current social distancing
Handlers must bring all the equipment
they may need with them including hand sanitiser, spare leads, mats, toys,
clicker, retrieve articles, dog water, water bowl, dog treats, food bowl,
drinks, poop scoop bags and a chair if appropriate.
Clear instructions will need to be
provided to each handler in writing before arrival. This can be emailed
prior to the lesson.
How are class fees to be paid? Do you
have facilities to take payment electronically? Or do you have facilities
for handlers to pay on the day avoiding cross contamination?
Paperwork to be emailed to puppy owner to
download - or if puppy packs are to be handed out they must be prepared at
least 72 hours in advance and put into a bag or box ready to take to class,
trainer to wear gloves when handing them out or sanitise hands before and
If any handler is unwell or showing
symptoms they must not come to class
Class sizes and content
Training classes must take place outdoors
and a maximum of 6 people are permitted to meet at any one time but
following social distancing measures. This means a maximum of 5 handlers
with 1 instructor or less if there are more than 1 instructor/assistant
Consider which classes are best to return
first, is your club better placed to facilitate smaller puppies classes or
is easier to hold more advanced classes with handlers who have been training
As instructors cannot handle a client's
dog, how can you avoid this during a lesson?
When demonstrating training techniques,
can the instructor use their own dog to show something or demonstrate in
another way?
Instructors should be very mindful of
allowing dogs to be off lead during a training session. Does your venue have
a safe area where this can be done without a dog interfering with others?
Consider multiple handlers with dogs on
leads. Dogs on the end of a normal length of lead may be able to access
another hander, so it may be advisable to position handlers further apart so
that social distancing measures can be upheld.
Social distancing and class control must
be observed at all times. Preventing inadvertent unwanted contact between
dogs will need to be considered.
The instructor's ability to control and
steer the class is vital to the safe participation of everyone taking part.
Do you have a training plan for your
lessons? Will your lessons need to be adapted to enable you to follow social
distancing measures?
Remember handlers who are engrossed in
engaging with their dogs may sometimes forget to space themselves
On lead work –
This can be done in small groups but social distancing must be observed and
common sense must prevail. The instructor's ability to control and steer the
class is vital to the safe participation of everyone taking part.
Off lead work
- This will be dependent on the space and restraints of the training area
being used and ability of the dogs and handlers taking part. The instructor's
ability to control and steer the class is vital to the safe participation of
everyone taking part.
Stays – These will be dependent on the space and restraints of the
training area being used and ability of the dogs and handlers taking part.
Recall - This will be dependent on the space and restraints of the
training area being used and ability of the dogs and handlers taking part. The
instructor's ability to control and steer the class is vital to the safe
participation of everyone taking part. Consider the use longer leads/lines or on
lead puppy recalls for younger and inexperienced dogs
Playing with Toys on or
off lead - This will be dependent on the space and restraints of the
training area being used and ability of the dogs and handlers taking part. The
instructor's ability to control and steer the class is vital to the safe
participation of everyone taking part. Playing with toys can be done on lead but
extra care must be taken if playing with a dog off the lead so that social
distancing is not breached

UK Agility COVID-19 Update
(1st June 2020)
With no sign of lock down restrictions decreasing
enough to enable shows to run, all UK Agility shows up to 4th September 2020
have now been cancelled.
All other shows scheduled from 5th September
onward are not currently available to enter. A decision on these will not be
made until the beginning of July.
In regard to the 2021 WAO England team selection,
no decision will be made on this until it is known if the WAO 2020 will happen.
The Grand Finals can run and lockdown rules change enough to enable a selection
event to be rescheduled.

First Place Processing Issues 6000 COVID Refunds
First Place Processing has now completed all
online refunds for the shows that have been cancelled due to COVID-19 (over 6000
refunds issued). The final refunds were made on 1st June 2020.
Please allow a few days - maybe up to seven days
-if you cannot find any refund you might still be expecting right away. The
refunds will have been paid back to the account associated with the card used
to pay for the entries, so please check your card statements carefully to find
them. There are still some outstanding refunds to be made by BACS for those with
expired cards, but these should be dealt with by the end of the week.
Postal refunds are yet to be issued for a couple
of shows. These are being handled by the show organisers, not by First Place
Processing and should be dealt with very soon.
MAY 2020
New British Agility Online Shows
British Agility is pleased to announce its unique
Online Agility shows, sponsored by Sean Cameron Photographic.
Current events available to enter...
The British Agility Lucky 13s
Turn your lock down luck around with this competition which will include 1 x
Agility and 1 x Jumping course, set for participants from all around the world
on a 25 x 25 metre arena. Each course will consist of 13 obstacles.
The British Agility Online Championship
With courses designed by International renowned judges on a 20 by 35 metre
arena, this competition will consist of 1 x Agility and 1 x Jumping class. The
results will be combined from the two heats and the top 10 dogs from each height
will be submitted into a Final to win the overall title and a cash prize
provided by our official sponsor Sean Cameron Photographic.
All details available on

Announcing UK Agility at Home Shows
UK Agility will be launching UKA at Home shows
with their first show scheduled to run 5th - 8th June. The shows will run weekly
- Friday until Monday - whilst social distancing restrictions are in place in
the UK. You can compete at home or at an Approved Venue.
There will be two types of show with three ring
sizes i.e. six shows a week.
There will be three ring sizes for each type of
10m x 10m
20m x 15m
30m x 25m
Each show will have:
2 x Agility
2 x Jumping
2 x Steeplechase
The two larger ring sizes will have Gamblers &
You can enter one to eight classes per show and
as many shows as you wish at a cost of £4 a class.
Progression points are available for all Clear
UKA will be publishing on Friday, 22nd May the
Grand Finals qualification options.
The schedule will be released on 27th May with
entries taken from 28th. A list of Approved venues will be published in the
schedule and on the UKA FB pages. Please see the separate post on the UK Agility
FB page (due to be published 18.00 on 20/5) on requirements and how to apply to
become an approved venue.

Scottish Agility Dog
of the Year Cancelled
Sadly Scottish Kennel Club will not be holding a
Scottish Agility Dog of the Year Competition in 2020.
In a statement on
Facebook, Sara Hawkswell, SKC Agility Co-ordingtor, said, 'Due to the
COVID 19 pandemic, we are unable to hold heats or any Finals. We would like
to thank all clubs who hosted heats in 2019 and congratulate those
competitors who had already won points towards qualification. The
competition will be back in 2021. I will be liaising with clubs regarding
heats and further details will be announced in due course.

The Teams Are Back
The Kennel Club would like to announce some good
news whilst we are all facing the COVID-19 pandemic!
They will be bringing back the Agility Teams
competition for Grades 1-7 dogs, with the final happening on Friday at the
International Agility Festival, as well as introducing a new Novice competition
for Grades 3-5 dogs. The International Agility Festival will host the Semi-final
for the Novice Cup competition before the Final at Crufts.
They are looking for Kennel Club fully registered
clubs to apply to hold these heats. There are eight heats for each of the four
heights on offer for the Agility Team competition, and 14 heats for each of the
four heights available for the Novice Cup competition. There will be a reduced
number of heats held in 2021 due to shows being cancelled in 2020.
If your club wishes to apply to host one of these
heats please email agility@thekennelclub.org.uk by Friday, 5th June with the
following information:-
Registered club name
Which heat or heats would you like to host
and for which heights
Proposed date of qualifier
Details of any other qualifiers your club
already holds
15th May 2020

Statement Regarding COVID-19
and Kennel Club Events
The safety and security of competitors,
spectators, volunteers and staff at Kennel Club events continues to be of
paramount importance. In light of the continued restrictions as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the Kennel Club has taken the decision with regret to extend
its strong recommendation that clubs and societies cancel forthcoming events
until the end of September and that serious consideration should be given to
events due to be held after this date.
It is vitally important that those responsible
for organising events, large or small, conduct a risk assessment which will
include ensuring that the event is COVID secure, i.e being compliant with
Government advice and guidance on COVID-19. We will be working on further advice
to clubs and societies on the issues which need to be addressed in a risk
assessment once the Government publishes further guidance or instruction.
This latest recommendation is based on all advice
issued by the Government so far which continues to restrict non-essential travel
and maintain social distancing. The Kennel Club also recommends that alternative
arrangements continue to be put in place regarding other activities such as
meetings, seminars and training classes.
It is appreciated that clarity is important in
order to be able to plan, budget and mitigate costs and, therefore, we will
provide more definitive advice as soon as the position is clearer from the
The latest advice on the
situation regarding COVID-19 is regularly updated and changes daily, and we
strongly suggest that clubs and societies keep aware of updates as issued by the
Department of Health at
The Kennel Club's current
cancellation policy and FAQs, in relation to breed shows, can be accessed at
bit.ly/2x5DuzQ and, in relation to all other disciplines, can be accessed at
email the KC office to confirm the cancellation or postponement of any
licensed events. If your event is cancelled, please also advise whether you
require a refund for your licence fee or require the fee to be carried forward
for a future event.
Thank you for your patience and understanding at
this time.

KCIAF Another COVID-19
The Kennel Club has announced, with regret, the
cancellation of the 2020 International Agility Festival due to take place on 6th
- 9th August at Rutland Showground in Oakham.
This decision has been taken in light of the
Government's most recent announcement concerning the ongoing ‘lockdown'
situation during the pandemic and also takes into account the safety and
security of competitors, spectators, volunteers and staff at Kennel Club events,
which are of paramount importance.
In making this announcement, the Kennel Club
wishes to acknowledge the continued support of the Festival's sponsor, Skinner's
Field & Trial, whose generosity enables the Kennel Club to stage one of the most
prestigious agility events in the world.
Refunds will be issued as
soon as possible to those competitors who have entered through First Place
The Kennel Club looks forward to the
International Agility Festival next year from Thursday, 12th to Sunday, 15th
Advice on the situation regarding the pandemic is
changing daily and the Kennel Club strongly suggests that everyone keeps aware
of updates as issued by the Department of Health at
Further announcements regarding how the pandemic
is affecting other Kennel Club events will also be posted on the Kennel Club
website at www.thekennelclub.org.uk
as well as on the Kennel Club's various social media channels such as Facebook
and Twitter.
Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at the
Kennel Club, said, 'It is such a shame that this year's International
Agility Festival has had to be cancelled. This is a double blow given the
inclement weather which blighted the event last year. We know how much
everyone was looking forward to it, but the health and welfare of all
participants must come first and now we turn our sights to 2021 when we
shall surely see a thriving Festival with hundreds of eager competitors keen
to put their dogs through their paces.'
William Delamore, Group Commercial Director
of Skinner's Pet Foods, said, 'Whilst it is a real shame to cancel the
Festival, first and foremost must be the safety, health and wellbeing of
society. We fully support the Kennel Club decision. We remain a key partner
of the Kennel Club and the wider agility world. We have begun planning our
2021 event season and hope to make it the best ever year. We would like to
wish everyone all the best and look forward to seeing you soon.;
All queries regarding the International Agility
Festival should be directed to

FMBB Champ Decision
Though the French organisation of the 2020 FMBB
World Championships has done it's outmost best to be ready to welcome
participants from all over the world, The FMBB Committee has made a decision to
cancel the World Championships due to the COVID-19 crisis. With almost all the
borders closed, at least until the summer, flights cancelled and hotels,
ing closed, it would make it almost impossible to go on.
Dog training is almost impossible. Most of the
teams in the different disciplines that would come to the 2020 FMBB World
Championships are without proper training and competition practice. Some
countries are more strict in quarantine than others, this doesn't provide fair
conditions for all possible participants.
After a questionnaire to their members, they
decided that moving the date to August was not a good option. Unfortunately most
of the teams had already taken leave of work, made hotel and camping
reservations, bought flight tickets, and so on. Sadly all of these costs can't
or will not be reimbursed. Moving the date to August date would mean the loss
of almost have the competitors.
The Judges, nominated by the different
Commissions, would also be put into danger by going to judge championships with
participant from more than 45 countries from all over the world, that is also
risk we cannot take.
Geert Bouckaert wrote to members, saying, 'On
behave of the FMBB board I have had a conference meeting with the
responsible for France. Together we have the same idea that cancelation is
the only good option. We know that in the present situation and also the
months to come, a lot of other very important things will have priority over
our beloved dog sport. We hope that in 2023 France will be our organization
as originally planned. We would like to expressly thank the French
organization once again for taking over the 2020 organization and the
efforts made. Very unfortunate that due to these previously described
circumstances, the world championships cannot take place.
The French organisaiton Federation Mondiale du
Berger Belge (FMBB) has done its bet to be ready to welcome competitors from all
over the world to the 2020 FMBB World Championships
All over the world, we are influenced by the
situation caused by the Covid19 virus. We hope you, your families and your loved
ones are and stay in good health.

FPP Refunds Update
to bring you all up to date with where First Place Process is regarding refunds
for the shows that have cancelled since March 17th, the following shows have all
had their refunds issued:
refunds for the Dog Vegas shows at Ramsey and Onley will be dealt with over the
course of the next week.
couple of VERY IMPORTANT things to note:-
Refunds are paid back to the card used to enter each show. This applies for
all shows processed by FPP. If you cannot remember which card you used,
please check ALL your accounts before contacting us - you may have three or
four things to check. Just under 6000 refunds are being dealt with!
Given the number of refunds going through the account - over £71000 have
been refunded over the past two weeks - there appear to be some substantial
delays between issuing the refund and it arriving in the relevant account.
Please give it at least 10 days before letting FPP know if you have not
received anything. That might seem like a long time, but these are
exceptional times and there is nothing that can be done to speed this up.
Refunds for shows that had closed prior to March 17th will be issued as soon as
unrecoverable expenses have been calculated and funds transferred back to FPP so
refunds can be refunded.
shows include:-
FPP requested, 'We still hope to get through all the refunds by the end of
April, but please bear with us. If you could refrain from
emailing/messaging/texting/phoning to ask about when you will get your
refund for any particular show we would very much appreciate it. Please do
not be offended if we do not reply to such queries.'

Dogs In Need Agility 2020 Update
years Dogs in Need schedule will be released at the end of May. Entries close
22nd June and classes (mostly) and show processors are the same as last year,
plus Intermediate and the KC International Tour.
DINAS Chairman Gerry
Eckersley said, 'By the end of May hopefully we will have a better
idea if the show will go ahead and nobody will have paid any money.
Obviously when making our decision we will be guided by the Government
recommendations and it has to be safe for everyone. There are a lot of
things to consider, taking a large number of people into Ipswich and social
distancing are just two. I will keep you all updated. Best wishes to all,
and stay safe!'

UKA Shows Announcement
In theory, at least, the April and May GT
Agility shows have not been cancelled officially as the venue, Newbury
Showground, is not answering questions about returning the £4000 hire fee.
Practically, however, all entries have been cancelled and money returned to UKA
wallets or cheques destroyed. Entries are closed and no late entries will be
other shows scheduled from June 20th onwards are currently not available to
enter. A decision on these will not be made until 1st May.

Grand Finals 2020 Change of Date
The 2020 UKA Grand Finals will now
take place on 10th - 11th October 2020 at Addington Equestrian Centre (same
Greg Derrett said, 'In these
unprecedented times, we have been faced with many cancellations throughout
North America and the UK as well as the World Agility Open in the
Netherlands. To clarify the WAO situation, handlers from over 40 nations had
qualified to compete in May to represent their country and invested large
sums of non-refundable money in travel, hotels and team uniforms. Due to
these factors postponing, rather than cancelling, WAO was something we have
worked very hard to do.
The only viable dates offered to
us, where we felt this crisis might have subsided and the teams were still
able to travel before winter sets in, was the last weekend in October.
Unfortunately this meant it became logistically impossible to run the Grand
Finals on its scheduled date as most of our organising team would have to
leave over the GF weekend for the WAO. We are grateful to Addington for
being able to offer us an alternative date but again we had very limited
At this stage it is obviously
unknown if the crisis will be over October and if we will have any shows to
have qualifiers at. We will be looking to announce further decisions on the
Grand Finals and the qualifiers mid April.
We hope the majority of our
customers will understand why these changes have had to be made and hope
everyone can be back enjoying their agility before too long.
Stay safe.

Team Manager Wanted
Kennel Club is recruiting for an Agility Team GB Manager. If you are interested
in finding out more about the role please see https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/…/international-agility-t…/
The closing deadline
for applications is Friday, 17th April. If you have any questions regarding the
role, please email

The CSJ Agility Open COVID-19 Update
25th March 2020
Entries for
the CSJ Agility Open are not due to close until 22nd May.
On FB Greg Derrett said, 'We
have concluded that, at this stage, it is too early to make any decision on
this event so entries will remain open. However, we suggest you do not
submit a payment until nearer the closing date when we will be able to
ascertain if the event will run.
'Due to
our current workload with events in March, April and May we will not be
processing any entry refunds at this stage. If you have already requested
one we will reply to you directly with a date we will process your request.
Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time.
'We will
evaluate the situation regarding the event at the start of May so look for
an update around 7th May. If Government rules change before then meaning a
cancellation becomes definite, we will, of course, announce any changes
earlier. We hope the crisis will be resolved by Mid June and we will be able
to run the event but do realise there is a realistic chance this won't
Stay safe.

Vision Agility Cancels Qualifiers
Crystal Vision Awards has come to the decision, due to lack of
qualifiers this year, to cancel the Crystal Vision Agility Final scheduled for
August. All points gained in qualifiers going ahead this year will be carried
forward to the 2021 Final.
Hope to see you all soon. Stay safe.

KC Statement about the European Open 2020
The Kennel
Club, having consulted with the FCI Agility Committee, has with regret decided
to cancel the European Open Agility Championships due to be held at Rutland
Showground on 31st July - 2nd August 2020.
decision has been made due to the continued spread of COVID -19 and the risk to
the health of everyone concerned. We have taken account of the fact that in some
countries national qualification processes may not be completed over the summer
and whether, realistically, individual teams would be prepared to commit to
travelling even after the virus has peaked. There remains uncertainty about
whether and when national governments' policies restricting international travel
will be lifted.
It was
hoped that we may have been able to postpone the event until late September or
October 2020 but this is not considered practical for many reasons. This has
been a very difficult discussion; however, in announcing a decision now we hope
it may provide some certainty to our Agility friends in these uncertain times.
We hope you and your families all remain safe and well and we look forward to
seeing you again under happier circumstances. At the present time the Kennel
Club's 'International Agility Festival' is going ahead as scheduled with the
situation being reviewed in line with Government advice on an ongoing basis.

TAG Asks for Patience
Can I ask people to just bare
with us. Within two minutes of putting the postponement post up the processor
was inundated with refund requests.
I put the post up as soon as a
final decision was made so that everyone knew ASAP, maybe I should have waited
until we had looked into what would happen and the implications of postponement
or cancellation.
Just give me and Paul at First
Place Processing a day or two please. This is something no one has ever
experienced things are changing every hour and every day, this is a scary time
for all but I know the agility group is a great family. Let's support each
other, let's be patient, let's help each other be there for each other over
these next few months. Keep in touch with each other.
Lisa and I want to wish
everyone a safe few months and stay well.
TAG will be back in the summer,
and we will make it a fun party weekend to celebrate coming through the other

Platinum Polite Request
Please do not contact Showtime
regarding PAL refunds. They have enough to do. Anyone who entered and paid
through Showtime online do NOT have to do anything as refunds will be allocated
back to your account once everything is sorted out.
Important bit...
Anyone who entered using the paper entry and paid by cheque MUST request a
refund as per rule 26 on the schedule. Please send a SAE and covering letter
marked PAL refund to –Showtime PAL refunds Rose Cottage, Kershopefoot,
Newcastleton TD9 0TJ. This must be received by the 18th May 2020, Failure to do
this will result in no refund.
If you have paid by cheque you
MUST NOT cancel this as it will have major implications on everyone else's
refunds plus you will be reported to the Kennel Club (they will be banked today,
any returned cheque unpaid will incur a £10 charge)
Gary Alderslade said, 'We will
endeavour to give back as much as possible as we can, but there has already been
some major expenditure with the show being a week long and not just your normal
weekend show. We have a lot of work ahead of us to sort this out so please bear
with us. Thanks again for your continued support and stay safe everyone.'

A Message from Dartford &
Upanova Tigers
It is with much regret,
following the government's guidelines and the Kennel Clubs recommendations,
Louise Bray said, 'We feel we have no option but to cancel Dartford and Upanovatigers Agility Shows on 6th and 7th June 2020.
We are so disappointed not only
for our competitors, judges, helpers and club members but also for all the
associated businesses that we use and to our sponsors who generously support our
show and put on qualifiers for us all to enjoy.
Fortunately our schedule was
not released which has made things a little easier for us. If circumstance
change and the government allow it we may try to schedule something for later in
the year.
We would like to thank everyone
for your support and understanding.
Watch This Space for News
of the Wraxall Show
Severnside DAC and Clifton
AC will continue to monitor the current situation regarding COVID-19 and will
follow any Kennel Club advice given as the situation develops. Everything will
be under constant review and they issue updates and a decision regarding Wraxall
Show on 27th-28th June when necessary.
The safety and security of
competitors, spectators, and volunteers is our priority. In the meantime,
Severnside DAC and Clifton AC hope that you and your family and friends stay

The Agility Club Leagues Suspended
In view of
the Kennel Club announcement on shows, The Agility Club will also be suspending
the leagues to coincide with their guidelines.
Thank you for being members and understanding at this time. Keep
smiling, Keep Fit. Pat your doggos

FPP Refunds Policy
First Place
Processing (FPP) will be refunding all competitors for each show that has been
cancelled. You do not need to email us to request a refund. If you have already
done so, please don't worry and please DO NOT email us to ask if we received
your email.
Refunds for
shows that have cancelled after closing will be made to everyone who entered
once unrecoverable costs have been calculated.
If a
cancelled show has not reached its closing date, you can help us by logging into
your account and cancelling it which will trigger a refund request.
will be paid back to the card you used to enter the relevant show. If the card
used expires before April 30th please email us (separate email for each show
concerned) to let us know clearly stating your FULL name and the show it refers
to and we will let you know what to do.
understand that the usual promise to honour refunds within 3-5 working days will
not be possible at this time and bear with us as we will have to deal with well
over 5000 refunds but we will aim to get through as many as we can by the end of
the First Place Processing website will clearly indicate which shows have
confirmed they are cancelling. Whilst we believe those that haven't cancelled
yet will follow suit, please do not contact us to speculate at this time as we
will not have time to engage with such queries.

Agility Plaza Pledges
With all
the disruption from cancelled shows, Agility Plaza makes the following pledges:-
We will keep our show diary up to date
with details of all show cancellations.
We will email all competitors to let them
know and explain about refunds.
Where cancelled shows have not closed,
competitors will not be charged and any camping deposits will be immediately
refunded in full.
Where shows have closed, we will provide
show organisers all the information they need to calculate and agree refunds
as quickly as possible.
As soon as refunds are agreed and funds
received by us, we will automatically credits each competitor's Agility
Plaza account and email them.
Whenever they want, competitors can
request that any money in their Agility Plaza account, refunds or otherwise,
is transferred back to their bank account.
We will not charge competitors anything
for these services.
We will not further burden show
organisers by charging them cancellation fees.
19 March... Some
good news - We have been told by the Kennel Club that shows do not have to wait
for their formal approval before paying refunds. This should speed things up.
Shrewsbury May Show Called Off
Public Health England and Kennel Club guidelines the committee has now decided
to cancel the show. We thank you all for your patience and understanding in this
We greatly
appreciate everyone who continues to support our show and as a gesture of good
will we are going to give everyone a full refund which will come directly from
ASO our show processors. You will not need to request a refund as this will be
done automatically for everyone
Scottish Border Collie Club Refunds
committee of the club have decided to fully refund the agility competitors who
entered our agility show. This will be done through Showtime our processors. Can
we ask you to be patient at this difficult time. The cheques from competitors
have not been banked and will be shredded.
To all the
people who don't want a refund, please accept our apologies but it's easier to
refund you at this time. We thank you for the offer.
We wish you
all the best for the times ahead and hope we see you all next year,

iSS Hub Message
June Richardson said, 'I
appreciate this FB group being set up, and it provides a platform for people to
discuss the show situation and is very valuable for that, but to find just the
show information easily then please use the iSS Hub. All the information as it
comes in is set against the actual show in the Diary so is easy to find by just
clicking on the show.'
Show Organisers - please post
your notices to The Hub to keep us all informed. Thank you.
K9 Brats Cancelled
Due to the announcement today
by the UK Government, the uncertainty of the period between now and the show, K9
Brats being an indoor show and no costs being incurred from the venue on a
cancellation, the decision has been made to cancel. As entries were due to close
16th March this also means no one will be charged and money should remain in
your wallets. If you have already paid for the show this will be refunded into
your wallets. As this was the first ever show on the new system please give us
until next Monday to resolve this on your UKA accounts before making contact.
Currently all other shows are
still continuing and we will announce any changes if this happens, as more
information regarding venues and Government updates are announced. As before we
are unable to answer any questions on individual shows on this post.

Statement on Kennel Club events and Coronavirus (Covid-19)
17th March 2020 - 4:38 PM
The safety and security of
competitors, spectators, volunteers and staff at Kennel Club events is of
paramount importance. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kennel Club has
taken the decision with regret to recommend strongly that Clubs and Societies
cancel forthcoming events over the next three months, i.e. until the end of
This is based on advice issued
by the Government yesterday, March 16, to restrict non-essential travel and
contact, and in consideration of the many vulnerable groups who both attend and
participate in Kennel Club events. In addition, the Kennel Club recommends that
alternative arrangements are put in place regarding other activities such as
meetings, seminars and training classes.
Advice on the situation
regarding COVID-19 is changing daily and we strongly suggest that Clubs and
Societies keep aware of updates as issued by the Department of Health at www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response.
Further announcements will also
be posted on the Kennel Club
website as well as on the Kennel Club's various social media channels such
as Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you for your patience and
understanding at this time.
Urgent Announcement
Concerning Thames Champ Show
As many of you would have seen
on tonight‘s news, 17 March 2020 the message from The Kennel Club was sadly very
loud and clear.
Andrew Dicker said, 'As
Chairman and show manager of Thames dog training club, our committee and
members agree with the announcement by the kennel club in that the safety
and security of competitors, spectators, volunteers and all concerned with
our show is of paramount importance they advised that in light of COVID-19
pandemic, the KC has taken the decision to recommend that clubs and
societies cancel forthcoming events over the next three months which sadly,
Thames falls within that period until the end of June.
As one of the largest shows
in the country it would be irresponsible of us not to follow the guidelines
of the kennel club and their recommendations on grounds of safety. It is
therefore with very much regret and sadness that I can confirm that due to
the current COVID-19 pandemic they will not be a Thames Championship Agility
show held at Newbury Showground this year.
In terms of reimbursement
of any fees, I would recommend that all those already entered on ASO cancel
their entry.. I will be asking the club treasurer to send reimbursements
back to all trade stands who have paid already. We will try to field any
answers however I don't believe there is much more than can be said on this
with regret.
I know that as a good
friend said recently to me this is going to be one of the longest and most
boring summers ever. Thank you for your understanding and hopefully in the
second half of the year we will have a chance to meet up and compete once
again when this hopefully is all over.

Wallingford Show Cancelled
It is with great sadness, and
with thanks for the clear guidance from the Kennel Club, that I confirm
Wallingford Agility Show is cancelled for April 25th-26th April 2020.
Jo Tidmarsh said, 'Thank you to
everyone for your support for our show. Thank you to our Judges, and to the WDTC
Show Committee for all the hard work to get us this far down the road on our
largest show ever.
Please be patient with us as we
do our best to recoup as many costs as possible so that we can refund you. See
you on the other side! If you have any questions please email show.secretary@wdtc.org.uk
Stay safe and stay healthy.
Health Protection Plan Wes
Lo Show Aug 2020
A decision
on the show will be made on 01/07/2020 as to whether it will go ahead or not.
The schedule may be made available on that day and open for a short period of
This is
subject to the health status of the country at the time and to no Championship
Show wanting to use my Show dates for a Championship Show to allow qualification
for Crufts 2021.
I will keep
the community advised on situation. Any request to borrow dates by PM or email
The SKC Champ Show COVID-19 Update
The Scottish Kennel Club is
currently monitoring the situation relating to Coronavirus and, whilst they are
hopeful that the show will go ahead on 17th May, the safety of all competitors,
judges and helpers remains the priority.
Sara Hawkswell, SKC Agility Coordinator, said, 'As the
schedule has not yet been released due to the rapidly changing situation it
will NOT be released at the moment as we continue to monitor the situation
and liaise with relevant bodies. Please competitors check our Facebook page
for all updates relating to the Agility Show, rather than calling the office
during this busy period.

Dig It Dogs Agility Show
Sandbach Cheshire Announcement
We will continue to review the situation in line with the
advice received from the Government. However, the Easter and Just Eat shows
currently planned for April will not be able to go ahead.
I have emailed everyone entered with the following options.
- ✅ Transfer your entry fee to another show later in the
- ✅ Private hire the agility arena for one hour. To the
value of £15 per hour. Using extra hygiene and precautions.
- ✅ Refund your entry fee.
It's not an easy decision to make, but the health and safety
of everyone is paramount.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Take care of yourself and loved ones.

Dog Vegas Oakhill Cancelled
with Regret
With regret, following the latest government guidelines
regarding COVID-19 and restrictions on on essential travel, social distancing
and lack of emergency service support for public gatherings - and lack of loo
rolls Dog Vegas has made the decision to cancel/postpone this weekend show at
Further decisions will be made on future shows in due course.
You will be contacted about refunds and rescheduling directly.
Please do not send direct messages.
Thank you for your patience in these unprecedented times.
Dickson & Browns Cancelled
Dickson and Browns winter unaffiliated agility show has been
cancelled this weekend 21st March further updates to follow on our Facebook page
for refunds.
Agility Ability
With the latest government announcement we regret to advise
that the March show due to be held at Easton
College Equestrian Centre on the 29th has been cancelled 😢 please refer to
schedule (rule no 26) regarding refunds. SAE should be sent to:
C/o 63 mill road, Norwich, NR9 3DS.
**Please note that the May show has also been cancelled with
zero expenses so cheques for that show will be destroyed and bacs payments will
sit on your account as a credit.
Sorry for the disappointment - hope to see you all later in the year
BCA Postponed
In light of today's developments regarding Coronavirus, the
decision has been taken to postpone the BCA Fun weekend this weekends fun show.
I will put on a fun show once it is safe to do so.
Blair Cochransaid, Anyone who has already entered can have
their entry carried over. I realise that this will not suit everyone, However, I
feel we need to be proactive to prevent the spread of this virus.
Dogs Postponed until September
Katie McManigan of Maidstone Dogs (MAD) has posted, I have mad
the decision to postpone the above show until the 26th September 2020. Entries
will automatically be transferred to this show - you dont need to do anything.
If you do not wish to enter and require a refund please email
me before 1st April 2020 at madshows@maidstoneactivitydogs.co.uk and include
your BACS details. After this date no further refunds will be issued. All
refunds will be minus £3 as there are a couple of unavoidable expenses which
can't be recovered/reused and I simply can not afford to swallow them.
Bitz 'n Bobz Announcement
Bitz 'n Bobz have decided to
postpone this weekends show.
Heather Mitchell said on Facebook, 'We
are very sorry but we think things are getting very real regarding the
Corona virus and going ahead poses a potential risk to all our competitors
and therefore their vulnerable family and friends. It's a risk we don't feel
is necessary to take.
We are fortunate enough to be able to
run the show in April, during the summer or as an extra show on the next
winter series, so that's the plan. Please stay safe and well everyone, and
we sincerely hope that we over reacted.

Scottish Agility League News
Fiona Nairn Young has announced, 'It will come as no surprise
that after careful consideration I have decided NOT to hold the Scottish Agility
League awards on the 19th April irrespective of whether PAL goes ahead or not.
In addition, it is both unlikely and impractical to retrieve 100% of the
perpetual trophies.
I will look to rearrange the awards later in the year -
fingers crossed - once life is hopefully back to something that resembles normal
and will keep you updated both on the SAL and Dog Agility of Scotland Facebook
pages and the SAL website page.
I have also taken the decision to suspend the Scottish Agility
League for 2020. The League runs on members joining and, of course, I see no
reason why people should join the league when there are few shows to attend.
Anyone who has paid and joined for 2020 will roll over to 2021. However, should
you wish to have a refund instead please let me know.

IMCA 2020 Cancelled
To all those who attended the IMCA Team Selection Day, Manager
Linda Croxford has just been advised that the organising country has posted a
notification that they have taken the difficult decision to cancel the 2020
Linda commiserated, 'Understandable but hard for all the
competitors that attended today. I need time to think how to give those that got
places today the credit going forward for 2021.
Kingdom of Fife Regrets
Due to the escalating situation regarding the Covid-19 virus,
it is with regret that Alan Short has announced that the Kingdom of Fife has
decided to cancel its April show (4th & 5th April).
The committee has been closely monitoring the advice given by
the government and senior Medical Officials and, with inevitable enforced
isolation, at least for certain groups of the population, it was felt best to
cancel and give competitors as much notice as possible to similarly cancel their
The committee will now start the process of establishing
refunds in line with Kennel club guidelines.

UKA Statement on
UKA is closely monitoring the COVID 19
pandemic and how it will affect any UKA scheduled events. We want to do our part
to help ensure that risks to our competitors and the population as a whole are
minimised as much as possible. At this point in time, most events are still
going ahead as planned. However, we recognise that this is a constantly evolving
situation and would ask you to keep an eye on our Facebook page or Show pages
for any updates. Updates will appear on the UK Agility page but we will be
unable to respond to individual messages on each show from competitors. Any
changes to shows will appear on our FB Page as well as on the UK Agility Show
We are working with our Show Managers to
ensure increased measures are taken at their events, in accordance with
recommended Government guidelines. Please be patient with the Show Managers as
they look for accurate information for their area, as well as discuss financial
and scheduling options with venues and suppliers.
Each Show Manager is responsible for their
own event and the decision to continue, postpone or cancel and we will fully
support their decisions provided they are in line with the recommended
Government & Local Authority's information & measures for their area.
As competitors, we would like to remind
you that you are responsible for your own personal safety and need to make
personal choices at this time about whether you wish to attend events or not and
the precautions you take if you do.
The World Health Organization and Public
Health England are good resources for factual and up to date information.
We sincerely hope this crisis resolves quickly, so we can all
continue to enjoy competing with our dogs.(13/3/20)

Statement on Kennel Club Events and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Advice on the situation regarding coronavirus is changing
daily and we strongly suggest that societies keep aware of updates as issued by
the Department of Health www.gov.uk/…/to…/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response.
The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has said the Government is
considering the question of banning major public events such as sporting
fixtures. This is based on the impact on emergency service workers of attending
these events. The Prime Minister has made it clear that current scientific
advice is that the cancellation of major public events will have little effect
on the spread of the virus.
In Scotland, the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon has announced
that the Scottish Government is minded to advise the cancellation of mass
gatherings of 500 people of more from Monday 16 March. Once again, this decision
has been made primarily to reduce the workload on emergency services who usually
attend these events.
The Kennel Club advises that, if holding an event, the Society
follows main messages from Public Health England on personal hygiene. Therefore
volunteers, exhibitors and visitors should be encouraged to maintain good hand,
respiratory and personal hygiene by employing the ‘Catch It. Bin It. Kill It'
ethos. It is recommended that additional signage and, if possible, bottles of
hand sanitiser are provided, to prevent and slow the spread of coronavirus
Societies should consider enhanced measures to help protect
visitors, exhibitors, judges and volunteers against coronavirus. Whilst in the
ring during judging, it is strongly advised that judges request handlers to show
an exhibit's dentition to minimise the spread of infection.
Exhibitors should be aware of current travel restrictions and
guidelines, and adhere to these – please visit www.gov.uk/…/publica…/covid-19-specified-countries-and-areas.
All individuals without exception are expected to abide by the advice of their
relevant governments and national and international laws with regard to
self-isolation and restrictions on travel. However, it is advised that everyone
should familiarise themselves with the UK government advice and make individual
decisions based on their circumstances and if they have any concerns to seek the
advice of their doctor.
With regard to the Kennel Club Building at Stoneleigh, the
standard refund policy as included in the hire contract remains in place unless
the Government issues instructions to restrict or cancel public events due to
increased environmental and health risks. In this case, the hirer will receive a
refund for funds paid to date or the deposit will be rolled over for a future
If your Society does take the committee management choice to
cancel or postpone your event, the cancellation policy is outlined at www.thekennelclub.org.uk/…/cancellations-and-re-scheduling…/.

Agility Team GB Performance Weekend Update
After consulting with the members of the Prestige Events
Working Party, the Coaching Team and the Kennel Club have made the difficult
decision to cancel the Agility Team GB Performance Weekend that was due to have
taken place 20th - 22nd March.
Please note that the decision to cancel this event has been
made in isolation based upon the circumstances unique to the Performance
Weekend. For details of other Kennel Club events, please
keep abreast of future announcements.
The Kennel Club issued this statement.
'We are mindful of yesterday's government guidance
regarding the Coronavirus outbreak, however we are conscious that some
participants may have wished to withdraw from the Performance Weekend for
personal reasons or may have been forced to ‘self isolate'. We have given
full consideration to the facts outlined yesterday and the likelihood that
the public emergency may extend for a number of months.
'We are also keeping in touch with representatives from
the FCI Agility Committee about international events. We need to be
realistic, the timescales announced by the Government yesterday indicate the
worldwide public health emergency may extend well into the summer months.
That being the case the European Open and the Junior Agility World
Championships may not go ahead. Depending on official advice the World
Championships in September might also be at risk. (To be clear, these events
have not been cancelled, we have taken the possibility into account in
reaching our decision).
'We ask all those involved in the squad process to bear
with us in these exceptional circumstances for which there is no precedent.
We are trying to balance government advice, the need to protect individuals
and their families and our wish to maintain a fair selection process under
these circumstances. '
Further updates will be issued as and when. Full entry refunds
will be issued to all entries for the Performance Weekend.
Really sorry for any inconvenience caused.

From SKC to Scottish KC
Following the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon's announcement
yesterday that from Monday all large gatherings above 500 people with the
potential to impact the emergency services should be cancelled to prioritise the
Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, SKC advises that, at present,
cancellation/postponement of any Club/Society Open/Limit Show in Scotland is
entirely at the discretion of each Club.
A formal decision shall be made with regards to SKC May 2020
Championship Show early next week. We are working closely with the Kennel Club
on this and also taking onboard advice from both the UK and Scottish
Governments. We will also be liaising with the Royal Highland Centre, the show
venue. Our exhibitors, judges, helpers and staff's health are priority and would
ask that you bear with us whilst these important decisions are being made. We
thank you for your patience and understanding meantime.
Licence fees will be refunded should any club chose to cancel
and reissued if rescheduled free of charge.
Susan Malabar from Showtime Processing said, With the
current advice from SKC re: cancelling shows, I have added some detail to
the show details page for show secretaries. You can now see how many owners
are entered each day at your show. I will add handlers when I get a chance.
Obviously this does not take into account non competing people at the show
but it should help show management make a decision.

Irish KC Show Postponed
Board of ‘The Irish Kennel Club' said, As our prime concern is the health and
welfare of our members and the wider community the Board of The Irish Kennel
Club has regretfully decided to postpone our two International Dog Shows on
14th, 15th and the ‘Pawtrick's Day' event on 17th March 2020.
This decision was not
taken lightly and was the result of advice from Government Departments and the
Health Authorities.
It is our intention to
reschedule these events at a later date as the situation becomes clearer. Stay
safe and thank you for your understanding.
If you
have entered any of these events, the following will apply:-
You will be credited for entering
the rescheduled event.
Upon application, a letter
personally addressed to you confirming the cancellation of the events, If
required for you to use for hotel/ transport claims.

Agility Team GB Manager Resigns
regret, Mark Laker has decided to step down as manager of Agility Team GB with
immediate effect.
The Kennel Club said, 'We should like to thank Mark for his unstinting and
absolute commitment to the role over the last few years. Mark has made an
important and significant contribution to the progress and development of
the international Agility teams supported by the Kennel Club and we will
miss him greatly.'
Facebook, Mark said, 'Thank you to everyone who has sent good wishes to
Karen and I following the announcement that I have resigned my position as
the Kennel Clubs International Team Manager. We're fine and the reason I
didn't run Rhyme in the Crufts Championship class was I wanted some time out
from agility.
Those of you who know me will know I'm a mentally strong person
(thankfully). I know how to deal with pressure and I can categorically state
the awful 'Team GB time for change' FB group played no part in my decision
to stand down whatsoever. But thank you to everyone who showed concern.
intention was always to review my position as team manager in 2020 and then
decide the future - that's what I've done.
Why 2020? - it marks the end of a five-year programme I put in place and,
I've implemented the main initiatives I'd set out to achieve.
Why now? - there are personal reasons why now is the right time for me, but
for the team I feel its fair to step-down early in the year now plans are in
place for 2020 to give my successor a chance to get up to speed.
Many people have said the team
managers role is a thankless task; that's not entirely true. Over the years
I've had many memorable moments from people who are very thankful for the
support I've given them. As with any management position, there are highs
and lows.'
announcement will be made shortly as to how the team will be managed in the
interim while a successor for the role is sought.

Kelluki January Refunds
message from Mike Brickman of Agility Plaza... The Kennel Club Committee meets
on 19th March and we should have agreement to pay refunds shortly after this
date. In the meantime, please do not contact support or the Show Secretary as
refunds will be paid automatically once we have KC agreement. Only if you did a
paper entry do you need to write to the show secretary enclosing a SAE.
Urgent Notice...
Kelluki Agility 12th January Show Cancelled
Agility has just been informed that Merrist Wood have put the entire College on
'lockdown'' for the next seven days due to the recent outbreak of equine herpes
which is potentially fatal to horses and highly contagious.
Show organiser Samantha Hatcher said, 'Please accept my apologies as the
decision is totally out of my hands and there is nothing I can do at this
short notice to arrange an alternative venue. Please spread the word!
I will sort out the financial situation and post
an update as soon as I have been able to review this further.'