The first show processor...

Agility Aid was originally designed just to release Show Secretaries from the task of producing running orders and class calling lists. In those days class sizes were under 100 and clear rounds were run off! Ring cards were collected at shows, with only the ring number entered on them, and everyone would join a bun-fight round the calling lists to make a note of their running orders. Anyone with a biro was very popular - anyone with a caravan was unknown! June Richardson continues the story.

 Over the years Agility has grown beyond recognition, and more and more sophisticated services are required for more and more sophisticated competitors.

I started in Agility in 1983 with my black Labrador Klute She took me to the dizzying heights of Olympia and Advanced status and was responsible for getting me truly hooked. So when Agility Aid was founded in 1985, it was natural that it was Klute's head that appeared in our logo.

Agility Aid has not only grown with it, but usually leads the way. The first people to process agility shows on computer, we went on to create pre-printed ring cards, pre-printed scribe sheets and pre-printed score sheets. In fact, most of the paperwork now taken for granted at shows today was introduced by us. 1999 saw the introduction of a dedicated Agility Diary, and 2000 brought the 'Knock Out' pack. 2001 unfortunately created the e-mail information network, necessitated by the Foot & Mouth outbreak, but gave us a way of providing you with instant access to Agility competitors for urgent show notices. 2002 produced our biggest innovation since the concept of Agility Aid – the introduction of on-line show entry via .

We have influenced Agility in other ways, too. We introduced a new class at the beginning of the 1990’s - the original Golden Oldies class - to give the increasing number of veteran dogs some fun. Veteran classes are now well-established at many shows. We have since revised this into the Agility Aid Allsorts class (sometimes called an Any Size class), providing a class for any dog that doesn’t suit the standard categories. Once again this class is appearing at more and more shows and is hugely popular. And we must confess we introduced orange fencing! All this was done with a view to improving the hobby for dogs and competitors, and the workload for Show Secretaries.

Over the years we have covered every aspect of Agility including training, instructing and running our own Show. We are now able to provide a full service, which, at the top end of the range, effectively becomes an Entry Secretary for you.

To keep it simple, we currently provide five suggested packages of service, based on the most popular requirements. The price list indicates what is included within each package, but you can add or delete items from each package as required. Prices are on a per unit basis, which enables you to absorb some or all of the cost of processing in your entry fees.  For those new to the job, advice is always available. If you have any special requirements then do discuss them with us. Most requests can be catered for somehow!

for more information, please e-mail us at:


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