Championship Status

Go for It

As you may know, the Kennel Club has granted Championship Status to the sport of Agility, effective from 1st January 2001. Registered agility training clubs wishing to host a Championship Show need to comply with the following rules and regulations.

Clubs Awarded Championship Status 

Championship Agility Test Certificates
28 October 2009

Club Type

The Agility Club 

Small, Medium & Large

Axstane Agility Club

Small & Medium

Beacon Agility Dog Training Club

Small & Medium

Castlereagh & District Dog Training Club  

Small, Medium & Large

Chippenham Agility  Club

Small, Medium & Large

Dogs In Need Agility Society 

Small, Medium & Large

Dundee Alsatian and Training Club

Small, Medium & Large

East Lothian Dog Training

Small, Medium & Large

Gillingham (Dorset) Dog Training Club  


Hinckley Dog Training Club

Small, Medium & Large

Kingdom of Fife Agility Club

Small, Medium & Large

Lisburn & District Dog Training Club 

Small, Medium & Large

Newton Heath Dog Training Club

Small, Medium & Large

Nottingham Agility  Dog Training Club

Small, Medium & Large

Rugby Dog Training  Club

Small, Medium & Large

Scottish Border Collie Club


Scottish Kennel Club

Small, Medium & Large

Scunthorpe Obedience &  Agility Training Club


Thames Dog Training Club 

Small, Medium & Large

Tuffley Agility Club 

Small, Medium & Large

Vyne Agility Club

Small, Medium & Large

Weardale Dog Agility Club

Small, Medium & Large

Wilton Agility  Club 

Small, Medium & Large

Woodside Dog Agility Club 

Small, Medium & Large

Changes to Agility (H) Regulations

 At its meeting of 11 May 2004, the General Committee agreed the following changes to the H Regulations. Amendments are highlighted in yellow and effective 1 July 2004:-

Ballot for Championship Running Orders.

Regulation H(1)7.a.

Agility Round and Jumping Round  - A draw for the running order of the Agility and Jumping rounds must be made prior to the Show.  The relevant competitors must be notified before the day of the show.

Agility Round and Jumping Round – A draw for the running order of the Agility and Jumping Rounds must be made prior to the Show.  The relevant competitors must be notified before the day of the show.  The dogs must run in the order in which they are drawn.

(Amendments highlighted in yellow)

Regulation H(1)7.b

Final Agility Round - The draw for the final Agility round must be conducted at the show, by the Judge, in the presence of the competitors and a representative of the show committee.

Dogs to run in reverse order to their combined placings at the end of the first two rounds.

(Amendments highlighted in yellow)

Regulation H(1)7.c.
A dog must have the same handler for each round of the Championship Agility Class

(Addition highlighted in yellow)

Format of the Championship Class

Regulation H(1)8


  1. The top 20 competitors from the combined results of the 2 qualifying rounds will contest a final round of Agility to determine the overall winner.   The top 20 places will be determined by combining the accumulated placings gained by the dogs in the qualifying rounds.

  2. The first placed dog in the final round, having achieved a clear round, will be awarded a Championship Agility Certificate.

  3. The second placed dog in the final round, having achieved a clear round, will be awarded a Reserve Championship Agility Certificate.

  4. A dog having been eliminated in either qualifying round will not be eligible for the final, even if placed in the top 20 placings.


  1. The top 50% of the entry, up to a maximum of 20 dogs from the combined results of the 2 qualifying rounds will contest a final round of Agility to determine the overall winner.  The top 50% up to a maximum of 20 places will be determined by combining the accumulated placings gained by the dogs in the qualifying rounds.  Where there are an uneven number of entries in classes numbers will be rounded up.

  2. The first placed dog in the final round, having achieved a clear round, will be awarded a Championship Agility Certificate.

  3. The second placed dog in the final round, having achieved a clear round, will be awarded a Reserve Championship Agility Certificate.

  4. A dog having been eliminated in either qualifying round will not be eligible for the final, even if placed in the top placings.

(Amendments highlighted in yellow)

Championship Agility Class

Regulation H(1)(A)7.b.

The 20 dogs with the lowest accumulated total will be eligible to compete in the final round.

The top 50% of the entry up to a maximum of 20dogs, with the lowest accumulated total will be eligible to compete in the final round.

(Amendments highlighted in yellow)

Regulation H(1)(A)7.d.

In the event of a tie for the 20th place the time/faults will be taken into account for both qualifying rounds to determine the last qualifying place. The calculation to decide the equal place is: -

  1. The dog with the least course faults in both the Agility and Jumping rounds. In the event that these dogs are still equal.

  2. The dog with the fastest combined time qualifies.


In the event of a tie for the last place the time/faults will be taken into account for both qualifying rounds to determine the last qualifying place.  The calculation to decide the equal place is: -

  1. The dog with the least course faults in both the Agility and Jumping rounds.  In the event that these dogs are still equal,

  2. The dog with the fastest combined time qualifies.

(Amendments highlighted in yellow)

Agility Courses

Regulation H(1)(B)1.a(2)(iii)

The Final Agility round (Standard and Mini) must contain the Table obstacle and all the obstacles described in (I) of this Regulation, together with any other obstacles as described in these Regulations, at the discretion of the judge.

The final Agility round (Standard and Mini) may contain the Table obstacle and must contain all the obstacles described in (I) of this Regulation, together with any other obstacles as described in these Regulations, at the discretion of the judge.

(Amendments highlighted in yellow)

Regulation H(1)(B)1.c

No practice is allowed on the course save that competitors will be allowed to walk the course without their dog(s) before the test begins.

No practice is allowed on the course save that competitors will be allowed to walk the course set at the height the dog is to negotiate without their dogs(s) before the test begins.

(Amendments highlighted in yellow)

Champ Status Explained

The bullet points below highlight the major differences between an Open Show and a Championship Show. They are intended as a quick reference summary to the changes in Regulations and procedures as a result of the introduction of Championship Agility Status for Standard and Mini agility. The main points are summarised here and categorised for easy reference for clubs, judges and competitors.

These guides must be read in conjunction with the new Regulations.

Applications should include the following:-

  • Date of registration of the Club
  • The reporting structure of the Club including a brief introduction and history
  • Current balance sheet - income and expenditure account
  • Diagram of Event Management Team including job titles, duties and experience
  • Typical list of classes scheduled by the Club
  • Average class entry
  • Confirmation of access to additional agility equipment
  • Confirmation of access to electronic timing

In order to apply
Applications for Championship Status for Standard and/or Mini Dogs for 2001 and 2003 must be received at The Kennel Club by 31st May 2000. (N.B. Status for 2002 will automatically be held in abeyance pending a satisfactory Show in 2001.)

Clubs must do the following:-

  • Nominate six guarantors including the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary
  • Ensure that special wording is on schedule (Specimen will be available in due course.)
  • Provide a special entry form for Championship Class
  • Add special  wording for judging contract
  • Seek Kennel Club approval for judges
  • Publish marked running order (Championship Class competitors and results)
  • Ballot for running orders before and during Show (Championship Class)
  • Make available mandatory obstacles for Agility and Jumping  rounds and the final round
  • Use electronic timing
  • Supply personnel to record and calculate placings for each round (i.e. additional stewards)

Judges must:

  • Be Kennel Club approved
  • Apply to the General Committe for approval at least nine (9) months before the date shown on the approved form.
  • Meet special criteria for approval, specifically
  • Have judged at a minimum of ten (10) licensed test over the previous three (3) years
  • Award Kennel Club Certificates to the winning Standard and/or Mini
  • Be fully conversant with the format of the competition
  • Include of mandatory obstacles in course design
  • Conduct a ballot for the final round at the show in the presence of a representative of the show management and the competitors

Competitors must understand and be aware of:

  • The definition of Championship Class and eligibility
  • Eligibility for final round and the format for competition
  • Inclusion of mandatory obstacles in course design
  • No deviation from standard marking for Championship Class
  • Special entry form
  • Records of wins must be kept should proof of eligibility be required
  • Awareness of the new regulations on Champion dog qualifications
  • Winner receives an Agility Certificate, second placed dog receives a Reserve Agility Certificate at the Show
  • After the show, the winner receives an Agility Certificate, second placed dog receives a Reserve Agility Certificate from The Kennel Club upon receipt of marked running order (results) from the Club.

If you have any queries regarding the above, contact your Kennel Club Agility Liaison Council Representative.

For a personal view see:-

Profile of Lesley Olden, first Agility Champion

Carol Hughes' Memorable Moment


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