Clicker training for agility and obedienceBy Stephen G. King
Crosskeys Select Books
the author
Stephen King is a specialist
dog-trainer, consultant to Redbridge Borough Council dog section and a qualified Agility
instructor and has a Diploma in animal psychology. His practice specialises in puppy
training and pet behavioural problems. And he works on the referral of Veterinary
Surgeons as a behaviourist. He is also a founder member of the APDT, whose code of practice
allows only Kind, Fair and Force-free methods of training.
Stephen is a leading light in the use of operant conditioning (clicker training) and has had students from all over the UK, including Holland, Belgium and Finland for his Clicker Workshops. Most of the dog societies such as the National Canine Defence League, Battersea Dogs home, Dogs for the Disabled, Guide dogs for the blind to name a few are now using these concepts in their training programs.
Stephen is also a publisher and a video producer His two videos, Clicker Train Your Dog and Your Puppy’s Early Learning have been the top two videos sold in the UK in the last two years. His new book Ready, Steady, Click! An introduction to Clicker Training has already become one of the UK’s top selling dog training books. Stephen has also been a guest speaker on radio and TV, talking about solving problem behaviours. He has recently lectured in Holland and Germany the principles of his new book, Ready Steady... Click!
Stephen and his wife Josie have considerable
experience in animal care and welfare as the have for 12 years run a Boarding Kennels licensed
for 100 dogs
About the reviewer
Joanne Steward lives in County Durham with her husband, three dogs and two cats.
She attended her first agility training class in 1995 with her then six month old
collie, George. She has been
hooked ever since and now trains weekly with Cornforth DATC and Up North DTS, competing at
shows throughout the North East and Scotland regularly.
She has experience of clicker training to teach basic obedience and a range of agility obstacles (especially contacts).
Post-script from the author...
Our intention was to provide existing trainers with the building
blocks to understanding and using clicker training. We tried to provide a brief and as
'unscientific' as possible an introduction to the science behind the practice, in order to
explain how and why clicker training works along with some simple quick examples for the reader
to get started with some success.
The study guide will assist those that may perhaps need some help through the scientific principles, and it was encouraging that the reviewer found the text worthy of a reread. We thank the reviewer for drawing our attention to paragraphs of text with 'none-use' (sic) of punctuation and apologise for missing this during the proof reading stages - publisher deadlines were being pushed to the limit - and we will attempt to remedy this before the subsequent reprint runs for this edition.
It was not our intention to provide endless examples of
clicker practicals, and I'm sure the reviewer appreciates that too lengthy a book would
have been off-putting to many of the readers we were hoping to attract (and perhaps 'win over'
to the benefits of R+) and in the process would have gone beyond an 'introduction' and added to
the cost to the purchaser. We have been pleased with the success ... and welcome any and all
As for specific agility tips (and others) watch this space....
From a personal point of view cannot stress how important a basic understanding of behavioural principles is. It's not necessary for applying the techniques, but it is definitely necessary for understanding what you're doing! Think of it in terms of sports players or musicians. Neither need to have an understanding of how they do what they do to be extremely good. Those of us who have watched any recent football interviews or TV documentaries know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!
Think of it in terms of sports players or
I've also met similar animal trainers, both traditional and positive,
who were absolutely amazing trainers, but knew very little about why what they did worked.
They may have even had superstitious behaviours or gargantuan theories as explanations for why
what they did works. All that in mind, I suppose the answer is this. They don't need to know
why what they're doing will work in training animals, aka the behavioural principles.
Keep in mind, though, that those same people will most likely try to train others or at least explain to others how to do what they did. Without a fundamental understanding of behavioural principles, you can be sure they'll come up with some reason for why what they do works. Teaching a fundamental understanding of the behavioural principles along with the actual training would probably be very helpful, and I'm pretty sure it couldn't hurt, as long as you make it educative, interesting, brief, and fun!
Other comments
As Dee Woodcock mentions in her review: 'Some of the terminology will be unfamiliar with
those new to this increasingly popular hands-free dog training method, but Stephen thoughtfully
rounds off the book with a Glossary of Terms, and some quick reference training tips for
''He first explains the science of changing the dog's behaviour outlining how our dogs learn, and how the use of positive reinforcement can turn the most uncooperative dog into one that any owner will be proud of" http://www.crosskeysbooks.com/ready_steady.html'
Positive reinforcement is the name of the game, not Negative Re-enforcement, nor Positive Punishment, but maybe negative punishment. Dr David Sands PhD. sums this book up nicely: Ready, Steady... Click takes its readers through the 'science' of conditioning, the practical development of clicker signalling, training and understanding behaviour modification. A must for dog keepers and those studying or applying dog training.'
From Kay Westgate
Stephen King's book gives all the information on basic clicker
training but as yet I do not think there is anything written about applying it to agility. I
teach clicker training and have my own site where I try to explain it in simple terms! I do
agility and I am applying it to training the touchpoints. Seems to be working quite well. The
proof of the pudding will be when I start back to competing this year. I wish I had used this
method from the word go because I do think it has a future in our sport.
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