Agilitynet came into it's own during the Foot & Mouth Crisis in 2002 and has not looked back since. It's been here for you in times of crisis, show cancellations, changes in rules and regulations, team selection and advances in technology. If it is news, we want to cover it regardless of affiliation. We can't be everywhere at once, however, so we rely on your input - and goodwill - to keep Agilitynet up to date so please email your show news to us as and when...


KC Large ABC
 Monkey is a rescue dog from Croatia and she won the same competition in 2019. She is the best dog! Edit Ratkai

KC Small Stakes

We got a Bronze medal in the Individual Small competition at the Agility World Championships this year and we will be competing at Crufts! Martin Reid

KC Large Stakes

It is my first time in the final at The Kennel Club Agility Stakes and it's a privilege to run against my fellow competitors. I'm overwhelmed. Mike Bendell

KC Intermediate Stakes
I'm very pleased to have won. It is the sixth final I've won here and it's still the biggest buzz!
Greg Derrett

KC Medium Stakes

We won the Jumping round. The Overall win is even more special as Munchy had a setback which meant she might not have been there on the day.
Dalton Meredith

Agility Stakes Winners Crowned at Olympia (Not Olympia)

The Kennel Club Agility Stakes finals, held in association with Skinner's at The London International Horse Show at ExCel London, have crowned five pairs of dogs and their owners winners across five different agility competitions.

The Kennel Club Agility Stakes are one of the most prestigious agility competitions in the world. The event saw stars of agility who had earned qualification in competitions throughout the year compete in the finals across Small, Medium, Intermediate, Large and Large ABC (Anything But Collie) categories.

Each competition was judged by Kennel Club Championship agility judge, David Isbister, with assistant judge, Dave Deaville.

The winners of The Kennel Club Agility Stakes were:-

  • Thursday, 15th December - Large ABC – Edit Ratkai with Monkey by Nature (Malinois BSD)
  • Friday, 16th December - Small – Martin Reid with Get it with Eager to Work (Shetland Sheepdog)
  • Saturday, 17th December - Large – Mike Bendell with Lookylooky Blue Falcon (Working Sheepdog)
  • Sunday, 18th December - Intermediate – Greg Derrett with Nedlo Vice Girl Sproglett (Border Collie)
  • Monday, 19th December - Medium – Dalton Meredith with Ag.Ch. Fandabidozi Munchykin Jive (Border Collie)

Ben Skinner, of Skinner's, commented, 'Many congratulations to all competing dogs and their owners for such fantastic performances in all events at this year's Kennel Club Agility Stakes. We are pleased to be supporting this prestigious competition which always brings a great level of excitement and demonstrates a world-class level of agility by all competitors. We'd like to wish every dog and their owner the best of luck for upcoming competitions in 2023.'

Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at The Kennel Club said, 'Congratulations to all dogs and their owners for demonstrating such excellence in agility across all competitions. Everyone who took part over the last couple of days should feel very proud. The Kennel Club Agility Stakes bring tough competition and require dedication from all competing dogs and their handlers in the training and qualifying process. We hope that all our winners and competitors have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year.'

The Kennel Club Agility Stakes were held in association with Skinner's at The London International Horse Show, at ExCeL London, from 15 – 19 December 2022. 

More information and a full list of results are available at thekennelclub.org.uk/TheKennelClubAgilityStakes

For owners interested in getting started in agility with their dog, The Kennel Club has created a guide which can be found online at thekennelclub.org.uk/newtoagility

31st December 2022

Changes to KC Agility Regulations

The Kennel Club has approved the following changes to the regulations for agility, effective 1st January 2023.

The below regulations have been amended to allow for bitches in season to be allowed to compete at quarter finals, semi-finals and finals of Kennel Club Prestige Events. This is in the interest of fairness and to maintain the standard of competition at prestige events. This does not include events held under YKC rules as it was not felt it would be safe for young handlers.

Amendment to Regulation H.9.c.(15) 


A statement that no bitch in season is allowed to compete at Limited, Open, Premier or Championship Agility Shows. However, bitches in season can compete at quarter finals, semi-finals and finals of Kennel Club Prestige Events, except in events held under YKC rules. (Insertion in bold)

Amendment to Regulation H.13 Removal of dogs from competition


a. A bitch which is in season (apart from a dog competing in quarter finals, semi-finals and finals of Kennel Club Prestige Events, other than events held under YKC rules.) (Insertion in bold)

The following regulation has been amended in the interests of consistency with other disciplines' regulations.

Amendment to Regulation H.10.g 


If a competitor reports less than 14 days before competition that a dog has been entered which is ineligible, the dog must be withdrawn from competition, no refund of entry fee(s) shall be due. (Except under regulation H(1)(B)4.(12) where, at the discretion of the show management, the dog's entries may be transferred in order that it can compete at the correct height category). (Insertions in bold)

The following regulation has been added to provide clarity for event organisers around the permission needed to hold special events.

New Regulation H(1)4

Societies are required to apply for permission to hold Special Events. Applications should be submitted to The Kennel Club by email at least six weeks before the start of any qualifying heats for the event.

Special Events are designated as any activity-related event which cannot be included on the schedule of a normally licensed show/trial/competition due to being invitational and therefore not open to all competitors, or which are not being held at a licensed show. Where competitors qualify for a final via heats held at that and other shows/trials/competitions, special event permission must be sought for the final whether it is held in conjunction with a licensed show/trial/competition or as a separate standalone event. This would not apply where all of the heats are held at the same show/trial/competition at which the final is held.

The regulations relating to the disqualification and forfeit of awards will apply to these events. (Insertion in bold)

The following regulation has been amended to address the difficulties caused by clashing championship classes.

Amendment to Regulation H(1)7.a.


  1. Ballot for championship running orders a. Agility Round and Jumping Round - A draw for the running order of the Agility and Jumping Rounds must be made prior to the show. The relevant competitors must be notified before the day of the show. The dogs must run in the order in which they are drawn unless agreed otherwise by the judge, in conjunction with the show manager, who may, in exceptional circumstances, relax the running order, by no more than 10 dogs. All such decisions must be recorded in the show's Incident Book. (Insertion in bold)

The following regulation has been amended to allow competitors to have a better understanding as to what they may expect at competitions.

Amendment to Regulation H(1)(B)3.j.


Weaving Poles—The minimum number of poles should be five either six or twelve and the maximum number 12. The maximum number of weaves in a standard class is 12. They should be in a continuous line, as straight as possible and should be 600mm apart (between the poles). The poles must be of rigid construction and with a minimum height of 762mm and a diameter between 32mm and 38mm of 35mm. The base must have support bars at the bottom of each pole and they must be positioned away from the side a dog would normally negotiate each pole. (Deletions struck through. Insertions in bold)

WAO Team Wales Selection

The Welsh Team Performance day saw so many great partnerships come together to have their skills put to test by Becci Hodson who travelled so far to spend the day judging. Her cool courses certainly met the brief.

It was so good to see so many new faces as well as youngsters now that the Junior spaces are also available.'

Team organiser Aimee Kerton said, 'Yes, the courses were tough. Some may have felt out of their depth, but hopefully everyone learnt a lot and I'm sure everyone had positives to take away from it as well as a lot of winter homework.

'But what everyone needs to remember is this was not just an average show. This was a tryout for an international, world championship competition where those selected will be represent Wales against over 45 different countries from all over the world!

Massive Congratulations to everyone who made the 2023 Team Wales including:-

250 Height Category

300 Height Category

  • Rhiannon Thomas with Sullivan and Otis

  • Danny Smillie with Blue

  • Kate Prosser with Squidge

  • John Clayton with Elsie

400 Height Category

  • Aimee Kerton with Kefira

  • Hayley Telling with Teal

  • Nicky Parris with Mouse

  • Danny Smilie with Mungo

500 Height Category

  • Sara Bacon with Trend

  • Lisa Miller with Tilly

  • Jessica Sansome with Jinx

  • Aimee Kerton with Maroochy

600 Height Category

  • Chris Kerton with Copernicus

  • Kelly Menear with Veto

  • Sara Bacon with Bliss

  • Barrie James with Oggi


  • Harriett Hunt with Grace (500)

  • Nia Rose with Farlie (600)

A big thanks to all those helped, to the team sponsors and to those who didn't make the team, there's always next year.

Oggi Oggi Oggi

7th December 2022


Team England 2024 Selection Dates for your Diary

In previous years, there's been a lot of feedback from both handlers and team coaches, asking for the England Try Out to be revamped. The main concern was a need for a Try Out process on more relevant courses and surface to the WAO. Fundraising for the Team has also become increasingly difficult and has been considered in this revamp.

In 2023 there will be three events when there are opportunities to Win On to the Team but only one mandatory event to attend to be considered for selection.

  1. 1. The CSJ Agility Open, held at Bury Farm Equestrian centre from 15th to 18th June, will offer a Super Win On spot (the winner will represent England in all 3 individual events at WAO). For more information visit https://theagilityopen.com

  2. 2. On October 21st & 22nd, again at Bury Farm Equestrian Centre, an England Selection Weekend will be held. This event will offer a Biathlon Win on Spot, as well as additional runs to be used for selecting the remaining spaces available once all Win Ons are known and for any Team run selection that is needed. This is the only event you must enter to be considered for selection if you do not 'win on' elsewhere.

  3. 3. From 3rd to 5th November, the British Agility Championship will offer a Pentathlon Win on Spot. For more information visit https://britishagility.co.uk

For Juniors, the Win on Spot will use a points system from the October and November weekends above. Juniors will run in a Biathlon, a Pentathlon and a Games over these two events, ensuring the winner has experience and success in the three events they will run at the WAO. The Junior event at BAC will take place on the weekend only, therefore no school days need to be missed.

Full and detailed Win On rules and selection criteria will be announced by the beginning of January. We felt, however, we felt it was important to announce these dates as soon as possible so you can allocate the dates to your diary.

 30th November 2022

WAO Team England 2024 Try Out News

With the announcement that the UK Agility Grand Finals 2023 is moving to early September, the Masters Heats at UK Agility will not be used for Team England 2024 selection.

Currently the CSJ Agility Open is the only confirmed Win on Spot (Super Win On.) There will be an announcement in early December on when, where and how all other Win on Spots will be decided and how all other spots will be selected.

The management team is looking at various options and hope to be able to clarify any questions shortly.

 22nd November 2022

WAO Team England Coaches

As Team England looks to the future, Anthony Clarke has been appointed as Head Coach. Anthony will now take full control of the 2023 Team in regard to the preparation and Team selection at the event. Shaun Hunt and Amy Lawson will be continuing as assistant coaches to Anthony until the end of WAO 2023.

For 2024 Becky Dixon will remain as Team Manager. The selection panel will be Becky, Anthony and Greg Derrett.

At this stage, the 2024 selection has not been finalised. The CSJ Open will definitely offer the same Super Win On Spot and discussion are on going with the new owners of UK Agility regarding the Masters Biathlon win on spot and the Agility for England show.

21st November 2022

WAC2023 Announcement!

The WAC2023 will be hosted by Freeway Agility Breaks UK (FAB) in co-operation with IFCS on 1st - 6th August 2023.

The event will take place at the Oakridge Arena, Newark (Notts). The site has camping available up until the Wednesday when the Kennel Club International Agility Festival starts at just 40 miles away. With 18 rings., it has lots of events that are open to competitors from other nations.

Rules for WAC 2023 are not expected to be significantly different than in 2022.

More information and any possible changes to rules will be published when it becomes available.

19th November 2022

World Agility Open 2023 - Team Scotland Selection

After much deliberation, the following partnerships have been selected to represent Agility Team Scotland at WAO 2023 to be held in the Netherlands.

Team Manager Alan Short said, 'It is never an easy tasks to select a team and I saw some impressive stuff from all. I would like to thank all partnerships who try out on the day and congratulations who have been successful. I do hope everybody enjoyed the try-outs and even if unsuccessful this year and enthused to try out for ATS 2024.'

250 Height Category

  • Junior Spot – Dylan Osborne with Devongem Well Jelly Baby

  • Overall Performance – Katrina Hands with Minxin It Up

  • CSJ Win on - Katrina Hands with Sizzle

  • Petathlon Win On – Linda Hill with Utterly Shambolic

  • Biathlon Win on – Fiona Leel with Force of Black

300 Height Category

  • Overall performance – Mia Fairweather with Obay Thatz the Biz

  • Petathlon Win on – Richard Leadbeatter with Shelbreeze Winning Ticket

  • Biathlon Win on – Sarah Paterson with Devongem Gold Supremacy

  • CSJ Win on – Blair Hands with Turbotoes Rapid Beat

  • Junior Spot – Blair Hands with Twinkle Star Koryfej at Licosateria

400 Height Category

  • Biathlon Win on – Emma Ross with Kintradwell Unsprung

  • CSJ Win on – Jennifer Kent with Basileas More of a Chaser

  • Junior Spot – Will Bacchus with A Message to You Rudi

  • Pentathon Win on – Erin Inverarity with Erin's Delight

  • Podium Potential (games) – Grace McDermott with Sillypups Don't Panic Paris

500 Height Category

  • Junior Spot – Chloe Powling – Lalapaws on the Button

  • Podium Potential (games) – Jennifer Hart – Gitdoon Gee Uz a Giggle

  • CSJ Win on with James Mclelland with Rock On Ruby Two Shoes

  • Biathlon Win on – Rachael Gilmour with Lalapaws Tantrum and Tiaras

  • Overall Performance – Lisa Gibb with Aviary Super Diva

  • Pethathlon Win on – Eilidh Murray with Lalapaws Leap of Faith

600 Height Category

  • Petathlon Win on – Fiona Gavin – Play with Madness Explorer

  • Podium Potential (games) – Laura Short – Lalapaws Make Mine a Beillini

  • Biathlon Win on – Alan Short – Labomba at lalapaws

  • Podium Potential (bia) – Alan Short with Lalapaws Oh Ya Dancer

  • Podium Potential (pent) – Alan Short with Comebyanaway by the way love

  • Junior Spot – Chloe Powling with The White and Black Pearly

  • Podium Potential (pent) – Lisa Duggan with Nedlo Girl Goes North




500 Height Category

  • Junior Spot – Chloe Powling – Lalapaws on the Button

  • Podium Potential (games) – Jennifer Hart – Gitdoon Gee Uz a Giggle

  • CSJ Win on with James Mclelland with Rock On Ruby Two Shoes

  • Biathlon Win on – Rachael Gilmour with Lalapaws Tantrum and Tiaras

  • Overall Performance – Lisa Gibb with Aviary Super Diva

  • Pethathlon Win on – Eilidh Murray with Lalapaws Leap of Faith

600 Height Category

  • Petathlon Win on – Fiona Gavin – Play with Madness Explorer

  • Podium Potential (games) – Laura Short – Lalapaws Make Mine a Beillini

  • Biathlon Win on – Alan Short – Labomba at lalapaws

  • Podium Potential (bia) – Alan Short with Lalapaws Oh Ya Dancer

  • Podium Potential (pent) – Alan Short with Comebyanaway by the way love

  • Junior Spot – Chloe Powling with The White and Black Pearly

  • Podium Potential (pent) – Lisa Duggan with Nedlo Girl Goes North

Alan added, 'Many thanks go again to Susan Mallabar for the processing and Peter Dall for the timing and to all those who turned up on the day to assist. I am very touched by your generosity. I would also be remiss of me if I didn't pay thanks to Laura Short who does a huge amount, unnoticed, in the background for Agility Team Scotland. Please join me in wishing all success in preparation and competition to those selected. I am sure they will do Scotland proud.'


World Agility Open 2023 - Team England Selection

The WAO Team England has been announced. The following handlers and dogs will be representing Team England at the World Agility Open to be held in Ermelo in May 2023.

250 Height Category

  • Amy Bennett with Neva

  • Charlotte Baker with Buddy

  • Isabella Cox with Angel (Junior)

  • Lee Gibson with Chica

  • Rachel Ward with Nimbus

300 Height Category

  • Ashleigh Butler with Sullivan

  • Jo Gleed with Topic

  • Karen Boardman with Robyn

  • Rachel Ward with Fiametta

  • Rachel Ward with Pecan

  • Violet Higgins with Chase (Junior)

  • Mariann-Elvie Bayliss with Betty (Reserve)

400 Height Category

  • Aemillia Nicholson with Wyllow

  • Cara Cousins with Chase

  • Dalton Meredith with Munchy

  • Harriet Harding with Izzy

  • Mariann-Elvie Bayliss with Coral

  • Ruby Strutt with Miley (Junior)

  • Sammy Pegg with Bliss

  • Jo Gleed with Edge (Reserve)

  • Stephanie Best with Skedaddle (Reserve)

  • Steven Seale with Flec (Reserve)

500 Height Category

  • Isabella Cox with Dust (Junior)

  • Jo Gleed with Scooter

  • Nicola Wildman with Zest

  • Stephanie Best with Fate

  • Steven Richardson with Gamble

  • Charlotte Baker with Eliza (Reserve)

  • Lee Gibson with Star (Reserve)

  • Steven Richardson with Future (Reserve)

600 Height Category

  • Gemma Haycock with Jukebox

  • Joanne Tristram with Brite

  • Isabella Cox with Rio

  • Mike Bendell with Falcon

  • Morgan Looker with Rolly (Junior)

  • Steven Seale with Be B

  • Jo Gleed with Steal (Reserve)

  • Joanne Tristram with Fade (Reserve)

  • Mike Bendell with Spy (Reserve)



We would like to wish them all the greatest of success in their time with Team England.


GB Brings Home 12 Medals from IFCS Worlds

Team GB did an amazing job at this year' s IFCS World Agility Championships winning a dozen medals.

Two dozen dogs were selected to take part in IFCS World Agility Championships which was held in the Netherlands at the end of August. Qualifiers were held throughout the year at FAB shows and divided into four height categories: 300, 400, 500 and 600mls.

Team Manager, Dawn Weaver led from the front taking Gold (Gamblers) and Silver (Jumping) medals with her fabulous, home-bred Papillon/Collie, Vegas.

She said, 'It was so exciting to be back at the Championships following a two year break due to Covid. The whole team did really well and represented our country with pride.

My special memories... Twice sharing the podium with Babs Foster and Vegas' son Spry who was making his international debut. The opportunity to stand on the podium and belt out God Save the Queen as loud as we could which became particularly poignant just a few short days later when the sad news about the Queen was announced. And finally, to be chosen to host the 2023 Championship in the UK.'

Dave Russell, Assistant Team Manager added, 'For me the atmosphere and camaraderie were truly inspiring with teams chanting, cheering and clapping as each competitor entered the ring. Everyone had faced challenges just to be there and yet through determination, perseverance and an abundance of team spirit they could only be proud of all their achievements.'

Meet the Medalists

GB Medal Winners


  • Amy Bennett with Neva (300 Biathlon & 300 Agility)

  • Helen Roberts with Popsie (300 Jumping)

  • Babs Foster with Spry (400 Jumping)

Amy Bennett proudly said, 'I competed with both Neva and Tame and it was their first international event. Courses were big and testing but Neva flew round winning two Gold medals – I couldn' t be prouder of my little rescue dog!! Everyone was so supportive, cheering and chanting for each other, it felt amazing to be part of such a brilliant team. Can' t wait for next year and hopefully competing on home ground.'

Babs Foster explained, 'It was my first experience of competing at an international event and a rollercoaster of emotions. But all my concerns disappeared as my fabulous Spry achieved more than I could possibly have imagined – a Gold medal and a Silver medal. Thank you Dawn for breeding him and trusting me with such a special boy. I would love to part of it again and would encourage everyone to have a go at qualifying.'

Helen Roberts said, 'Popsie and I were selected for IFCS 2020 and we all know what happened next! Roll on two years and off we went to the Netherlands. It really was an honour to represent Great Britain with such a friendly and supportive team – managers Dawn and Dave were outstanding. The icing on the cake for me was winning a Gold medal and being one of the last people to sing God Save the Queen.'


  • Babs Foster with Spry (400 Gamblers

  • Becky Foster with Bindy (500 Agility)

  • Lucie Hinchley with Tali (600 Biathlon)

Becky Foster added, 'This was the first international experience for both me and my dog Bindy, too. The lead up was tricky as she got injured but with the right rehabilitation, we were ready to attend. My nerves soon settled and we went on to have a very successful few days – including picking up a Silver medal. I cannot thank everyone enough for all the encouragement and words of wisdom. We had a ball.'

Lucie Hinchley, said, 'Although I have competed internationally before, this was my first time on the IFCS team. It is an incredible opportunity to compete over several events against top partnerships. Competing in several separate categories, allows people to develop their confidence with less pressure than if they only have a couple of runs. The atmosphere is brilliant with all countries supporting each other – it' s a really enjoyable event.'

Babs Foster explained 'I would love to part of it again and would encourage everyone to have a go at qualifying.'


  • Stacey Irwin-Burns with Rapid (400 Gamblers)

  • Mark Den Dunnen with Skadi (500 Biathlon)

  • Stuart Doughty with Riggs (600 Biathlon)

Stacey Irwin-Burns stated, 'I have been lucky enough to take part in the IFCS Championships several times and it' s one of my favourite events of the year. The team spirit and support are always amazing and the atmosphere is truly exhilarating. Definitely one not to be missed! My fabulous Sam medalled several times in the past and this year young Rapid kept also took me on to the podium with a Bronze medal.'

Another member of Team GB Dan Millwood said, 'Being part of Team GB at the IFCS World Championships was an amazing experience and I made some great memories. The atmosphere within the team and across the whole event was massively supportive for every single competitor. It really was a pleasure to be involved in such a fantastic event.'

Well done Team GB – you did us proud!

For more information on 2023 try outs this October, check out Dawn Weaver's website.

SWAT Junior Finals Report

The Finals of the SWAT South West Junior Challenge were held at the SWAT show on Saturday, 6th August 2022, after the rings had all finished. A large audience brought chairs to sit ringside and cheered on the Junior handlers.

Heats had been had held at various local shows from Cornwall to Bristol for the previous 12 months. All judges were asked to design flowing jumping courses with the aim to build confidence in the handlers. The younger handlers clearly look up to the older Juniors and the support they all give is wonderful to see, congratulating each other even when their own run hasn't gone to plan.

2022 had more finalists than Pre- Covid, four dogs in the Under 9s and 18 in the Overs. The standard of handling was phenomenal!

Martin Tait, International and Championship Judge, judged the evening finals, setting a wonderful course that everyone could attack. Natalie Mitchell, who had judged all day, kindly agreed to do the commentary bringing a touch of Crufts to the atmosphere. The crowd participation encouraged all the handlers and their smiles were infectious. There were definitely a few tears of happiness shed

All the finalists received a rosette and sweets, with the winners and reserves getting lots of prizes including goodies from our sponsors Skinners Pet Foods.

SWAT was not only delighted that Martin agreed to judge the finals - especially after judging in the day - but was also so encouraging of all the young handlers.

Afterwards he commented, 'I wanted a fast but handled course and the Juniors did not disappoint. They were a wonderful bunch who ran hard and celebrated with their dogs at the end whether clear, faulted or eliminated. All in all, an amazing day.'

Huge congratulations to everyone who took part, but especially to our winners - Thomas Newsam did the double in the Under 9s!


    Under 9s

  1. 1st Thomas Newsam with Betty

  2. 2nd Thomas Newsam with Monty

   Over 9s

  1. 1st Gaby Farrar with Oreo

  2. 2nd Maisie Wiltshire with Mike.

Heats for 2023 are already being planned and once again, the finals will be held at the August SWAT Show at Shapwick.

Discover Dogs Celebrates Agility & More

Thousands of visitors enjoyed The Kennel Club's Discover Dogs event in London this weekend, meeting and greeting 200 different breeds and speaking to experts. In a celebration of everything dogs can do, Discover Dogs packed in displays, demonstrations and competitions across three different rings.

Taking place on the 15th and 16th October at ExCeL London, the capital's biggest dog event run by The Kennel Club, saw the return of exciting canine activities, clever training displays, the ever-popular Cuddle Corner and hundreds of breed booths. Dog enthusiasts, prospective owners and those already with canine companions spent the two-day event speaking to experts, learning about how to choose the right dog for their lifestyle, enjoying training demonstrations and watching a variety of canine competitions including agility and flyball.

Small Mixi Pairs

The Small/Mixi Pairs, consisting of several Jumping heats, was won by Louise and Alan Bray with their dogs Island (Louandi Island Storm) and Ticita (Ag.Ch.Devongem Fire Starter at Upanovatiger.)

The competition is open to Small dogs (35cm or under at the withers), partnering with either a Medium dog (over 35cm - 43cm or under at the withers), Intermediate dog (over 43cm and measuring 50cm or under at the withers) or a Large dog (over 50cm at the withers), from heats scheduled as a special combined class for dogs of all agility grades. Handlers and dogs qualified to take part in the prestigious finals at Discover Dogs by gaining points at qualifying heats held at agility competitions throughout the year.

Delighted winners, Alan and Louise, said of their win, 'We are over the moon to win the Overall Small/Mixi Pairs at Discover Dogs, one of The Kennel Club' s prestigious events, having gained points throughout the year to qualify. We are thrilled with winning the final and really proud of both our dogs! Thank you for all of the support from the members at our training club Upanovatigers.'

Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at The Kennel Club said. 'Congratulations to Louise, Alan, Island and Ticita for their incredible performance in the ring this weekend! The Small/Mixi Pairs Finals is always an exciting competition to watch, and they should be very proud of their great achievement.'

Photo: Yulia Titovets

The results from the final were:-

  1. Alan and Louise Bray with Louandi Island Storm and Ag.Ch. Devongem Fire Starter at Upanovatiger

  2. John Clayton and Hannah Fairweather with Pacolito Take Two and Spyro-ing Out of Control

  3. Chloe Cooper and Eleanor Purton with Aint He Sweep and Kehala Sweet Harmony

Photo: Yulia Titovets

Medium Novice ABC Semi-FInal

The Medium Novice ABC Semi-final, won by Becci Hodson and her a seven-year-old Kromfohrländer Jaffa (Heikym Rumba at Beninja) saw 16 dogs and their handlers compete having earned enough qualifying points during heats taking place at agility competitions throughout the year.

The Discover Dogs Semi-final consisted of two rounds, a jumping round and an agility round. The top eight competing dogs which earned the highest combined score across both rounds have qualified for the finals taking place at Crufts in March.

Excited owner Becci said, 'I am absolutely thrilled to have won the Medium Novice ABC and qualify for Crufts. Kromfohrländer are a very rare breed in the UK, and I'm delighted to show how amazing they can be. I'm incredibly proud of my tiny dog with a huge heart, who always gives me all she has whenever we run together. We had so much fun. Jaffa is my little piece of perfection, and I adore her. A big thanks to Natalie Webb for great courses, and The Kennel Club for a well organised event. Roll on March!”

Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at The Kennel Club said: 'The Medium Novice ABC competition always brings a level of excitement due to the possibility of gaining qualification for Crufts. 'Congratulations to Becci and Jaffa for their impressive performance - we look forward to seeing them compete at Crufts in March!'

  1. Becci Hodson with Heikym Rumba at Beninja (Jaffa)

  2. Rosie Cavill with Bobe of the Sportyheroes (Boo)

  3. Adele Moran with Devongem Tiz Wizardry (Wizard)

  4. Russell Mason with Wesley Persian Pride (Wes)

  5. Nigel Staines with Morgans Golden Eagle AW/D (Zico)

  6. Lauren Langman with Basilea American Classic at Devongem (Classic)

  7. Colette Attewell with Sirenson Smooth Criminal (Jacko)

  8.  Sue Midgley with Licosateria Tangerina (Zephyra)

Other events

This year saw the debut of the ‘Woofball World Cup', where a crowd of football fanatic fans gathered to see a highly anticipated match of Barkalona vs. West Hound Utd. Impressive displays from the smart sniffing Medical Detection Dogs, courageous West Midlands Police dogs, and the synchronized Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Golden Retriever Display teams were memorable for onlookers.

Elsewhere, the weekend saw the Young Kennel Club (YKC) Handling, and Scruffts heats, the nation's favourite cross-breed competition sponsored by James Wellbelloved, which gave some lucky dogs and their owners a spot in the Semi-finals taking place at Crufts, the world's greatest dog show, in March 2023.

Top training tips were demonstrated by dog behavioralists, experts, and representatives of The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog scheme, to help owners with basic skills for everyday life and understand more about competitions like Obedience and Obreedience they can try with the four-legged friend.

While Kids Zone and the YKC ring kept younger members of the family entertained, away from the rings shopping stands supplied a variety of goods for taking home souvenirs, as well as areas for visitors to learn more about different welfare organisations, including The Kennel Club Charitable Trust and Kennel Club Breed Rescue.

Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at The Kennel Club, said, 'We are delighted to have welcomed so many dog-loving visitors to London this weekend for another successful event. The two-day show packed in an incredible amount, and we could not put on this fantastic event without the help of our wonderful and committed volunteers, including; breed experts and their canine companions, breed rescue volunteers, trade stand exhibitors, stewards, vets, ring party, commentators, judges, competitors, display teams, our contractors and so many more that all contribute to making this show what it is!

'We would like to extend a special thank you to all those volunteers that spent time representing their breeds and answering important questions from would-be owners - we really see this as a fundamental step in helping more people make informed decisions and find responsible breeders, and ensuring they can provide the best home and find a happy and healthy dog.'

Other key competitions taking place over the two days included the Starters Cup Agility Final, Small/Mixi Pairs Challenge Agility Final, UK Junior Handler of the Year, Rescue Dog Agility and the Junior Warrant. Results are available at thekennelclub.org.uk/agilitydiscoverdogs

18th October 2022

UKA GT Shows Announcement

The new UKA owners have decided to rename UKA GT shows to signify the takeover of the show's from the previous managers. They will be known as UKA Bark Side.

The January show at Cotswold RDA is going ahead on Sunday, 8th January 2023. The schedule will be out and entries open in due course.

Holly, Georgia and Karen are currently in the process of booking in the remainder of the usual slots, and they will announce the dates for these in due course.

Please follow UKA Bark Side Shows page to be kept up to date with news.

Crufts 2023 Programme Announced

The Kennel Club is excited to announce that Crufts will be taking place on the 9th – 12th March 2023 at the NEC, Birmingham.

Crufts looks forward to hosting the many amazing competitions that makes the show the canine celebration that it is, such as The Kennel Club Hero Dog award and of course the ultimate Best in Show, but it is also excited to welcome back, for the first time since 2020, the Junior Warrant final on Thursday and the International Junior Handling competition which we are proud to announce will be renamed The Joe Cartledge Memorial International Junior Handling competition and will take place on Friday. The following competitions will be scheduled in the Resorts World Arena with a full programme being released very soon.


  • Agility – Championships (Intermediate/Large), Crufts Novice Cup Final

  • Breeders' Competition


  • Agility – Crufts Medium ABC and Intermediate/Large Novice ABC Final, Crufts Singles competition

  • Vulnerable Breed Competition


  • Agility – Crufts International Invitation, Young Kennel Club Agility Dog of the Year


  • Agility – Championships (Small/Medium)

With other firm favourites in the programme including Heelwork to Music, Flyball, Scruffts and a full programme in the Obedience Ring including the Championships, there will also be a new feature to the show for 2023, The Kennel Club 150th Anniversary Celebration Stakes. This will be a one off competition in order to mark The Kennel Club's 150th anniversary and will take place on Thursday, 9th March and see the Best in Show winners from the All Breed Championship Dog shows that took place in 2022 invited to take part.

Said Vanessa McAlpine, Education and Events Executive, 'We are very excited to be bringing Crufts back in its entirety this year, something we haven't been able to do since pre-Covid. With many of the popular events back on the programme and the new one off competition celebrating The Kennel Club's 150th anniversary, we look forward to it being one of the-best shows yet, celebrating our dog heroes and what they have meant to us over the last few years.'

New also for this year the Bavarian Mountain Hound will have their own class and, as has taken place over the last few years, special permission has been given to Crufts for the award of Reserve Best in Show to be given out immediately prior to the award of Best in Show.

This year the breed competitions are scheduled to take place on the following days:-

  • Thursday, 9th March 2023 — Gundog

  • Friday, 10th March 2023 — Working and Pastoral

  • Saturday, 11th March 2023 — Terrier and Hound

  • Sunday, 12th March 2023 — Utility and Toy

Crufts schedules and entries will be open online from the 14th November with admission tickets going on sale on the same day. Entry fees and admission tickets prices will remain unchanged from the 2022 show.

To view an online version of the schedule or to enter your dogs (which must have qualified) in the show, please visit crufts.org.uk/entries after 14th November 2022.

Agility Challenge Final 2022

Malvern's Autumn Show must have good connections with the weather gods as there was total cooperation this year. Set at the heart of this event, the established Top Dogs Arena once again offered a dedicated stage to showcase Agility's talented dogs. The giant tortoises were great too, but the dogs had the edge on speed.

With the competition aimed towards the rising stars of the Large dog Agility community, it's regional heats seek to attract those who desire their first taste of an Agility final, and the morning classes allowed the dogs and handlers to get use to all the hustle and bustle of thousands of visitors before the afternoon's big event.

The Large G1-4 Agility Challenge Final 2022 was billed as the climax to the show's three day canine programme, drawing great and appreciative crowds.

Judge Natalie Webb said, 'This was an exciting event to judge. The competition was held on the final day of The Malvern Autumn Show, so there was a large crowd watching and cheering as the dogs went round.

'Whenever I design a course, my aim is to create fast and flowing lines which are fun to run. This event was for novice dogs, so I tried to design something which was interesting yet achievable. Out of the 25 starters, four went clear. The majority of faults were given as a result of missed contact points.

'Congratulations to the overall winner, Annette Parker with her dog Sage. who only started competed in April 2022. This is a very young dog, so I know Annette will be excited about what the future has in store for them.'

Winner Annette Parker who has been doing agility since she was six years old,  said, 'Wow, what more can I say. I'm so proud of Sage for qualifying for the Final at Malvern. She took the crowd and different looking jumps un her stride and winning it was just an unexpected bonus. She has only just turned two, and we're both loving our agility journey. I'm really excited for the future.'

Ruth replied, 'It was my pleasure. It was agreat day. Your run was fabulous.'

This year, as sometimes happens, the fastest 5 faults dog would have won the competition but that's Agility.

SageAgility Challenge Winners 2022 Final

  1. Annette Parker with Credit to Dee's Paws -36.061 secs (C)

  2. Nicola Wright with Chazak Winter Warrior - 36.503 secs (C)

  3. Caroline Godfrey with Darleyfalls Perfect Storm - 37.127 secs (C)

  4. Kylie Reeks with Eclipse of The Blue Eye Boy - 39.152 secs (C)

  5. Iain Patz with Comebyaway Wot the Heck - 34.514 secs (5)

  6. Paul Fowler with Dylan of Denbigh - 40.467 secs (5)

  7. Kate Partridge with Galody Nosmoke Without Fire - 44.642 secs (5)

  8. Claire Rendel with Thutamba Wulff - 48.012 secs (5)

  9. Bridgette Wyre with Ditto at Amscor - 40.058 secs (10)

  10. Lisa Glynn with Jumpin Jaxx Flash - 40.386 secs (10)

 As ever our thanks go to Championship Agility judge Natalie Webb, Scrime Jill who together with Gillian, Jane, Don, Nigel and Steve made it all work so efficiently and also to all the partnerships for joining us. We hope everyone enjoyed their day.

Lastly but by no means least, we are indebted to Lisa at Paws Off The Floor for all the images. Check them out at https://clients.pawsoffthefloor.com/

Kennel Club Celebrates to Host 2028 FCI Agility World Championships

The Kennel Club is delighted and honoured to be accepted by the FCI as hosts of the FCI Agility World Championships in 2028.

The world renowned Championships, which have been taking place since 1996, were this year held in Austria and welcomed pedigree dogs and their handlers from 38 countries across the globe.

Fifty years on from the introduction of dog agility to the world, the historical 2028 Championships are expected to attract participants from all over the world and make for a memorable event.

Tony Allcock, Chairman of The Kennel Club, commented, 'We are extremely proud to have been confirmed by the FCI as the hosts for the Agility World Championships in 2028 during such an historic year for the discipline. Holding the Championships in Great Britain will bring nostalgia and celebration in a milestone year for agility as the 2028 Agility World Championships will mark the 50th anniversary of the first ever agility dog demonstration at the 1978 Crufts and we are honoured to be holding them to mark this very special anniversary.

I would like to thank Steve Croxford, The Kennel Club FCI representative who played a significant role in applying for this honour and achieving this successful outcome.'

Further details on the location and timing of the Championships will be released nearer the time.

Sunset over the winners

Jewlnick Pairs Final 2022
Report by Moira Bowden

At last, the long awaited final! After a long two years without this fabulous pairs class, the stage was set for the Jewlnick Jump and Twist Pairs Final 2022!

We had our venue, the ever welcoming Southam Show. We are so lucky to be able to host the final here each year. We had our prestigious judge, the talented Gary Murphy and we had 32 very excited pairs, eagerly looking at their running orders for the Final.

The show closed after the last presentation of the day, and the finalists walked the course which Gary had set. Spectators began arriving with chairs, nibbles and glasses of something alcoholic as they took their places around the ring.

Our sponsors, Julie and Nick Ross from Jewlnick, always add an extra twist at the Final. This year, they gave everyone - spectators, competitors, judge, Scrime, and helpers - literally everyone who attended a fruit lolly (pot luck if it was sweet or sour 😁) and a raffle ticket. The 1st prize was a bespoke collar designed by Nick for the lucky winner with 2nd and 3rd prizes being a hamper of goodies.

Everyone was on great form, all adding to the great atmosphere. Gary had set a fast, flowing and exciting course. The first to run was the White Pair. They were running in memory of a dog that had passed away after qualifying. We felt it was a fitting tribute.

We were fortunate to have a very much sought after commentator in the form of the lovely Miranda Frankham. She was brilliant and did an amazing job. Just enough info about each pair combined with a helping of witty banter - perfect.

After a well supported final we had our results. Jewlnick had provided stunning Mango Glass trophies which were awarded to the top three pairs and to our judge. In addition, the Scrime and the last six pairs who weren't eliminated also received lovely mementos of the occasion. Another little ‘twist' provided by our sponsors. A nice mix of all heights represented here - maybe proof that size doesn't matter 🤣😁


  1. Maria Jenkinson with Flyte & Kathryn Stewart with Diva - 57.118 C/C

  2. Colin Veal with Milo Helen & Veal with Mayhem - 60.829 C/C

  3. Lorna Goodban with Tic Tac & Michelle Patient with Freesia - 62.010 C/C

  4. Paul Gordon with Di & Jan Gordon with Kwik - 62.912 C/C

  5. Michelle Oades with Poppy & Mark Pattenden with Izzy - 64.170 C/C

  6. Joanne Asher with Willow & Gill Ciantar with Betty - 64.632 C/C

  7. Kate Partridge with Willow & Morgan Looker with Roly - 65.039 C/C

  8. Tanya Glover with Twink & Avril Taylor with Hattie - 65.627 C/C

  9. Lesley Young with Lola & Sam Gregory with Finn (White Pair) - 85.339 C/C

  10. Katie Beauchamp with Violet & Helen Roberts with Peachey - 59.479 5/C

  11. Alan Gardner with Jess & Jackie Gardner with Tyler - 126 C/5

The first heat for 2023 has already taken place at Southam show with the remaining heats to be announced as soon as they are confirmed.

5th October 2022

NADAC 2022 Champs Cancelled

Due to fewer entries than expected and an increase in the cost of the venue, NADAC has decided to cancel the Championships on 7th October for this year.

NADAC UK representative Murrelet Halterman said, ‘We want to thank everyone for entering, and le t you know that we will continue to move forward with NADAC in the UK.'

NADAC trials and fun days will continue throughout the winter. NADAC has been described somewhere in between Hoopers and Agility, with lower jumps heights, and a number of course types and games. I will return in May to do a series of fun days and trainings, geared at introducing people to NADAC, enjoyed by more than 50,000 people in North American and Australia.'



Agility Team GB Celebrates Success at FCI Agility World Champs

The Agility Team GB squad travelled from the UK to Schwechat (Austria) to take part in the Agility World Championships over the weekend of 22nd – 25th September 2022, along with hundreds of handlers and dogs 38 countries including South Africa and Argentina.

Martin Reid and his Shetland Sheepdog, Selfie (2) brought home a Bronze medal in the Small Individual World competition, placing 1st place in the Small Jumping, followed by a 13th in the Agility round, thus achieving 3rd place overall. After winning his Bronze medal with Selfie, Martin also competed with his dog Snooze, his Border Collie, and secured 5th place overall in the Large Individual World Championship.

Other highlights included the Agility Team GB Medium team winning 1st place in the Agility Team competition class, competing against 27 other teams

The team included:-

  • Steven Richardson with Willow (Shetland Sheepdog)

  • Lily Dakin with Scout (Shetland Sheepdog)

  • Shannon Springford with Gift (Border Collie)

  • James Adams with Willow (Cocker Spaniel)

The Agility Team GB Small team celebrated gaining seventh place overall.

The team included:-

  • Katrina Hands with Sizzle (Shetland Sheepdog)

  • Marc Wingate-Wynne with Snazzy (Shetland Sheepdog)

  • Alan Bray with Ticita (Cocker Spanie)

  • Martin Reid with Selfie (Shetland Sheepdog)

Other successes: -

The Large Individual Jumping competition saw 128 dogs competing. Team GB members Naarah Cuddy took 3rd place with Lemon, Euan Paterson secured 4th place with Crazee and Dalton Meredith came sixth with Clippy.

  • James Adams competed against 78 dogs and gained 3rd place in the Medium Individual Agility with Willow (Cocker Spaniel.)

  • Laura Chapman attended the Championships for the first time and gained 11th place out of 78 in the Medium Individual Agility with her dog, Endeavour.

Agility Team GB Manager, Greg Derrett said: 'This week's results really showed Agility Team GB are moving in the right direction as we have podiumed across all three height categories. The World Championships conclude a successful year with Agility Team GB winning medals at all three major Championship competitions throughout the year, which is an excellent achievement for the team, especially after a long break due to Covid-19.

'I would like to give Martin Reid a special mention for winning a Bronze medal in the Small Individual World Championships. The future is looking extremely positive for Team GB, and we are excited for the 2023 season!'

Agility Team GB consisted of 18 dogs and handlers, including reserves, who were selected from the Agility World Championships Tryout Day held in Statfold, Tamworth in March 2022.

Earlier in the year, Agility Team GB attended the European Open Agility Championships in Belgium at the end of July where the Medium team, GB Gold or Sold, gained a Silver medal.

Phil Keen, Managing Director from Natural Instinct, sponsors of Agility Team GB, said: 'On behalf of Natural Instinct, we'd like to congratulate everyone on their results at the Agility World Championships. We are proud to sponsor this fantastic team and are excited to see what the future holds for these amazing athletes,.'

Agility Team GB is supported by The Kennel Club, Natural Instinct, Dog Sports Derby and Galican.

The 2023 FCI Agility World Championships will be held in Liberec, Czech Republic from 5th – 8th October 2023. The European Open Agility Championships 2023 will take place in Denmark from 20th– 23rd July.

Full results from the Championships can be found at: https://www.awc2022.at/

27th September 2022

Change of Ownership for the British Operations of UK Agility Ltd

UK Agility Ltd has sold the British side of the company to Karen Ingram, Holly Jervis and Georgia Hatton. The transfer to the new owners will take place officially on 1st November 2022.

Greg Derrett said, 'We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to all members, judges, helpers and show managers for your support over the previous 20 years and wish you all the success in the future.

We would like to assure all members that we will be fully supporting the hand over to the new owners and, as part of the agreement, we will be on hand to offer support and advice over the next few years, endeavouring to create a seamless transition.'

For anyone involved with UK Agility outside of Great Britain (UK Agility International), there will be no changes to that side of our business and this sale is solely the British-based UK Agility shows and membership.

Meet the new UKA owners

Holly Jervis has been competing in agility for three years with her Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Lady and Dash. Though they are her first dogs, she has managed to reach G7 with her eldest. She became interested in agility when after got Lady as a way of boosting their relationship and giving them something to do that wasn't just plain obedience. She admits to getting addicted to it very quickly. Holly became involved in helping Georgia Hatton run the Toy Breed Agility League and that's when they decided they'd like to start running shows. Hence, UKA Bounce and Squeak Shows were born. Holly loves spending her weekends running around fields with her dogs, especially UKA with the 5th height. Both her dogs are 250 at UKA. When she heard that there was the possibility of being able to purchase UKA, it was an opportunity that she couldn't let slide. As a Project Manager, Holly is excited about applying her skills to her hobby as well as getting to know many more of you.
Karen Ingram has a great passion for all aspects of dog training and runs a very successful dog training business called K9 Brats. Her skills not only translate into agility, but she is also a highly qualified Clinical Animal Behaviourist. She has been running the UKA K9 Brats shows in Cheshire for many years which is known for having some of the friendliest shows around. Karen has been a huge help in setting up and running UKA Bounce and Squeak shows. She currently owns a Border Collie Shaun and two Miniature American Shepherds Chaos and Firework (aka Fizz).
Georgia Hatton has been involved in agility for around 12 years, having started with her first dog, a little whippet x, when she was 13. Whilst she competed over the old style 'large' - and even competed at Crufts on two occasions - the ability to do a Standard height drew her into UKA quite early on. In her later years. The option to do select height meant an extra year of competing. She retired early this year at the grand age of 13, at UKA Bounce and Squeak. Georgia still competes with another little whippet type and a small - but shouty - Australian Silky Terrier, for whom 250 height is perfect! Georgia works as a customer service manager for a dog treat manufacturer - a role which will translate neatly into handling the enquiries side of UKA.

In a joint statement, the new owners said, 'We are all looking forward to the future that UKA holds, and we are more than happy to take any feedback you have onboard to make sure it stays an organisation that you all love and enjoy.

Reactions to the announcement so far have been positive. We've had plenty of feedback, but we're always open to more from competitors.

We're keeping all the heights the same, including Select, will still be running NFC and aren't planning on cancelling any shows but rather expanding into more areas. Competitors won't have to re-register either.'

18th September 2022

News of Scottish Kennel Club Shows

Following a number of calls to their office, the Scottish Kennel Club has advised that there is no obligation for clubs to cancel their shows during the period of national morning.

Any decision made is at the discretion of each individual club.

 - Important Notice -
The Kennel Club Agility Stakes Quarter and Semi-Finals

We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and our sympathies are with her family at this time.

As one of the most dog loving monarchs in history her patronage will be greatly missed. In view that The Queen was Patron of The Kennel Club, it has been decided that The Kennel Club Agility Stakes which was due to take place at Vale View Equestrian Centre will not be going ahead tomorrow.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and a new date will be announced as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please email 

9th September 2022

Scottish Agility Dog of the Year 2022

Scottish Agility Dog of the Year Finals were held on Sunday, 28th August 2022 at Springwood Park, Kelso. This annual competition run by the Scottish Kennel Club is open to dogs and handler that are resident in Scotland. Points were accrued at heats held at nine agility shows in the past year and the top 12 dogs in each received an invitation to the finals. The competition is open to all heights of dogs.

The final was a single round of Agility with the winner in each height declared the Scottish Agility Dog of the Year 2022. This year the finals were judged by Ian Mallabar.

Scottish Agility Dog of the Year – Small

  • Winner - Starlight Secret Sorceress (Working Cocker) handled by Melanie Cargill

  • Reserve - Carozza Luna de Pastel (Schippeke) handled by Miree Quechon

Scottish Agility Dog of the Year – Medium

  • Winner - Our Touch of Class AW/S (Working Cocker Spaniel) handled by Penny Stirling

  • Reserve - Etta Tadita (English Springer Spaniel) handled by Lynn Winton

Scottish Agility Dog of the Year – Intermediate

  • Winner - Candlewind Spring Time Border Collie) handled by Emily Lewis

  • Reserve - Fitznister Alba Naecairn RL2EX AW/G (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever) handled by Janet Young

Scottish Agility Dog of the Year – Large

  • Winner - Ag.Ch. Devongem Quick Time (Border Collie) handled by Euan Paterson

  • Reserve - Comebyanaway By The Way Love (Border Collie) handled by Alan Short

 AUGUST 2022

Successful KCI Results for 2022

The Kennel Club International Agility Festival concluded four fast-paced days of agility excellence on Sunday, 14th August 2022. The festival saw thousands of dogs and their handlers from across the UK and overseas compete in the rings at Rutland Showground, Oakham.

The Festival, supported by Skinner's, welcomed dogs of every size, shape and breed, to take part in competitions across four size categories, 18 rings and 200 classes. Competitors displayed high levels of skill and training, navigating through courses with various obstacles including hurdles, poles, tunnels and more.

Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at The Kennel Club said, 'It is so exciting to be back at Rutland Showground to welcome many skilled dogs and their handlers who are competing at The Kennel Club International Agility Festival. This year is particularly special as, while the festival went ahead last year, we were unable to host international competitors due to travel restrictions, so we are delighted that those in the agility community were finally able to be reunited with their overseas friends. We are always impressed with the talent showcased at the International Agility Festival and this year has been no exception, congratulations to all!'

Competition was tough, and some lucky dogs and their handlers are now celebrating qualifying for London's biggest dog event, Discover Dogs, in October, and the world's greatest dog show Crufts, in March 2023.

Classes ran with early start and finishing times, to avoid peak temperatures, and when dogs weren't taking part in their short agility runs, provisions were in place to help owners keep dogs cool, like extra shade for cooling, fresh running water, and cold pools at each ring. A vet was on site at all times and competitors, who came well prepared, were reminded throughout the event about how to keep their dogs cool and safe.'

Steve Croxford, spokesperson for The Kennel Club International Agility Festival, said, 'There was a wonderful atmosphere at the Festival this year, and we got to see fantastic displays of agility and fun being had by all. As the weather was warm, we put into place numerous measures to help ensure the safety of all involved with the Festival where the welfare of the dogs is absolutely paramount.

The top three placings in each of the main competitions at the Festival are below with a word from the winners

Kennel Club Championship Finals
With 1st place in each height category qualifying for Crufts

Results And now a word from the winners...

Large Kennel Club Championship Final

  1. Sian Illingworth with Zhanisgo Kiss Me Quick (Kiss)
  2. Alan Short with Comebyanaway by The Way Love (By)
  3. Megan Hunt with a Moment in Thyme (Thyme)
Sian Illingworth said, This win is an extra special one as I bred Kiss myself. Unfortunately, the owner I gave Kiss too tragically passed away, so Kiss was returned to me. Her first owner, Sarah, was a good friend and student of mine so this win was in memory of her and her wonderful smile.'
Intermediate Kennel Club Championship Final
  1. Nicola Wildman with Ag.Ch. Devongem Freekin Awesome (Zest)
  2. Dalton Meredith with Ag.Ch. Dare to Dream It Must Be Fate (Fate)
  3. Amanda Hampson with Somerzest Funtastic Flyer (Fun)
Nicola Wildman said, 'After winning our first Challenge Certificate last year at The Kennel Club International Festival, me and Zest knew it would be very tough competition to repeat our success this year. Zest decided she quite liked being the reigning Champion and found some extra speed to win the title again this year. I can't quite believe how amazingly she she ran for me again!'
Medium Kennel Club Championship Final
  1. Natasha Wise with Tottlefields Flippin Bizzy (Toto)
  2. Lauren Burns with The Harlequin Fox (Zebedee)
  3. Rachel Ward with Ivormyth Double or Nothing AW/B (Fiametta)
Natasha Wise said, 'This was Toto's first Championship win. He coped and shone brightly in front of the crowd at The Kennel Club International Agility Festival – and lapped up all the attention! Toto loves agility where he can run fast and we share this joint passion. We have a great time together.”
Small Kennel Club Championship Final
  1. Marc Wingate-Wynne with Ag.Ch. Obay Thatz Entertainment (Snazzy)
  2. Katrina Hands with Minxin It Up (Minx)
  3. Corinne Phillips with Little Kizz in a Tizz (Kizzy)
Marc Wingate-Wynne said 'It was great to win our fourth Challenge Certificate at The Kennel Club International Agility Festival, the largest and most prestigious show in the agility calendar.'

Kennel Club Starters Cup Semi-Final
With the top six in each height category qualifying for Discover Dogs

Results A word from the winners...
Large Kennel Club Starters Cup Semi-Final
  1.  Leila Stretch with Hurstbarn Hidden Dragon (Ripley)
  2. Karen Young with Rock Madrigal (Madrigal)
  3. Sandra Cook with Fliquetbay Rozelands (Evie)
Leila Stretch said, 'I had hoped, that if we were lucky, we might get into the Semi Final, but I could never have imagined winning it! Ripley seemed to know this was a big deal and she ran an absolute blinder. “I am so proud of Ripley. She is the most affectionate dog and has helped me through some really tough times. She is a joy to train and I am so lucky to have this amazing girl in my life!'
Intermediate Kennel Club Starters Cup Semi-Final
  1. Ruth Parker with Chazak Winter Storm
  2. Lauren Carter with Moomidust Blue Gamgee (Sam)
  3. Pauline Aucott with Castomya Shine Ya Light (Charm)
Ruth Parker said 'I was absolutely thrilled to win the Starters Semi-Final with Ebbie. Ebbie has a very cheeky character, but she is also super smart and sensitive.'
Medium Kennel Club Starters Cup Semi-Final
  1. Karen Baddley with Summervilles Kaiser (Kaiser)
  2. James Crowhurst with Celestial Amber (Amber)
  3. Hayley Marshall with Jack the Gent (Jack)
Small Kennel Club Starters Cup Semi-Final
  1. Sarah Prentice with Ubora's Leap to the Stars (Luna)
  2. Sara Peall with Brooks Baltic Boy (Chester)
  3. Kerry Munnings with Big Ears Where's Noddy (Tirion)
Sarah Prentice said, 'I'm very proud of my Luna's achievement!. I was excited to be out there at the biggest event for a dog at her level, which has not been available to me before.'

 Kennel Club Novice Cup Semi-Final
 With the top six in each height category qualifying for Crufts

Results A word from the winners...
Large Kennel Club Novice Cup Semi-Final
  1. Shannon Springford with Zhanisgo Gove it Some Banter (Banter)
  2. Nicola Wildman with Runbye Do It with Passion (Panache)
  3. Jane Powell with Darleyfalls Noddy Spots (Noddy)
Intermediate Kennel Club Novice Cup Semi-Final
  1. Mike Organ with Priddypaws Perfect Package (Mica)
  2. Marita Ogilvie with Darleysfalls Cryptic Enigma (Cicada)
  3. Lindsey Spring with Priddypaws Done and Dusted (Bambam)
Mike Organ said, 'Mica is a special dog, and I was glad to do her justice at The Kennel Club International Agility Festival. I give many thanks to my side-kick and fellow course walker, Caroline Hendy, and trainers Charlotte Harding and Martin Tait. Mica is a dream dog and I know how lucky I am to have her! I hope I can do her justice at Crufts!.'
Medium Club Novice Cup Semi-Final
  1. Emma Ross with Kintradwell Unsprung (Sprite)
  2. Sally Butler with Batsal's Last Chance Nance (Nancy)
  3. Stephanie Best with Z-Atomic Spice Koryfej (Skedaddle)
Emma Ross said, 'Sprite has only been competing in agility for a year, so I am absolutely over the moon about his win and our qualification for Crufts. Competing at Crufts has been my dream for years and Sprite has made that dream come true!'
Small Club Novice Cup Semi-Final
  1. Matthew Burdett with Licosateria Final Frontier (Bru)
  2. Lily Woodford with Fiynysmon Abbey of Chilternlily (Spider)
  3. Neil Harding with Sittaford Skylark (Wigeon)
Matthew Burdett said, 'I have never qualified for an individual event at Crufts before and it was always a lifelong goal! To qualify, and to do so by winning the Novice Cup Semi-Final, was a dream come true, and we loved running such a fun course. Bru is an amazing dog! He loves his agility and is a total natural, but he also loves nothing more than a cuddle and sleeping under my desk while I work.'
Kennel Club British Open Final
Results A word from the winners...
Large Kennel Club British Open Final
  1. Ashley Carter with Castomya Epic Enchant Mint (Epic)
  2. Naomi Read with Tri It or Chance It (Chance)
  3. Samantha Lane with Delanor Arch Rival (Rival)
Ashley Carter said 'Epic and I have shared an incredible journey. We just returned from Belgium competing in the European Open Championships representing Great Britain. Epic has been competing for seven years and has previously qualified for Olympia and Crufts and has won two reserve Challenge Certificates. Epic is the most loveable dog! He tries his best on every run and is a great dog to live with.'
Intermediate Kennel Club British Open Final
  1. Nicola Giradui with Shepworld I Want It All (Katniss)
  2. Lindsey Spring with Piddypaws Done and Dusted (Bambam)
  3. Laura Pye with Dreaganta Born to Run (Pebble)
Nicola Giraudi from Limpomo, Italy qualified two dogs for Crufts 2023. His four-year-old Border Collie, Brant, took first place in the Large Kennel Club Special International Class and his other four-year-old BC Katniss, also went on to win the Intermediate Kennel Club British Open Final. He said, 'It's a great feeling having qualified for Crufts with my young Brant, It will be my first time on the green carpet. Winning the British Open with Brant's sister, Katniss, was just the icing on the cake! Katniss gave me so much confidence!'
Medium Kennel Club British Open Final
  1. James Adams with Ag.Ch. Devongem Tiz Gold Standard (Willow)
  2. Mariann Bayliss and Coral's Crush at Crai (Coral)
  3. Sammy Pegg with Leebeardream Plug in Baby (Bliss)
Small Kennel Club British Open Final
  1. Abigail Doxford with Tuftihed First Lady (Missfit)
  2. Katrina Handwiths and Minxin It Up (Minx)
  3. Rosie Sawyer with Happy Pappi of Many Tears (Pappi)
Abigail Doxford said, 'Missfit is the cutest little cuddle monster at home! She was a challenge to train at first, however, with time and patience she has increased in confidence. “The atmosphere is great around the finals in the main ring, and Missfit absolutely loved her time in the ring at The Kennel Club International Agility Festival!'

Ben Skinner, of Skinner's, said, 'Congratulations to all of this year's winners and competitors at The Kennel Club International Agility Festival. It is wonderful to see everyone enjoying competing at the Festival again this year, and we are always proud to sponsor this incredible event. It is inspiring to see the dedication and skill displayed by all the competitors and their dogs. Everyone who has taken part should be very proud of their achievements in the ring.'

For more information on The Kennel Club International Agility Festival, please visit Festical page on the KC website.

Find the full list of results at results.firstplaceprocessing.com/

19th August 2022

New Venue for T&A Show

T & A Agility have identified a potential new venue which they are looking to test run at an independent show on 15th October 2022 to see how it works out and how competitors feel about it. This venue isn't intended to replace World Horse Welfare but be in addition to it.

The venue is the GWC Equestrian Centre near Diss, set in a beautiful and peaceful 18 acres, though the tranquillity will certain be spoiled when the T&A circus rolls in!

The facilities include a fantastic café, a smallholders shop selling animal feed and equipment, a huge car parking area separate from the public car park, two 6ft fenced four-acre secure dog walking areas, an all weather arena and four additional fenced paddocks/rings. T&A competitors will have the whole site to ourselves for the duration of the show, apart from the cafe which will still be open to the general public. Tables will need to be pre-booked. So everyone catered for, there will also a separate food shed for us and they are happy to take orders for special dietary requirements. It is a campers' paradise, too and off-grid camping is very welcomed.

Show Administrator Kirsten Cutler explained how she and Show Manager Tony Ryman found it. 'The cafe there is very popular locally, so I had heard of it before but never been. We needed another alternative to our usual show - another string to our bow, if you like. So Tony and I went to visit last week. Though they'd never run a dog show there, they were very receptive to our ideas. We are very excited about the potential of this site and hope you will all come along and see what you think.'

Below is some information on the location:

Date of show: 15/10/22

Address: GWC Equestrian Centre, Wingfield, Diss IP21 5RB

Travelling times:

  • From Norwich Thickthorn Roundabout – 40 mins.

  • From Stowmarket – 40 mins

  • From Diss – 15 mins


From the A140, turn off onto the B1118. Go through Hoxne and continue until you turn left on to Syleham Road. Take the first right turn onto Vicarage Road and the venue is on the right.

Agilitynet will be updated shortly, and the schedules will be out soon.

We will be asking for feedback from you after the show, so we hope to see as many of you there as possible to test it out and tell us what you think


Important KCI Heat Information

The Kennel Club has considered the forecasted weather for the duration of The Kennel Club International Agility Festival, and has taken the decision to go ahead with the event under the following conditions:=

  1. Competition start times will be earlier than scheduled i.e. 7.00am course walking, 7.30am start.

  2. Aim to complete most rings by lunchtime.

  3. Depending on the prevailing weather conditions at the time, any remaining classes may be suspended until later in the day. Announcements will be made to competitors during the event through PA and social media.

  4. Additional precautions will be in place for dogs, handlers and officials.

Have-a-Go at the Burghley Horse Trials
Thursday, 1st Sunday - 4th September 2022

Graham Taylor and the Country Shows Agility Team have been offered a fantastic opportunity to host a Have-A-Go Agility ring, a new event at the 2022 Burghley Horse Trials on Thursday, 1st to Sunday, 4th September 2022, but they need your help!

Graham said, ' We are in need of stewards to make sure event visitors get the best out of their dog around a beginner friendly Agility course. You will ideally need experience of dog agility. With a festival like feeling, this world class event is offering an fabulous day out with top sport and great shopping - all set out within the historic parkland of the Burghley estate. It should be a day to be remembered. All offers welcomed.'

On offer are entry tickets, car parking and a fuel contribution.

Please email your location and preferred day(s) and we 'll send you all the details.

Country Shows Agility, 2 Medley Grove, Leamington Spa, Warks. CV31 2GA tel. 07831 548911 Facebook

GB Agility Team Gold or Sold Bring Home the Silver

The Kennel Club would like to congratulate Agility Team GB for their performances at the European Open Agility Championships in Opglabbeek, Belgium, from 28th - 31st July 2022.

The Agility Team GB competed over four days showing an impressive display of skill, dedication and teamwork. The Medium team, named GB Gold or Sold, excelled in winning a Silver medal, the first Medium medal in the EO since 2013, in the Championships Final.

The silver-winning team included two dogs named Willow and was comprised of James Adams with Willow (Working Cocker Spaniel), Lily Dakin with (Shetland Sheepdog), Shannon Springford with Gift (Border Collie) and Steven Richardson with Willow (Shetland Sheepdog.)

Agility Team GB Manager, Greg Derrett, commented, 'With 28 dogs representing GB, there were inevitable highs and lows over the three days. Our Silver medal in the Medium team event was a great result and is particularly exciting as it's GB's first Medium medal in nine years.

'Although we did not achieve any other podiums this time, many of our teams and individuals demonstrated huge potential and are extremely close to success. We can now strive to realise that potential over the coming weeks, months and years.'

Next year will see Denmark host the European Agility Championships, which will be held at Horsholm Sports Centre from 20th – 23rd July 2023.

Agility Team GB is supported by The Kennel Club, Natural Instinct, Dog Sports Derby and Galican.

Phil Keen, Managing Director from Natural Instinct, said, 'On behalf of Natural Instinct, we 'd like to congratulate everyone on their results at the European Open Agility Championships. We are proud to sponsor this fantastic team and are excited to see what the future holds for these amazing athletes!'

The team of 32 dogs and handlers, including reserves, were chosen following this year 's European Open Tryout Day, which was held at Statfold, Tamworth, in March.

For the full list of results, visit: eo2022agility.be

For those interested in how they can qualify for the Pre-Selection Qualifier, details can be found on The Kennel Club website: thekennelclub.org.uk/agilityteamgb or Agilitynet Show Diary.

 July 2022

T&A Sunday Show Another Victim of the Heat

T & A has been asked to cancel their show on Sunday, 24th July due to the forecasted heat.

On the Saturday before, Show Administrator Kirsten Cutler said, 'Tomorrow will not take place but the decision was made on welfare grounds. WE will post updates in the next few days regarding the admin for those who pre-ordered. We sincerely apologise for the short notice.'

Janet Lockwood cheerfully added, 'Shame but the decision is totally out the T&A control but hopefully back next week.'

TGaylor and Elliott Team GB Purple Max and Woody

Junior Agility Team GB Win Three Gold Medals at JOWC

The Young Kennel Club (YKC) Agility Team GB made history by winning three gold medals at the Junior Open Agility World Championships in Vantaa, Finland, which took place from 14th-17th July.

13-year-old Taylor Lyon won Gold in the Medium (Under 15) category with her Cocker Spaniel, Elliott, while 14-year-old Max Glover took Gold in the Medium (Under 19) category with his crossbreed, Woody, earning the pair the title of Junior World Champions. Max also took Overall Bronze in the Large (Under 19) category with Border Collie Boost.

A number of handlers also gained overall top 10 positions.

In addition, Team GB Purple, made up of Max, Taylor, Mariann Bayliss (17) and 16-year-old Will Bacchus (16) also took Gold in the Medium Team competition.

The Junior Open Agility World Championships attracted nearly 300 dogs and handlers from all over the world, with countries represented at the competition including the USA, Switzerland and Germany. This was the sixth time a Junior team from Britain, made up of YKC members, has competed at the Championships.

YKC Agility Team GB Manager, Greg Derrett said of their achievement, 'Bringing home three Gold medals from any World Championships is an amazing achievement and I 'm exceptionally proud of our handlers. Not only that, but the camaraderie within the team and watching them bond since being selected in March to a totally cohesive unit with every single one of them playing their part in winning the medals has been great to witness. I am excited to see what they can no doubt achieve in their futures.'

YKC Agility Team GB is sponsored by The Kennel Club, Natural Instinct, Galican and Dog Sports Derby. The coaching team consisted of Greg Derrett (team manager), Anthony Clarke (team coach), Victoria Fraser (team vet), Ann Roberts (safeguarding and support officer), and Tina Davies (results analyst), who travelled to Finland with them.

Phil Keen, Managing Director of Natural Instinct, sponsor of YKC Agility Team GB, added, 'Natural Instinct are proud to sponsor YKC Agility Team GB and were thrilled to learn of the success over the weekend in Finland with the team winning not one, not two but three gold medals. Performances by all were top class and we are extremely proud of all those who have competed. Well done!'

The European Open Junior Championship will be held in United Kingdom in 2023. Details of the squad selection process can be found on the Team GB website

T & A Mid-July Show Rescheduled Quickly

Having decided to to cancel their 16th-17th July show due to the nationwide hot weather alert, T & A has quickly added another show date to their calendar. It will be an independent show held on 30th July in the World Horse Welfare arena, Snetterton, Norfolk NR162LP.

Show Administrator Kirsten Cutler said, 'Tony Ryman, our Show Organiser, is not a man to sit around and do nothing. It was the right thing to cancel, but heck it is boring sitting around doing nothing- so to keep us busy, we have arranged another show.'

Due to the timescales, the show will be postal entries and Pay on the Day only (no on-line entries.) Costs have been reduced to £4.50 per run because of this.

The lovely Janet Lockwood will be helping us on the desk first thing to sell tickets so there won't be an long queues. Cash only please. If anyone has the right change, they will get extra brownie points!

17th July 2022

PAWC UK Team 2022 Named

The full UK Para Agility World Championship (PAWC) Team members has been announced, following approval by the IMCA/PAWC board.

In ParaAgility, there are seven groups of disability competitions which affect a handler 's ability to negotiate an agility course compared to that of other handlers without any disability.

Team Manager Lind Croxford said, 'I would like to congratulate our PAWC TEAM UK members attending the championship this year and look forward to another great IMCA & PAWC Competition 2022 which takes place this year from 19th to 21st August.

In the UK, we have many competitors who compete week in and week out against able-bodied handlers. These handlers very often have limitations of speed of movement who have to teach their dogs additional techniques which in many cases require distance handling. These handlers very often compete at the top level of our UK competitions but others may never know they have a disability.'

The ParaTeam consists of: -

  • Poppy Colegby with Sky

  • Lisa Jordan with Amp and Swtich

  • Sarah Fenby with Gambler

  • Jackie Hewitt with Murphy

  • Hayley Laches with Pixel and Pacman

  • Maggie Chavin with Teddy and Flossie

  • Teresa Oliver with Miss

  • Faith Whiteley with Fleur and Bizzie

PAWC is a unique and special competition held in conjunction with the International Mixed & Breed Championship (IMCA.) This year it will be talking place in Voghera, Italy.

Linda added, 'Attending a championship abroad is costly for all handlers so the Team is grateful for all the support it has received from Eurotunnel for passage for the team dogs and Agilitywear for the team clothing.'

So, if anyone is interested in applying to join the team in 2023 an application form has to be completed and a doctor or health official has to stamp and sign the application form confirming the handler 's condition and how it affects their movement.

If you would like more information, please email

 JUNE 2022

Welsh Rep at Crufts 2023

The Welsh Kennel Club is delighted to announce that the highest placed Welsh winner of the Championship class for Large dogs at the 2022 Welsh Kennel Club (WKC) show at Builth Wells will be the Wales representative in the International Agility Competition at Crufts 2023.

The successful Welsh handler must have been resident in Wales since at least 1st January 2022 or been born in Wales.

Further information: Graham Taylor, WKC Agility, 2 Medley Grove, Leamington Spa, Warks CV31 2GA. Tel. 01926 315335 Email

 MAY 2022

Designated Safeguarding Leads Appointed by Shows

The Agility Club has announced there will be dedicated safeguarding lead at their July show. The kind volunteer has a professional background in the counselling and safeguarding of young people and will be fully visible with a bright coloured t-shirt with her role on it throughout the show. She is also advising us on some steps to take with regard to the junior finals and also child safety at the show.

On FB, the Agility Club said, 'The purpose of having a designated safeguarding lead (DSL) at a show is similar to that in any workplace. That person is made known to everyone competing i.e. in the schedule/signs put up at shows.

Anyone can approach either the DSL directly or could go to the Secretary's tent to ask for the DSL who would be called. Then they could explain their worries/concerns in a private area. The DSL would then decide if there is a safeguarding concern, and if so what action needs to be taken.

The main purpose for us introducing this role is that we believe that there is a need for this role at shows. It will create a safe and confidential avenue where someone can raise their concerns immediately and get the support needed. The hope, of course, is that she has a quiet weekend, but the Committee are keen to get this in place and create a safe environment for those who attend our show.'

The Dartford DTC and UpanovaTigers agility show on 3rd – 5th June will also have designated Safeguarding Officers who are DBS checked and have been appropriately trained to work with children and young adults. The Officer(s) will be clearly identified at the show.

In addition, Derbyshire Dog Agility Club have appointed a safeguarding team, primarily for their Summer Show but will also be employed to training. The team of four have done the appropriate training and are all DBS checked. They will ensure that we have the appropriate measures in place as regards safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. If there are any safeguarding issues the club will be able to respond to these as quickly and efficiently as possible.

More details will be available in the Show Information that will be released before the Summer Show.

15th May 2022

 APRIL 2022

Entries Open for 2022 KCIAF

The world 's largest agility festival for dogs and their owners, The 17th Kennel Club International Agility Festival is now open for entry. The show will take place for the second year in its new home of Rutland Showground from 11th – 14th August 2022.

During the festival, 18 rings will host the competition, which will feature dogs of all agility grades and sizes, from all over the world, with over 200 separate classes taking place.

Entries can be submitted online at firstplaceprocessing.com with payment open until 9th June 2022.

Classes include:

  • The British Open is for all FCI grade 3 dogs, British or Irish grades 6 or 7 dogs or dogs holding a Masters or Championship title in the USA. The top seven large, intermediate, medium and small dogs, together with the top overseas based competitor from each size group, will compete for the British Open final which will be held on Sunday 14 August at the International Agility Festival for the first time.

  • The Special International Class, open to all overseas dogs eligible for FCI Grade 3 classes (or equivalent), or holding a Masters or Championship Title in the USA. Only dogs that reside outside the UK are eligible for this class, with the winners in each height (large, medium and small) subsequently invited to compete in the Crufts Singles at Crufts 2023.

  • The Novice Cup is open for British and Irish grade 3, 4 and 5 dogs. Dogs and handlers who qualify for the semi-final from this qualifier, and qualifiers across the country, will compete in the semi-final on Saturday 13 August, with finalists going on to compete at Crufts 2023.

  • The Starters Cup is for all British and Irish grade 1 and 2 dogs. The top six large, intermediate, medium and small dogs from the semi-final round of the Starters Cup will be invited to compete at the final at Discover Dogs 2022.

  • The Nations Cup sees three dogs representing their country competing in a jumping round with a final agility round to decide the overall winners. The top team from each height: three large, intermediate, medium and small dogs will be invited to compete individually in the British Open Final, to be held on Sunday at the festival.

  • The Young Kennel Club (YKC) Pairs is open to YKC members only, aged 6-24 years. Pairs must both use the same size dog. Once a qualifier has been entered, members may not switch dogs or handlers. The pair who are placed first in each category will qualify for Crufts 2023.

  • The Young Kennel Club Agility Dog of the Year and Under 18 Years Jumping are open to all YKC members aged 6-17 years. If a member and dog combination accumulates 30 points or more, they will qualify for Crufts 2023. Please note that members may only compete with one dog. Should a member qualify with more than one dog, then only one may compete, with the other only used as a reserve in the event that the first choice is unavailable.

The Kennel Club International Agility Festival, welcomes all dogs and is once again supported by Skinner 's, who are set to continue to sponsor the event until at least 2025.

Heidi Hutchinson, Marketing Director for Skinner 's said, 'We are proud to be the headline sponsor of The Kennel Club International Agility Festival for yet another year. Both our Field & Trial and Get Out & Go! ranges have been nutritionally formulated to support active dogs and are ideal for performance dogs that compete in agility. Our team will be on hand to offer nutritional advice to competitors and visitors at Rutland Showground from 11-14 August 2022. Until then, we would like to wish all of those competing and training for the event the very best of luck.'

Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at The Kennel Club said: “The Kennel Club is once again looking forward to welcoming back canine competitors of all ages and breeds, to compete in this year 's International Agility Festival. This is a fantastic opportunity for competitors to display the hard work they 've dedicated to agility whilst also strengthening the bond between dog and owner. There 's something for everyone at the festival, with a wide range of competitions, not only for seasoned professionals, but also for beginners, and there is no better way to get started in agility than at the world 's largest agility festival.'

More information on The Kennel Club International Agility Festival can be found at thekennelclub.org.uk/iaf or via The Kennel Club 's dedicated Facebook page:


The Cowboy's Guest Ranch in Voghera
IMCA 2022 Team Selected

This years IMCA tryouts for the Team representing the UK in Italy on 18th-21st September were held at the lovely Ogilvie Dogs Venue on Sunday, 10th April. The numbers this year were not as high as they have been on previous years, possibly because the venue had moved from the South to Spalding or the late change of Championship dates this year which resulted a clash with Dogs in Need.

The judge this year was Paul Hinchley who set two Agility and one Jumping classes with various sorts of handling and course reading tests that required the handlers to really commit to handling the course all the way around but they were all fast and flowing in design.

Team Leader Linda Croxford said, 'A lot of competitors had us on the edge of our seats by either flying round at break neck speed to then loose connection with their dogs in the last few obstacles to others that didn't get past the early numbers without a few eliminations! Some had really good rounds in one or two of the courses then went completely wrong in the other. This really did not make my decision in choosing a team easy at all and I pondered over the results and re checked my notes and the errors on the courses and in the end where decisions were close took into consideration people's rounds I'd watched at the GB tryouts, past years successes at IMCA and looking on handlers own videos, if there were any. Even then, there were some choices made which had more than one dog almost equal in all the above elements so it was a good job that we continued to record faults and the number of eliminations around the courses.

It is never easy having to tell handlers that they have not been chosen but I really hope that everyone who tried out this year will consider doing so again next year as there really were some hard and close selections made.'


Those selected are off to Voghera in Italy on 16th August with the Championships commencing on Thursday, 18th August with the vet checks and practice and then full competition starting on Friday, 19th August to Sunday, 21st August which may be live streamed.

 This event is a joint championship with the Para Agility World Championships (PAWC) and as soon as the PAWC team is confirmed, their names and photos will be posted.

Congratulations to all the team. We all look forward to their August road trip and hopefully many successes to celebrate out there and on the journey home.

The R Kelly Story Continues

The story of R Kelly, Dave Roberts' Staffy who was stolen - and thankfully found - is the gift that keeps on giving. PC Wray, who found Kelly, reports that after locating her, they were able to arrest the dognapper who was charged and later found guilty at court.

But the story doesn't stop there.

Some weeks ago, he was contacted by Dave who invited him to the Lincoln Agility Enthusiasts Open show at the Lincolnshire showground on 22nd-24th April 2022. How could he say no?

Dave then casually slipped into the conversation that he had entered him into a class with Kelly.

However, Lucy Osborne from Ready to Run came to the rescue and kindly gave him a crash course in agility handling the week before the event. With less than an hours training, he arrived at the venue and, by some miracle, and with the help of Lucy's expert training and Kelly's talent, he was able to pull off the run. And they came 3rd, beaten by a Collie.

PC Wray said, 'We were never going to win against a Collie. It was lovely to see Kelly again and I want to pass on a huge thank you to Lucy for all of her help which prevented me making a fool of myself! Also to the wider agility community who were extremely supportive and welcoming. A lovely morning. Thank you. '

24th April 2022


The KC Announces YKC Agility Team GB for JOWC

The Kennel Club has announced the names of the team members who will represent Young Kennel Club (YKC) Agility Team GB at the Junior Open Agility World Championships (JOWC) in Finland from 14th - 17th July.

The successful handlers and dogs were chosen following two try-out events, which concluded at the Statfold Arena, Tamworth on 27th March.

The Kennel Club congratulates all the handlers who have been selected to represent YKC Agility Team GB this year. In addition to being sponsored by The Kennel Club, the team is also kindly supported by Natural Instinct, Galican and Statfold Arena.

This year there were opportunities for win-on places for the Junior Open Agility World Championships, with successful young handlers and dogs being selected through a statistics-driven process. Two selection days were held at Statfold Arena, which consisted of both agility and jumping courses, with the squad competing alongside Agility Team GB. Handlers had the opportunities to progress from the Pre-Squad Qualifier to the Junior Try-Out weekend.

Those winning the coveted spots were:-


  • Isabella Twigg with Roo Star of Ainmhithe (Roo)

  • Mariann Bayliss with Lilhaze Spring Dan Sir (Daniel)

  • Max Glover with Neuadd Lwyd Beat at Soldaze (Beat)

  • Max Glover with Soldaze Out of The Blue (Boost)

  • Mia Steedman with Lorramia English Rose (Rosie)

  • Rhianna Morgan with Langthwaite Freak Out Fuse (Fuse)

  • Sophie Atkinson with Fenland Mad Star (Maddie)

  • Yvie Thompson with Castomya Epic Enchant Mint (Epic)


  • Amelie Selby-Bird with Folkvang Bantham Beach (Dex)

  • Mariann Bayliss with Coral's Crush At Crai (Coral)

  • Max Glover with Maximus Silvestris (Woody)

  • Taylor Lyon with Rohamki Taylor Made (Elliott)

  • Will Bacchus with A Message to You Rudi AW/G (Rudi)


  • Blair Hands with Turbotoes Rapid Beat (Rapid)

  • Blair Hands with Twinkle Star Koryfej at Licosateria (Sofi)

  • Chloe Cooper with Aint he Sweep (Sweep)

  • Rebecca Chuter Smith with Bramleycott Mis Moneypenny (Bella)

  • Ryan Feehan with September Bouncing Bunny (Mitsi)

Greg Derrett, Agility Team GB Manager said, 'The YKC team is the future of Agility Team GB and we are extremely pleased with the partnerships that have won on to and been selected for this year's teams. I believe that we have teams representing Great Britain that will not only be competitive at this year's events but can develop and gain experience for their future agility careers. The selection process comprised eight challenging courses over two weekends, and I would like to congratulate all the junior handlers on their performances.' 

Managing Director of Natural Instinct Phil Keen added, 'We are extremely proud to be sponsoring Agility Team GB, knowing that many of the dogs competing are ‘fuelled' by Natural Instinct complete raw meals. We have been supporters for a number of years now and to be part of the events taking place this year is really exciting. We would like to wish everyone competing the best of luck.'

Full results from the try-outs can be found at http://results.firstplaceprocessing.com/. More information on the qualification process for the 2023 can be found at thekennelclub.org.uk/agilityteamgb.

8th April 2022

The Senior Agility Team GB Announced

The Kennel Club has announced the agility teams which will represent Great Britain at the European Open Agility Championships in Belgium from 28th-31st July, and the FCI Agility World Championships in Austria from 21st-25th September.

The successful handlers and dogs were chosen following two try-out events, which concluded at the Statfold Arena, Tamworth on 27th March.

Greg Derrett, Agility Team GB Manager said, 'The whole management team is extremely pleased with the partnerships that have won on to and been selected for this year's teams. COVID resulted in a long break from this calibre of competition, but I am very positive that we have teams representing Great Britain that can perform at this level. The selection process has been a tough six weeks, with partnerships really tested and I would like to congratulate every one of them for their performances.'

Phil Keen, Managing Director of Natural Instinct, added, We are extremely proud to be sponsoring the Agility Team GB. We have been supporters for a number of years now and to be part of the events taking place this year is really exciting. At Natural Instinct, we are passionate that all dogs receive a wholesome, nutritious and raw food diet, feeding as nature intended. Not only does this ensure they get all the vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need to keep them fit and healthy, but it will help them perform their best during competitions too!'

Win On Spots
This year there were opportunities for win-on places for both the European Open Championship team and the Agility World Championship team in both Individual and Team competitions.

Congratulations to all who were selected. We can't wait to se you compete.

Those winning the coveted spots were:-

Agility World Championship

Team competition


  • Marita Ogilvie with Ag.Ch. Lalapaws Taken by Surprise (Duka)


  • Steven Richardson with Sanscott Midnight Mist AW/G (Willow)


  • Alan Bray with Ag.Ch. Devongem Fire Starter at Upanovatiger (Ticita)

Individual competition


  • Euan Paterson with Ag.Ch. Devongem Quick Times (Crazee)


  • Laura Chapman with Leebeardream Come True (Endeavour)


  • Martin Reid with Get It with Eager to Work (Selfie)

European Open Championship

    Team and Individual competitions


  • Euan Paterson with Ag.Ch. Devongem Quick Time (Crazee)

  • Alan Wildman with Ag.Ch. Chikaramor Kynda Amazyng (Zyng)

  • Martin Reid with Lilhaze Secret Pleasure (Snooze)

  • Ashley Carter with Castomya Epic Enchant Mint (Epic)

  • Lisa Duggan with Nedlo Girl Goes North (Pip)

  • Jen Slade with Freyasway Disco Araminta (Araminta)

  • Marita Ogilvie with Ag.Ch. Lalapaws Taken by Surprise (Duka)


  • James Adams with Ag.Ch. Devongem Tiz Gold Standard (Willow)

  • Steven Richardson with Sanscott Midnight Mist AW/G (Willow)

  • Shannon Springford with Ag.Ch. Shansdream Gift of Love (Gift)


  • Matthew Burdett with Licosateria Final Frontier (Bru)

  • Rosie Sawyer with Happy Pappi of Many Tears (Pappi)

  • Martin Reid with Get It with Eager to Work (Selfie)

  • Ashleigh Butler with Ag.Ch. The Closet Monster of Ashpen (Sully)

World Championships Team


  • Dalton Meredith with Fandabidozi Eclipse of Dust (Eclipse) (I & Team Reserve)

  • Euan Paterson with Ag.Ch. Devongem Quick Time (Crazee) (T & I)

  • Marita Ogilvie with Ag.Ch. Lalapaws Taken By Surprise (Duka) (T & I)

  • Martin Reid with Lilhaze Secret Pleasure (Snooze) (T & I)

  • Naarah Cuddy with Ag.Ch. Lilhaze Dark Pleasure (Lemon) (T & I)

  • Gemma Haycock with Lalapaws Turn Up The Jukebox (Jukebox) (Team Reserve)

  • Joanne Tristram with Ensorcell Back In Black (Brite) (Team Reserve)

T – Team run
I – Individual run


  • James Adams with Ag.Ch. Devongem Tiz Gold Standard (Willow) (T & I)

  • Laura Chapman with Leebeardream Come True (Endeavour) (I)

  • Lily Dakin with Wavesong Honky Tonk Blu (Scout) (T)

  • Shannon Springford with Ag.Ch. Shansdream Gift of Love (Gift) (T & I)

  • Steven Richardson with Sanscott Midnight Mist AW/G (Willow) (T)

  • Natasha Wise with Tottlefields Flippin Bizzy (Toto) (Team Reserve)

T – Team run
I – Individual run


  • Alan Bray with Ag.Ch. Devongem Fire Starter at Upanovatiger (Ticita) (T)

  • Katrina Hands with Set the Pace of Summergarden (Sizzle) (T)

  • Marc Wingate-Wynne with Obay Thatz Entertainment (Snazzy) (T)

  • Martin Reid with Get It With Eager to Work (Selfie) (T & I)

  • Rachel Ward with Blazecroft Midnight Akemi AW/G (Nimbus) (Team Reserve)

T – Team run
I – Individual run

The GB Agility teams selected are as follows:-

European Open


  • Alan Wildman with Ag.Ch. Chikaramor Kynda Amazyng (Zyng)

  • Ashley Carter with Castomya Epic Enchant Mint (Epic)

  • Dalton Meredith with Fandabidozi Eclipse of Dust (Eclipse)

  • Dave Munnings with Comebyanaway Wot a Legacy (Legacy)

  • Euan Paterson with Ag.Ch. Devongem Quick Time (Crazee)

  • Gemma Haycock with Lalapaws Turn Up The Jukebox (Jukebox)

  • Jen Slade with Freyasway Disco Araminta (Araminta)

  • Joanne Tristram with Ensorcell Back In Black (Brite)

  • Lisa Duggan with Nedlo Girl Goes North (Pip)

  • Marita Ogilvie with Ag.Ch. Lalapaws Taken By Surprise (Duka)

  • Martin Reid with Lilhaze Secret Pleasure (Snooze)

  • Naarah Cuddy with Ag.Ch. Lilhaze Dark Pleasure (Lemon)

  • Megan Hunt with A Moment in Thyme (Thyme) (1st Reserve)

  • Steven Richardson with Moel Gamble Demonic Risk (Gamble) (2nd Reserve)


  • Aemillia Nicholson with Little Miss Woo Woo (Wyllow)

  • Hayley Telling with Ag.Ch. New Illusions Bi Enchantment of the Five Colors (Teal)

  • James Adams with Ag.Ch. Devongem Tiz Gold Standard (Willow)

  • Laura Chapman with Leebeardream Come True (Endeavour)

  • Lily Dakin with Wavesong Honky Tonk Blu (Scout)

  • Liz Carpenter with Moseleywood Winnie AW/S (Winnie)

  • Shannon Springford with Ag.Ch. Shansdream Gift of Love (Gift)

  • Steven Richardson with Sanscott Midnight Mist AW/G (Willow)

  • Natasha Wise with Tottlefields Flippin Bizzy (Toto) (Reserve)


  • Alan Bray with Ag.Ch. Devongem Fire Starter at Upanovatiger (Ticita)

  • Ashleigh Butler with Ag.Ch. The Closet Monster of Ashpen (Sully)

  • Katrina Hands with Set the Pace of Summergarden (Sizzle)

  • Marc Wingate-Wynne with Obay Thatz Entertainment (Snazzy)

  • Martin Reid with Get It with Eager to Work (Selfie)

  • Matthew Burdett with Licosateria Final Frontier (Bru)

  • Rosie Sawyer with Happy Pappi of Many Tears (Pappi)

  • Stephanie Jones with Pop Stayley (Poppy)

  • Rachel Ward with Blazecroft Midnight Akemi AW/G (Nimbus) (Reserve)

All competitors at the European Open will compete in the individual competition and be part of a team. Teams will be confirmed nearer the time.

Full results from the try-outs can be found at http://results.firstplaceprocessing.com/. More information on the qualification process for the 2023 can be found at thekennelclub.org.uk/agilityteamgb

The Kennel Club congratulates all the handlers who have been selected to represent Agility Team GB this year. In addition to being sponsored by the Kennel Club, the team is also kindly supported by Natural Instinct, Galican and Statfold Arena.

 4th April 2022

New Regulations for Dogs with Little Legs

New regulations for smaller dogs have been leaked on Facebook, effective as of 1st April.

With effect from 1st April 2022, the following amendments and additions to the regulations have been made to make the judging of dogs whose legs measure in length less than 20cm and body length no longer than 30cm fairer by allowing 5 seconds off the final time, at a licensed agility show, mandatory. This is to address the issue of their legs being so much shorter than there longer legged competitors. New regulation X(1)(Z)5.a.(10) addresses this:

Amendment to Regulation H(1)B.3.d


XYZ. Limited legs-(Smaller than average dogs)—Dogs whose legs measure in length less than 20cm and body length no longer than 30cm will be allowed a total of 5 seconds off their final recorded running time, unless this still means a dog with longer than their legs would still beat them, in this case their time can be altered to ensure they win.

New Regulation P(7)(K)9.C.(22)

All dogs whose total weight is 6kg and under will not have to compete over the see-saw. This is to address the issue that even when the dog reaches the tip of the see-saw it takes longer than average time to tip to the ground. New regulation P(7)(K)9.C.(22) addresses the marking of this new regulation.

1st April 2022

Buckets and Spades at Gleniffer

Gleniffer is struggling to get portaloos for their May show. If anyone has any suggestions, please let Dawn Gilmour know.

She advised people attending the show, 'It would be a good idea if you bring an extra bucket (you will still need your fire bucket) and a spade. We will set aside a small area next the the snack bar for you to dig a hole and empty your bucket.

Please note bucket emptying hours will be between 2am and 6am. If this is not suitable, then take your bucket home! Please be aware some people will be sleeping - some may still be partying - but keep the noise down.

It would be helpful if you don't wait till your bucket is full before emptying as we do not want spillages, there will be 24hr bucket patrollers - Brian McDougall and Wes, do not give them any cheek or this will result in immediate removal from the show. If you wish to offer your caravan toilet for rent, please do this through our Show Manager Kirsty who will be happy to sort this for you.'

All spillages will incur an instant fine of £50 payable directly to me. (Cash only.)

1st April 2022

Levelling Up Agility Proposals

The Kennel Club is 'levelling up' the difficulty of agility between the different height categories by having different contact lengths for each height as shown below:-

Current contact lengths for all categories are:

  • ‘A' Ramp: 1,067mm

  • Dog Walk and See-Saw: 914mm

Proposed lengths:

Large Dogs

  • Unchanged

Intermediate -

  • ‘A' Ramp: 917mm

  • Dog Walk and See-Saw: 764mm


  • 'A' Ramp: 767mm

  • Dog Walk and See-Saw: 614mm


  • 'A' Ramp: 617mm

  • Dog Walk and See-Saw: 464mm

A further proposal to have shorter distances between weaving poles will be considered at a future date.

1st April 2022

 MARCH 2022

Crufts and Covid Warning

An increasing number of agility friends who were at Crufts, mainly on the Thursday, started testing Positive for Covid, including someone who was conducting official interviews in the Main Arena everyday.

Please, please, please if you went to Crufts do a test daily for the next few days at least before heading to training or shows this weekend to try and stop any further spread round the agility community.

16th March 2022


The Dog House Codgers Cake Stakes

There will be a special fun Jumping class for the over 50s at Longfield Agility Solutions shows this year.

The course will be simple and flowing (for the obvious reasons) but will not contain any weaves.

Results for this class will be combined across the heights. Jump heights will be L/I//M/S & Micro. Dogs run at their normal height except Veterans who must run at micro (200mm) height. Jump heights will be L/I//M/S & Micro. Dogs run at their normal height except Veterans who must run at micro (200mm) height

The added bonus being that, after the winner has recovered, they also collect a slice of cake from The Dog House in addition to the usual trophy and rosette.

The class is sponsored by The Dog House, arguably the best relocatable catering establishment in the business.

Photo: Linda Gore
YKC Agility Dog of the Year

Four year old Border Collie Daniel (Lilihaze Spring Dan Sir) and Mariann-Elvie Bayliss (17) won the Young Kennel Club (YKC) Agility Dog of the Year at Crufts on Saturday, 12th March. 

The competition, which was open to YKC members aged from 6-17 and their dogs, saw top young agility handlers compete for the coveted title of YKC Agility Dog of the Year, before Mariann and Daniel ) triumphed in the Resorts World Arena at the NEC, Birmingham.

Mariann said, 'We were going second to last knowing everyone had a fault and that we would likely win with a clear. The pressure was enormous! It is all I have ever dreamed of!'

Daniel's owner Ruth added, 'Just feeling so proud of both Mariann-Elvie Bayliss and Daniel on winning both the morning qualifying round and the Agility Dog of the Year main arena final at Crufts 2002.

Mariann, your handling skills and confidence have grown so much in the past few years which are reflected in the results you achieve both with your girls Coral and Betty, as well as your Prince Daniel. Your dedication and determination to be your best is outstanding. The support and encouragement you share with other Junior handlers is inspirational. Thank you, Mariann for making my dream come true as well as yours.'

To reach the Crufts final, YKC members competed at qualifying classes in their categories for Under and Pver 12s, and for Small, Medium and Large dogs, looking to complete an agility course in the fastest time.

Vanessa McAlpine, Crufts Show Manager, said, 'We would like to share our huge congratulations to Mariann and Daniel for winning the YKC Agility Dog of the Year! It was great to see her demonstrating such high professionalism and confidence in the ring already, and we will likely be seeing her at many future Crufts. It is always incredible to see the high skill levels in the YKC competitions, and all competitors should be proud of themselves for inspiring other young dog handlers.'

Crufts Singles Winners

The Kennel Club Singles Agility winners have been crowned at this year's Crufts, in the Large, Intermediate, Medium and Small dog Finals.

In front of the crowds at the world's greatest dog show, Crufts, the four competitors from Devon, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire and Kent won after competing against five Large, five Intermediate, five Medium and five Small dogs in both Jumping and Agility, and then in an agility Final.

Singles Agility Large

Border Collie, Fern and Shannon Springford have taken the top prize, winning The Kennel Club Singles Agility Large Final on Friday, 11 March.

Proud owner Shannon said, 'I am just so happy! This is her first time at Crufts, although this is my 13th year. To run my dog there is fantastic, and to win is a wonderful bonus! I'm so proud of Fern.'

Singles Agility Intermediate

Natasha Wise and Border Collie Pebbles have also today won The Kennel Club Singles Agility Intermediate Final.

Tasha said, 'It was an amazing competition with such a fast field of competitors. She did what I asked, and she delivered! I think having previous experience helped. I've really missed competing here and it was good to get back into the groove!'

Singles Agility Medium

A delighted James Adams won The Kennel Club Singles Agility Medium final with Working Cocker Spaniel Willow.

James said, 'It is great be here and I love the big arena runs in front of the large crowds. I really couldn't ask for more from Willow! I'll have a nice meal to celebrate and Willow will be having steak!'

Singles Agility Small

Lauren Langman with Blink, another Working Cocker Spaniel, won The Kennel Club Singles Agility Small Final.

Lauren said, 'I am on top of the world and there is no better feeling. Blink is a wonderful dog – a little crazy but all the best ones are! Crufts is the biggest show in the world and it is a privilege to compete here.'

To compete at Crufts, the winners had qualified by gaining points at heats held at Kennel Club licensed shows throughout the country.

Vanessa McAlpine, Crufts Show Manager, said, 'A huge congratulations for the spectacular performances from all of the winners. The hard work and effort of each and every pair was evident through watching the performances. The Singles Agility finals are a prestigious competition and qualifying to take part is an incredible achievement that all competing dogs and handlers should be incredibly proud of.'

ABC Winners

The ABC (Anything but a Collie) Agility competition is a fun competition for owners with different breeds of dog competing in agility. Friday, 11th March saw the FInals of the ABC classes for dogs in Grades 1-5 of agility, other than Border Collies and Working Sheepdogs, competing to win, having all qualified from the semi-finals at The Kennel Club's Discover Dogs in November 2021.

The final saw eight Large dogs in Grades 1-5 of agility, competing to win, all having qualified from the Semi-finals at The Kennel Club's Discover Dogs in November 2021.

Photo: Linda Gore

Large Novice ABC

Sarah Bowyer and her Labrador Eric won The Kennel Club Large Novice ABC (Anything But Collies) Agility competition after battling it out against eight other finalist. The ABC Agility competition is a fun competition for owners with breeds of dog other than Collies to compete against each other agility.

Proud owner Sarah said, 'I don't think it has sunk in yet but I couldn't be more delighted. We've been working towards The Kennel Club competition and to get here is a dream come true but to win it is something else! Being at Crufts has been a really great experience. The atmosphere is electric!'​

Vanessa McAlpine, Crufts Show Manager, said: 'Congratulations to Eric and Sarah for what was an exceptional performance which proved how hard they have both worked. The two of them clearly have a wonderful bond and we would like to wish them the best of luck for the future.'

Intermediate Novice ABC

Jibbers and Nigel Staines, won The Kennel Club Intermediate Novice ABC (Anything But Collies) Agility competition

Retired Nigel, who is a triple Crufts Agility Champion said, 'This dog does eight competitions a year but only trains four times a year. He is just a natural. The feeling to be back is just amazing! It is great to be able to show off your dog again. He sleeps a lot, but having said that, I've never seen anyone beat him in a ball chase!'

Vanessa McAlpine, Crufts Show Manager, said, 'Very well done to Jibbers and Nigel for what was a fantastic performance which proved how hard to beat. The two of them clearly have a wonderful bond, and we would like to wish them the best of luck for the future.'

Agility Winners on First Day of Crufts

Four agility dogs competing in The Kennel Club British Open at Crufts were crowned overall winners on Thursday, 10th March in their respective categories for Small, Medium, Intermediate and Large dogs.

Photo: Linda Gore

Sizzle (Set the Pace of Summergarden), a Shetland Sheepdog, and owner Katrina Hands won The Kennel Club British Open for Small dogs.

Delighted owner Katrina said: 'Sizzle is a dog of a lifetime. She is amazing. It is the first year we have done agility at Crufts. She has had a phenomenal season. I know she is very consistent, it was just a case of if we manage to do enough overall to win it overall, which was really good. I've been to Crufts many times, with my kids competing in the Young Kennel Club, so it's good to be back here.'

Photo: Linda Gore

Wyllow (Little Miss Woo Woo), a Border Collie/Cocker Spaniel X, and Aemillia Nicholson, have won The Kennel Club British Open for Medium dogs.

Thrilled owner Aemillia said, 'We are super excited. This is her second major win in the past four months. We are super proud! The first 18 months of her life was spent training and she has been competing since then. All the hard work is now paying off. It is just really cool to be able to travel again and compete in national competitions. It's nice to see a lot of familiar faces and be back in this environment. The result might not have gone the way everyone would have wanted but everyone is just happy to be here.

Photo: Linda Gore

Border Collie Fate (Ag.Ch. Dare to Dream It Must Be Fate) and Stephanie Best have won The Kennel Club British Open for Intermediate dogs.

Overjoyed owner and trainer Stephanie said. 'It is amazing. I feel very, very happy. I was hoping that she would win because she won the Semi-final to get to the Final, but you just never know. It could have been anybody's competition, but she managed to win. I am very, very proud at the moment of her. It is so cool to win. Fate is very loving but also independent. It has been a good day for us.

Photo: Linda Gore

Spy (Devongem Pure Genius), a Border Collie, and owner Mike Bendell, from Bristol, have won the Kennel Club British Open for Large dogs.

Proud owner Mike said, 'I wasn't expecting to win. There are faster dogs out there, and he is just very consistent which really benefited us today. He was good over two runs and that's what you needed. He is a one in a million dog! I am drained both physically and emotionally. I am going to go home, have a beer and watch the rest of Crufts on the live stream! Spy won the Teams in 2020. This is just his just his second appearance at Crufts and he has won again. It's two for two at the moment. Crufts is the best show in the world!

Vanessa McAlpine, Crufts Show Manager, said: 'Many congratulations to all four winners on their fantastic success. The duos all demonstrated a wonderful bond and we have no doubt that we'll see more of them at future agility competitions.'

For more information and results from the show, visit crufts.org.uk

More Crufts on TV than Ever Before

Dog lovers can look forward to a record-breaking 16 hours and 15 minutes of television coverage when Crufts returns to Channel 4 and More4 this March to celebrate the world's largest dog show. This is 75 minutes more than the 2020 show which was then a record in itself and means that, at the weekend, viewers will be treated to a total of nine and a half hours of Crufts on Channel 4 alone!

With Clare Balding at the helm once again, Channel 4 and More4 will broadcast all the action from the show, leading up to the grand finale on Sunday when Best in Show will be crowned.

The details of times and channels are as follows:-

Thursday, 10th March

15.00-16.00 – Channel 4

18.30-20.00 – More4

20.00-21.00 – Channel 4

Friday, 11th March

15.00-16.00 – Channel 4

18.30-19.45 – More4

20.00-21.00 – Channel 4

Saturday, 12th March

15.00-18.00 – Channel 4

19.00-21.00 – Channel 4

Sunday, 13th March

15.00-17.30 – Channel 4

19.00-21.00 – Channel 4 Crufts 2022: Best In Show Live

Clare will host daily highlights of the world's most famous dog event live from the NEC and will be joined by a team of reporters including Radzi Chinyanganya and Crufts newcomer Sophie Morgan, along with canine experts who will be covering the show.

Vanessa McAlpine, Crufts Show Manager, said: 'We are delighted that Channel 4 and More4 will be offering viewers at home the opportunity to enjoy this year's Crufts, with more coverage than ever. The event holds such a special place in dog lovers' hearts because it celebrates everything that we love most about dogs, and the programmes will reflect on the benefits dogs bring to our lives, as many families have discovered during the pandemic, as well as the many fascinating aspects of Crufts.

'The TV coverage will not only bring exciting sports such as agility and flyball into people's homes, but will enable them to see the diverse range of wonderful dog breeds, including some of the more unusual breeds that are not often seen in the streets and parks across the country, through the dog show aspect of Crufts. It will also cover topics about choosing, caring for and enjoying life with dogs, as well as different issues affecting dog owners in the UK.'

All of Channel 4 and More4's coverage of Crufts will be produced by Sunset _ Vine.

More details of the TV coverage of Crufts and of the daily You Tube live streaming from the main arena and obedience ring, can be found at crufts.org.uk/watch/

Announcing the 2022 WAO Wildcards

Congratulations to all and we look forward to seeing you in May at the 10th WAO.

250 Height

  • Caroline Canchy with Meteor in Biathlon & Games (France)

  • Laura Olander with Enya in Biathlon & Games (Finland)

  • Maëlle Straehli with Jasper in Pentathlon & Games (France)

  • Mark Herfert with Rev in Biathlon, Games & Pentathlon (Canada)

  • Maxime Parraud with Arrow in Biathlon & Pentathlon (France)

  • Serena D'Avino with Cupcake in Biathlon & Pentathlon (Italy)

  • Susan Cochran with Hedy in Pentathlon & Games (USA)

300 Height

  • Eva Vazquez Morales with Brave in Biathlon, Games & Pentathlon (Spain)

  • Jen Pinder with Wicca in Biathlon & Games (USA)

  • Laurina Kieffer with Makao in Biathlon & Games (France)

  • Lena Westermann with Meep Meep in Pentathlon & Games (Germany)

  • Mathieu Emmanuelle with Jingle in Pentathlon & Games (France)

  • Monika Šaling with Azure in Biathlon & Pentathlon (Czech Republic )

  • Nadine Alshut with Nuii in Biathlon & Pentathlon (Germany)

400 Height

  • Carly Treinen with Jonah in Biathlon & Games (USA)

  • Karel Kurc with Rallye in Pentathlon & Games (Czech Republic )

  • Kate Moureaux with Prize in Pentathlon & Games (USA)

  • Lenka Fuksova with Hippie in Biathlon, Games & Pentathlon (Czech Republic )

  • Liz Carpenter with Winnie in Biathlon & Pentathlon (England)

  • Maëlle Straehli with Ox in Biathlon & Games (France)

  • Merit Jähne with Eep in Biathlon & Pentathlon (Germany)

500 Height

  • Annika af Klercker with Sadie in Biathlon & Pentathlon (Sweden)

  • Benedicte Habaut with Naia in Pentathlon & Games (France)

  • Fabio Natalizi with Ipa in Biathlon & Games (Italy)

  • Francesca Tari Capone with Amy in Biathlon & Games (Italy)

  • Gregory Bielle-Bidalot with Sweet Peppermint in Biathlon, Games & Pentathlon (France)

  • Sara María Lara Carrasco with Saphira in Pentathlon & Games (Spain)

  • Susan Koldenhof with Time in Biathlon & Pentathlon (Netherlands)

600 Height

  • Erika Nordberg with Tuva in Pentathlon & Games (Sweden)

  • Luis Miguel Rodrigo with Asics in Biathlon & Games (Spain)

  • Massimo Tallarico with Neil in Biathlon & Games (Switzerland)

  • Nadine Alshut with Cinna in Biathlon, Games & Pentathlon (Germany)

  • Pamela Shattuck with Flirt in Biathlon & Pentathlon (USA)

  • Samantha Thibaut with Loop'ing in Pentathlon & Games (France)

  • Susan Koldenhof with Sign in Biathlon & Pentathlon (Netherlands)


KC Statement Regarding Ukraine v. Russia Conflict

A message from Tony Allcock OBE, Chairman of The Kennel Club, in respect of the invasion of Ukraine by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:-

The Kennel Club shares the world's dismay and devastation at the horrifying atrocities being witnessed in Ukraine, following the invasion by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and as a result we recently announced that no exhibitors living in Russia will be allowed to compete at Crufts 2022.

These actions are a violation of human rights that are leaving those people in our canine community, and beyond, fearing for their lives, and as an organisation focussed on animal welfare our hearts are also breaking for all the dogs and animals affected by this invasion. We will be donating £25,000 via The Kennel Club Charitable Trust, which will be matched by The Trust itself, giving a total of £50,000, to the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), which is in a position via its network of Kennel Clubs in both Ukraine and bordering countries of Poland and Hungary, to help those breeders, owners and their dogs, who are desperately in need.

We are also taking a series of further steps to ensure that our condemnation of this attack is reflected throughout all areas of our work, although we do this with heavy hearts and with full recognition that this is a war driven by the leaders of the country and not the people.

Going forwards and until further notice:-

  • Judges licensed by the Russian/Belarusian Kennel Federations will no longer be able to judge at Kennel Club shows and events.

  • Entry to all Kennel Club competitions (including and beyond Crufts 2022) will no longer be allowed by those living in Russia and Belarus.

  • Judges and exhibitors are strongly advised not to judge or exhibit at canine events in Russia/Belarus, out of respect for the current situation, and in line with Government guidance about the safety of travel, and Russian qualifying shows for Crufts 2023 have been withdrawn.

  • The Kennel Club will no longer accept Authority to Compete applications from these countries which allow overseas dogs to compete at shows.

  • Licensed shows and events will be strongly advised to no longer allow exhibitors living in Russia/Belarus to their shows, by applying the regulation of the right to refuse entry.

  • Import registrations from and exports to Russia and Belarus will be refused.

Our hearts and thoughts are with every person and animal who is affected by this tragic conflict. Those who wish to donate money towards helping dogs and their owners in Ukraine may do so via The Kennel Club Charitable Trust

All money donated to The Kennel Club Charitable Trust between now and the end of Crufts at midnight on 13th March 2022 will be ring-fenced for the Ukrainian appeal and thereafter will remain as a donation option. Kennel Club Charitable Trust collection points will also be on Kennel Club stands at Crufts.


FCI withdraw Agility World Championship 2022 from Russia

At an extraordinary meeting on 24th February 2022, the FCI Agility Commission decided not to hold the Agility World Championship 2022 in Russia, due to the recent events in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia which have reached a new level of escalation by Russia.

Various associations have been waiting for a decision and a sign from the FCI in the last few days and hours. Individual countries have previously decided not to take part while others have questioned participation. This was also one of the points that prompted the FCI to propose to the FCI General Committee that Russia should be deprived of the 2022 World Championship and give the tournament instead to another country. The approval of the board should only be a matter of form.

Whether there will even be a World Championship in 2022 is not entirely certain. The Agility Commission is now trying to find a replacement country that can hold an event of this size within a few months. Applications can be submitted within the next two weeks until March 10th by the delegate of the respective country. The decision comes as no surprise. There was also unanimity within the committee. With this decision the FCI follows other sports associations that have also cancelled planned events in Russia like the Champions League final in Saint Petersburg.

Source: https://www.agilitynow.eu/2022/02/

24th February 2022

Accredited KC Trainers Sought for Agility Judges

The Kennel Club is seeking to recruit Accredited Trainers for judges of agility, in order to meet the demands of Britain's largest canine activity.

The successful trainers will be well established within the agility community with an excellent knowledge and understanding of current Kennel Club rules and regulations. They will have good presentation skills using a range of different media, and an understanding of the different learning styles of individuals with the ability to engage with the participants.

They will be expected to plan seminars using course information provided by The Kennel Club; all seminars will consist of a range of presentation methods, including PowerPoint, group and interactive sessions, practical discussions and demonstrations and practical assessments. They will be expected to review and analyse participants' courses, critique them and provide constructive feedback.

They will also be expected to participate in the mentoring scheme for newly qualified judges, carry out Continual Personal Development (CPD) assessments on established judges and provide support and constructive feedback to the individual and The Kennel Club.

Additionally, they will be required to attend the annual Accredited Trainers Seminar at the Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh in October.

Applicants will need to submit a CV to demonstrate that they meet the following criteria:-

  • Five or more years of regular judging experience

  • Judged at Grade 6 or above

  • Good presentation and teaching skills

  • Attended and passed the exam for the Agility Regulations and Judging Procedure seminar and attended and passed the Course Design and Judging Seminar; or passed the Regulations and Judging Procedure examination on the Kennel Club Academy and attended and passed an Agility Judging Seminar

  • Willing to travel to deliver seminars

  • Have a commitment to mentor newly qualified agility judges for their initial judging appointments

  • Willing to carry out CPD assessments on established judges

Applications should be emailed to agility@thekennelclub.org.uk for the attention of Rachel Mansfield. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 2 March 2022, after which an assessment day will be arranged.

2nd February 2022


Tampering with Agility Equipment in the Ring

As the agility season starts to hot up, The Kennel Club would like to issue a strong reminder to competitors about the correct procedure if they feel there is an error with the equipment in their ring.

At no point should anyone enter the ring and adjust the equipment themselves. If you feel there is any cause for concern, you should then approach the the judge or the ring manager directly to discuss the issue, politely and calmly. It is then the judge's responsibility to examine the equipment and course design to ensure that it is safe and appropriate.

Any tampering with the equipment is a serious incident and will be taken seriously if reported to The Kennel Club. It could result in competitors being removed from the competition for interfering with the safety or chance of winning of an opponent.

31st January 2022

Sad News about Hare 'n Hounds

After a scan on her back and following chats with the consultant and her family, Jenny Canning has sadly announced on Facebook at she can no longer run the Hare 'n Hounds shows. She has done the HnH admin shows since 2016.

She said, 'Thank you for the amazing memories, friendships and just being together doing something we all love. I have so many people to thank for the support over the years, Thank you so much.

I am so sorry to let you down especially this year, but wish you all the best for 2022 and lots of winning. Most of all, I want to thank the amazing agility dogs that totally astound me with their skill and love for agility, Truly amazing...'

10th January 2022

2022 IMCA Tryouts

Try outs for the 2022 UK Team will take place on Sunday, 10th April at the Ogilvie Dogs Indoor Arena (Lincs). This is a day for those competitors who wish to be considered to be part of the 2022 IMCA UK Team.

The International Mixed & Breed Championships is open to Small, Medium, Intermediate/Large G5-7 dogs and will take place alongside a ParAgility (PAWC) event on 21-25 September in Lignano, Sabbiadoro, Italy.

The amazing Paul Hinchley will be the judge for the day.

There will be no try outs for the PAWC Team as acceptance is dependent upon an application form and a video.

The Schedule can be found on the Agilitynet Show Diary. Email queries about iMCA or PAWC to Linda Croxford on linda@petlodge.co.uk.

The Jewlnick Jump & Twist Pairs 2022

The Jewlnick Jump & Twist Pairs competition is back, thanks to the generous sponsorship of Jewlnick Leather.

A fun qualifier, the competition is open to Pairs of the same height, regardless of grade. All heights compete against each other for one set of results. One dog runs an Agility course which must include 12 weaves and three contacts which can be three different ones or any combination. The Twist in the title is the judge's choice of contacts and who goes first. The other dog runs a Jumping course which must also include 12 weaves.

Top four Pairs from each heat will qualify for the Final which will be held at Southam Agility Show in September 2022. Gary Murphy, hot from his prestigious judging appointment at Olympia (not Olympia), has agreed to judge.

It all started as a exciting Pairs qualifier, started as a germ of an idea about seven years ago while Miranda Frankham and Moira Bowden were enjoying a glass of wine at TAG show. At the time, they both had brilliant Small dogs and Pairs had always been one of their favourites. They felt it would be great to put a fun element back into agility and were absolutely thrilled when Julie and Nick from Jewlnick offered to sponsor the trophies and then, after the first two years, the rosettes, too. They continue to be generous to the extreme and there is always something special for everyone all to look forward to at the Finals.

Moira Bowden said, 'It's fast, furious and great fun. We have been delighted at the response from the agility world. It continues to be extremely popular and we have several different shows hosting heats this year.

The heats are as follows:-

  • Lincoln (April)

  • Shrewsbury (April) 

  • Worcester - (May)

  • Upanova Tigers (June)

  • Golden Valley (June)

  • Wellingborough (July)

  • Wirral (July)

  • Derbyshire (July) - TBC

  • The Agility Club (July)

  • Bromsgrove (August)

  • Shrewsbury (September)

  • Southam (September)

Southam will be the last heat of 2022 and the first heat for 2023.

To find more details about the shows, go to the Agilitynet Show Diary


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