Go the Poodles!The second Poodle Training Club Agility & Obedience show, sponsored by Nutro, took place on Sunday, 5 October 2003, albeit without the obedience part. This year there were even more entries with 88 dogs entered - 44 minis, six midis and 38 standards, making a total of 302 entries. Their ability ranged from dogs that had taken part in the World Championships the previous weekend to those who were only just ready to compete and coming from all over the UK from Scotland to Suffolk to Devon and everywhere in between.We decided that as the obedience was cancelled and the venue was still being paid for we would use the extra field for a Pay on the Day class. We were covered for this in the schedule purely because we were unsure how many entries we would get in the first year and might have ended up with half of the day left over! It now came in handy and we were able to set up a second ring. Our thanks go to Brian Hutton for standing in all day with a stopwatch and money bucket. Admittedly he was in brilliant sunshine all day, and who said women did all the talking?
Showtime The judges, Anne and Tony Edwards, were there already making a start on the first course of the day. Between them they set four lovely courses to suit the beginner and the Advanced dog. Anne did the morning stint in her black 'poodle look-alike' jacket and Tony had the warmer afternoon session. Even so with the number of entries and four course changes we were still running at 5.30 We had lots of help with Derek Cheek as Show Manager and Chief Timer, Ellen Rocco doing most of the scoring, Maggie Cheek, Jill Pipe and Dot Catchpole calling , Sue Reeves and Marie Patchell manning the tea hut and others pole picking. Charlotte Dee did a sterling job selling raffle tickets making £47 on the day. Jill Keeley provided lunch for the workers, which isn’t easy when you don’t know when the workers are going to down tools. A member of the club wanted to make more trophies available and donated a sum of money towards this. We were, therefore, able to increase the number of trophies so that there was a trophy for the winner of each size dog in each class and trophies to the winners of the pairs in addition to the very nice rosettes. Nutro also donated 5kg bags of dog food for the winner of each class and sample bags for every competitor. The comments received on the day and subsequently have all been favourable and a good time seems to have been had by all. If we run it next year I hope all poodle handlers will all come. We will, however, have to make the start time earlier!
blood If you are taking your dog to the vet for any reason it would be very helpful if you could get your vet to take a blood sample at the same time. Many will do it free or at a nominal charge if they know that it is for research. Then contact Molly Windebank tel. 020-84642811 or email mollywindebank@standardpoodle.com. She will send you the paperwork. Details are available on the web site http://www.standardpoodleclub.com The Club made £48 thanks to Brian Hutton. Bob and Wendy Ratcliffe contributed some of the takings from the sale of their cards so the club will be able to send a donation of £53. The results were as follows;
What happened
to all you obedience people? |
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