Progressing to the next grade...

There are two methods of moving your dog up to the next agility grade in a Kennel Club show – by winning a 1st place in time or by accumulating points. Different rules apply depending on whether you are moving up because of a win or on points. Thank you to Linda Croxford for shared the progression rules.

1. You can progress on wins as below.

2. You can progress on points, but only to G4.

At the handler's discretion, a dog may progress to Grade 4 by winning 100 points at each grade. A minimum of 50 points must be gained in Agility (not Jumping) classes in the relevant grade. If this method of progression is selected, the handler must ensure the Show Secretary signs the dog's agility record book at the first show entered at the higher grade. This can only be signed at the show you have entered. No where else.

To progress on points, it must be done before the closing date, however at the first show at the new grade. The Secretary should sign the record book to confirm the points and that the dog is now competing at the new grade.

First published 24th September 2022


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