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The Axstane Invitation Team Challenge
A great way to say thank you to those good people who helped at their annual summer show. |
Isle of Man
Glynis Whittle puts the Isle of Man Agility Shows on the map with a light hearted account
of the 2005 show. |
Poodle Training Club Show
The second Poodle Training Club Agility & Obedience show took place on Sunday, 5
October 2003, albeit without the obedience part. This year there were even more entries.
They came from all over the UK and ranged in experience from dogs that had taken part in
the World Championships the previous weekend to those who were only just ready to
compete. |
The East Anglian Stafford Bull Terrier Show
The East Anglian Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club agility show - a huge first for
Staffords - was held on the second weekend of October 2004 and it went off really
well. So well, in fact, that judging by the support and encouragement, they'll be doing
one again! Lesley McFayden reports on what happened when almost two dozen fearless
Staffies got together to do agility. |
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